
Friday, December 4, 2020

Styles and Forces of Influence

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Styles and Forces of Influence. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Styles and Forces of Influence paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Styles and Forces of Influence, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Styles and Forces of Influence paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Decision-making often comes from people's experience, thinking, and preferences. Sometimes a decision can make perfect sense in theory, but it may not work in a real life situation. To make a good decision requires critical thinking skills. How the management of a company makes decisions has a big impact on the outcome. Recently, the management of our company made a decision to restructure a division and this has raised some issues in our workplace.

The division is developing flight-scheduling software for airlines. In order to develop a quality product, it has to go through a cycle, which includes developing, unit testing, integration, system and production testing. Each team has to contribute diligently and work as a team in order to produce a quality product. Most importantly, we need effective management. I have been working for the company for six years. During this period, there has been great teamwork. Management managed projects and project team leads; who had a lot of management experience and technical skills. As a result, a quality product was always delivered ahead of schedule. Recently, management restructured the division, which caused the employees to face an enormous challenge.

Due to fact that the client requested delivery of their products in lesser time and for lesser money, management has come up with several different ideas in order to satisfy the client's request. One of the ideas is to divide the workload by salary level. This means that higher salaried employees become project leads and lower salaried employees engage in more regular work.

When this decision was made and put into practice, several issues came up. For example, some higher salaried employees are good at the jobs they are doing, but they may not possess effective managerial skills. Therefore, as they attempt to manage a project; they assign tasks without considering their co-worker's abilities. Also, they do not communicate well with team members, or they just want everything done in their way. If someone who lacks managerial skills manages a project, the team members will experience confusion and frustration. Most importantly, the product will not be delivered to the customer on time. Consequently, the customer is dissatisfied.

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Whether or not a company is successful, its management really has a lot to do with it. A good decision will produce a good outcome. Therefore, leaders who make important decisions must have critical thinking skills. Before a decision is made, they must first analyze the project with a number of questions in mind. What are the pros and cons? Who are suitable for the assignments and how much work can they handle realistically? What are the possible solutions/resolutions to the problem conflicts or issue? They also need to evaluate questions such as what is good or bad? What is applicable or not applicable? What are the advantages or disadvantages? What should or should not happen? These questions are a good beginning to critical thinking. Once these questions have been evaluated, the better decisions can be made.

There are two ways in which this problem can be framed. The first, is the on the side of management. The management feels that the employees in the organization should fulfill the roles that they have been assigned. This opinion implies that all employees are equal and can be readily moved from one assignment to another. This makes the organization very fluid and resilient to change. A single employee is not so important to the organization that he/she cannot be lost.

The second way to frame this problem is on the side of a majority of the employees. This is that the management should not have reassigned the roles of the employees. This suggests that the structure of the company should be returned to it's previous state because the new organization will not succeed. Most of the employees feel that they were happy and successful in the positions they were previously. Perhaps the only reason they remain at the company is because they enjoy their job and the tasks they have been assigned. If the employees feel that they are less successful in their new roles, this will lead to a decrease in morale.

The first solution uses creative and persuasive types of critical thinking. The management team is trying creative ways of reorganizing the company to try and save the end customer money and to drive the cost of business down. This is why management is where it is. It is up to these people who have been hired as leaders to lead the people. Perhaps they know that this solution will work because it has worked in other companies. Perhaps they are just "trying something new". Whatever the case, they have been assigned as leaders, and the employees should follow suit.

The second solution uses logical and persuasive types of thinking. The employee group feels that the management team is acting irrational and has no basis for the decisions that are made. They have created a mass feeling of doubt in management among the entire organization. They believe that their argument is based on years of their own experience and the feelings of comfort they have in their current positions.

One of the things that can influence greatly the way this problem is framed is experience or age. The employees who have been at the company the longest seem to be the most afraid of change. They have been performing their roles for so long, and the thought of having to adapt to something new scares them. The newer, younger employees would like opportunity in the company to expand their roles, always taking advantage of ways to increase their responsibility. The younger employees seem to be more accepting and resilient of change. Economic status also plays a factor in the framing of this problem. If an employee has a lower economic status, they are less willing to take the risk of losing their job. These employees will do "whatever management asks them to" so that they are seen as loyal, hardworking employees. This comes from a fear of not being able to find another job if the situation is required. Education also plays a role in this for similar reasons. The lower educated employees will not risk as much either, because they may feel that finding another job comparable to their current one would be near impossible.

Before a decision is made, management should go through critical thinking and questions evaluation processes. If these processes are carried out effectively, a better decision will be made. This could include interviews with employees, surveys, evaluation of other companies making similar moves. Before the management made the decision to restructure the division, they should have also gone through these processes. For example, does the higher salaried employee have the necessary skills to be a team lead? Or, are they willing to be a team lead? On the other hand, the lower salaried employees are overloaded with too many assignments! Therefore, it is very important for management to have critical thinking skills. If the employees were brought into a meeting structured as a discussion, they will feel that they are part of the solution, and some of the concerns could be addressed. I think that whatever the solution is, it should be agreed upon by most of the company. This allows the company to move forward together and give more a more cohesive message to their customers. The employees will be happier in this kind of environment and this will, in the end, benefit the customer. After all, that's who the change is being made for.

