
Thursday, February 18, 2021

The gym

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the gym. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the gym paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the gym, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the gym paper at affordable prices!

The entire gymnasium was silent. Every single person in the gym was standing at this moment, with his or her eyes fixated on the small, skinny girl, whose figure duplicated that of the microphone she was holding. Hearing her voice reminded me the birds that chirped and sang ever so delightfully to awaken me each and every morning. As I stood on the end line with my team, my eyes scanned the horizon. Seeing the bleachers filled to capacity made me realize how lucky I really was. I had tingles going through my body, like it was Christmas morning or something, as everyone anxiously awaited the game to begin. This is what high school dreams are made of. As the crowd sat silently, the players slowly huddled around. This is the moment that the team had dreaded all season long, and it has happened only two plays into the match. An aerial view would show the circle of players gathered around a fallen man, number nine. This would be a long match if this superstar did not return to the game, he had worked himself into becoming the heart and soul of this team, in that he was main driving force of inspiration each match. Just by watching him you could see that everyday he was giving 110% and nothing less. He was a prime example of someone who loves the game they play. As he lay there screaming in pain and grabbing his ankle as if he had a healing touch, nobody knew what to do but stand there and watch. The entire arena was completely silent, even the opposing teams fans didn't know what to do. The kid that everyone called miller- time, who was wearing a cut volleyball on his head and had his extremely large gut painted red and white, the teams school colors, paused in midst of his wild behavior. See this was an unfortunate tragedy that you think only happens in movies. But the reality of the matter was that this was real, maybe even a little too real. It seemed as though time had stopped as if a higher being took the remote control and hit the pause button so they could get another beer and go relieve themselves in the bathroom. At this time everyone was watching carefully, as if there lottery numbers were being read and they were only one number away from the jackpot, to the simple tests that the trainer on duty was performing on the fallen comrade. But each movement only brought about more pain. See let me explain why this was such a bad thing that number nine had gone down to an ankle injury. This was the 1 State Volleyball Championship. The match had only just begun. In volleyball there are matches, each match consists of a set of games. Each game is up to fifteen points. The first team to win the best out of five games is the winner. Number nine who was only a junior had in fact become the most dominant player in the state as a junior on a team, whose roster was completely dominated by older, bigger senior. The team also has a very impressive history for winning; they had won the championship the last two years, and had won it eight times in the last eleven years. Also the team had gone undefeated for the past two seasons prior to this one. But this season was already different, in that the team had already lost a game this season. But what makes the story even more unbelievable is that the team who had beaten them in the season, Minnachaug Regional High School of western Massachusetts, was the team who they were playing in this state championship match. But during the regular season match, number nine didn't even get off the bench, he hadn't developed or proved himself as a capable player yet, so the coach went with one of the senior members who had done their sitting the prior season during that state championship run. The crowd began to clap politely as his coach and a fellow teammate carried off number nine. You could tell he was in excruciating pain by the look on his face and the tears coming down his eyes. This was another first time experience for him and everyone who knew because they had never seen this young man cry. However the game had to go on. A slight murmur came over the crowd once the player had been escorted off the court. Everyone was asking what was going to happen, and the late arrivers were trying to be caught up on exactly what had happened. As number nine was sitting on the sideline performing some mobility and flexibility tests, his mind began to wander. At first all he could think about is why me, because for the first time he was that "somebody else". He was asking himself questions that had no answers, such as "why did this happen now?" and will I be able to continue to play?" Then another emotion set in, this was anger, he had a tendency to get angry quit easily now a days, especially with finals right around the corner, volleyball was usually his only escape from the realities of the world. When he was on that floor, it was as if he was a performer at some elaborate performance center. He was in a world of his own, but now this had all been taken away from him. It was if someone had taken away his ability to walk, and his mind continued to wander. His anger stage only lasted for a few minutes, because his mind then began to think logically. He began thinking how lucky he was. He thought about how lucky he was to be able to be given such a wonderful opportunity in the first place. He asked himself, "How many individuals do I know that can say that they started in a state championship game." At this point he came out of his deep thought, when the trainer twisted his leg in an extremely uncomfortable manner that brought about a sharp pain to his leg. He let out a soft whimper just to show the pain that the action had brought forth to him. Finally he was ready for the news. He asked the trainer, "What do you think, will I be able to get back in their or what?" The trainers only response was, "I'm really not sure yet!" It seemed like an eternity for him to be sitting on that sideline as his team continued play, in what would probably be the most important match of their lives. See, there was way more riding on this match than just another state championship. There was also a great deal of pride too. The volleyball program had never ever lost to the same opponent twice in the same season. And when the team had lost to this western school earlier in April, Minnachaug didn't accept the win graciously. All they did was talk smack and degrade the defending state champions. All number nine could think about was getting back in there and continuing his performance. He sat there for what seemed like an eternity icing his ankle to control the swelling. But the pain momentarily stopped, the crowd erupted suddenly and it startled him. He looked up and he saw his team euphoric, they had just won the first game so that meant that they were only thirty points away from the three-peat and revenge. He slowly began to stand up, so he could go down to the other side. After every game the two teams switch sides just as a measure of equality, so no team can complain about the side they were given. But when he first put his wait on he right ankle, it gave out and he fell to the ground in pain. It was as if he were a newborn learning how to walk for the first time, or someone who had been in a horrible accident and they had to start all over from scratch. He slowly made his way back up and with the help of the trainer he slowly hobbled over to the other side. He knew the only chance he would have to get back into the game was in the third or fourth game if there was one. He wanted to play so badly; he was willing to do anything. After icing for another twenty minutes, he looked up at the scoreboard and saw it was only 7-4, his team leading. He still had some time to recuperate. Using his persuasive manner he began to badger the trainer trying to convince him that he was ready to go back in, even though he really wasn't. The trainer was won over by the charismatic youth. He said that the only way he would allow the player to return to the match was if he passed a series of strength and mobility tests. Number nine knew this would be a problem because he could barely walk, but he was determined to get back in their, just so he could say he contributed to his team's win or loss in this match. The trainer taped up his ankle and he was ready to begin. The tests were extremely difficult and number nine did all he could to conceal the pain that he was in so he would get the trainers ok to return. First he had to start off just by balancing on his right foot. This seems easy enough but the pain was so excruciating that he couldn't even put any weight on it to begin with. Then he had to hop on it and show that he could flex it by swaying side to side on it the tests went on for about five minutes and after a lot a suffering and pain the player could only sit and wait for the trainer to analyze the results. But, much to his satisfaction, he was given the thumbs up to play just as his team had finished winning the second game. Much to his chagrin, number nine was not even allowed to start in the third game, because the coach did not believe it was fair to the other the substitute who had entered the game earlier. But as the match proceeded, number nine's team was losing by about five points. So the coach deemed this a fair opportunity to return the starter to the floor. As he walked on to the floor the crowd stood up and wildly cheered for their hero. Before play began he looked up into the stands and the first face he saw was that of his mom, whom had tears running down her eyes. Anyone could tell how proud she was of her son. Play began and number nine slowly worked himself back into a groove where he soon was dominating play once again. He brought his team within three points of the state championship, and at this point the coach decided it was only fair to make sure that all the seniors had played in the match. So once again number nine found himself sitting on the bench, only being able to watch the match proceed. But the opposing team slowly made a comeback and everyone began to worry, if this was going to be the comeback that turned the match around. But before taking any chances the coach put the original starting lineup back into play. Two service aces in a row brought the team to match point. A tough serve caused the opposing team to mishandle the ball and easily return it over the net. This set up a perfect opportunity to end the match. The ball slowly was passed from one player to the setter, everything seemed like it was going in slow motion, as if a little child had gotten a hold of the V.C.R. remote control and was sporadically pushing the buttons like it was a Nintendo controller. The setter took the ball and set it high into the air, number nine took one step and with a giant leap off of his good foot he struck the ball with such force it looked as though someone had taken the remote and switched from slow motion to extreme fast foreword. Within a blink of an eye the ball had hit the floor. At this instant the stadium erupted. The fans all rushed the floor and hoisted the some of the players in the air. This is the moment that they had all worked so hard for. It seemed like just a dream. But amidst all of this wild merriment, number nine looked up at the ceiling just to take a moment to thank god for everything he had been given. He knew he was a lucky individual and what he had just accomplished, some kids can only dream of. So now every time I look down at my ring finger on my right hand, I am constantly reminded of how just how lucky I am. That is why I never take my 1 State Championship volleyball ring off, because if I did I might forget how grateful I should be for my god given gifts and talents.

