
Friday, April 2, 2021

Factors that impede the tight integration between business strategy and Human Resource strategies in the hospitality industry.

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Factors that impede the tight integration between business strategy and Human Resource strategies in the hospitality industry.

The integration of corporate and human resource strategy is one of the much-debated topics within the concept of strategic human resource management.

Truss and Gratton (14) describe strategic human resource management as the linking of HRM (Human Resource Management) with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility. Thus, Strategic HR means integrating the HR function of an organisation with the companys strategy through HR activities such as recruitment, selection, training and rewards and any other HR activities specific to the hospitality organisation.

The necessity of this integration is demonstrated by Miles and Snow (14) who suggest that, without human resource strategies and policies linked into strategic business objectives, high levels of organisational performance are not likely.

Custom Essays on Factors that impede the tight integration between business strategy and Human Resource strategies in the hospitality industry.

There are, however a number of problems that arise in the process of this integration both within the concepts demonstrated by Hoque (1) as internal fit and external fit.External fit being the HR strategy meshed with the business strategy such that there should be a consistency between the values and aims within each. Internal fit therefore refering to

the introduction of HRM as an institutionally supported package of practices that cohere with and mutually reinforce each other i.e. employee policies, commitment, flexibility and quality of work.

It is to be argued that one of the main barriers to the successful integration of business and human resource strategy is the lack of commitment and understanding of management (both corporate and line management) to the cause of HRM integration.

Dyer and Holder (188) adopt the stance that top management is probably the most powerful force that can work against the adoption of HRM iniatives.

Whilst Kane (1) takes the view that, top management take a short-termist perspective on HRM because they believe that evidence of HRM having a long-term and positive impact on individual or organisation level performance is sketchy.

Kane goes on to report on the possible reason for senior and middle managers negative perspective on the value of HRM could also be attributed to their inability to establish tangible elements and positive outcomes directly linked to HRM therefore their commitment deviates or becomes non-existent.

Hoque, Ks (1) research into UK hotels indicates poor practice and a lack of interest in HRM among managers in the hotel industry.

Whilst, Tyson (17) portrays the attitude of line managers towards human resource activities as one of the key organisational features for successful HRM.

Due to management at a "floor" level being at the source of HRM in terms of its implementation at an operational level, line managers can been viewed as a major barrier to impede the integration of corporate and HR strategies.

It is therefore suggested that if the integration is to be achieved to its utmost potential, management on all levels must realise the effectiveness of HRM policies and procedures and how to sucessfully immplement them into the organisation.

Taking all this information into account, the research undertaken by Hoque (1) into Human Resource Management and Performance in the UK Hotel Industry, takes a different stance suggesting that for corporate management to impede the integration of strategies, it is done so indirectly through taking a focus [within the business strategy] on cost reduction or on price factors [which] leads to sup-optimal performance within the industry.

Thus illustrating that corporate management should ideally emphasise an opposite quality- enhancer method with regard to service and the product in question.

Schuler and Jackson (187) reinforce this issue by arguing organisations that have a quality enhancement or innovation approach within its business strategy will make effective use of HRM. Thus leading to suggest that if the organisation has to priortise cost reduction within its strategy, the logical approach to deal with the issue would be to emphasise numerical flexibility and cost control.

However, this deviation does not fully resolve the situation as, if cost reduction is priortised within the business strategy, it could potentially upset policies and procedures that have been instilled by the HR Department.

These policies and procedures will be discussed later in the essay.

Hoque (1) also puts forward the view that HRM practices implemented in a seemingly piecemeal and uncoordinated fashion have fewer benefits, which is true of practices in any hospitality department.

In order for said practices to be otherwise strategically implemented in a fashion relevant to the firm, a functioning, effective, well supported Human Resource Department must be in place. This point being relevant to any organisation which wishes to advance its performance through the aims and objectives outlined in its business strategy.

The level at which HR staff are proactive/reactive to their role within their department can also be foreseen as a major contributing factor to the integration of the aformentioned strategies.

The view that staff within HR departments, are lacking knowledge in their field, are poorly trained and most importantly have an overall ineffective presence in terms of tangible results, is one held widely throughout not only the hospitality industry, but across many other industries. As Kane, Crawford and Grants (1) research shows, there is a general agreement that they [HR managers] lack the knowledge, skills, influence, credibility and perspective on their roles to implement a strategic approach to HRM.(MORE THAN ONE QUOTE!!!)

It is therefore vital that the Human Resource department takes a proactive approach to their roles within strategic plans and subsequent activities undertaken, as Tyson, S (DATE) suggests, strategic HRM will not occur unless the human resource professional takes steps to make it happen.

In terms of HRM the HR department is the first point of contact in a hospitality establishment for employees and line managers. If the knowledge of the staff in the HR department is sub-standard, the information, policies and procedures that are passed onto managers/employees could be of comparable relevance. This potentially may lead to the integration between the two strategies being even further impeded.

Therefore the HR department must not only possess the basic skills of Human Resource management, but also realise the individual features of the business strategy the company is adopting, how the strategies support each other and their role to support the fit between the two. Through this, the department can then adopt its policies and procedures to suit, but can also recruit, select, train and reward employees according to a set strategy.

HR staff therefore need to be able to realise the importance of their actions and how it impacts on the integration of the business and HR strategy.

If their signifiance to the strategy is realised and the support given from management is forth-coming and effective, the "fit" between strategies potentially can be achieved to a greater degree.

The previous factors of management commitment to the integration between business and HR strategies and the relevance of HR staff have both been shown to be of significant importance when integrating strategies.

However, the current state and perception of HR as a concept and its relevance to the hospitality industry, is a factor that if not shown to demonstrate its relevance, may have further detramential effects on the aforementioned elements.

Price (14) enforces this statement by arguing that practices in the hotel industry were so far removed from both the personnel and industrial relations and the human resource management ideal types, that neither model should be used to inform research on the [hotel] industry.

Whilst this representing one end of the spectrum, the relevance of Human Resources to the hospitality industry is a widely debated and much critisised one.

This factor is of significant importance when linking back to the previous areas of management and the HR department. Management have already been shown by Kane and Crawford (1) to need tangible and positive outcomes to comprehend and support the incorporation of a HR strategy whilst also realising the potential it has to work positively and help make strategic, informed decisions for the organisation.

Kane and Crawford (1) state that, there is considerable agreement about the lack of proven knowledge and the difficulty in quantifying the results of HRM, thus not supplying the essential tangible results.

The acknowledgement of opinions by managers/employees in hospitalitycould lead to possible cynicism from managers/employees in hospitality when required to adhere to policies and/or procedures set by the HR department.

Sisson (1) reports findings of only fragments of HRM being found in his study of UK hotels, this in uxtaposition with Lucass (15) view there is sparse evidence to be found of any UK hotels that have taken HR "seriously onboard", lead the reader to a fairly poor outlook on the current state of HRM in the hospitality industry.

It is therefore made all the more clear that in order for HR departments to effectively integrate with businesss strategy, they need to have clearly defined policies and procedures to lead tothe tangible results when dealing with an organisations personnel. Legge (15) suggests the soft approach involving encouraging motivation, development and commitment. This methods main emphasis is on developing a workforce that is innovative and of a valued resource to the company therefore emphasising self-development.

Hoteliers such as Malmaison and the Hilton (REFs www) group can be used as examples of companies that employ a variety of soft models when dealing with policies and procedures, due to their detailed training methods, appraisals and procedures that encourage employee feedback.

The hard method on the other hand is more closely tied with the business strategy and is suggested to be used by companies with a stress on cost control due to its strict reliance on policies and procedures. The outcome of this being that it leaves minimal room for employee innovation and development.

Schuler (18) has undertaken research into cost reduction and quality enhancement strategies, even though the context is aimed more towards the manufacturing and industrial sectors, the basic principles are demonstrated to have hospitality relevance.

His evidence takes the skeptical view that as predictable as the outcomes of the hard model are, the relevance and existence of a HR department comes under question as reliance on this model means power rests in the hands of the top executives and designers of the workflow processes.

The negative aspects of the "hard" model being the effect on staff morale and motivation as there is little room left for deviation from the policies and procedures potentially leading to increased employee turnover.

However, the positive aspects of employing this system being the low level of un-certaintity due to the predictability of competition and customer behaviour.

The obvious examples of hospitality firms that employ this system being major standardised fast food chains and quick service restaurants.

The logical approach when considering the application of hard and soft HR models would be to integrate models that compliment each other. As previously discussed the concept of fit is all important when discussing the integration between the two strategies in question, however this concept of close fit may contradict the elements of the soft model. Due to the hospitality industry being renowned for cutting costs/corners through minimum wages, low quality service and products, this may be the reason why HR strategies have failed to have a positive impact.

Therefore; it is essential that HRM practices are consistent with what the organisation is trying to achieve otherwise, as Schuler (18) reports, role conflict and ambiguity may result in poor individual employee performance and affect the organisational performance of the organisation.A point argued by Tyson, S is that without human resource strategies and policies linked into strategic business objectives high levels of organisational performance are not likely. If this resource is successfully employed, the concept of HRM depends on how it is applied in a work situation and the tangible outcomes of integrating HR into a business strategy.

The evidence illustrated therefore demonstrates that the concept of fit between strategies lacks specific concepts and empirically elusive

The research conducted and points highlighted have shown that the aligning of business and HR strategies complex whilst there being a multitude of research conducted on the subject, the amount of research specific to hospitality is minimal.