Please note that this sample paper on Styles and Forces of Influence is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Styles and Forces of Influence, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Styles and Forces of Influence will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 3, 2020

The History of the periodic table

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The History of the periodic table. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The History of the periodic table paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The History of the periodic table, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The History of the periodic table paper at affordable prices!

The history of the periodic table extends back over 00 years, from when chemistry was the magical science. Through the evolution of the world, chemistry became a science of systemic observation rather than based on false expectations. Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev, the father of the periodic table attempted to condense the known elements and conceptualize possible future discoveries. Mendeleev's research and concepts were revolutionary for his time but met with skepticism. Although not accepted when first developed, the periodic table is now in chemistry laboratories and science classrooms around the world. An increased interest in the development and discovery of new elements was initiated by the simplicity presented by the periodic table. After Mendeleev developed the table, controversy still existed behind the naming of the elements. Research is always continuing but scientists must also understand the fundamentals and how they develop.

Far before Mendeleev's time, scientists made various lists attempting to organize the known elements. In 1787, a simple listing of elements was established; unfortunately these listings had no particular format and were useful only if new discoveries were of elements that would follow prior findings. A new technique in 1817 involved grouping elements in three similar groups, which were called triads. "For example, lithium, sodium and potassium all react vigorously with water" (Scerri, 18); this was a reasonable assumption at the time. Jean-Baptiste-Andre Dumas abandoned the idea of triads and attempted to form a mathematical relationship between various molecular weights. This concept was incorrect since weight is not a fundamental property of the element's characteristics. Mendeleev systemically organized the elements by atomic weight; " The crucial characteristic of Mendeleev's system was that it illustrated a periodicity, or repetition, in the properties of the elements at certain regular intervals" (Scerri, 18). This was previously seen in works by Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois. Mendeleev introduced in 186 what is known now as the periodic table of elements, but other scientists disputed it.

Lothar Meyer was revising a textbook and had a similar diagram of the periodic table but printing delays extended the publishing date to 1870. This delay caused a conflict between Mendeleev and Meyer. Meyer felt cheated, but in science, the first person to publish is the recipient of the fame. Every new idea is thoroughly analyze" Normally a new scientific theory has to prove its value as a guide to ongoing research"(Brush, 16); this is the criteria on which textbook are published. New concepts were sometimes introduced to teachers to determine their validity to chemistry. Mendeleev's periodic table was met with high acceptance because of its organization. With the development of a table with gaps, researchers were encouraged to further their knowledge and discover new elements. By 180, the United States and Britain had a majority of their chemistry textbooks printed with a periodic table contained with in it.

The acceptance of the periodic table of elements flourished throughout the world. Classrooms and textbooks pertaining to chemistry contained an illustrated version of Mendeleev's original table. Although large colorful tables can be found on the walls of chemistry classrooms, the true function of the table is a helping tool rather than a necessity of memorization. Rather than make students memorize every element, students are given smaller versions of the table, some so small they can fit in your pocket. The table's context is relevant only when associated with learning or applying the information provided by the table. Chemistry research is a continuing science with the discovery of new elements, but the periodic table stays the same in structure.

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The world around us is composed of many different elements, oxygen in the air we breathe, gold as jewelry and mercury used in thermometers. All these elements naturally occur in our environment, but scientists have also created elements. " The ancient alchemists' dream of transmutation was finally realized in 17 when the first man-made element, technetium (Z=4), was synthesized by C. Perrier and E. Segre" (Campbell, 1). Many man-made elements have been produced through the process of nuclear fission. A cyclotron is used to accelerate nuclei at each other, if there is sufficient force, the nuclei will combine to form a new element. The elements produced are radioactive and decay in a short period. Through nuclear fission of lead and argon, element 100(fermium) is produced. Fermium generates very little heat when produced which, delays the fission of this element. This process is termed "cold fusion by the institute for heavy-ion research" (Armbruste & Hessberger, 18).

As new elements are developed, a controversy arises when the element is to be named. Each element has been given a name based on a factual or theorized characteristic. There was a variety of reasons behind the naming of the elements, such as the names of celestial bodies and days or color. Gold was named after the Sun and represented Sunday, whereas tin was named for Jupiter and was designated for Thursday. The English form that is used to represent the elements is inadequate in defining the characteristics, since most of the elements were discovered when Greek and Latin were prevalent. Color was readily used as defining quality, such as Cesium, which has two strong bluish gray lines in its emission spectrum, and the Latin for bluish gray is Caesius. The element oxygen was actually based on theory that all acids contained oxygen and Greek word for acidic is oksys. The man-made, radioactive elements required more of an artistic touch. Some the suggestions were flamboyant, such as mickeymousium. Primarily they were scientifically based; nobelium was chosen for element 10. The majority of the elements are named and catalogued in the periodic table. Currently elements 110 to 11 do not have actual names since it is disputed whether these are actual elements since they exist for only a short period. Another reason for the controversy is the fact that both Americans and Europeans are developing these radioactive materials and it is disputed as to whom the first creators were. As new elements are formed, mainly by nuclear fusion, the resulting molecule is extremely radioactive and only exists for about one nano (10-) seconds.

As the periodic table stands, the maximum element that is possible currently is 118. Even though the existence and acceptance of elements above 110 is slim do to the incredibly short period of decay, it is reasonable to believe the higher elements will someday be created. The only real limitation to the periodic table is science and the physical limitations associated. Elements 110-11 were created, and scientists struggle to develop further elements. Scientists have far surpassed Neil Bohr's predicted limitation of fermium.