Please note that this sample paper on the gym is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the gym, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on the gym will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Multiple Sclerosis

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Multiple Sclerosis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Multiple Sclerosis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Multiple Sclerosis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Multiple Sclerosis paper at affordable prices!

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that bewilders us all. There is no known cause. We do know that MS (multiple sclerosis) is a disease where the myelin breaks down and is replaced by scar tissue. The demyelination can slow down or block the flow of signals to and from the central nervous system to the rest of the body, impairing such functions as vision, strength, and coordination.1

While we do know what MS is we still dont know why, where and when people contract the disease. It has been proven that MS generally appears between the ages of twenty to forty and it strikes women at more than twice the ratio it strikes men. Statistics have also shown that the disease strikes the middle and upper class more than the lower class and poor. Worldwide research shows that MS has a broad geographical distribution. It has long established that MS is more prominent in colder regions and rare in tropical areas. Maine being a colder climate has shown some of the highest rates of MS.

There is evidence of a slight increase in MS among first-degree relatives--parents, siblings, and children. It is also suspected that the same family members may inherent a genetic susceptibility to MS. While it is possible to inherit a genetic susceptibility to MS, it is not possible to inherit the disease. And even people who have all the necessary genes dont necessarily get MS. The disease, experts believe, must be triggered by environmental factors. So MS is not considered a hereditary disease.

Custom Essays on Multiple Sclerosis

Until the definite cause of Ms is proved the treatment cannot be truly scientific. But there are treatments that are effective in dealing with symptoms. For instance, there are the common sense treatments that everyone, with or without an illness, should treat themselves with, which are A healthy diet, exercise, sufficient amount of rest and to live your life as you would normally. There are also lots of drugs that treat many of the different symptoms. Since there are so many symptoms and treatments, I will only list a few Treatments that increase the blood flow, that decrease blood clotting, treatments for chemical excess or deficiency, treatments to prevent infection and treatments for the immune system.

Treatment and rehabilitation have also been joined together. Weakness is one of the major symptoms of Ms and can be treated with physical therapy and strengthening exercises. One of the best exercises for reducing weakness in the limbs is hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is done in the water. Hydrotherapy exercises use the benefits of buoyancy. Another way to eliminate weakness is to stay off a weak limb. Overall, by recognizing limits and using common sense, weakness can be greatly diminished.4

Plasticity, another MS symptom, is most effectively treated with physical therapy. Cold is an excellent temporary measure for relaxing the spastic limb. Hydrotherapy is, again, the most effective exercise for relief, combining stretching and cool temperatures. There are also many medications for plasticity, such as Baclofen, Dantrollene, and Diazepam. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, transcendental meditation, biofeedback, have been successful with plasticity as well.

Some MS patients might have mild to sever balance trouble. In mild cases, the person can learn how to compensate easily by standing and walking with a little wider base and taking short steps rather than long strides. When balance trouble is a little more severe, a four-pronged cane, crutches or a walker may be necessary.

Someone with MS could have visual problems. The problem varies from decreased acuity, blurred or cloudy vision, and double vision. The treatment depends on the stage of the problem. If it is a new part of an attack, visual loss responds to steroids. If it is a persistent problem, glasses or special lenses might be the best treatment.

Bladder problems are unfortunately not uncommon with MS. The most common are frequency and urgency. There are three good medications that relieve symptoms when they are present for more than a week or two Pro-Banthine, Ditropan and Tofranil. If bladder problems do not respond to medication, a complete bladder-training problem may be prescribed.

The treatments and medications used ten years ago are still effective and still being used but there are medical breakthroughs being announced regularly. In October of 14, there was a medical breakthrough. Researchers found out that an anticancer drug stops the most crippling form of MS. The drug is Cladribine and the results are dramatic. A study was done on 4 patients with progressive chronic MS, which affects about 5,000 Americans and is the most severe form of MS. Half of the patients were given the drug and the other half was given a placebo. For the patients that were given Cladribine the spread of MS stopped for all patients and some improved. Their legs no longer shook and they no longer needed canes or braces. Dr. Ernest Beutler stated Its the only agent that has clearly been shown to stop the progression of the disease.

Another treatment that is not new or a medical breakthrough but is very effective and gaining popularity with MS patients is Apitherapy, which is the scientific name for the bee venom that is used by MS patients. Doctors arent exactly sure why the bee venom is effective. They know that the venom contains two powerful anti-inflammatory agents, melittin and ado lapin which appear to fight the neural sheath inflammation itself. One woman with MS is quoted after two months of bee venom treatments My hearing was totally back and I was out of the wheelchair and walking with a cane. Another example was a young woman who had bladder problems. After her venom treatments she hasnt wet the bed since she first contracted MS. Others have noticed more balance, more energy and less numbness in their legs and feet.

Overall, whether its medication, exercise, rehabilitation, the most important factor in the treatment of this disease is to have a positive attitude, hope for the future, and a desire to live your life as you normally would from day to day.

Socially MS can be just as difficult to fight as it is physically. Dating, marriage, children, careers, parents and friends can be difficult barriers emotionally.

Dating is hard for anyone regardless of sex, age, appearance or status in life. If you're MS have visual symptoms that are apparent to others. Its best to be open right away. You should go about this in whatever way is most comfortable to you. For people with mild or invisible MS, disclosure to a dating can and probably should wait. Like any other person some relationships work out and some don't. The best advice is to date, explore new relationships and dont be afraid to fall in love.

MS will have an impact on your marriage. Management of Ms requires patience and understanding. When your MS is in remission there may be no problem to face. When youre in a new attack, your mate need to take over shopping, cooking, mowing, and caring for the children if any.

The most patience and understandings comes to anned when a person with MS becomes disabled. This is the real test of love for most couples. This is when you should really take notice of what kind of problems you had before. Dont expect your partner to feel guilty. If the marriage was meant to work it will work.

If you have MS your children have probably already figured out that something is wrong before you tell them. The best approach is to be honest with your children. With each knew attack there needs to be communication. Parents with MS should watch their children for any emotional difficulties they may be having.

Keeping your friends should not be a problem. Good reins stick by your side through everything. Your friends should feel comfortable with you just as you should feel comfortable with them. With making new friends it should be just the same as you made them before. You should eventually tell them about MS but it can wait until both feel comfortable with talking about it.

More often it is harder for someone with MS just to hang on to a job. Unfortunately it has little to do with their ability and more to do with discrimination. But today there are laws and regulations so know one with any disability should be fired or feel thy have to quit.

Job-hunting with Ms is a whole different issue. If you have viable symptoms, you are going to have to address your situation up front. If you have an interview you may want to be up front about it on the phone. The main thing is if you feel comfortable with yourself others will to. You should always emphasize that you are a hard worker. And be aware of discrimination because it happens all the time and it is illegal.

Overall I personally believe that Ms should not get in the way of your social life. If you have a good personality you should be able to make friends and if you are a hard worker there is no reason why you should not be able to work. A positive way of thinking will definitely get you on your way.

After MS patients have dealt with physical therapy, doctors, treatments and medications you may ask yourself where would therapeutic recreation come into the picture? The answer to that would depend on the person and what type of lifestyle and goals they had for themselves.