Therefore the validity of HRM within the context of this essay depends on the extent to which human resources are used for the achievement of competitive benefit and added value to the firm and therefore should be treated one of the organisations decisive strategic resources.


In search of HRM Sission K British Journal of Industrial Relations 1

Strategic Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations R.S.Schuler

Human Relations Volume 41 Number 18 pp157-184

Human Resource Management and Performance in the UK Hotel Industry Hoque,K

British Journal of Industrial Relations September 1 pp41-44

The Practice of Human Resource Strategy, Tyson S, Pitman Publishing

Barriers to effective HRM Kane, B and Crawford, J International Journal of Manpower Volume 0 No8 1 pp44-515

Linking Competitive Strategy with Human Resource Management Practices Schuler R.S and Jackson, S.E The Academy of Management Executive 187 Volume 1 No pp07-1

HRM in Hotels a Focus on Commitment, Guinngle P.J and Jameson S, Employee Relations Volume No 4 00 pp40-4

Human Resource Management a strategic approach to employment Hendry C Butterworth Heinemann 000

Introducing Human Resource Management nd Edition Foot, M and Hook, C, Longman, 1

Lucas, R. (16) Industrial Relations in hotels and cateringneglect or paradox?, British Journal of Industrial Relations Vol. 4 No pp. 67-86

Price, L. (14) Poor personnel practice in the hotel and catering industry does it matter? Human Resource Management Journal Vol 4 No 4 pp.44-6

Sission, K.(10) Introduction Human Resource Management Journal Vol.1 No.1

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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Marketing permission

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Marketing permission. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Marketing permission paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Marketing permission, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Marketing permission paper at affordable prices!

Godin (1) has proposed a new idea- permission marketing. Here, consumers provide marketers with the permission to send them certain types of promotional messages. This is seen as reducing clutter and search costs for the consumer while improving targeting precision for marketers. This paper makes three contributions First, a critical analysis of the concept and its relationship to existing ideas in the marketing literature is discussed. Second, a taxonomy of four models used to implement permission marketing today, direct relationship maintenance, permission partnership, ad market and permission pool, is presented. Permission intensity is seen as a key differentiator among models. Finally, a comprehensive conceptual cost-benefit framework is presented that captures the consumer experience in permission marketing programs. Consumer interest is seen as the key dependent variable that influences the degree of participation. Consumer interest is positively affected by message relevance and monetary benefit and negatively affected by information entry/modification costs, message processing costs and privacy costs. Based on this framework, several empirically testable propositions are identified.


Permission marketing (also called invitational marketing) envisions every customer shaping the targeting behavior of marketers (Godin, 1). Consumers empower a marketer to send them promotional messages in certain interest categories. Typically, this is done by asking the consumer to fill out a survey indicating interests when registering for a service. The marketer then matches advertising messages with the interests of consumers.

This is a new idea. Even though targeting appropriate customers has been recognized early on as a core marketing principle (Smith, 156), most targeting today can best be described as "targeting on averages." The advertiser obtains the average profile of the consumer (e.g., a marketer may identify the proportion of a show that meets a certain pre-specified demographic or behavioral category using Simmons data) and chooses, say, a TV show that matches the target consumer profile most accurately1. This leads to low targeting precision since not all consumers match the profile.

Theoretically, direct marketing holds the promise of improving targeting. One-on-one marketing proposes thinking about a segment of size one (Peppers & Rogers, 1, Pine, Victor & Boynton, 1). Given the new capabilities of addressing each individual (Blattberg & Deighton, 11) the goal is to customize the marketing mix in accordance with the needs of a consumer. Relationship marketing takes a long-term orientation in targeting as opposed to a short-term transactional orientation (Dwyer, Schurr & Oh, 187; McKenna, 11, Sheth & Parvatiyar, 15). The idea is to understand the lifetime value of the customer and allocate resources in accordance with these values (Day, 000). The emphasis is on retaining existing customers rather than on obtaining new ones (McGahan & Ghemawat, 14).

However, since one-on-one marketing and relationship marketing both propose marketer-initiated targeting, several problems arise. For example, consumers receive an excessive volume of proposals for relationships with firms, they do not perceive control over the terms of the relationship and do not perceive much value addition from such relationships. As a result, these techniques breed consumer cynicism (Fournier, Dobscha & Mick, 18). This is especially a problem with the Internet because the marginal cost of sending an additional promotional message is nearly zero for the firm (Shiman, 16).

Our goal in this paper is threefold. First, a critical analysis of the concept of permission marketing and its relationship to existing ideas in the marketing literature is provided. Second, a taxonomy of business models implementing permission marketing today is presented. Finally, a comprehensive conceptual cost-benefit framework that captures the consumer experience in permission marketing programs is presented. Based on this framework, several empirically testable propositions are identified that might serve to guide future theory-building and empirical research in this area.

Permission Marketing and the Internet

Clutter is a big problem on the World Wide Web ("Web" hereafter). The increased size of the Web- "an estimated lower bound on the size of the Web is 0 million pages" (Lawrence & Giles, 18, p. 8)- has led to increased search costs. More recent estimates put this number much higher. For example, the "bow tie" research study by IBM, Compaq and Alta Vista reports sampling over 600 million pages ( http// and the search engine, Google, claims to index over a billion pages. Debris on the Internet (e.g., pages that are no longer updated) further exacerbates search costs.

Search engines (e.g., and Internet portals (e.g., http// were attempts at helping consumers navigate through this clutter. But when individuals search for information at these places, they are presented with hundreds of selections. Consumers will not go through all selections and are most likely to focus on the first few results. Hence, search-engine optimization has become an important research area (Bradlow & Schmittlein, 1). However, due to heterogeneity in the algorithms used by search engines, it is not always possible for one's site to be featured in the top few.

Therefore, it is clear that search engines alone will not help consumers find sites relevant to their needs. Increasingly, search engines tap into smaller and smaller fractions of the overall Web (Lawrence & Giles, 18) with no engine capturing more than 16% of the Web content (Lawrence & Giles, 1).

Individuals may cope with the increased search costs by focusing on firm reputation (Choi, Stahl & Whinston, 17, Chapter 6). For example, recently The Economist reported that 75% of all business to consumer e-commerce originates from five sites-,, eBay, Yahoo and America Online (AOL). Hence, it is clear that these sites have established a reputation that is better than others . However, that does not necessarily ensure the delivery of relevant information since each of these sites contain a lot of information (For example, as of August 000, Yahoo! had links to at least 1.5 million pages on its site- http// - not all of which is relevant to any single consumer. Moreover, consumers may be interested in newer sites whose reputation may not be fully established.

Banner advertising and sponsorships were tools that were considered to have the potential to provide consumers with relevant information. However, despite the early promise detailed in pioneering research (Hoffman & Novak, 17), the click-through rates have not improved4. Average rates are in the 0.5% range. Banner advertising is also plagued with measurement problems. Getting a reliable estimate of the number of consumers who viewed a banner is a big challenge (Dreze & Zufryden, 18) and so is reliably identifying the top websites globally. Moreover, a recent eye-tracking study presents troublesome evidence that Internet users may "actually avoid looking at banner ads during their online activities" (Dreze & Hussherr, 1, p. ). If this is true, then placing banners around web content may be a poor way of delivering the message.

Permission marketing offers the promise of improving targeting by helping consumers interface with marketers most likely to provide relevant promotional messages. Many permission-marketing firms (e.g. now part of the business incubator, CMGI) claim customer response rates in the region of 5-0% and since most use e-mail, they are not affected by the measurement problems of banner advertising. Since the ads arrive in the mailbox of the individual, it is likely that more attention would be paid to them in comparison to banners.

Even though permission marketing can be implemented in any direct medium, it has emerged as a serious idea only with the advent of the Internet. The two reasons for this are (1) on the Internet, the cost of marketer-to-consumer communication is low (Hoffman & Novak, 16; Shiman, 16); () the Internet has enabled rapid feedback mechanisms due to instantaneous two-way communication (Hoffman & Novak, 16).

Another motivation for permission marketing on the Web has been the failure of the direct mail approach of sending unsolicited promotional messages. The prime example of this is unsolicited commercial e-mail or "Spam" (Cranor & LaMacchia, 18). Senders of spam realize three things- the cost of obtaining a new e-mail address is minimal, the marginal cost of contacting an additional customer is nearly zero (Shiman, 16) and it is easy to deceive the consumer. Spammers can easily obtain new e-mail addresses from websites and Usenet groups using software programs that "troll" the Internet. Individuals provide their addresses at these places for other purposes and hence, this violates their privacy rights (Bloom, Milne & Adler, 14). In addition, marketers incur similar costs if they send out 1 million or 10 million e-mails. Moreover, there are now programs that enable the large-scale use of deceptive practices (e.g. forged e-mail headers). Due to these problems, Spam cannot be a legitimate form of marketing communication5. Using it would lead to an excessive message volume for consumers, weakening of brand reputation and a slowing of the entire network. Hence, permission marketing is seen as a feasible alternative for Internet marketing communication.

Permission marketing is now a large-scale activity on the Internet. A leading Internet business periodical recently noted that, "permission marketing was once a niche business. Now, everybody is doing it." (Business .0, April, 000, p. 176). In addition, permission marketing has been incorporated in leading texts on marketing management, e.g., Kotler's millennium edition.