Knowledge is the strength and the key to understanding the physical world, the macroscopic and the microscopic. Time holds all truths especially in chemistry; some elements were discovered by fluke and that others it was a mapped journey to a theoretical ending. Every path to success is paved one stone at a time; first a simple list of the elements, the introduction of triads, but the result was Mendeleev's periodic table of elements. All new theories or developments face scrutiny, complaints by other scientists and the simple idea of proving it is significant furthering research. With every new discovery, there arises a conflict concerning the names of the elements. Most elements were based on a physical characteristic but naming has become an artist's game. Although more is understood now then in Mendeleev's time there is always going to be a mystery to chemistry.

Please note that this sample paper on The History of the periodic table is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The History of the periodic table, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The History of the periodic table will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

No title

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on No title. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality No title paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in No title, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your No title paper at affordable prices!

Russian 75

A long, long time ago in an unimaginably horrible place, a peon stared at a decrepit, filthy wall, wondering why and how his life had come to such a disgraceful end. Imprisoned for life, the peon had ample time to think about what he had done and why he had done it; but he could not figure it out. Age crept up on the old peon. It had been fifty years of introspection and profound recollection before the peon realized that he was not at fault for the death of the young girl. The peon decided to recount the events of that tragic day one last time, weighing all possibilities before he was incapable of doing so.

It was a beautiful, summer day, when the high-spirited peon decided to go for a walk in the forest near his abode alongside a gully. Little did the peon know, this particular gully was enchanted. The peon began skipping rocks and was interrupted all of a sudden by a dark, mysterious voice. "You will kill the one of my desire," was the command of the anonymous voice. Petrified yet intrigued, the peon slowly walked toward the voice. The peon came upon a caterpillar as miniscule as a baby's baby toe and immediately began to laugh. Assuming that the mysterious voice came from the caterpillar, the peon laughed hysterically. "What's so funny," the caterpillar intervened. The peon replied, "You are the one who has summoned me. You want me to kill someone of your desire?" The caterpillar stared at the peon without the slightest emotional expression. The peon continued, "And what if I don't?" The caterpillar abruptly laughed and said in a soft but malevolent voice, "Why don't you take a look at what's behind me?" An enormous silhouette arose from the subterfuge of the trees; its shadow enshrouding all the peon could see. The peon trembled in utter fear. The monstrous figure approached the peon, frightening him so much, he entered a state of temporary paralysis. The peon's lips continued to quiver uncontrollably as the monster drew closer until it was within inches him, leaving the peon motionless. The monster leaned down so it could see eye to eye with the peon. The peon was so scared he could not see straight, so he did not clearly see what the monster looked like, which, in retrospect, may have been to his advantage. He knew a monster of that size, power, and evil could have haunted him for the rest of his days. The monster whispered something in an indiscernible tongue. The peon had never heard such frontier gibberish, but somehow understood what it was he was supposed to do.

The monster had cast a spell upon the peon, leaving him in a trance-like state, with no control of himself, physically or cognitively. The peon found himself in a scarcely inhabited, rural village, consisting only of decent and generous people. Although the peon was in the village with only evil intentions and had no communicative skills whatsoever, the villagers welcomed him and took him in. A feast was prepared and a celebration was in store for the newcomer. The peon wandered the village during the party, seemingly aimlessly, but the peon, controlled by the monster, had one thing on his mind death. An innocent little child walked toward the peon. Possessed, the peon could barely determine the appearance of the child, but there was something about the child's soft, sweet voice that was appealing to the peon. He listened intently as the little girl rambled incoherently about the sun, flowers, and other things that made her happy. The peon kept hearing the monster's voice instructing him to kill the little girl simultaneously as the girl was talking. This is where the story becomes unclear. The peon blacks out at this point and awakes in prison. However, for this final recollection, everything that transpired that day became clear. The peon recalled panicking, picking up the child to keep her safe from the monster, and running frantically toward the central district of the village to gather the other villagers in an attempt to prevent the monster from causing any harm to the child. A strange thing happened when the peon did this. The child was fussing and fighting, screaming and kicking as if the peon was trying to harm her. As the peon ran with the child in his arms, the child's remarkable strength and stubbornness allowed her to break free of the peon's grip, as if someone or something had possessed her. The child then fell to the ground, hit her head, and was unconscious, and the peon was blamed. The peon had an epiphany maybe the monster made the child behave in such an unusual way. The peon also remembered the previously insignificant fact that the body of the child disappeared, and she was only presumed to be dead, never officially buried. What could have happened to the body? Was she dead or not, the peon thought to himself. Then it hit him. The caterpillar had a strikingly similar voice as the child when she was throwing a fit when the peon was trying to save her. The peon was outraged. He had spent decades in solitary confinement for no reason. He began to scream. He noticed the wall of his cell crumble somewhat as he screamed so he proceeded to bellow as loudly as he could. The entire wall of his cell collapsed, and the peon was free. The peon was amazed temporarily, but he knew what must be done so he set out for the enchanted gully, hoping that the child was still okay.