Todays society is pushing everyone to physically and emotionally fit with activities such as mountain biking, swimming skiing, and walking. The reason these and many other activates are so popular is because its fun, its a hobby, receives stress and its exercise whereas riding a stationary bike is exercise but you dont hear to many people say its their hobby or its a fun pastime. TR (therapeutic recreation) comes into place with people with MS and other mental and physical disabilities because there is a need for them to fulfill their goals and expectations like everyone else. Since they have a special need a TR program or specialist can help them fulfill that need. People with MS should have the maximum participation with the fewest adaptations. Just like any other part of their life style they should develop a leisure lifestyle that is normal a possible. I think it is important for Ms patients to choose their own activates and set their own goals, within reason.

Lastly, I feel sensitive to anyone that contracts a disease, such as AIDS, or cancer. It's an awful thing if someone was an IV drug user and than they contacted the Aids Virus or if some one smoked for thirty years and they were diagnosed with lung cancer. I think one of the hardest things about Ms is that you can be healthy or not healthy know one in your family could have it and then one day you show symptoms. Physiologically yes that would be a difficult thing to deal with. But it is a disease that is striking millions of people and after doing research I believe the positive attitude and to go on with your normal way of living is the best psychological cure. It doesnt stop you from living, having a job, a family, hobbies, or friends.

Overall when they say MS is a mystery disease I would have to agree. I think there is definite hope for a cure for the future. We have medical breakthroughs and have several clues to the disease.

Please note that this sample paper on Multiple Sclerosis is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Multiple Sclerosis, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Multiple Sclerosis will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!


If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ozymandias. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ozymandias paper right on time.

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Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on May 185 to Mary Foley and Charles Doyle. He had a good education and studied medicine at Edinburgh University, graduating at years old. He paid his way, working as a clerk for Dr Joseph Bell, who later became the model for Sherlock Holmes.

The first story A Study in Scarlet was published in Beetons Christmas Annuals in December 1887. Ironically he regarded the Holmes stories as a distraction as he wanted to write other kinds of stories, even after they were published in the immensely popular Strand Magazine.

In 18 Conan Doyle put an end to the Holmes series and was knighted in 10 by King Edward VII, after defending General Kitchener and the army. The following year saw the revival of Holmes, in The Empty House published in McClures Magazine in New York after popular demand.

In 1 Conan Doyles health began to decline. Early in the morning of 7th July 10 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died. He was buried beside the summer-house in his garden. His grave was marked by a simple oak slab on which four words of epitaph were carved, Steel True. Blade Straight.

Sherlock Holmes was the hero of Conan Doyles stories. He was well known by his deerstalker hat and magnifying glass which he uses to examine the room where Miss Stoner died in The Adventure of the Speckled Band,

Then with his lens he tested the hinge.

He works with his good friend Dr Watson and, because people respected doctors, makes Holmes look more respectable, especially when he works out a crime. The two have a very close friendship and Watson enjoys working with Holmes,

I had no keener pleasure than in following Holmes in his professional investigations.

Sherlock Holmes was pompous yet very clever and because of the poor police service of the times, many looked up to and admired Holmes and he treats his clients in a well-mannered way and is very considerate. This is shown when Helen Stoner comes in,

I shall order you a cup of hot coffee for I observe that you are shivering.

He covers each case with great enthusiasm,

I am all attention madam! Holmes walked in and examined all of them with the keenest interest.

The Sherlock Holmes series were very popular in Victorian and Edwardian times, as they were among the first detective fiction stories. The first acknowledged detective story was The Moonstone written by Wilkie Collins in 1868. Many Sherlock Holmes stories first appeared in The Strand magazine, which was, at the time, immensely popular and easy to obtain. Many people were receiving an education so were able to read the stories. At the time the stories first appeared, the real life Jack The Ripper was at large, and because the police were failing to solve this crime and were viewed by many as impotent, the reassurance of Holmes successfully solving all the mysteries greatly aided the series popularity.

The stories were set in real places which people could identify with, making the stories seem more believable. Holmes popularity was shown when, although Conan Doyle attempted to kill off Holmes for a career change, public demand forced him to bring the series back seven years later. Many readers of the Holmes series actually believed that the famous detective was real, which for them would have made the stories even more realistic.

Even today the Sherlock Holmes series is as popular as ever. A museum has been opened at 1B Baker Street, which many people visit. There have been over 00 films and television dramas made about him, with Sherlock being played by over 70 actors. There is currently a new television series being made. A reason for the Holmes stories still being popular today is the fact that they are set in another era; people enjoy the escapism this offers. Its style and flow also enhances its brilliance. Detective stories are of a very popular genre as the reader enjoys trying to solve the crimes before the detective does.

Conan Doyle uses many different techniques in order to build up excitement in each Sherlock Holmes story. For example, in The Adventure of the Speckled Band simple sentences are used to build up suspense,

I nodded again. A similar example can be found in The Man with the Twisted Lip,

Oh, no, no!

Another technique used by Conan Doyle in his stories is using complex sentences, such as His form had filled out, his wrinkles were gone, the dull eyes had regained their fire, and there, sitting by the fire and grinning at my surprise, was none other than Sherlock Holmes, in The Man with the Twisted Lip and also, in The Adventure of the Speckled Band,

Two days ago some repairs were started in the west wing of the building, and my bedroom wall has been pierced, so that I have had to move into the chamber in which my sister died, and to sleep in the very bed in which she slept.

His use of complex sentences allows him to give detailed descriptions and lists of ideas so the reader is given a clear understanding of what is going on.

He asks lots of questions but does not answer them. This allows the reader to try and solve the mystery, which adds to the excitement of the story as the reader wants to read further into the story to try and find more clues. An example of this use of unanswered questions is in The Man with the Twisted Lip,

Was it possible that we could bring him back to her?

Conan Doyle actually gives clues to the reader to assist the reader trying to solve the mystery, this is displayed in The Man with the Twisted Lip

Hum! Posted today in Gravesend by a man with a dirty thumb.

Although the reader is given clues, there is always a feeling that Sherlock Holmes and Watson know more than they are revealing. This makes the reader want to progress further into the book and discover exactly what the detective and his friend could be hiding.

There are many adjectives included in the stories. Such as in The Adventure of the Speckled Band,

Weary and haggard gaping fireplace

This use of adjectives helps to create mood and give the reader a clear image of what is going on in the story. Other language is used to create excitement and tension within the reader, This is shown in The Man with the Twisted Lip,

Frightened frantically, and also in The Adventure of the Speckled Band

Untimely death horror dangers terror

He also uses metaphors in his stories, which help to create a vivid portrait. There are examples of these in The Adventure of the Speckled Band

With restless, frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal.

And also in The Man with the Twisted Lip

The mans face peeled off under the sponge like the bark from a tree.

During the stories there are setbacks and pitfalls which help to build up suspense and give greater impact throughout.

As the truth begins to surface there is a gradual unveiling of facts.

Showing that he had struck a light and looked about her when the alarm took place. This encourages the reader to read on through the story to pick up more facts to try and solve the mystery before the detective does.

Although there are pitfalls and setbacks in the stories, the hero always wins over the criminal, with the mystery being successfully unravelled. This is shown in The Man with the Twisted Lip,

I am sure, Mr Holmes, that we are very much indebted to you for having cleared the matter up.

This adds to the excitement during the stories because the reader wants to find out how and when the mystery is solved.

In The Adventure of the Speckled Band wild animals which are not often seen in Britain are included in the story. The reader is intrigued by these mysterious animals and so may be curious to see if they are involved in the mystery and how.

The idea of a snake instantly occurred to me. There is also a sense of irony in The Adventure of the Speckled Band as the man who sets out to murder is killed by his own evil. This happens when Dr Roylott sets out to use the snake to murder Helen Stoner, but it turns on him and kills him.