Literature Review

Although the term "permission marketing" was coined by Godin (1)6, the general idea of customer permission in direct marketing had surfaced earlier in the marketing literature, mainly in the context of privacy issues in direct marketing. For example, Milne and Gordon (1) discuss the role of customer permission along with volume, targeting and compensation in the context of direct mail. However, their reference is to an individuals providing a direct marketer the permission to share his or her personal information with others. In other words, they see permission as a tool to establish privacy rights rather than to enhance targeting. Moreover, the privacy issue is different now since an infomediary (Hagel & Singer, 1) retains all the personal information and supplies ads based on that information; the advertisers never see the information.

Recently, Sheth, Sisodia and Sharma (000) have proposed the concept of customer-centric marketing, which includes what they call co-creation marketing. Co-creation marketing envisions a system where marketers and consumers participate in shaping the marketing mix. In the authors' own words, "Co-creation marketing enables and empowers customers to aid in product creation (e.g., Gateway computers), pricing (e.g.,, distribution and fulfillment (e.g., GAP store or GAP online delivered to the house), and communication (e-mail systems)"(Sheth, Sisodia & Sharma 000, p. 6). Hence, permission marketing can be viewed as focusing on the communication aspect of a larger concept called co-creation marketing. Gilmore and Pine II (17) had also earlier identified collaboration between marketers and consumers as one form of one-on-one marketing.

The direct marketing literature has also pointed out the importance of consumers controlling the terms of their relationship with marketers. Phelps, Nowak and Ferrell (000) point out that individuals like to control "how personal information about them is used by marketers, the kinds of advertising mail and catalogs that they receive and the volume of advertising mail they receive"(p. ). In this literature, direct mail is viewed as a social contract between the consumer and the marketer (Milne & Gordon, 1). Moreover, there is recognition that what is necessary to improve direct marketing relationships is not just a reduction of privacy concerns of individuals, but rather an improvement in the consumer's trust of the marketer (Milne & Boza, forthcoming).

Marketing scholars have long been disenchanted with the marketer-initiated approach to direct marketing. For example, in a critique on database marketing, Schultz (14) noted

If the database works for the consumer and not just the marketer, duplicate mailings should never exist. For the database to have value for customers, it should simplify and improve their personal lives, not just complicate them with unwanted offers or ridiculous solicitations. Also, if the database was really working for the consumer - and not just the marketer - privacy would not be the issue it is. Perhaps the greatest concern about the value of the database is the one-way marketing systems that are being developed- systems that favor the marketer and are disincentives to the consumer (emphasis added).(p. 4)

Hence, it is not surprising that several marketing scholars have begun to indicate their acceptance of permission marketing as a viable concept. For example, Petty (000) proposes "shift(ing) property rights for soliciting and selling information about consumers to the consumers themselves thereby reducing the marketing costs imposed upon consumers without their consent"(p. 5). Further, he argues that "by bearing the costs of identifying disinterested customers, marketers get an audience interested in their message. Consumers get fewer messages and only ones that they are interested in receiving "(Petty 000, p. 5). Similarly, Sheehan and Hoy (000) also suggest that permission marketing may be a technique to reduce privacy concerns of individuals. Even though they do not use the term permission marketing, Milne, Boza and Rohm (1) propose that "opt-in methods (can act) as a trust-building alternative to more effective information control".

Permission Marketing Business Models on the Web

In order to understand how permission marketing is currently being practiced on the Web, we define a key construct permission intensity.

Consumers define the boundaries of their relationship with firms in such businesses. In some cases, they give the business tremendous leeway and in others the firms are held on a tight leash. Formally, permission intensity is defined as the degree to which a consumer empowers a marketer in the context of a communicative relationship7.

Compare two scenarios.

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Britain and Europe

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Britain and Europe. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Britain and Europe paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Britain and Europe, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Britain and Europe paper at affordable prices!

Does membership of the European Union pose a significant threat to British democracy?

"Many years after Britain joined the community in 17.

We still have our Queen, we continue to eat sliced bread, warm beer, our police are unarmed, we drive on the left of the road, we are not forced to carry identity cards, we vote on Thursdays, milk is delivered in pines to our doorsteps, which is threatened, not by Brussels, but because we drink less every year and because British dairies have chosen to sell milk through supermarkets. Our public houses are opened d at the restricted times that we have chosen, we have our own civil and criminal law, we have Greenwich Mean Time, we play cricket and snooker, the pop has not interfered with our national churches, imported animals are subject to quarantine to keep out rabies, and so on." (Dunn,185; p.6)

This essay will firstly analyze the system within which European Union works; it will look at the different institutions role, for example the Council of Ministers, the European Commission, European Parliament, … in contrast of this, it will look at Britain's main decision-making institutions, for example House of Commons, the British Parliament, etc…I will look at both pro and anti EU views. Following the institutions' analysis, I will try to see in what ways does the European Union pose a significant threat to the British democracy. Thirdly, I will talk about the democracy within the European Union, and how far Britain has been advanced by joining the European Union. To conclude, I would summarize Britain's democratic control and will answer whether or not European Union membership has threatened British democracy.

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Democratic control of decisions made in the European Community. There are two executive bodies in the Community to take the decisions and to carry out them out. They are the Council of Ministers and the Commission. Both hold their meetings in secret. Neither is fully accountable to the public for their decisions.

The commission is run by "Commissioners" who are simultaneously appointed every four years by the heads of each national governments.

The public has no way to express its views about the choice of the Commissioners. Even their elected representatives in the national parliament cannot alter the appointments, which are the gift or party leaders. Not can the public vote directly for the appointment of a Commissioner as the American public can when it elects a President.

However the Commission, as a body, is sensitive to these criticisms. It makes a deliberate effort to consult and to listen to the elected European Parliament although it has the right (from the treaty of Rome) to ignore the Parliament's views. The European Parliament has the formal power to vote to dismiss all the Commissioners together. It does not yet have a formal power to approve their appointment, although in 185 it took upon itself to vote approval of them in any case. (Labour Party, p.6)

As for the council of Ministers, according to the British view is a far more serious problem. It meets in secret. Neither the press, nor the public, nor members of the European Parliament can attend its meetings. In their secret meetings the national ministers or their civil servants habitually abuse the confidence of the public by awarding secret vetoes to each other. These secret vetoes, for the most part, have no legal basis. Nor are the secret vetoes justified to the public afterwards. (Fakuda; 17, p.1)

National parliaments are not able to control the activities of the Council of Ministers. This is accepted by the House of Commons, where only a small proportion of Community matters are debated. The few debates are usually held late at night, this timing being deliberately chosen by the ministers. The final motion after each debate is only to take note of the Community's decision because no national parliament has any power to alter even a single comma of most decisions by the Council decisions are taken in secret, have immediate effect, and are not subject to parliamentary control.

An essential safeguard for stable democracy is that there should be adequate democratic control and proper separation of the powers of government.

In other words, the different powers of government should be kept separate instead of being concentrated in too few hands. Each separate power should be subject to full democratic control.

Curiously, the Unites Kingdom do not enjoy these safeguards. In Westminster both the executive and the legislative arms of government are controlled by the same person, the Prime Minister. (Britain in Europe, webpage)

The leader becomes in effect a short-term dictator between elections because they control both the decision-making machinery and the people's representatives.

Why should we worry about the inadequate democratic control of Community decision-making. We should definitely be concerned the fundamental principle of separate democratic control of each of the powers does not exist in the European Community. The commission and the council of Ministers have executive powers; but the public's representatives in the elected Parliament have only the right to be consulted for an opinion rather than being able to withhold powers from the executive if that is necessary in the public interest. (Wall, 180; p.57)

Therefore, the European Parliament does not need to take any powers away from the national parliaments of the member states in order to correct this situation. It simply needs an increase in its responsibilities in order that the executive decisions of the council of Ministers and of the Commission shall be made subject to separate and full democratic control.

Why are certain national leaders in the Community including Britain's leader opposed to this increase in responsibility for the European Parliament, the answer is simple, it is because their own personal power would become more subject to control, which is something they would not enjoy.

The pro-EU view explains the EU democracy rather differently. The nature of EU-level democracy must necessarily be judged on different criteria to that of states. Weiler et al suggest that three 'levels' within the EU are each characterised by different forms of democracy. The first is the intergovernmental level; conventional diplomacy and international politics. The second level is the supranational level. This revolves around the institutions of the Union, and the member states. The third level is that of Union itself, where it behaves in a similar fashion to a national assembly, replete with interest groups and technocrats. I find such a view unhelpful the interpretations of democracy offered at these different levels correspond only marginally with what citizens of Member-States experience. Such conceptualisations of democracy as 'pluralist' or 'neo-corporatist' attempt to side-step the real issue. This is defining democracy with reference to the EU, when the process should be reversed a single and coherent form of democracy should firstly be defined, and then applied to all levels of the EU. A formulation of democracy should respect the principles of the separation of powers, and of broadly reaching representation. This, however, would suggest a Euro-federalist agenda. (Dunn, 185; p.6-65)

The democratic nature and mandate of the EU institutions bears consideration. The Council, as representative of the elected governments of member states has a democratic mandate. The Parliament, constituted by direct election, has an even stronger claim to legitimacy. The problem arises when one considers the Commission. It exists as guardian of the treaties and to ensure the long-term goals of the EU, without being swayed by short-term national political interest, and as the major legislative initiator of the EU. These arguments sounded hollow when advanced for the preservation of an unreformed House of Lords in the United Kingdom. As Paine suggested, representation should be directly proportionate to power; an unrepresentative body should have no power at all. Yet in the Commission we see a body with broad legislative and executive powers. (UK membership of the EU, webpage)

There is also a positive side of Britain joining the EU. EEC membership has meant a constitutional revolution in the United Kingdom. Quite apart from a major changes like the cession of treaty-making powers to the Commission, and the acceptance of the European Court as the supreme court in the British hierarchy, membership has fundamentally altered the role and function of the house of Commons over matters of Community legislation.