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He arrived at the gully to find that it was infested with caterpillars, all with similar voices. The monster had been casting spells on older men, possessing them to either kill or if unsuccessful kidnap the child. After killed or kidnapped the monster could turn the child into a caterpillar making it an eternal slave of his domain (the enchanted gully). The peon did not receive a warm welcome. Every caterpillar screeched to warn the monster of the peon's unexpected arrival. The monster appeared out of thin air, and was bigger and stronger than ever. Its power increased with every man he subdued, and child the subdued man kidnapped or killed. However, the peon was fearless. The monster towered over the peon and stood over him in an attempt to intimidate him. Not a word was said. The monster stood over the peon breathing heavily and the peon stood his ground staring back into the monster's eyes. The peon knew the monster would have to say something witty or frightening before it killed him. As the monster began to talk the peon intuitively removed a sword from a sheath hidden under his cloth apparel and struck the monster what seemed to be its ankle. The monster laughed, and said "You are no match for me, cease your futile attempts." The peon was not discouraged. He continued to strike. The peons relentless attacks seemed to do nothing, and the monster just stood there and laughed. The aged peon eventually grew tired, and stopped attacking. As the peon sat down he crushed several caterpillars and noticed the monster cringed in pain. The peon immediately gathered up what strength was left in him and began stepping on every caterpillar he could find. His sword was flailing as he stomped erratically, almost fortuitously killing more caterpillars. The monster was decomposing more and more with every dead caterpillar and was unable to fight back. The peon did not even bother to look at the monster as he decimated the plethora of caterpillars. It was not long before the monster had decomposed into nothing.

The peon had defeated the monster. Shortly after his victory, the peon's skin began to return to its original state on the day of the encounter with the monster and the caterpillars transformed back into children. The only problem was finding a home and caretakers for the children. There had to be two thousand of them. The peon did a very brave and generous thing. He took the children in; worked day and night to raise every single one of them, and lived to see each one of them become an adult and start a life of his or her own.

Please note that this sample paper on No title is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on No title, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on No title will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Ibm mission statement and vision statement

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ibm mission statement and vision statement. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ibm mission statement and vision statement paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ibm mission statement and vision statement, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ibm mission statement and vision statement paper at affordable prices!

Before we start any process of negotiation, there are a number of basic principles to remember

You are the one who uses the tools, so you must know how to use them best.

The other side also uses the same mechanisms, both as tools of information and from an intuitive point of view. Because of this you must learn the means which can be used by the opposing side.&

Help with essay on ibm mission statement and vision statement

Work in an automatic fashion. This will make it easier to act rationally and cope with your own emotional reactions.You will then be able to use the tactics required and react in the most advantageous way.

Commercial negotiations start from the moment you meet the other side. They are not limited by time boundaries within which it has been announced that the negotiations will now be officially done.

There are rules of negotiation, just as there are for a game of chess. There is no guarantee that the other side knows or follows the rules, but research studies have shown that they usually behave as expected. It is for this reason that we can relate to negotiation as a scientific process, not a creative one. Chess players practice regularly. If they do not practice, their skill decreases, especially when their level of expertise is high. You cannot let your negotiation skills rust; you must read articles and books and keep practicing.

Effective negotiations focus on producing a Win Win situation, the meaning of which is a situation in which both sides are pleased with the results. You must remember that in the process of negotiation, the goal is to win the majority of outlined conditions for long term mutual satisfaction and cooperation.

Before you start, check that you have not forgotten the following elements

1. a powerful desire to be one of the participants and partners in the action

. behaving with respect and humility in all discussions

. patience and composure

4. a real commitment to the organization of which you are a member

5. preparation, an in-depth understanding of the situation, and knowledge

6. prepared alternatives

7. clear strategies, tactics, and objectives

In your opinion, what are the most important reasons international business negotiations fail? Explain your reasoning for each one.

avoiding making the initial suggestion This causes the other side to make the first suggestion. When you need more information or when their suggestion is better than you expected, this could be an advantage. Listening to their stand does make it possible for you to think and react in a more suitable, informed way, and that too, can be an advantage. You will be able to make a suggestion which lies between the two extremes. However, not being willing to offer a suggestion can stall the entire process and lead to failure.

thinking that signing the agreement is the end of the process signing is the completion of the negotiation and the beginning of the next stage. Thinking that all that is needed is a signature, can lead to highly emotional crisies and irrational behaviors, even cancellation of the agreement.

losing your cool or withdrawing from the negotiations the negotiations can be postponed or fail either because they must replace you or because their emotional response is to stop the process.

misinterpretation or failure to accept and relate to the practices and attitudes of the other side cultural values, traditions and norms are different and all the diversities can make the process of negotiation difficult.

different goals objectives may be misunderstood, again, a cultural difference which can stop the process right at the beginning.

take it or leave it attitude this is a guaranteed recipe for failure. Negative attitudes, closed minds, and unwillingness to look for compromise all can bring failure.

When negotiations take a very long time, one of the following situations can occur

impasse lack of agreement on one issue. It is possible to continue the talks and avoid discussing the one issue which is the problem. This may or may not work.

stalemate this is a situation in which both sides continue to talk, but they do not advance toward any solution.

deadlock a deadlock is a situation in which no further advance is possible. This does not occur often, but when it does, the only possible way out is to bring in a facilitator or negotiator and to accept his final decisions.