It flew upon the first person it saw.

There is a frequent change of pace throughout the stories, which helps to build up tension and then relax the reader until the story reaches a climax. It changes from slow, very detailing and descriptive, to fast, short sentences with dialogue and few adjectives.

In The Adventure of the Speckled Band the paragraphs become shorter as the story progresses, which helps to build suspense and tension in the reader. The story has a peak where there is lots of action and suspense, but then becomes calmer as it reaches the end and the mystery is solved. The peak comes right in the middle, so it is not too early that the story would lack tension, but not too late that the reader would become bored. This technique is also used in The Man with the Twisted Lip during Watson and Holmes conversation in the den,

Nearly Eleven

Of what day?

Of Friday, June 1th

The family involved in the story is rather unusual, as although they are aristocratic, they seem to be having a lot of bad luck and misfortune.

At least throw a little light through this dense darkness which surrounds me?

Which immediately draws the readers attention to the fact that something is about to go wrong for them, yet again. The fact that an aristocratic family is included is a smart move by Conan Doyle, as aristocracy was of major interest at the time, so could draw interest as well as excitement.

The fact that Dr Klas has got away with murder before makes him seem even harder to beat, so this actually makes the reader want good to win over evil.

She died just two years ago.

There is a very detailed description of the building involved, which helps to create and set the mood.

The building was of gray, lichen-blotched stone a small side door led into the whitewashed corridor

These give the image of a cold and eerie house where murder would most likely take place.

In The Man with the Twisted Lip there are also detailed descriptions, such as in the den where Watson finds Holmes,

A long, low room, thick and heavy with the brown opium smoke,

This creates a detailed image for the reader, thus allowing them to visualise what is happening.

At the end of each story, Holmes gives his explanation of the unravelled mystery and how he solved the case. This is used in both stories, The Adventure of the Speckled Band

I had come to these conclusions before ever I had entered his room

And also in The Man with the Twisted Lip

I do not know that there is anything else for me to explain

So not only does this final explanation summarise and conclude the Holmes investigation, but it also answers any of the readers question which may have developed during the story.

In conclusion, after comparing The Adventure of the Speckled Band and The Man with the Twisted Lip the story I found to be most successful in creating excitement was The Man with the Twisted Lip as, in my opinion, it portrayed a more vivid image and the techniques used to develop excitement were generally more successful and worked best with the story. The detailed descriptions throughout helped to create tension and although it did not seem to have so much of a peak to it as The Adventure of the Speckled Band it did have a twist at the end of the story which was very unexpected and added a greater impact.

Please note that this sample paper on Ozymandias is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ozymandias, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Ozymandias will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Cross Country Anthology Analysis

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Cross Country Anthology Analysis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Cross Country Anthology Analysis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Cross Country Anthology Analysis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Cross Country Anthology Analysis paper at affordable prices!

Show how images in the poems you studied this year were used to convey ideas and shape your response. Refer to a range of poets and poems in your answer.

John Shaw Neilson, Judith Wright, Ada Cambridge and Rhyll McMaster use imagery such as metaphor, simile, repetition and personification to convey their ideas and influence our responses to their poetry. The use of imagery improves the reader's ability to understand the ideas within the poem, by relating unknown concepts to known concepts and by using consistent techniques which create a 'flowing' poem which in turn influence their response. Relating unknown concepts to known concepts (e.g. human emotions to nature) creates a mental picture for the reader to which they can relate thus they can understand the concepts of the poem. The use of consistent techniques link each stanza to the previous and following stanza which aids the reader's understanding of the poem also.

Wright makes references to nature symbols to convey human activity and emotions. In Woman to Child she uses metaphor to convey her ideas of pregnancy and the bond between a mother and her child.

I wither and you break from me;

yet though you dance in living light

I am the earth, I am the root,

I am the stem that fed the fruit,

The link that joins you to the night.

The use of metaphor in the phrase, 'I wither and you break from me; yet though you dance in living light…' conveys to the reader the experience of childbirth. It signifies how the child is no longer living in his/her mother's womb but is now able to live his/her life independently. In the next lines, 'I am the earth, I am the root, I am the stem that fed the fruit,' the reader gains a mental image of these nature symbols which all relate to the beginnings of life. The earth (soil), the root of a tree and the stems of a plant are all the beginnings of another entity. They convey to the reader how the mother created a life in her own body. It also conveys the eternal bond between a mother and her child through the nature symbols. The nature symbols used have 'children' that eventually part from their 'beginnings' but will always be connected to their 'beginnings' as without them they would not have existed. Thus conveying the eternal bond between mother and child.

These techniques used shape the reader's response by improving their ability to understand the poem by creating a connection between symbols they have seen and events that they may not have experienced. This leads to the reader responding to the ideas of the poem in the way Wright has intended as they can relate to them and her perceptions.

Similarly McMaster uses metaphor to influence the response of the readers however also uses simile, consistent imagery and personification to convey her ideas and shape the response of her readers. She conveys, through the use of simile and personification, her perceptions of life's journey. In The Journey, she uses a car trip to portray the pace of life, the journey of life and the struggles incurred. The car is used, as a metaphor, for the lives of those in the poems. It is used as it is a mechanism which they can relatively control and is a moving object, which relates to the relative control they have over their lives and the 'movement' of their lives. The car is used, also because it is an item people often come into contact with and can relate to. The scenery is used, as a metaphor, to represent life. In this poem, the scenery is described as moving rather than the car moving which signifies people's perception that we are standing still while life passes us by. The use of simile, comparing the speed of play production to the speed of life, helps the reader gain a mental image of the concept of the poem and hence shaping their response. The reference to play production was used as plays act out events in life and because when performing a play, the stage crew and actors must be continuously doing jobs for the play to be successful which applies to the 'structure' of life.

On each side a field

stands in the wings

waiting like an actor for his cue.

McMaster personifies the fields to be like an actor to connect the similarities of plays and life (represented by the fields). The poem goes on to show the stress in life through simile,

We find relief

in corners -

slowing down, catching our emotions before the next act.

This conveys to the readers the desires of the people in the poem to 'stop/slow' time, in order to recover from the previous events. 'We find relief in corners,' refers to how people must decelerate before turning a corner. It signifies how the people in the poem feel they will find relief from the stress in life if they can 'slow' the pace of life. 'Catching our emotions before the next act,' signifies the recovering process after events in life before new events occur. In this phrase, the use of simile is continued to improve the flow of the poem and the reader's ability to understand the concept. The use of these techniques creates a greater understanding of the concepts in the poem for the readers, enabling them to relate to them and hence influence them to respond in the way McMaster wants.

Similar to McMaster, Neilson's use of metaphor, consistent imagery and personification influences his reader's response however he is conveying a different idea. Neilson also uses religious symbolism to influence his reader's response. In The Gentle Water Bird, these techniques are used to convey the fear of God he had as a child and the friend he found in Him as he matured. Neilson personifies a crane to become a symbol of God to show how he perceived God and how he converted to loving God not fearing Him. He personifies a crane as it is a large, powerful bird which overlooks humans on Earth from above, which is similar to society's perception of 'God's view of Earth'. This creates a mental picture for the readers, to which they can relate more closely to, as they have seen birds but have not seen God, which influences their response to the poem in a similar way to Wright's and McMaster's readers.

As a calm soldier in a cloak of grey

He did commune with me for many a day

Till the dark fear was lifted far away.