Legislation is no longer exclusively prepared and drafted in Whitehall, and debated and voted upon in Westminster. Legislative proposals, in many important areas, not originate with the Commission, are considered by working parties comprising civil servants from the member countries, are discussed by the European Assembly and are finally agreed upon in the Council of Ministers. (Labour party,p.65-66)

The really revolutionary aspect of the change is however the fact the House of Commons is quite superfluous to the legislative process as far as the Community legislation is concerned. The conventional doctrine that all legislation requires Parliamentary assent no longer applies and the House of Commons has to that extent seen one of its main powers and one of the main instruments by which it exercised control over the executive disappear.

Community legislation is either directly applicable in the law of member countries or imposes an obligation on member countries to give effect through domestic legislation to chat has been agreed. Once a regulation has been agreed in Brussels, there is no way in which the House of Commons can intervene, as the ineffectiveness of the House of Commons resolution condemning the notorious skimmed milk powder regulations shows. In the case of directives, however, the house of Commons does sometimes have the chance to intervene and this will inevitably lead one day to a conflict between Community and domestic law.

To conclude I would say that the sovereignty of the British people is not at risk so long as they lived democratically.

The misunderstanding about sovereignty surely arises because it is the sovereignty of the British national parliament which is shrinking. This is born out if one observes who is voicing the fears about national sovereignty the fears are voiced by Westminster politicians who blame the European Community for their own decline. There is a danger that our national British politicians are putting their own interest at Westminster above their interest of the British people. For example, a senior conservative M.P told conservative M.E.P including the author at the start of March 18 that there would not, under any serious circumstances, be an increase in Britain's gross V.A.T payment to the European Community, whether or not that brought greater returns and benefits to the British people.

Why? because, it was specifically stated by the explainee, and increased gross V.A.T payment to Brussels would be a transfer of Westminster sovereignty.

It is true that our sharing in the greater European sovereignty will threaten some of our national British institutions. (Labour party, p.65-70)

Those threatened will included our British passport and customs officers. The public has been brain-washed by government into forgetting that these are devices for limiting their freedom. The European parliament looks forward to the day when all such restrictions on movements by British and other European citizens inside the community will have been abolished .

The major reason for founding the Common Market, which has developed into the European Union, was to build a political framework which would make it impossible to repeat the devastating wars which had torn Europe apart during the first half of the twentieth century. The irony is that it is not political structures which stop wars breaking out. It is democracy which fulfils that role. Functioning democracy allows tensions and conflicts of interest to be solved by compromise, in a civilised and generally acceptable way. It allows new ideas, new trends, and new people to come to the fore peacefully, without the use of force and coercion. The major failure of the EU is that it has tried to centralise power, without corresponding democratic control. This is why it is responding so inappropriately to the biggest dangers facing Europe. These are not nowadays the prospects of wars between Member States, although Yugoslavia, in Europes hinterland, is an awful reminder of how easy it is to slip backwards. The great threats to Europe are civic disorder and crime, racism and extremism, corruption and cronyism. Their causes always are a combination of economic failure on the one hand and on the other a breakdown in civic trust and confidence in the ability of the democratic process to respond. These are the dangers which the EU now faces as the safety valve provided by democracy is eroded away, and the EUs self serving elites foist on the EU a combination of economic prescriptions, social policies and political structures which do not work, and which are not what the people want. (Britain in Europe, webpage)

Another key point to mention is the increase of globalization, which is can threaten a country's democracy. Which is not only the case for Britain but other EU countries have kind of partly lost their control over decision-making ,therefore loss of democracy. And few argue, loss of sovereignty because of the introduction of the Single Currency, Euro.

The Labour party , 177; The EEC and Britain a socialist perspective, chap "Membership and Parliamen"t P.6

H.Fakuda, 17; Britain in Europe, chap. "Britain, the common Market" p. 51-56

H.Fakuda, 17; Britain in Europe, chap.4 "Association with the EEC" p.1-14

W.Wali, 180; Britain in Europe, chap. "The Balance of Payments and British Membership of the European Community" P.57-7

N.Dunn, 185; Greater in Europe, chap.5 "An alarming gap in Democratic Contro"l p.50-55

N.Dunn, 185; Greater in Europe, chap.7 "Sovereignty, the Misunderstood concept" p.6

N.Dunn, 185; Greater in Europe, chap. "Who is afraid of a United States of Europe?" p.8

Britain in Europe ,

URL http// ,consulted1-0-0

Britain in Europe,

URL http// ,consulted 14-0-0

Britain and Europe, URL http// , consulted-0-0

History of UK membership of the EU,

URL http//, consulted-0-0

David Lennon, Tony Blair's Britain,

URL http// , consulted 6-0-0

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Monday, March 29, 2021

Violence in hockey

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Violence In Hockey

With the increase in society taking a stance against violence, the sport of hockey has become an area where some feel that violent acts such as checking, fighting, and overall body contact occur too frequently and should be eliminated. Lately, NHL officials have lowered toleration to these acts, by issuing heftier fines and suspensions, but not enough to make a huge difference. Many fear that this violence is negatively affecting the youth of America and is contradicting the teachings of good sportsmanship that is encouraged by today's amateur coaches. However, players, and most people close to the game, are in opposition of these feelings and believe that violence is a vital part of the sport and its history. So I pose the question Should violence in Hockey be banished? My feeling is NO.

Before thinking about the obvious pros and cons of violence in hockey, think about what it would be like to be in the skates of a fighter in hockey. The six-theory method designed by John Schneider, is designed help explain how a fighter might feel and what choices he has to make.

According to Mr. Schneider, the reasons that so much violence is occurring in sports is due to these six theories The violence in sport mirrors violence found in society, violence occurring as the result of economic incentives, the influence of crowd behavior on player violence, genetic causation for player aggression, and psychological stress and player violence (Lapchick 0). Of Schneider's six theories, I feel that three are important in explaining my research. They are the theories of sport mirroring society, violence as a result of economic incentive, and the influence of the crowd behavior.

Cheap Custom Essays on violence in hockey

The first theory, the theory of sport mirroring society, explains that the same reactions of everyday humans to certain situations is very similar to how a hockey player would react to a similar situation in a game. Most people when involved in a highly stressful situation where violence is around would probably resort to a fight to resolve their differences. In sport, why should we expect any different. In events such as hockey games, where people are expected to hit and make body contact all game long, sooner or later some type of altercation or disagreement is bound to take place. Like anything, if people are being pushed around and called names etc. it is only a matter of time before the opposition gets into their heads and retaliation is expected.

In hockey especially, economic incentive plays a big role in the violence level. There are some players whose only role on a team is to protect and enforce the unwritten rules of the game such as taking a cheap shot at a teams best player, or running into another teams goalie etc. When dirty acts by the other team take place, a "fighter" is immediately summoned by the coach to go out onto the ice and take care of business. If a fighter chooses not to fight, he will be unemployed. A fighter can also receive a bonus in pay if his teams star player stays injury free (Staudohar 116). In most cases though, fighters are often being bounced around the league, but if you are a known tough guy, you will always have a job in hockey.

The third theory, the influence of crowd behavior, plays a smaller role than the proceeding two theories, but nonetheless, is often a factor in violence promotion.

Like most people, when being applauding for a certain act, we will try to repeat it. In hockey the concept is no different. When the home team is taking a beating from the other team, the fans know what's coming. They cheer and chant for the fighter to be put into the game, and when he gets his job done, he is rewarded by the fans. One fighter said "the adrenaline rush you get from 0,000 screaming fans is unbelievable; you don't want to let them down" (Lapchick 47). This quote is a perfect example of how a crowd can be a huge factor in violence promotion on the ice.

All three of those theories relate closely to the role of the fighter in hockey and why it is that he does commit these acts of violence. They tend to take most of the blame off the fighter, as it almost seems as if he has only one route to choose; to fight.

When leagues such as the National Hockey League (NHL) are asked to try and remove the violence from their sport, they are hesitant because it is not what the fans want. Why should these leagues remove the violence that is occurring if they are making money and keeping most fans happy. "Bryant and Zillman report that television viewers enjoy NHL plays more when they are rough and violent. Two of the best-selling videos in parts of the Northeastern United States have been a collection of The Best Fights in the NHL and Hockey's Greatest Hits" (McPherson 4). The fans of the games love to see these situations and eliminating the fighting aspect would hurt the support. Even former NHL president Clarence Campbell felt that the violence taking place in his sport was called for and was reluctant to remove the fighting and the body contact because he knew that it is what the majority of hockey fans want. His feelings can be summed up in this quote "Not that fans don't enjoy scoring and good play, but fighting is a major part of hockey's entertainment. If violence ceases to exist, it will not be the same game. As long as fighting is part of the show we will certainly be able to continue selling it. As we also continue to not promote it. We tolerate it and we bring it under disciplinary control which we believe satisfies the public" (Snyder 01).