In your opinion, what are the most important reasons international business

negotiations are successful? Explain your reasoning for each one.

all successful negotiations start by building trust Trust is based on reliable communications, honesty, and a feeling of shared goals.

friendly tactics Business negotiations are not conducted between organizations. They are conducted between people. Respect shown on both sides for both sides will achieve success.

presentation of data which shows interest The preparation of papers and graphs showing the advantages of your proposals, for example, comparing your ideas with the competition, are often more convincing than statements that are made vocally.

undermine their confidence Presenting the disadvantages of their proposal or referring to some deficiency on their side, as long as there is no personal attack, can improve the chance of success.

experience communication in the international business world is quicker and easier than it ever was. More and more business managers negotiate deals. The experience they gain helps them learn how to make the next negotiation successful.

awareness and better understanding of non-verbal communication Body language is often more important than the words which are spoken. Knowledge of non-verbal communication, both what you project and what is projected by the other side, improve the chance of success.

flexibility Adherence to plans and goals is important, but not so important that you cannot afford to be flexible. Being capable of lowering demands a little or compromising bring about success.

end the negotiations with friendly handshake successful negotiations beget more successful negotiations. Remembering to close in an amicable and cordial way will help maintain good relations.

In deciding to establish a strategic alliance or a start up subsidiary in a foreign country, what are the major factors a company should consider?

The recipe for the success of a new subsidiary abroad is to start at the right time and in the right way.

major factors

the potential market for the product. Is there a need or a demand?

the potential service providers for the equipment

the availability of qualified workers

in what geographic area the business will be situated. example - Does it have easy access? Are there other businesses in the area? Does the area attract new companies? Have there been failures in the area, and, if so, why?

population statistics (including annual income, age, number of children) in the area and population growth expected.

potential competition in the area; cost of the product/service they offer; advantages and disadvantages of their product/service

who will supply the materials needed by the business and how (if transportation is involved)

does the product/service have some competitive edge which will contribute to its success?

laws of the area

bank regulations of the area, ease or difficulty getting financial aid (loans/grants), and if large loans are needed, then the interest rates.

national problems which would interfere with production or provision of service

anticipated profits

anticipated expenses and if can survive from 1- years without showing a profit

anticipated initial funds demanded

need to advertise

Please note that this sample paper on ibm mission statement and vision statement is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ibm mission statement and vision statement, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on ibm mission statement and vision statement will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Organizatinal Analysis

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Organizatinal Analysis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Organizatinal Analysis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Organizatinal Analysis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Organizatinal Analysis paper at affordable prices!

Organizational Analysis of the YWCA

I. Introduction

a. The Young Women's Christian Association states its mission as the following "The YWCA of the United States of America is a women's membership movement nourished by its roots in the Christian faith and sustained by the richness of many beliefs and values. Strengthened by diversity, the Association draws together members who strive to create opportunities for women's growth, leadership and power in order to attain a common vision peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people" (YWCA Mission). The Richmond branch of the YWCA strives to empower women, children, and families through their current programs addressing family violence, sexual assault, and homelessness.

b. The YWCA currently employs 65 part-time and full-time staff. In addition to the staff, the YWCA utilizes many volunteers and interns to assist the agency in providing various services to women and children in the community. The agency is located in a newly renovated building on 5th Avenue in downtown Richmond. The building is comprised of four levels that have been built to accommodate those with physical disabilities. When entering the edifice, one is located on the first floor that houses the secretary, two conference rooms, the gymnasium, and the only two enclosed offices of the Executive Director and the Assistant Executive Director. The basement is a newly constructed children's center. This location includes several classrooms, a computer room, and a cafeteria. The second floor consists of a break room for the staff, an art room designed for the children, and a large play area that the children partake in many activities including riding tricycles to taking their naps. The third floor contains cubicles that house the student unit, the rest of the full-time and part-time staff (excluding childcare workers), three private rooms for the purpose of counseling services, and a large room utilized for support group meetings. The entire agency atmosphere produces an environment that is conducive to feelings of support, comfort, and an overall sense of openness. This is demonstrated by not only the structure and design itself, but by the employees staffed at the YWCA. Please refer to Figure 1.1 for an organizational chart of the agency.

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c. The YWCA offers a variety of services to women, children, and families located in the Richmond community. For example, the agency maintains two twenty-four hour crisis hotlines operated by crisis hotline specialists and has two confidential emergency shelters for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The two shelters are located in the Richmond and Chesterfield areas that each can accommodate twenty women and children. The shelters provide individual and group counseling for women and their children, case management services, employment and legal assistance and childcare for victims of domestic violence, and serve as temporary emergency shelter for victims of sexual assault. The main office, located on 5th street, provides individual short-term crisis counseling for women, men, and adolescents who are victims. In addition, group counseling is available for victims of domestic violence with a concurrent group for their children. Groups are also available for adults and teenagers who are victims of sexual assault. Furthermore, a trained volunteer or staff member is available 4-hours a day to meet sexual assault clients at the hospital emergency room to provide support and information. Another example of the services provided by the YWCA is the childcare program implemented for low and no income families. The YWCA Children's Center is the only source of free childcare for families living in area homeless shelters. As one of Richmond's largest Head Start sites, the YWCA serves over sixty preschoolers each day with comprehensive programming (YWCA Children's Center). After school and during the summer, homeless and low-income children enjoy field trips, homework assistance, and educational activities in a safe, nurturing environment. Last, but certainly not least, the YWCA provides educational programs on the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, and healthy relationships for organizations, businesses, prisons, schools and youth groups.