This extract from the poem uses metaphor to portray the man's perception of God. 'As a calm soldier in a cloak of grey he did commune with me for many a day.' conveys to the reader how he perceived God. Soldiers in battle have a strong bond, protect and stand by each other. This phrase conveys to the readers that he now saw God as a protector, someone who will stand by him, and someone he connected with. 'Till the dark fear was lifted far away,' conveys to the reader how, due to his new perception of God, was no longer afraid of Him. Here, metaphor is used to create a mental picture to which the readers can relate to as soldiers in battle and the bonds between them are a well known concept. The term 'lifted far away,' remains in context with the symbolism of the crane hence improving the flow of the poem and the ease with which the reader can understand the poem. This influences the reader's response as a greater understanding of the poem and hence the intended ideas, influences the reader's response in the way Neilson wants.

Cambridge, like the previous poets, uses metaphor to connect harsh climatic conditions and Destiny to the damage that commitment can cause to a relationship and the uncertainty of the outcomes in a committed relationship. This in turn influences the reader's response to conform to her intended response. Like Neilson and McMaster she also uses consistent imagery to shape the reader's response.

The use of metaphor in Vows,

How can we guess what Destiny will send

Smiles of fair fortune, or black storms to rend

What even now is shaken by a gust?

portrays to the reader the vulnerability and uncertainty in committing to a lover. 'How can we guess what Destiny will send,' conveys to the reader how uncertain the outcomes of commitment may be, as destiny is unpredictable. 'Smiles of fair fortune, or black storms to rend,' conveys to the reader the good or bad possible outcomes of commitment. These occurrences are also unpredictable hence creating a connection to the first line. 'What even now is shaken by a gust?' conveys the vulnerability of relationships. A gust, a sudden blast of wind, can more easily knock down weak structures; hence the phrase conveys to the reader the weaknesses that may arise in the relationship and the damage they may cause. A gust is also unpredictable hence connecting all of the lines. The connection between the lines improves the flow of the poem and the ease with which the reader can read and hence understand the poem, which in turn influences their response. Through the use of metaphor, the reader's can relate to the concepts discussed which influences their response in the way discussed previously.

Again, Neilson, in Love's Coming, uses metaphor to influence his reader's response however in this poem he also uses repetition to enhance their responses. These techniques are used to convey how 'quietly' and unnoticeably love was there.

Quietly as rosebuds

Talk to thin air,

Love came so lightly

I knew not he was there

The use of metaphor in the phrase, 'quietly as rosebuds talk to thin air,' influences the reader's understanding of the poet's idea. It creates a mental picture of a rosebud (roses are often a symbol of love between lovers) growing in air, which is a concept people can relate to as it is common thus influencing their response. The rosebuds symbolise the person in the poem and the air symbolises the love from a man. The rosebud and air co-exist perhaps without realizing it and air is essential for the rosebud to live and grow. This conveys to the reader more clearly the concept of the person unknowingly being loved by a man yet needing love and growing from love, as without a relation to a common concept some may not understand this. Readers gain a clearer understanding by further use of metaphor.

Quietly as lilies

Their faint vows declare

Came the shy pilgrim

I knew not he was there;

The metaphor, 'quietly as lilies, their faint vows declare,' conveys to the reader the intensity of the love. Lilies are the most common flowers found at weddings; hence they connect to the declaration of vows. This shows the readers that the lovers were extremely committed similar to the commitment in married couples. The repetition of 'quietly' and 'I knew not he was there' influences the reader's response to follow Neilson's intended response by emphasizing the key concept of the poem. The use of metaphor also influences the reader's response in this way.

In conclusion, whether metaphor, simile, repetition or personification is used, the reader gains a clearer understanding of the poem and the ideas within it. These techniques are used to shape the reader's response in the desired way by relating unknown concepts to known concepts and thereby improving the reader's understanding of the poem. They also shape the reader's response by emphasizing or outlining the key ideas of the poem. The manipulation of these techniques (e.g. consistent use of imagery) also shapes the reader's response in the way the poet wants. The use of these techniques reflects the skills of the poets and influences the reader's response.

Please note that this sample paper on Cross Country Anthology Analysis is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Cross Country Anthology Analysis, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Cross Country Anthology Analysis will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, February 12, 2021

Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy?

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy? paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

American transcendentalism was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the nineteenth century (about 186-1860). It began as a reform movement in the Unitarian church, extending the views of William Ellery Channing on an indwelling God and the significance of intuitive thought. It was based on a monism holding to the unity of the world and God, and the immanence of God in the world (Oxford Companion to American Literature 770). For the transcendentalists, the soul of each individual is identical with the soul of the world and contains what the world contains.

Transcendentalists rejected Lockean empiricism, unlike the Unitarians they wanted to rejuvenate the mystical aspects of New England Calvinism (although none of its dogma) and to go back to Jonathan Edwards divine and supernatural light, imparted immediately to the soul by the spirit of God.

Key statements of its doctrine include Emersons essays, especially Nature (186), The American Scholar (187), The Divinity School Address (188), The Transcendentalist (184), and Self-Reliance, and Thoreaus Walden (1854). Others involved in the Transcendental Club and its magazine The Dial included Margaret Fuller, editor of The Dial (1840-4), Amos Bronson Alcott, and William Ellery Channing.

New England Transcendentalism was the product of foreign influences and native American Puritan tradition. It is strongly influenced by idealistic philosophy of Germany and France. The idealistic concept of Schelling and Fichte as well as of Kant¡¯s Critique of Pure Reason find their expression in transcendentalism. French eclectism, especially that of Cousin, Collard, Gerando and Jouffroy, also proved to be an effective means for the transmission of Kantian and Platonic doctrine to America. Accidentally, nearly all the champions of New England Transcendentalism were religious by training or temperament. What Emerson and his fellow Transcendentalisms endeavored to do was in fact to reassert the religious idealism of their Puritan tradition and rephrase their thoughts in forms and terms they borrowed from sources like German Idealism. We also notice that the Transcendentalist¡¯s emphasis on the individual was directly traceable to the Puritan principle of self-culture and self-improvement.

Custom Essays on Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy?

In short, Transcendentalism can be understood as a philosophical treatment or a transformation of the Christian Belief. The essence of Transcendentalism is still the strong belief in God as the supreme power and controller of the universe, although transcendentalists sometimes called it Oversoul. Transcendentalism is also a philosophy although it is not so systematical as that of Kant or Marx. It is more like the philosophy of the ancient philosophers like Confucius or Plato, setting some unsystematic principles by their own conscience, intuition or reasoning and then follow those principles with a religious zest.

The most ardent follower of his own principle of all the Transcendentalists is Henry David Thoreau (1817-186). In 1845 he went to built a cabin on a piece of Emerson¡¯s property on Walden Pond, and moved in on July 4 to live there in a very simple manner for a little over two years. The idea was to move away from the rush and bustle of American social life which was to him getting more and more sadly materialistic-oriented. There on the pond he tried to be self-sufficient in everything, spending, as he told us, about six weeks a year, planting beans and other crops, and working to eke out a scanty yet decent livelihood, but writing and enjoying nature most of the time for the rest of the year. He wrote a book called Walden to account his experience and reflections when he lived by the Walden Pond. What he wants to show to his contemporaries is that one can choose to live a better life than what the commercial society offers.

Thoreau¡¯s masterpiece, Walden, is a great Transcendentalist work. As a young man Thoreau took a more than usual interest in the natural world. Like Emerson, he saw nature as a genuine restorative, healthy influence on man¡¯s spiritual well-being, and regarded it as a symbol of spirit. He tried to seek a way to unlock the secrets of the spirit. ¡°Let us not underrate the value of a fact it will one day flower into a truth,¡± he thus wrote. To him, ¡°we are able to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of reality that surrounds us.¡± Thoreau thought in images. It was his firm belief that ¡°natural objects and phenomena are the original symbols or types which express our thoughts and feelings.¡± Thoreau was never tired of staying alone in nature; he was ever seen lost in contemplation of the world around. Indeed, Walden is a faithful record of his reflections when he was in solitary communion with nature, an eloquent indication that he not only embraced Emerson¡¯s Transcendentalist philosophy but went even further to illustrate the pantheistical quality of nature. He can sit by a woodchuck for half an hour, talking to it. To him moose and pinetrees are as immortal as he is, and ¡°perchance will go to as high as heaven, there to tower above me still.¡± What he is trying to say is in fact this, that it is possible to find godhead in the nearby wood. Thoreau¡¯s idea came very close to being heathenish and nature-worship.