Also, its better that the violence takes place between two willing combatants as in hockey, rather than in other sports where bench clearing brawls, and hit batsmen take place. Allowing people not to be able vent their frustrations through sports in my mind would also increase the violence that is happening away from the playing field. It is a known fact that sports do keep kids off the street and away from gangs, which is why you see so many athletic and boxing clubs being run out of the inner city. It is allowing the youth to take their energy and hostility out on a willing opponent who is ready and consenting rather than against an innocent bystander.

Some individuals have gone as far as saying that sport in general is creating a deviant subculture where these athletes are becoming the opposite of what was intended for them. The emphasis in formalized sport on victory may, in fact, promote deviant behavior and poor sportsmanship (Snyder 101). This is a direct contradiction from the main argument of those opposed to hockey violence. While most feel that this violence is teaching the youth of today bad sportsmanship, they fail to recognize that the emphasis on winning is what is really corrupting the games. Too many kids these days aren't having fun in sports, as the emphasis on winning has become too serious.

The violence that is occurring today in Hockey is not occurring more than it was ten or twenty years ago like some people might suggest. It is only being highly publicized and talked about more by the mass media. If there is one group to blame for the increase in violence I feel that it would be the media, not the athletes themselves. If you turn on the television to watch a sports channel now a day, we have all these talk shows with violence as the topic. These channels host calls and hold rap-sessions on how violent sports has become, but when you watch the 1100 Sportscenter, it will always glorify an act of violence like a hockey hit of the night or repeat some clips from a good fight or a good hit. I can recall numerous occasions where the media has hyped up a hockey game involving two tough guys and creating hysteria between two teams based on what happened the last time they played. Isn't this wrong for the media to be trying to prevent violence, but at the same time encouraging and glorifying it? Look at sports like boxing for example, which rely on the media to increase the sports fans interest in an upcoming match. When you can only fit approximately 17,000 people into a Las Vegas boxing arena, the money is not made at the gate. Millions and millions of dollars are gathered from pay-per- view television where again millions of spectators are waiting to see the outcome of a match (McPherson 101). We as society, the fans, media, players etc. have to face the fact that majority of people are attracted to this sort of violence in sports and there is nothing we can do to change it.

Should we take steps to discourage the violence in hockey? Yes, but not by trying to do away with it. We must keep penalties and suspensions harsh, but at the same time, realize why fights sometimes have to take place. Its not every day when certain events like the University of Moncton-University of Prince Edward Island hockey game where a referee was assaulted on the ice after disallowing then allowing the same goal takes place (Lunney 1) . People have to realize that this is not a true representation of hockey, and that crazy acts like this happen in any league, or sport. This kind of violence occurs very little in the sport of hockey considering the amount of games that are played throughout the year and they are of course not the norm.

Violence in hockey is not having a negative effect on society, it is only allowing players to protect their teammates and fans to enjoy themselves while they are watching a particular sport. Yes there are instances where players and fans do go overboard and get carried away causing scuffles, but it is not very often. When it does happen, it is blown-up so that people think hockey is played by bozos and goons who can only fight. The violence that is in sport is here to stay and should be left that way so that the real fans and those who understand what is going on can enjoy the sport. The media and people opposed to this violence, should start looking for better ways to demote such actions and start realizing that the NHL is also. They should also stop worrying about the professionals and start teaching their own kids that sports are to have fun, and that winning isn't everything. That is the more important issue.

It would be hard to eliminate violence in hockey because it has been a popular and long-lasting part of the game. Players know that a good, solid hit or a bit fight can sometimes put momentum on their side, and giving them extra drive to turn a game around. Most importantly, Players, Fans and those close to the game do not want to see it be removed because not only is it entertaining and a momentum builder, but it has forever been a part of the games heroes, history and rich tradition. Hopefully, people will let go and wake up to realize that the players aren't responsible for any of the hoopla going on and that they are just making the issue much worse than it really is.

Annotated Bibliography

1) 17 Information Please Sports Almanac. Wilmington, MA. Inso Corp., 18

This book gives statistics and records for a whole year in sports; includes every sport. I used this for statistical knowledge and a grasp for the difference between home and away records for sports teams.

) Gongola, Eric. "Sports can turn dreams into nightmares". The Standard Times 0

Apr. 000 (http//

This article tells speaks of how aggression in sports should stay at the games instead of on the streets. It gives a story supporting its opinion. I used it to show how violent aggression should be taken care of during games, because if not, it may result in a worse situation after games.

) Lapchick, Richard. Fractured focus. Lexington, MA. Lexington Books Ed. 186

This book talks about how sports are becoming more violent. It gives specific examples and theories on the subject matter. I used this in my paper to talk about the six theories of why violence is occurring in sports.

4) Lunney, Daniel. Refs on run Abuse of officials on rise in Manitoba. Winnipeg Sun,

pg. . March 6, 16.

This book talks about the abuse of officials and concentrates on an event that happened in the Canadian province of Manitoba. It also tells stories that were never released before to the public. I used this book to get an idea of some bad effects of on ice aggression in sports.

5) McPherson, Brian D., James E. Curtis & John W. Loy. The social significance of

sport. Champaign, IL. Human Kinetics Books. 18

This book argues that violence in sports is a part of history and the game. It gives examples from the past, reactions from people close to sports, and supports its opinions. I used this book as background for talking about how most people connected with a specific sport and its history feel about violence.

6) Snyder Eric E. & Earl A. Spreitzer. Social aspects of sport, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Prentice-Hall Inc. 18

Similar to the proceeding book, this book talks about the pressure to win and perform in a sport and how this brings out violence. It also gives examples. I used this book as background for people opposed to such violence in sports, and to show how those connected with a sport can sometimes be held responsible while they might not even be playing.

7) Staudohar, Paul D. Playing For Dollars. Ithaca, NY Cornell University Press 186

This book talks about the financial significance of sports and also how money plays a huge role in sports; it argues against the changing face of athletics, and is not for it. I used this book to gain background knowledge on how money can relate to violence, and to get a negative view on how athletics is changing.


In this research paper, the main topic was to show that although there is an increase in society opposition to violence that in hockey, it should not be eliminated from the sport.

Although there has been a call by some to have violence such as fighting, checking and body contact eliminated from hockey, they have to realize that most of what's going on with violence in hockey has nothing to do with the players and a lot to do with the media and those opposed to it. The violence that is being displayed in hockey should stay in the game, and for those who believe that it should be eliminated should realize that it is a vital part of the game and its history.

While this is only my opinion, I have researched the pros, cons, theories, and the facts, and hope I have swayed your opinion on this issue.

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The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion,

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion,. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion, paper right on time.

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Islam and Modernization

Assignment no.

The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.

Question a) Give differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.

Buy custom The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion, term paper

Answer a)

One of the main differences the author points out is the fact that the individuals belonging to the orthodox, strict constructionist school, emphasize on the literal translations on the Holy Texts. Their emphasis is on the "literal interpretation and application" of the word of Allah, the Quran, and the Sunnah, the tradition of the Prophet (PBUH).

Individuals part of the liberal constructionist school, on the other hand, emphasize on understanding the deeper meaning of the Holy Texts. According to the author they emphasize to "comprehend the underlying moral philosophy of Islam…" They instead of literal translation and application, look at the Texts in a more contextual sense.

Another difference lies in the debate over the original intent of Allah's commands. The orthodox constructionists believe that all the laws can be derived from the plain meaning of the Holy Text. Even though there are several verses in the Quran which may be contradicting each other, the individuals following this school of thought do little to reconcile such differences, as they believe that all the answers lie in the literal translations.

The liberal constructionists believe that the verses have to be studied with a much more in depth analysis, and they need to be enhanced with the understanding of the society at that time. According to the author, these individuals believe that "the texts do not speak unequivocally…" by this he means that the liberalists are of the opinion that the Quran speaks ambiguously and thus we cannot rely solely on the pure, literal interpretation of the Holy Texts.

Stemming from the same argument, the author points out a third difference. The liberalists, he says, believe in a comprehensive approach to the interpretation of the Texts. They propose to "recontextualize" the Texts. They believe, that in order to make the Word of Allah "…a living guide for contemporary times…" we need to look at the society at the time of the Revelations, and how it applies to us now, in the modern day. According to the liberalists, certain laws were era-specific, and need to be looked at in a different light to make it comprehensive to us now.

The traditionalists strongly believe that Allah's Word holds true, and "…good for all times and milieu." They do not believe that any law is era specific, and therefore there is no need for to recontextualize. Instead, such an approach according to them is un-Islamic. They believe that there should be no "…deviation from the historical understanding and application…" of the Law.

Question c) Give reasons why Babar feels that the 'institution of ulema' is not desirable. How would a traditionalist respond to such criticism?

Answer c)

Babar feels the ulema have been granted a "…monopoly over religious understanding and interpretation…" The author also states the fact that Islam does not allow any form of institution to "…guard or interpret the message of God." This brings us to the first criticism of the ulema. The ulema, is known to pass fatwas or opinions on the subjects of faith and interpretation. According to the author these "self-styled" ulema, do not provide any form of explanation while passing any of their fatwas. Also the authenticity of the verses maybe questioned. These opinions can very easily influence the Muslims to go against the non-Muslims, in the name of Islam. They can then use Islam as a justification for their various violent acts.