d. The YWCA serves women, children, and families of all ages, races, and income levels. Specifically, the agency serves any and all primary or secondary victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The majority of the client population lives in the Greater Richmond area. However, clients are welcome from any location. Moreover, the agency serves the children of no and low-income


II. Theory

a. The political economy model, as presented in Hutchinson (1), reflects the organizational theory that best applies to the YWCA. This model focuses on the dependence of an agency on environment resources in its ability to function and provide appropriate and necessary services to the community (Hutchinson, 1). Specifically, the political economy model addresses two main resources necessary for such organizations (1) political resources and () economic resources (Hutchinson, 1). The interplay of these two sources results in the overall operation of the agency. It is also important to note that this model recognizes clients as a potential resource for advocacy and power in the political arena (Hutchinson, 1).

b. The YWCA is a non-profit organization that depends on both political and economic resources to fund the agency. Therefore, the actions of the political arena directly effect the operations of the YWCA. If the government officials in power have elected to campaign for issues concerning domestic violence and sexual assault, the YWCA can ultimately benefits from such interactions and attention. Often, when political figures get involved in advocating for domestic violence, private donators become more aware of the need for such services provided by the YWCA. This awareness is a potential avenue to raise donations for the agency. Moreover, political figures make the decisions concerning federal and state laws. These political resources provide potential for additional granting and funds for the organization. In addition, several large organizations and businesses, including United Way and Capital One, provide funding for the YWCA. These funds are accompanied with expectations and obligations by such businesses. Therefore, they claim power over what type of services and programming they would prefer to fund. The YWCA is directly affected by their major contributors in that fashion, often creating limitations for the organization. However, the agency depends on these resources to operate effectively and efficiently. A number of other funds and grants are needed to run the YWCA. Whether or not these grants are approved on a yearly basis, seriously affects the clients, community, and the staff. For example, one part-time staff member was recently dismissed from her position because the grant the agency needed to continue funding her position was lost. As a result, they lost the only staff member that ran the Teen Advocacy Program. Since her departure, the YWCA has had to cancel over thirty scheduled teen public education seminars. Due to the political economy model, these types of decisions are often the result of the interplay between political and economic interest. The YWCA had no other feasible options, because of economic resources, other than to eliminate her position within the organization.

III. Critique

a. The YWCA performs poorly under the political economy model. Unfortunately, due to the nature of a non-profit organization, these conflicts will always be an issue and effect the organization on some level. Because the YWCA is so heavily dependent on political and economic resources, it is not always possible to provide efficient and effective services to clients, nor is there always the possibility of implementing additional programs the community addresses as needs. It is also important to reflect on the aforementioned staff member who was dismissed due to lack of funding. Now that her position is eliminated, the Teen Advocacy Program has no available staff to take her place resulting in the elimination of a community educational program. Therefore, this indicates a lack of efficiency and effectiveness to service those potential client populations. Moreover, the lack of government and overall funding is causing the agency to collapse positions together resulting in staffing patterns that are inappropriate the services being provided. For example, the Director of Domestic Violence has additionally been assigned the position and responsibility of Director of Community Outreach. She is not only handing an abundance of individual domestic violence clients, but is now responsible for follow-up and outreach counseling in the community. It would be impossible for her to adequately, efficiently, and effectively serve each client to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, many of the other staff members are encountering the same problems and issues. Another example are the childcare workers. They often have more children in their care than they can feasibly manage. In addition, they are not trained appropriately to provide the necessary services to the population of children. The problem here arises in the issues of salary. The YWCA cannot afford to hire qualified individuals in their childcare programs. As a result, the programs offered to these children are not performing to their highest expectations. As a whole, there are not enough people within the organization to accomplish the expectations given to them on a daily basis. This could, and probably is, affecting the way clients are being served at the agency. However, there does seem to be a common understanding among management and line staff within each program about problems, populations to be served, services to be provided, and client outcomes to be achieved. The problem arises when such needs, issues, and problems are not being met. Most of the issues concerning efficiency and effectiveness of the YWCA stems from the political and economic resources the organizations depends on for its existence. On a more positive note, the YWCA does utilize their clients as resources in the political arena. Often, the clients return to collaborate with the YWCA on political issues. Together they advocate for new governmental policies and regulations. These collaborations have proven to be effective process for change.

b. The contingency theory should be considered as a possible model that might prove to be effective for the YWCA. This theory states that there is no "one best way" to organize (Hutchinson, 1). It maintains that flexibility within the organization is key to identifying and adapting to the changing environment. Since the YWCA is consistently redefining issues of importance within the community, a more flexible theory would assist in the organization of the agency. However, the failure to recognize the strong influences of political and economic forces regarding the agency may ultimately be a limitation.

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Friday, November 27, 2020


If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Progressivism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Progressivism paper right on time.

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1. Lend-Lease Bill

Who-Spanish diplomat Enrique Dupuy de Lome, United States President William McKinley, William Randolph Hearst and his New York Journal

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What- The DeLome letter was a letter from the Spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lome, in Washington, D.C., to Don Jose Canalejas, in Havana, Cuba, that was intercepted by a Cuban agent, leaked to William Randolph Hearst, and published on the front page of the New York Journal. This letter was humiliating to President William McKinley, and ultimately increased the U.S.'s tensions with Spain.

When- written and published in 188

Where- Havana, Cuba and Washington, D.C.