Thoreau set out some principles that can be called philosophy of life, can then regarded those principles as divine doctrines and followed them with a religious zest.

It is self-evident that, without the introduction of European philosophies into New England and their influence on Christianity, Transcendentalism could never been born. However, the religious side of Transcendentalism is much more deep-rooted and essential than the philosophical side of it. The chief champion of Transcendentalism, R. W. Emerson, was never tired of exploring the universe with the essential ideas of Christianity, though in other terms than what is in the Bible. His chief work, Nature, is in fact an elaboration of his own understanding of the Bible. In this book he gave many other names to God, such as Oversoul, Universal Being, Grand mind, etc. He also emphasized the omnipresence and omnipotence of God (though often called by other names like Oversoul). ¡°Philosophically considered,¡± he states in his Nature, ¡°the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul,¡± He made many famous statements on this point ¡°Each mind lives in the Grand Mind, ¡±There is one mind common to all individual men,¡± and ¡°Man is conscious of a universal soul within or behind his individual life.¡±

In his Divinity School Address, he attributed social ethics and morality to an teleological end¨C¨C¨Cthe mind, which is another name for God.

These facts have always suggested to man the sublime creed, that the world is not the product of manifold power, but of one will, of one mind; and that one mind is everywhere active, in each ray of the star, in each wavelet of the pool; and whatever opposes that will, is everywhere balked and baffled, because things are made so, and not otherwise. Good is positive. Evil is merely privative, not absolute it is like cold, which is the privation of heat. All evil is so much death or nonentity. Benevolence is absolute and real. So much benevolence as a man hath, so much life hath he. For all things proceed out of this same spirit, which is differently named love, justice, temperance, in its different applications, just as the ocean receives different names on the several shores which it washes. All things proceed out of the same spirit, and all things conspire with it. Whilst a man seeks good ends, he is strong by the whole strength of nature. In so far as he roves from these ends, he bereaves himself of power, of auxiliaries; his being shrinks out of all remote channels, he becomes less and less, a mote, a point, until absolute badness is absolute death.

In the above passage it is shown that Transcendentalism has a much stronger emphasis on the omnipresent influence of God on the world than what Deism understood. Although Transcendentalists treat the Bible with philosophical, speculative, rational, logical, enlightened, and reasonable mind, they never lost their sincerity and ardency in their belief in God. Thoreau even lived for two years in the solitude of Walden Pond like Jesus Christ before beging his teaching. Emerson once experienced a moment of ¡°ecstasy¡± which he records thus in this Nature

Standing on the bare ground, ¨C¨C¨Cmy head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, ¨C¨C¨Call mean egoism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.

Religion is a belief in some occult teachings that are capable of many interpretations and the believers simply hold that those teachings are truth or manifestation of truth. Sometimes this belief can be blind misused by some rulers for gains in wealth or power, as in the case of the bloody Crusade. Philosophy is the pursuit and elaboration of truth or what the philosophers understand to be truth. Philosophy is based on science and intellectual speculation, but there are limitations in the scientific discoveries in any time of the past human history and there is also much limit to the human intellect. Religion is based on the supernatural and supermental, which is sometimes misunderstood, misinterpreted or intentionally misused by the intellectual mind, and therefore often become dangerous. When these two are successfully combined, human mind is better equipped. Belief give the pursuit of truth an access to the unknown, and reason gives belief a safeguard against mania. Transcendentalism is a revolutionary attempt to combine those two identities, and it has become both a religion and philosophy. It lacks neither the essence of Christianity nor the principles of rationality and logical speculation. Most valuable of all, the Transcendentalists are neither enslaved by the dogmatic teachings in the Holly book, nor limited by the scientific discoveries in their time. They are always revolutionary in spirit and they never cease in their pursuit of truth and their work toward the perfection of humanity.


Emerson, R. W. Nature, New York E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 161.

Emerson, R. W. Divinity School Address, Princeton, N. J. Princeton Univ. Press, 157.

Thoreau, H. D., Walden, New York Dell, 160.

Greenberg, W., The Emergence of Transcendentalism, New York Grosset and Dunlap, 165.


Emerson, R. W. Nature, New York E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 161.

Emerson, R. W. Divinity School Address, Princeton, N. J. Princeton Univ. Press, 157.

Thoreau, H. D., Walden, New York Dell, 160.

Greenberg, W., The Emergence of Transcendentalism, New York Grosset and Dunlap, 165.

Please note that this sample paper on Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Transcendentalism: a Religion or a Philosophy? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Title Brown-Forman Case Study

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Title Brown-Forman Case Study. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Title Brown-Forman Case Study paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Title Brown-Forman Case Study, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Title Brown-Forman Case Study paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The paper has been broken into various sections. The following section of the paper examines the introduction of the company.

Corporate History In the year 1870, George Garvin Brown saw a need to form a quality whiskey that met medicinal standards. In the beginning, with $5,500 of saved and borrowed money he began J.T.S Brown and Bro. Initially, their flagship brand Old Forrester Kentucky Bourbon whiskey was sold in sealed glass bottles to assure its quality. Brown's friend George Forman joined the company and hence led to the name being changed to Brown-Forman.

The company Brown-Forman was incorporated in 101. In the year 104, Owsley Brown, George Garvin Brown's son took a very important decision, to come into the business, thus beginning a tradition of family apprenticeship which continues today as well.

The year 156 was another important year in the history of Brown-Forman as they made one of their most famous acquisitions. They purchased Jack Daniel's distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Since then it has become one of the most popular whiskeys in the world, and led to the company producing a net sales figure of more than $100m for the first time in 160.

Buy cheap Title Brown-Forman Case Study term paper

Since 160, Brown-Forman has been littered with new acquisitions. These include companies such as Korbel California champagnes in 165 to Moray Speyside Malt Whiskey in 17. Other major acquisitions during this time include, 'The Grand Old Drink Of The South', Southern Comfort in 17 and Lenox Inc. in 18.

Major Milestones With the help of Brown-Forman Beverages Worldwide, Brown-Forman produces and markets many of the most well-known and best-loved wines and spirits in the world. These include Jack Daniel's, Canadian Mist, Southern Comfort, Early Times, Korbel champagnes, Fetzer wines, and Bolla wines.

Through Lenox, Incorporated, Brown-Forman manufactures and markets the china, crystal, collectibles, and giftware of Lenox; the contemporary tabletop and giftware designs of Dansk; the silver, crystal, china, and giftware of Gorham; the silver and pewter products of Kirk Stieff; and the luggage and leather goods of Hartmann.

The company is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. Owsley Brown II is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company and William M. Street is the President of Brown-Forman Corporation.

The following section of the paper examines the background of the company.

Products and services Brown-Forman Corporation manufactures, bottles, imports, exports and markets alcoholic beverage brands and also manufactures and markets new and used oak barrels. The Company also runs a consumer durables business, which consists of a portfolio of premium consumer brands. Brown-Forman sells fine China dinnerware, crystal stemware and giftware, stainless steel flatware and silver-plated and metal giftware under the Lenox and Gorham brands.

Distribution At present Brown-Forman do not own any major distribution companies. Therefore it relies on its competitors to distribute its products in different markets. For instance, United Distillers and Vintners distribute 'Jack Daniel's' and 'Southern Comfort' in the U.K., while Bacardb Wedistributes Brown-Forman's spirits products in most of continental Europe. However, the current European economy is in a state of flux, with the recent creation of the European Union and the consequent elimination of trading barriers along with the adoption of the Single European Currency, which will be put in motion in the near future. These changes will greatly affect Brown-Forman's business in Europe and will revolutionise distribution of spirits and wine in Europe, which is presently constructed on a country by country basis, by encouraging cross-border sales. Brown-Forman is not an owner of a European distribution company; therefore if reform is not undertaken in the near future, their retail sales prices will come under pressure due to increased cross-border competition.