In order to rectify this problem, the ulema have been given ultimate authority on the subject of Shariah and the laws derived from it, on the basis of usul-al-Fiqh (principles used to derive Islamic Law from the Shariah.) This authority, though different from the state and Siyasa (policy), helped in reiterating the authority of the rulers by "…producing convenient interpretations in line with state policies." This led to a branching of the Shariah, and thus a potential conflict between the two. This gave the ulema an authoritative role in the process of interpretation, understanding and application of the Holy Texts while allowing the state to legitimize their actions and policies in the name of religion.

This according to the author has ultimately led to the "cognitive decay" of the modern day Islamic societies. This has been due to the vertical authoritative system put forward by the ulema. This resulted in the stifling of the individual intellect, and the individual Muslim no longer held responsibility in understanding the "eternal truth". Thus no matter what the ulema says, their word is taken as the "gospel of truth". As the author states, the Quran emphasizes the subject of individual responsibility and accountability, and the existence of the ulema discourages the very issue.

Therefore, according to the author, the ulema have been a negative influence on the Islamic societies of today. It has failed to make the understanding of Islam and its Holy Texts easier, and has failed to play a horizontal and cooperative role in the law making. It instead is rigid in its stance and questioning the ulema is like questioning the word of Allah.

Traditionalists' main argument is based on verses such as

"…if you do not know, ask the people of religion…" (17)

The "people of religion" is what the ulema claim to be. They feel that they are the most knowledgeable and pious to have authority over interpretations and application over law making from the Holy Texts. They may argue that they can certainly gauge the gravity of the problems faced by the common man, and it is only them who can pass any form of verdict or opinion. They may argue that the modern man is too engrossed in his material problems, that he is incapable of putting in adequate effort and thought to interpret and apply correctly. It is therefore the job of the ulema to play the role of the religious authority. In the end the ulema may also argue that by passing fatwas, and their authoritative role will eradicate all sorts of confusion the modern Muslim is faced with.

Question d) In your opinion, how can the differences between the liberal and traditional school of thought be bridged as regards the vision of Islam for the individual and collective life?

Answer d)

The differences of the two schools of thought, basically stem from one major fundamental difference of the interpretation and thus the application of the Holy Texts, the Quran, the Sunnah and the Shariah, to the lives of the Muslims today.

The traditionalists believe in the literal interpretation and application of the texts. They believe that the Words of Allah, and His Prophet (PBUH), transcend through space and time. They are unchanging, and apply universally despite the differences in the society and the times. They according to Lone, believe in adhering to "…the principle of interpreting Islam without any foreign influence."

The liberalists on the other hand, believe in the fact that some of the commands given by the Almighty were era specific, and thus the Holy Texts should be interpreted through the historic context, and we should reinterpret them to make them applicable today. As Naim in his article 'Shariah and Basic Human Rights Concerns', says

"The most that shariah could do… in that historical context…"

And again in the following paragraph;

"…shariah…was justified by the historical context, it ceases to be so justified in the present drastically different context."

Therefore this school of thought refuses to "adhere to and apply literal dictates" basing them on historical context. (Babar)

The traditionalists' main argument lies in the fact that Quran is it self explanatory, and if there is a conflict then we may turn to the Sunnah, the sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). As Imam Ibn Taymiyyah mentions in his article 'How Tafseer is Performed';

"…the best way is to explain the Qur'aan through the Qur'aan. For, what the Qur'aan alludes to at one place is explained at the other, and what it says in brief on one occasion is elaborated upon at the other. But if this does not help you, you should turn to the sunnah, because the sunnah explains and elucidates the Qur'aan." (Taymiyyah, 1)

This is further supported by the following verse;

We have sent down to you the book in truth that you may judge between men, as Allaah guides you; so don't be an advocate for those who betray their trust. [Al-Qur'aan, 4105] (Taymiyyah, 1)


So set your … There is no altering (the laws) of Allahs creation. …" [Surat Al-Rum0] (Idris, 140)

This therefore supports the view of the traditionalists', that we should only look at the Words of Allah and His Prophet's, without any questioning, and that His laws are immutable.

Therefore in a nutshell the main idea behind the disagreement between the two thoughts is whether or not our present day lives and laws should be dealt literally with regard to the Shariah, or whether the Shariah needs to be rebuilt.

Enver Masud in his article 'Shariah or Islamic Law' defines Shariah as;

"... [Islamic jurists] recognized such a conceptual separation and divided the body of Shariah rules into two categories religious observances and worldly matters. The first,... they observed to be beyond the scope of modification. The second [subject to interpretation] covers the following…" (Masud)

According to him the second category involves criminal law, family law and transactions. Therefore I believe that there are certain aspects of the Shariah that have to be followed without questioning. But also on the other hand there are certain aspects such as those regarding to slavery, women's issues and the issue of non-Muslims. (An-Naim)

The traditionalists could argue to Masud's opinion by regarding those who act in such a way, would be bound to engage in secularism. This implies that for them religion is only a matter of private life and discourages any form of religious intervention in our public lives.

This may not hold true, as what the modernists believe is to reinterpret the existing laws so that they can make current laws in accordance with Islamic understanding. The traditionalists in this context should try and look at things more objectively, and should be prepared to listen to the various points of view put forward by other learned and modern scholars. Debate should be welcomed but within certain boundaries so as to reach a proper conclusion as to what and how should the laws and the Texts be applicable today. Also we know that the Prophet advocated the use of our own intellect in matters where the Quran or the Sunnah may not be able to give adequate answers. We also know that the primary sources of law are the Quran and the Sunnah, thus without the interpretation of these, the Muslim community would be a lost soul. It is also true that pure literal translation can not in come subjects stand on its own, for which we do require the Sunnah, and if that is not adequate we need to delve deeper into the meanin and the contexts od the various Texts. We thus come to the subject of Ijma, Qiyas and Ijtehad, which is collective thinking, and debate. This is necessary for the Modern day Muslim, where both the schools need to sit together and realize their differences, their drawbacks, and discuss within the boundaries of the Quran. We obviously cannot change the law according to our whims and fancies, but there are certain aspects which can be delved into so that we may apply it to our modern day problems.


• An-Naim, Abdullahi Ahmed; "Shariah and Basic Human Rights Concerns." Reading Package for Islam and Modernization.

• Idris, Dr. Ja'far Sheikh; "Secularism and Moral Values" Islaam. Rabii Awal17, 140. Gulf Times. Visited on April 1, 00

• Lone, Amar Ellahi; "The Sacred and the Secular." Reading Package for Islam and Modernization.

• Masud, Enver; "Shariah or Islamic Law." The Wisdom Fund. Visited on May 1, 00

• Sattar, Babar; "The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam." Reading Package for Islam and Modernization.

• Taymiyyah, Imam Ibn; "How Tafseer is Performed." Islaam 1. Al-Hidaayah. Visited on April 1, 00

Please note that this sample paper on The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion, is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion,, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Challenge of Interpretation in Islam by Babbar Sattar.Question a) Give 3 differences that the author gives between strict constructionists and liberal constructionists in their approach towards interpreting the sacred text.Question d) In your opinion, will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, March 26, 2021

Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally.

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally. paper at affordable prices!

Managerial problems, such as the case study, stem from a range of hidden problems within the company.

These range from lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally. Diversity is a key issue in the ninetys workplace because of the mosaic of people within a broad range of age groups, diverse backgrounds, with different skills, needs and expectations. Fritz, the supervisor had made a personal agreement with Gary regarding working on Saturdays. Fritz recognised the importance of religion to Gary, and that if Gary's need was satisfied ideally his work would be more productive. Gary displayed his commitment to his work by working Saturdays when necessary, as well as his appreciation by offering to work Sundays at Saturday rates. Fritz failed to inform employee relations, and later , Phil, of this agreement. Phil felt his authority was threatened when Gary refused his request to work the following Saturday. Gary, when pushed by Phil, became defensive and not surprisingly refused to work. Suzy was requested to aid in the discussion, but she was not all supportive with the suggestion to fire Gary. This problem may reach its optimal outcome by following a rational problem solving guide as well as investigating how to manage diversity in the workplace.

Workplace diversity is obviously a key issue in this case study. To manage workplace diversity efficiently means creating an inclusive environment that values and utilises the contributions of people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Diversity relates to a range of variants such as age, gender, ethnicity, religious belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, language and family background. It also incorporates other aspects such as education level, work experience, socio-economic background, personality profile, marital status, geographic location, and whether or not one has carer responsibilities. In reference to the case study this means that the workplace structures, systems and procedures need to assist employees to balance their work and family responsibilities effectively. Vast diversity has produced positive and negative consequences. Diversity sometimes threatens harmony and understanding, as well as co-operation and productivity. However positive results of diversity include increased creativity, enhanced productivity through collaborative problem solving and synergy with multilevel experience sharing. Successful management of diversity in the workplace involves a range of employment practises such as job-sharing, part time work, flexitime and other flexible practices so individuals can manage their family and other commitments alongside their work commitments.