Significance- The De Lome letter greatly increased the United States tensions with Spain. Then when the U.S.S. Maine was sunk in the Havana Harbor on February 15, 188, and 60 lives were lost, it was difficult for the United States to believe that the Spanish had nothing to do with this disaster. Two months later, in April, McKinley approved Congress's resolution that called for the immediate withdrawal of Spanish troops from Cuba. Four days later, the Spanish government declared war. The DeLome letter instigated all of these events, ultimately leading to the Spanish-American War.

The first picture is Spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lome from


The second picture is U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor from the website


. Yellow Journalism

Who- Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

What- Yellow journalism began through the fierce competition between Pulitzer's New York World and Hearst's New York Journal. It was used to attract more readers and to increase circulation. Some yellow journalism techniques include banner headlines, colored comics, and copious illustrations. Yellow journalism received its name when Hearst stole Pulitzer's "The Yellow Kid" comic strip writer.

When- 180's

Where- New York City

Significance- Through yellow journalism, it became common for newspapers to report everything through the editor's eyes regardless of whether the information was inaccurate, biased, or true. Since the American public had limited sources to verify the information, newspapers received tremendous political power through the people. Because of this, yellow journalism played a key role in beginning the Spanish-American War by the New York Journal's printing to the controversial DeLome letter on its front page.

The first picture is of the William Randolph Hearst and the second picture is of Joseph Pulitzer both taken from the website


. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Who- United States Secretary of State John Hay, Panamanian envoy to United States Philippe Bunau-Varilla, and United States President Theodore Roosevelt

What- This treaty was an agreement between the United States and Panama in which the United States would receive the rights to a canal zone ten miles wide in exchange for $10 million and an annual rent of $50,000.

When- November 10

Where- Panama and the United States

Significance- This treaty gave the United States exclusive rights and perpetual use of the Panama Canal. It also secured the United States' position as the economic and political leader of the Western Hemisphere. Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines had already been established as official protectorates, and with this treaty came Panama. The United States also became free to transport good between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and to decide who else could have this privilege.

4. Roosevelt Corollary

Who- Theodore Roosevelt

What- This was a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine that justified American intervention throughout the Western hemisphere. It stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, did not violate the rights of the United States, or did not invite foreign invasions into the United States. This corollary mainly justified U.S. interventions in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, and Nicaragua.

When- December 104

Where- Washington, D.C., United States Congress

Significance- This corollary came about as Europe began to use force in order to urge several Latin American countries to repay their debts. Thus, America began to fear European intervention in Latin America. Roosevelt worried that intervention would take away the United States' dominance in Latin America. To keep European powers out and ensure financial stability, Roosevelt issued this corollary. The fact that Roosevelt tied this corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was ironic because the Monroe Doctrine had been issued to prevent European intervention in the Western hemisphere, and the Roosevelt Corollary was issued to justify American intervention in the Western hemisphere.

The above picture is President Teddy Roosevelt taken from this website


5. Lusitania

Who- Great Britain, Germany, United States

What- Lusitania was a British ocean liner sunk near Ireland by a German submarine. She was believed to be carrying ammunition to be delivered to the Allies in England. One thousand one hundred ninety-eight people drowned as a result of the explosion. This included 18 Americans.

When- May of 115

Where- south of the coast of Ireland

Significance- When Germany sank Britain's Lusitania, the American people were outraged. The United States protested Germany's action and warned them to limit their submarine campaign against Britain. However, when Germany continued unrestricted submarine warfare, the United States entered World War I in April of 117. It was the sinking of the Lusitania that created enough turmoil among the American public to allow the United States to enter into the war. This event also proved that the civilized warfare methods of the 1th century were a thing of the past.

The above picture is a postcard that was issued to commemorate the sinking of the Lusitania. It features the Lusitania and her captain, William Turner. This picture was taken from the website


6. Fourteen Points

Who- President Woodrow Wilson

What- Fourteen Points was a peace settlement proposed by Woodrow Wilson following World War I. This proposal called for open covenants of peace that were freely arrived at, freedom of navigation of the seas, removal of economic barriers and establishment of equality of trade conditions, and also outlined territorial adjustments. Further conditions of this settlement were evacuation of Russian territory, evacuation and restoration of Belgium territory, evacuation of French territory, readjustment of Italy's boundaries, safeguarding of Austria-Hungary, evacuation of Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro, secured sovereignty of Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire, and erection of an independent Polish state. The last point called for a League of Nations to enforce the peace.

When- January 118

Where- Washington, D.C. and the United States Congress

Significance- This proposal showed President Wilson's eagerness to end World War I with both sides participating in a lasting peace. These points transformed the concepts of free trade, open agreements, democracy, and self-determination into concepts of foreign policy. They were also the basis of Germany's surrender to end the war. It further pressed that morality should be the basis for all foreign policies.

Above is a picture of President Woodrow Wilson taken from the website


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Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Psychology of Death and Dying

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Psychology of Death and Dying. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Psychology of Death and Dying paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Psychology of Death and Dying, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Psychology of Death and Dying paper at affordable prices!