Employees The Company employs 6,700 people in the U.S. and abroad. The compensation / benefits of their top leadership are as follows

Names and Position Pay

Owsley Brown, II, 60

Chairman and CEO $ .10M

William Street, 64

Pres, Director $ 1.58M

Phoebe Wood, 50

CFO, Exec. VP $ 805.00K

Stanley Krangel, 5

Pres of Lenox, Incorporated $ 85.00K

Michael Crutcher, 5

Sr. VP, Gen. Counsel and Sec. $ 847.00K

Financial-Sales Brown-Forman Corporation reported earnings per share for the year ended April 0, 00 of $.6, up % over last year. Fiscal 00 revenues and gross profit for the Beverage segment were up 11% and 6%, respectively. Gross profit growth was driven by solid results for Jack Daniels and Southern Comfort, a more profitable distribution arrangement for the companys spirits brands in the United Kingdom, and favorable foreign exchange trends. The growth in spirits was partially offset by significantly lower profits for the companys wine brands.

Profits for the companys wine brands were down sharply from fiscal 00. A global oversupply of grapes led to significant retail price competition, depressing industry profit margins. While consumer demand for Fetzer and Bolla were essentially unchanged from last year, profit margins for both brands dropped significantly.

Sales for Consumer Durables were down 4% during fiscal 00 and gross profit declined 1%. Gross margins improved during the year as a result of firmer pricing, improved product mix and manufacturing efficiencies resulting from the business improvement programs implemented in fiscal 00. Operating income for the segment increased from $17 million to $0 million, although the increase largely reflects an absence of business improvement costs related to the closing of three manufacturing plants in fiscal 00.

Underlying trends in the fine china, tableware and luggage markets have not improved over a depressed period a year ago. Department stores and retail outlet centers, representing two of the primary channels of distribution for the Consumer Durables segment, remain weak. In addition, the direct-to-consumer channel, which includes direct mail, catalogs and the internet, has slowed over the past 1 months.

Stock Price

Last Trade 80.5

Trade Time Sep 15

Change UP 0.85 (1.07%)

Prev Close 7.50

Open 7.45

Bid N/A

Ask N/A

1y Target Est 7.0

Exchange NYSE, The stock price given on the table above is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

Date Open High Low Close Avg Vol Adj Close

Sep-0 78.4 81.40 78.50 80.5 18,780 80.5

-Aug-0 $ 0.8 Cash Dividend

Aug-0 77.75 7.50 76.50 7.04 ,5 7.04

Jul-0 78.50 8.5 77.41 77.0 16,56 77.5

5-Jun-0 $ 0.8 Cash Dividend

Jun-0 7.10 8.85 77.7 78.6 14,57 78.5

May-0 76.60 7.76 75.10 78.86 145,0 78.1

Apr-0 76.0 80.58 75.80 76.54 58,71 75.8

Mar-0 6.50 76.0 67.0 76.0 80,04 76.18

8-Feb-0 $ 0.8 Cash Dividend

Feb-0 70.00 71.75 68.7 6.55 504,88 68.0

Jan-0 65.50 66.87 60.5 6.14 111,068 61.

Historical Performance The historical prices shown below are from 1st Jan 00 to 16th Sep 00 on a monthly basis.

Type of company Public

P/E Ratio

Trailing P/E (ttm) 1.0

Forward P/E (1 yr) 17.5

ttm = Trailing Twelve Months (as of 1-Jul-0)

Management Team Owsley Brown II, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

William M. Street, President Brown-Forman Corporation

Phoebe A. Wood, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Lois Mateus, Sr. Vice President, Corporate Communications/Services

James S. Welch, Jr, Vice Chairman Brown-Forman Corp., Sr. Vice President, Exec. Dir. of Human Resources

Michael B. Crutcher, Vice Chairman Brown-Forman Corp., Sr. Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

William A. Blodgett, Jr, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel

Milton B. Gillis, Vice President, Director of Compensation and Employee Benefits

Meredith M. Parente, Vice President and Treasurer

Larry W. Perry, Vice President, Director of Tax

The following section of the paper examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Company.

Strengths Brown-Forman's dark spirits and liqueurs are characterized by strong, well-established brands, commanding a high degree of loyalty among their consumers.

Scotch whisky enjoys a global reputation as a high-quality product, and the company exports a great deal of it to many overseas markets.

The Company keeps spending on new product development (NPD) at a high level and as a result they are able to keep their customers happy.

Their ability to cope in case of changes in general economic conditions, changes in consumer preferences etc.

Weaknesses The consumer base of many dark spirits (especially Scotch whisky and Cognac) is very mature; therefore these products of the company do not appear to be succeeding in attracting the drinkers of tomorrow.

Opportunities British drinkers appear to be receptive to newer, innovative products, especially in the form of sweeter drinks, or spirits mixed with other ingredients. Thereby, the Company can focus on producing similar products.

A growing number of affluent female consumers are entering the market, drinking more and increasingly regularly.

Threats The continued growth of other alcoholic drinks sectors, such as wine and white spirits, may cause the dark spirits market to decline even further.

It seems likely that cross-Channel smuggling will continue further weakening the position of major drinks manufacturers.

The following section concludes the paper with recommendations for improvement and case for investment.

In conclusion, the future for Brown-Forman remains positive and should continue along strong previous year's growth levels. The factors mentioned above such as cross-Channel smuggling should have no significant adverse affect on short-term future growth rates. While the creation of UDV has undoubtedly heightened the fierce competition in the marketplace, we feel that an established and mature company like Brown-Forman who is continuously re-investing in its workforce and products should maintain its foothold within the industry. As the company estimates per-share earnings for fiscal 004 would rise as much as 18 percent to $4.10 - $4.0. Hence, investing in a company like Brown-Forman can be termed as "worthwhile investment".

Finally, it must be stated that the company's distribution channels across Europe need reform, in the long run, when the full ramifications of European Integration will be felt.

1. Brown Forman, Annual Report, 00

., "Brown-Forman Earnings Grow % in Fiscal 00", May 0, 00.

. The Brown Forman Corporation Web Site at http//

4., September 16, 00

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English Media study WorkLevis Jeans

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When Levi¡¯s were first brought out, their target audience was youths, teenagers. Unfortunately as time went on, the teens that had originally bought them grew older and had kids which turned Levi¡¯s into ¡®My Dad¡¯s Jeans¡¯. With losing it¡¯s youth market and with it¡¯s sales falling Levi¡¯s needed a new strategy. They brought in BBH to create a new advertising campaign. The idea was that they could recreate their original reputation in the 150¡¯s for the new generation. In the 150¡¯s the Levi¡¯s brand was known for it¡¯s original design, it¡¯s strong hardwearing fabric and it¡¯s American-ness. Their jeans were classic and stylish and above all, Levi¡¯s. They represented rebellion, individuality and youth. To keep this idea their target audience was teenagers (15-0). Before the 50¡¯s teenagers were either seen as children with no spending power or as Adults. After the war the hard times ended and people seemed to have a lot more money. Children now had a lot of that money, spending it on fashions and lifestyles. A new group of people to suck into the ever expanding trade, looking for heroes to follow, and interests to pursue, Levi¡¯s used this opportunity and has drawn repeatedly on the idea of the ¡®rebel¡¯.

Levis¡¯s new advertising campaign introduced a creative new idea, involving a man and a woman recreating the impression of 50s America. All the advertisements in this series revolved around this same idea of people finding the person wearing the jeans desirable. The scenarios ranged from launderettes to beaches, all featuring an emphasis on physical attraction and most of them set in a public place.