To begin, it is important to seek a plan of action on how to solve the problem. In assessing the problem following Whetten's flowchart, it is a problem able to be solved rationally rather than creatively. The outcomes are predictable, there appears to be sufficient information present and the means-ends connection is relatively clear. Rational problem solving is only useful when the problems are relatively straightforward, alternatives are readily available and when a clear standard of judgement exists against which to judge the correctness of a solution. This falls into the category of "computational problems" of which the main tasks are to gather information, generate alternatives and make an informed choice. However the case study is not strictly a "computational problem", as it involves the complex task of managing diversity.

Custom writing service can write essays on Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally.

The first priority is to define the problem and specify underlying causes. These appear to be Fritz's failure to communicate with the relevant people about his agreement with Gary, resulting in Gary being underpaid for his work on Sundays. Fritz has followed the natural tendency to select the first reasonable solution that comes to mind Whetten citing March and Simon 158). Phil has not acknowledged the importance of religion to Gary. Suzy , as an employee relations officer does not appear to be well trained. Suzy's offering of advice that "we could fire him if we wanted to..." highlights her lack of knowledge in this area. Suzy definitely needs diversity training. Diversity training teaches people to respect and respond to the diverse requirement and needs of different individuals.

It needs to be examined why Gary should be allowed time off for religion. Gary's desire to practise his religion needs to be supported by the company. Hereit (et al. 1715, cited in Fulop 1 84) research in the UK of the ideals that both employees and organisational representatives deemed to be the "organisational obligations." Both the employee and organisational group believed that "Need - allowing time off to meet personal or family needs" are of importance, and had similar statistics of 5.77% and 4.88% respectively. This highlights the need for Gary to practise his religion, which appears to play a large role in his life. It is therefore not surprising that Gary, when questioned by Phil, was not willing to be flexible, nor maintain his commitment about working the following Saturday. This could be described as a "Violation." (Fulop 1; 86 citing Morrison and Robinson 17; 0 -1.) Fulop defines violation as " the emotional or affective state or experience that can also accompany one's belief that there has been a failure by the organisation to fulfil a psychological contract." According to Morrison and Robinson, "violation creates feelings that involve disappointment, frustration and distress stemming from the perceived failure to receive something." It is therefore a high priority that Gary not be left feeling violated, in order to be a productive member of the company.

The consistency of company policy needs to be monitored more closely. Gary had discovered that a relative of the same religion, an executive in the same company had reached some type of agreement to allow him to practise his religion on Saturdays. This agreement had actually been made to make it easier for Gary's uncle to have access to his religion. To Gary it may appear that his Uncle received special treatment because he was an executive, and Gary's desire not treated as important because he is a process engineer.

The second step in rational problem solving is to generate alternative solutions. This would involve a meeting with Phil, Fritz, Gary and Suzy, with ideally all parties suggesting alternatives that are consistent with the goals that Gary still be employed, have access to his religion and complete all work. Short term and long term alternatives must be discussed. It is important to consider that Gary is an inexperienced trainee who currently needs more time for planning. Therefore in the long term will not need as much time for efficient planning and as a result not required to work as much on weekends. However in the short term he will still be required to do so. Although the arrangement will have to allow for both the long and short term solutions.

A solution needs to be evaluated and the alternative selected. Gary needs to practise his religion and should not be disadvantaged because the day of worship is a Saturday. It is important to remember that calendars are based upon the Christian and Catholic religion, which recognises Sunday of a day of rest and worship. Continuing on that note, the company should agree to allow Gary to have the majority of Saturdays off. If he has not completed the planning for the week, he should be given the opportunity to complete it on Sundays. However, if Gary will need the whole weekend to complete his work, if absolutely necessary, Gary will need to work on a Saturday. This should not exceed one Saturday a month, thereby still allowing Gary the majority of Saturdays off. This policy of allowing time off for religious and family needs should be extended for all within the company whether it be executives or process engineers. It is a priority that the company show flexibility for issues of personal importance such as religion. Suzy, in employee relations will need to be informed of the decision in order to use this case as a precedent. She would benefit from more training on diversity and in general improving employee relations. The main effects of this decision may be that Gary works overtime during the week , or harder to complete his planning on time. This could in fact be an incentive. It is to be hoped that Gary will feel pleased with this decision and remain loyal and committed to the company. As a result of these feelings will work obliging on Saturdays when necessary. Phil will perhaps be somewhat annoyed at this decision, but he may need to revise his view of diversity, and policies to ensure a committed and positive workplace. The side effects will be that Gary earns double rates for Sundays rather than one and half rates for Saturdays, therefore earns a higher salary. Another side effect is perhaps more employees will request more leave for religion or family needs. This is part of improving the management of diversity, by acknowledging and accommodating these needs.

The final step in rational problem solving is to implement and follow up on solution. The solution should be discussed with Suzy, Gary, Phil and Fritz.. Fritz has agreed to work the next Saturday , and the solution should be brought in for the following week. Everyone involved should be given opportunities for feedback. Perhaps scheduling a meeting a month later to discuss whether or not the solution is proving effective, and suggestions for any improvements. An improved method of communication, and consistency of company policy should also be investigated. It is a good idea that the company review all of its policies in regard to diversity management. This involves a commitment from top management downwards with a spectrum of initiatives such as diversity training programs, employee support groups, recognising and allowing for family and religious needs, communication standards, and perhaps even a manager accountable for diversity management success within the company.

The management of diversity in the workplace is by no means easy and straight forward. However with communication and understanding diversity can intervene in situations involving potential discrimination, such as the case study of Gary. Gary's need to practise his religion needed to be acknowledged, and his workload flexible to allow him to pursue this whilst still maintaining his commitment to the company. Diversity management involves commitment and support for flexible practices and approaches to working which respond to the various needs of working individuals. It is to be hoped that the solution would serve as an example of recognition and support of diversity. By which it is enabling individuals to make full use of diverse talents, work schedules and experiences they bring with them to the workplace.


1. Australian Public Service Commissioner last updated Feb. 6th, 18.


. Balkin, B. And Cardy R. (18) Managing Human Resources (Second Edition) Pittsburgh, USA. Prentice Hall Publishing.

. Cox Jr, Taylor and Beale, Ruby L. (17) Developing Competency to Manage Diversity; Readings, Cases and Activities, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., San Francisco, California. (CASE STUDY)

4. Diane Bailey Associates (DBA), Training Design Consultancy last updated August th, 1. Lancs, England. ( http//

5. Fulop, l. Linstead, S. (1) Management, A Critical Text. South Yarra (where is that?), Macmillan Education Australia

6. Module by Ella L. J. Edmonson Bell, Ancona, D. Kochan, T. Scully, M. Van Maanen, J. Dr Westney, E. ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (16) Managing for the Future, Organisational Behaviour and Processes, Managing Cultural Diversity, Ohio, USA, South Western College Publishing - An International Thomson Publishing Co

7. Linstead, S, Grafton Small, R, Jeffcutt, P. (16) Understanding Management, London, Sage Publications Ltd.

8. Kyambalesa, H.(1) Business Innovation and Competitiveness in the Developing World. Aldershot, England, Avebury.

. Sitterly, C. (11) Learning Guide to Accompany Kossen The Human Side to Organisations, New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

10. Smith, B.(Ed) (1) Management Development in Australia, Marrackville NSW, Harcourt Brace Jonavich Group Pty Ltd.

11. Whetten, D. Cameron, K. (11) Developing Management Skills (Second Edition)New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

1. Australian Public Service Commissioner last updated Feb. 6th, 18.


1. Worthington, L. "Workplace Diversity" last updated 18th Jan, 1.


Please note that this sample paper on Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Managerial problems - lack of company policy, ill communication, lack of knowledge regarding diversity in the workplace, poor training on solving problems rationally. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Globalization and the United States

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Globalization and the United States. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Globalization and the United States paper right on time.

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Part 1


Globalization is about worldwide economic activity

As all of you know, globalization is about open markets; competition and the free flow of goods, services, capital and knowledge. In other words, the world as we know it is getting increasingly smaller with the advancement of technology, i.e.- the Internet, and planes and soon to come out, telecommunication over the Internet, but that's another story. Because of this technology people around the world are more connected than ever to spread new ideas.

Information technologies are the key driver of globalization, they open up a huge potential for greater efficiency through e-commerce, the Internet and the instantaneous delivery of information anywhere in the world, at any time. They also provide greater access to information and knowledge, THEY are the raw materials of innovation, and spread the free flow of information from all sources, which authoritarian regimes cannot stop even if they wanted to. Technology and innovation cut costs to the direct benefit of consumers. Some view it as a process that is beneficiala key to future world economic developmentand also inevitable and irreversible.

Yes this is globalization, but what is the role of the US They are the big brother, they are the ones who can prosper without global trading…it is the developing countries that truly depend on the United States

Kevin A. Hassett and James K. Glassman explain that

Rarely in history has one nation been as dominant in the world economy as the United States is today. The U.S. (GDP) -- exceeded $10 trillion in 00. Thats greater than the total GDP of the next five countries combined. All told, the United States, with 1/0th of the worlds population, accounts for one-third of the worlds output and, last year, more than three-fifths of its growth.

The U.S. economy is so large that its metropolitan areas produce more than entire countries. For example, in 00, Chicago had about the same GDP as Australia. Boston had the same as Taiwan; Dallas, the same as Saudi Arabia; San Francisco, Hong Kong; and Milwaukee, Pakistan.