Collectively, Americans seem to actively deny death as a natural occurrence in life. Just like our obsession with maintaining youthful appearances, we are fixated on maintaining unprecedented life spans, now a possibility through stem cell research and the potential future of widespread eugenics. Instead of acknowledging death, it becomes a taboo subject, occasionally brought up during life insurance policies and estate sales. Americans do not have holidays to pay homage to the deceased like El Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico or shrines of ancestors as a permanent fixture in their homes like the Japanese. The only portrayal of death found in the media is the typical notion of heaven and hell, for example movies like What Dreams May Come, where Robin Williams must emancipate his wife from the shackles of hell. Or other popular movies, such as Contact with Jodie Foster, where children perceive the dead as normal people existing in a parallel realm, not unlike physical reality. Another common misconception is that death is a temporary inconvenience, often illustrated in children's movies like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Children are given the impression that death is just a really long, luxurious nap and if the right man kisses the sleeping individual she will magically spring back into consciousness.

Unfortunately, the only other prevalent acknowledgement of death in the popular media and American society can be found in violent actions movies and psychological thrillers. Gratuitous violence and cold-blooded murder accompanied by internal body parts externalized, decapitated heads and even cannibalism. We have a gross fascination concerning violence and the mutilation of the human form, a rather unhealthy obsession lurking in video games and cult classic movies. Americans have not addressed the finality of death, and only in recent years have new age religions fabricated a new approach toward death, or the passageway into the unknown.

As I child, forced to attend Christian services on Sundays, I bought into the fire and brimstone portrayal of death and spirituality. If an individual did not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, bad things were destined to happen to that individual in the afterlife. I was pressured into believing that if I did not eat of the bread and drink of the wine, that I was going to instantaneously combust and be shot down into the fiery pits of hell. As I grew older and exposed to other belief systems, this innate fear of the wrathful divine slowly dwindled. After intense observation, I came to the conclusion that organized religion was used as a means to control the masses. I rejected the absolutist attitude enforced upon me since childhood and wanted to discover a different approach toward death and dying.

I had been exposed to death at a relatively young age. I had many elderly relatives and neighbors who died quite consistently; I've lost count of the various funerals and memorials that I've attended. The only reassuring aspect of organized religion is the certainty one feels concerning death and the afterlife. When I realized that I was skeptical of Christianity and heaven and hell, I had a difficult time understanding death and coming to terms with my own fears of it. For many years I had no concrete death ethic, it was just something I avoided or ignored. After taking this course, I have started to construct my own death ethic and idea about the afterlife, by gathering information and borrowing ideas from material that supports this course. I feel comfortable talking about death, it is no longer a clandestine subject, it is a natural occurrence in life, and ultimately it is the last rite of passage for every human being.

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I've adopted more of a non-Western death ethic, where death is an invaluable experience for the dying individual. From my in-class notes on September 10, non-Western cultures view death as a transition for the deceased person, while Americans typically focus on death as a transition for those who are left behind. Non-western cultures tend to encourage the bereaved to express their emotions, while Westerners are given the three-day time period to mourn and are expected to carry on with their respective lives as usual, unaffected by grief. The only time Westerners are allowed to express their immeasurable grief is at the actual ceremony, where they are expected to repress their emotions afterward. I find this aspect of Western culture counterproductive, where emotions are never a catharsis for grief. Often, when we see others in pain, we turn the other direction, unsure of how to comfort them.

I believe death should be a commonly discussed topic, especially during the later years in ones life. We don't know what occurs after this life; therefore we should not approach our own death with negativity or fear. I don't have my beliefs of the afterlife cemented in a permanent belief system; I'm still gathering information in order to form a solidified idea. I am fond of the Native American belief that we reunite with our ancestors after this life. I find the beliefs of Native Americans very appealing, abandoning the linear rationalization of Western logic. "Many commentators have suggested that Native Americans tend to view life and death not in a linear but in a circular or interwoven fashion in which death is regarded as a part of life" (Reader, 5) I find this holistic approach toward death more accepting of the inevitable. Death should not be an isolated and dreaded incident after life, although it brings us incalculable pain, it also serves as a vehicle for unity to those who are left behind.

It does seem like a cruel, harsh world when we know our loved ones will be irrevocably removed from our physical lives, but the fleeting fragility of life generates deeper appreciation for those around us and our own lives. I believe if we were created to live forever, everything would be meaningless and taken for granted. The easier it is to lose something the more invaluable it becomes. I believe life is a great adventure, every moment is an opportunity to gain more wisdom, and that love is the compelling force within each of us. Death is a part of life; we know it will eventually steal us from this world, yet we are not knowledgeable of what threshold it will deliver us onto. The deceased never really leave us anyway; they live in our thoughts, memories and dreams. Just like your Relational Grief Theory, Kim, I believe our relationships with the deceased continue to grow, where we fabricate a new relationship that allows the deceased and bereaved to grow and ultimately heal. Beyond physical life the essence of the deceased still continues to accompany us in this life, perhaps to meet again in the afterlife.

"This process of mythologizing, or making stories out of the splinters of remembered experience, is one of the ways in which a physical person is transformed into an imaginal integrity" (Reader, 1) I find this excerpt and theory very comforting when I confront my own relationships with deceased loved ones. Death is a permanent predicament in this life, but the finality of our relationships with the deceased no longer exists. It opens a new door and sheds some light onto a dark mentality, we no longer feel defeated or imprisoned by grief. I am ready to confront death with less fear and dread, which is a repercussion of this insightful course.

I want her to lie full of peace

Next to my father

Under the dogwood and holly.

I know she will speak her silence

To me

Then it may be the time to listen.

Please note that this sample paper on The Psychology of Death and Dying is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Psychology of Death and Dying, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Psychology of Death and Dying will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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