However Levis didn¡¯t predict what sort of impact this commercial campaign would bring to the population of teenagers. The result was massive, the number of Button Fly 501¡¯s sold in 187 was over 0 times that of 184, due to this break through in commercial advertising. Everyone wanted to get their hands on a pair of 501¡¯s.

Help with essay on English Media study WorkLevis Jeans

The majority of adverts in this particular campaign were targeted at the male gender of the population. The commercials are often controversial & always very lavishly produced. The adverts denote that wearing Levi¡¯s is cool, sexy, stylish and, although being a casual fit, they are versatile in the sense that the jeans can be dressed up to impress (The Party advert), but at the same time, can be worn every day for work. As well as being all of the above, Levi¡¯s have managed to get the right balance between rebellion and style. Many of the advertisements in this series show the hero in a state of nudity, often topless, this increases the sex appeal of Levi Strauss¡¯ revolutionary 501¡¯s.

An example of their successful campaign is the advert referred to as ¡®The Deal.¡¯ This advert starts off in a busy office, business people buzzing around with a generally hardworking atmosphere. The background song is called ¡®The Joker,¡¯ which was released in 17, then re-released in 10, and as a result of this successful commercial reached number 1 in the charts. The lyrics are fit very closely with the action in the ad.

The male character enters via the lift on a motorbike looking very cool and showing connotations of being a bit of a stereotypical hell¡¯s angel. He pulls up alongside the female character looking very sophisticated and businesslike. He hands her a brown paper parcel, which she opens, revealing a pair of Levi¡¯s 501¡¯s and then proceeds to put them on. The female takes her hair out of a ponytail and leaves it loose and mounts the bike behind. Then the camera shows the couple riding off happily into the sunset.

The slogan reads ¡®The Original Workwear¡¯ and the famous red logo is displayed once again.

To manipulate the male¡¯s mind Levis¡¯s ad campaign exploited the men¡¯s desire to be in control and to be the leader of the situation. The advertisements make the audience want to empathise with the characters because they represent an ideal. They do this by using a stereotypical attractive male tall, dark and handsome (like the one in ¡®The Deal¡¯). In the advertisements there were traditional roles for the men and women. Back then women were expected to play along with what the men wanted and this is imitated in the advertisements. The men were the dominant sex, far superior to the females. The women were valued for their ability to enhance men¡¯s status through looks and virtue, their ability to play out a subservient role. This atmosphere has been constantly focussed on through the entire campaign. Men want to wear these jeans so they can feel big, strong and sexy, like the man portrayed in the adverts (the man in ¡®the Bath¡¯ ad doing push-ups with his top off is a perfect example of this vanity ploy). They can feel proud of wearing them and more important than other people around them. It makes them believe that they are the centre of attention and all eyes are solely focussed on them (like the man entering the office in his motorbike in ¡®The Deal¡¯ ad).

Another example is the advert called ¡®The Beach¡¯. In this advert the male character is represented as being the modern equivalent of a rebel. The sky clear blue, the weather is hot and the sand is golden shows of being a typical American Summer.

The music is called ¡®Can¡¯t Get Enough¡¯ written by ¡®The Bad Company¡¯, which plays all the way through the commercial. It particularly gives the whole atmosphere of American summer feel. The words fits perfectly with the ad give the maximum impact.

It begins with the a male wearing a Levis 501 jeans and his dog walking along a beach. The man takes off his jeans and leaves them in the care of his dog whilst, (assume) he goes surfing. A man who eyes up the jeans whilst eating an ice cream received defensive and excessive barking from the dog, so the man carries on walking. The next cross cut action of the camera is a medium shot of an attractive young lady wearing a bright yellow bikini. She spots the jeans and begins to put the jeans on with the dog watching her every move. As the girl turns her back on the dog and attempts to walk away, the dog suddenly launches for her leg in an attempt to stop her. It almost seems as if the dog tries to take the jeans back off her. The camera then cross cuts into a long shot of the man returning with an embarrassed look on his face. He then praises the dog. Both the man and the girl look embarrassed for each other. They then become acquainted with one another. The final long shot of the couple and the dog, walking off together, moving away from the camera. The slogan for this advert is ¡®Originals have always been sought after,¡¯ displaying the logo at the same time.

The women in the advertisements frequently come across a handsome young man wearing the jeans, whether he¡¯d be stripping in a launderette, or half naked in a caf¨¦. These young men in those adverts always ended up with the pretty girls. This is obviously a instant attraction to audience to go out and buy Levis Jeans because Levis men are in control, sexy, laid back and always gets what they what. In another word, Levis is fashion and fashion is Levis. If you do not have a pair of Levis jeans then you are so not cool.

In ¡®The Beach¡¯ advert, the girl actually put the jeans on, this is not the usual Levis style. At that time you rarely see women wearing jeans which is why this advert is evolutionary. The message within the ad is that Levis is for every one regardless of their agenda, occupation and age. Levis jeans is also something that every body knows everybody wants and everybody values.

¡®Launderette¡¯ shows the text ¡°Now available stone washed¡± at the end, as in the past people would also often wash their jeans along with stones to create a stone washed effect.

This features another conventionally good-looking man, walking into a laundrette. He walks in and towards a washing machine, with two small boys staring and admiring him over the top of a washing machine, before their mother pulls them away. We also see two young women admiring the man, they are looking at him and giggling.

The man is very confident. He walks over to a washing machine and begins to remove his clothes. When he pulls off his belt it runs smoothly through the belt loops, undressing almost like a stripper. He then begins to undo the buttons at the front of his jeans as the camera again focuses on this. When he pulls of his jeans the underwear that he is wearing is snow white. This is a sharp contrast with his jeans and tanned skin.

After taking off his clothes he puts them into a washing machine, before tipping a bag of stones into the machine with them.

He then turns and sits down next to a large man, who wears dull clothes and doesn¡¯t stand out like the young man wearing the jeans. The man has an almost disapproving look upon his face. At the very end of the advert the young man who stripped begins to read a newspaper, which is a very everyday act, which is showing how the man doesn¡¯t feel like him stripping is anything out of the ordinary, indicating confidence and boldness.

The music played throughout this advert is ¡°Heard it on the grapevine,¡± which is how gossip is often referred to and suggests that the man is something to gossip about, and somebody that is talked about.

The audience is supposed to respond to the image with almost awe. They are supposed to look up to the Levi¡¯s man in almost ¡®he is my idol¡¯ way. This reaction would bring in a lot of sales because the people would want to mimic their idol.

Women feature in these adverts by becoming the item that the Levi¡¯s men want, ¡®Pickup¡¯. This image means that women of the audience will buy the jeans to become the ¡®Levi¡¯s man¡¯s goal¡¯ and the men will buy the jean to ¡®get Levi¡¯s women¡¯.

The audience responds to the Levi¡¯s man/ woman by buying the Levi¡¯s jeans. The audience having the following ideas makes this decision

Male ¨C ¡°As he gets all the girls, if I buy these jeans that means I will get all the girls too¡±

Female ¨C ¡°That girl always looks beautiful and always has the guys wanting to be with her, if I buy those jeans I will become attractive to the opposite sex too¡±

The audience is influenced by the adverts, thinking that by buying these jeans that they will also be buying the looks, the lifestyle and becoming attractive to the opposite sex.

The rebel elements I think that is particularly successful is the ¡®Laundrette¡¯ style ads because the idea of perfect people (Levi¡¯s man and woman) advertising these jeans would make the audience think that if they bought the jeans they could become perfect people too.

I think the advertising campaign in 180s is better than what Levis has now. Because the campaign back then is more interesting, humorous and more connected with day to day life of audience. In another hand, as advertisement industry grows, it is harder to make a successful advertising campaign that could stand out from the crowed than back then.

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