Its only natural that such a dominant position can sometimes provoke envy and anger from other nations, but the truth is that economics is not a zero-sum game. In a world that is tied together by trade, the United States wins when other nations prosper -- and other nations win when the United States prospers.

The notion that wealthy countries and big businesses are the main beneficiaries of global free trade is flat-out nonsense. The United States could continue to prosper if it backed away from the world-trade stage. Even if it stopped trading altogether, the United States would continue to enjoy a high standard of living, with a GDP of more than $0,000 per person. Americas lifestyle might slip from 00 levels to mid-10s levels. Thats all. But if trade stops or even slows down, developing countries would be devastated. No longer would citizens be able to get quality goods at bargain prices. No longer would smaller nations be able to increase their markets on a vast scale.

But the United States understands the responsibilities that come with being the worlds largest economy.

Does the US take advantage of their position?

They must be if sweatshops exist, I mean, why do they exist

US Companies Profit From Chinese Sweatshops

By Jim Lobe, IPS, 1 March 18

WASHINGTON, Mar 1 (IPS) - U.S. clothing and footware companies, which import more than 15 billion dollars a year in Chinese-made goods, are profiting from sub-contractors whose mainly young, female workers toil in sweatshop conditions, according to a new report released here.

The report, which covers 1 factories in China, found that the foreign-financed boom in southern China is being fuelled by poorly-educated women from rural areas, who are unaware of their legal rights and forced to work up to 1-hours-a-day, seven days a week - for as little as 1 cents an hour.

Working conditions in China actually violate Chinas own labour law and internationally recognised worker rights, as well as U.S. coprorate codes of conduct, according to Charles Kernaghan, director of the National Labour Committee (NLC) which released the report Wednesday.

Yet the workers - whose conditions approach indentured servitude - have no independent unions, human rights, womens or religious organisations to protect them, and US companies take advantage of their vulnerability, said Kernaghan.

Kernaghan used the release of the report, Made in China Behind the Label, to launch a national campaign to press these companies, which include some of the US most fashionable labels, to fully disclose the conditions under which their merchandise is being produced.

The public has a right to know in what countries and in what factories American corporations are producing and under what human and labour rights conditions, he said.

Several Democratic lawmakers have pledged to push for legislation this year that would ensure greater disclosure(discovery). The bottom line is that the American people should not, unknowingly, be purchasing products made in sweatshops, said Rep. Bernie Sanders.

Named in the report are such companies as Ralph Lauren, Ann Taylor, Kathie Lee, Wal-Mart, Liz Claiborne, Esprit, J.C. Penney, The Limited, and K-Mart. Most of these firms maintain that they monitor factories where their merchandise is made, but investigators from the Hong Kong-based Asian Monitor Resource Centre and China Labour Bulletin found evidence of widespread, unregulated subcontracting among the sector of foreign, privately- owned factories booming in the south of China.

These factories operate in climate of secrecy, according to the report, often with no signs posted and frequently not even listed in business directories.

American companies are actually lowering standards in China as they shift their production from publicly-owned factories in the north to private, foreign-owned sweatshops in the south, slashing wages in the process, eliminating benefits, imposing excessive mandatory overtime hours, and tolerating widespread arbitrary firings and unsafe factory and living conditions, said Kernaghan.

In the Liang Shi Handbag Factory, which makes Kathie Lee handbags, for example, a work week consists of seven 10-hour days for wages as low as 1 cents an hour, according to the report. The factory has no fire exits and workers are housed in dirty, cramped dormitories, five to a room. After paying for one weeks worth of food and lodging, workers are left with only .44 dollars.

In the Yeu Yein Factory, which makes Nike and Addidas shoes, 50,000 to 60,000 young women ages 18 to work six or seven days a week, 10 to 1 hours a day, for 1 cents an hour, the report said. In some cases, workers living in factory-built dormitories are subject to constant surveillance.

Independent unions are illegal in China where, according to Sally Chun of China Labour Bulletin, workers lack minimum social guarantees and ...are subject to government repression and violence when they voice their demands.

She and Apo Leong of the Resource Centre expressed scepticism about the effectiveness of US corporate codes of conduct which have become more widespread in recent years, in part because of publicity generated about apparel-making sweatshops discovered in Central America and the Caribbean by Kernaghans NLC.

In an open letter to the White Houses Apparel Partnership, Kernaghan called for an immediate review of factory working conditions in China for their compliance with international standards and a ban on unregulated subcontracting. He also called for companies to ensure that their codes of conduct are posted in subcontracting factories and that human and worker rights groups are given access to workers.

The Partnership, which consists of six rights groups, two labour unions, and eight companies, including several of those named in the new report, has spent more than a year negotiating the mandate of an association that would certify companies compliance with a tough code of conduct. Such a certification would then permit them to tag their merchandise with a No Sweat label.

The Partnership has agreed to the elements of such a code, which includes virtually all of the demands put forward by Kernaghan, according to its co-chair, Linda Golodner, who is president of the National Consumers League.

The Partnership still has to work out details on what constitutes a living wage and how the code should deal with countries, like China, which do not permit freedom of association. Once these matters are resolved, it hopes that most other companies in the apparel and shoe industry will join the effort.

This reports poses a lot of very important questions for the companies and our own government to look at, said Golodner told IPS. She noted that Washington has done nothing to discourage companies from investing in China, despite the absence of workers rights there. This needs to be looked at very seriously, she added.

At the Tianjin Yuhua Garment Factory in China a young woman earns cents an hour. For over 60 hours a week she sews clothing to be sold in Wal-Mart stores across the U.S. She works in a sweatshop, but the profit margins from her sweat are not enough for some. Soon she may be laid off, as Wal-Mart moves its contract to a privately owned factory in the south of China with less regulations and even lower wages. There, Wal-Mart's contractors can pay workers as low as 1 cents an hour to sew the same garments. Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world. They control almost 15 percent of the US retail market. And selling goods made in sweatshops helped their 18 revenue rise to $11 billion$4 billion more than Canada's 18 revenue.

Those who are accused of exploiting workers to maximize profits often respond by calling sweatshops an unfortunate, but necessary evil of economic growth and free markets. Claims are made that sweatshops are the only way to meet consumers demand for low-cost goods and that they provide jobs that otherwise would not exist.

And yet, sweatshops are not inevitable. They are not a necessary by-product of economic growth or the intended outcome of some dangerous force in the economic universe. They are the result of corporations single-mindedly seeking the fattest bottom line. This race to the bottom line squeezes out savings and profits at every level, but ultimately, from the sweat of the workers squeezed at the bottom of the cycle.

These factors drive demand for sweatshops Corporate greed U.S. and manufacturers have found that they no longer need to operate their own factories. In a world virtually free of borders, they look for subcontractors in countries where regulations are weak and labor and operating costs are lowest.

International policies

Governments, international trade regulatory agencies like the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank and other foreign lenders create international trade laws and lending policies requiring developing nations to bolster their economies by creating export industries regardless of implications for social justice and environmental sustainability. And Third World countries desperately need the foreign money. But these policies have created a excess of manufacturing plants and plantations (often in countries with poorly developed labor and environmental laws), which allows U.S. corporations to dictate their purchase prices.

More specifically


On April , ESPNs Outside the Lines ran an hour-long show on Nike and Reebok sweatshop abuses in Vietnam.

The crew also interviewed a 5-year-old female worker who - just a week prior - was grabbed around the collar and hit on the head by a male Korean guard as she departed a Nike factory during a shift change.

Some of the problems at the sneaker factories appear to be caused by language barriers. Many of the supervisors speak little or no Vietnamese. And some of them prefer a militaristic approach in dealing with workers.

When asked to account for these instances of abuse, Nike executive Tom Clarke kept talking about these events being taken out of context. He failed to explain what sort of context might justify physically abusing workers.

Aside from the physical harm in these sweatshops workers have to deal with ridiculous conditions

Workers in the Nike and Reebok factories breath a toxic mix of chemicals with only useless cotton masks for protection. Dara ORourke, an environmental consultant for the United Nations and human rights activist who has visited several Vietnamese shoe factories, says Wearing a cotton mask to protect yourself against hazardous solvents is like wearing flip-flops in the NBA, she said. It just doesnt work.

Nike says that it is working with its subcontractors to offer an environment that protects the workers health and safety. Health concerns were raised, however, when an inspection report that was prepared for Nike was leaked in November to the New York Times. Ernst & Young found that workers at one factory were exposed to a chemical that exceeded legal standards by 177 times in parts of the plant and that 77 percent of the employees suffered from respiratory problems. Although Nike says those readings are impossible, it was Nikes own accounting firm, Ernst & Young, which documented the readings.

There are other people that oppose world integration because they feel that it is another way of saying Americanization

Have you heard the word Americanization? In the early 100s Americanization meant taking new immigrants and turning them into Americans...whether they wanted to give up their traditional ways or not.

Critics now say globalization is nothing more than the imposition of American culture on the entire world. In fact, the most visible sign of globalization seems to be the spread of American burgers and cola to nearly every country on earth.

Even globalization champions like Thomas Friedman see it. In a recent column describing why terrorists hate the United States, Friedman wrote

...globalization is in so many ways Americanization globalization wears Mickey Mouse ears, it drinks Pepsi and Coke, eats Big Macs, does its computing on an IBM laptop with Windows 8. Many societies around the world cant get enough of it, but others see it as a fundamental threat.

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