
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Adolf Hitler - an Overview

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Adolf Hitler - an Overview. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Adolf Hitler - an Overview paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Adolf Hitler - an Overview, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Adolf Hitler - an Overview paper at affordable prices!

Adolf Hitler - an Overview

ADOLF HITLER 1. THE BEGINNING At half past six on the evening of April 0th, 188 a child was born in the small town of Branau, Austria. The name of the child was Adolf Hitler. He was the son a Customs official Alois Hitler, and his third wife Klara. As a young boy Adolf attendated church regulary and sang in the local choir. One day he carved a symbol into the bench which resembled the Swastika he later used as the symbol of the Nazi party. He was a pretty good student. He received good marks in most of his classes. However in his last year of school he failed German and Mathematics, and only succeeded in Gym and Drawing. He drooped out of school at the age of 16, spending a total of 10 years in school. From childhood one it was his dream to become an artist or architect. He was not a bad artist, as his surviving paintings and drawings show but he never showed any originality or creative imagination. To fullfil his dream he had moved to Vienna the capital of Austria where the Academy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 107 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him You will never be painter. The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 5 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the deans office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventually to plunge it. . WORLD WAR I While living in Vienna Hitler he made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. But he was always poor. He was also a regular reader of a small paper which claimed that the Araban race was superior to all and was destined to rule the world. The paper blamed Communists and Jews for all their problems and hitler agreed to those views. Hitler agree with most of the points made in the publication. He continued to live a poor live in Vienna and in 11 decided to move to Munich. Still living in Vienna and being Austrain by birth, Hitler showed more loyalty to the Geramny. He thought that the Aryan race was destined to rule the world. Many believe that he tried to escape the draft but it was never proven. His live in Munich was not much better then before and he continued to be poor. Then in 114 World War I broke out and Hitler saw this as a great opportunity to show his loyalty to the fatherland by volunteering for the Imperial army. He did not want to fight in the Austrian Army. Hitler was a good soldier. Many of political opponents claimed that he was a coward but records clearly show that he was not. He received to awards of bravery but never achieved a high Rank. In 118 Germany surrendered and Hitler was very upset about the loss. He believed that it was the Jews and the Communists who betrayed the fatherland and it was here that his disliking of the Jews most likely began. Germany after the war was in chaos. With no real Government to control the country, many groups tried to take control. One day a big communist group staged a big riot but another group of ex-soldiers including Hitler managed to hold them back. . THE NAZI PARTY Since there were not many chances for employment Hitler stayed in the army. Hitler was assigned the job of going go to various meetings of groups which sprang up like mushrooms and to report on them. One day September 1, 11 - a fateful day in history, Hitler was sent to investigate a small group which called itself the German Workers Party. Hitler was not to happy about his assignment. He thought it wouldnt be worth it to even go. At the group mainly talked about the Countries problem and how the Jews, communists and others where threatening the master race and offered their own solutions. Hitler was bored by the meeting but when a man stood up and claimed that Bavaria should separate from Germany, Hitler got up and argued that point. He argued that Germany and germans must unite into one to survive. His natural ability to speak imprest the leader of the group and at the end of the meeting he gave Hitler a pamphlet and an initiation the next meeting. He wasnt interested in attending but after reading the hand out he accepted. He later joined the German Workers Party and was in charge of Propaganda. The party was small at first but Hitlers great skill at deliberating speeches attracted more and more listeners and it soon became a major party with many followers. Eventually Adolf Hitler became its leader and the rest as they history. 4. HITLER IN POWER While spending time in prison for trying to overthrow the government Adolf Hitler wrote his famous book Mein Kampf, in which he describes many problems and where he states that the Jews and communists were responsible for those problems. He also decided on the Final Solution to the Jewish Question. It was his goal to eliminate the Jewish race from the European continent. It is interesting to look and see how a small time boy from Austria with no education, money or political background could become within a few years the leader of big nation such as Germany. Historians believe that Hitler saw a great opportunity to get his views across to the German people who have lost all hope. Of course people did not start to support him right away. After he came into power, the Nazi party took control over every aspect of every day life. Hitler ordered the creation of a special police force to make sure that all opponents would be elimanted, the Gestapo. He also gave orders to set up a special force which would be used to transport and take care of all political prisioners and people thought to be inferior. The name of the force was the feared SS. Mass propaganda was used to persuade the German people that the Fuhrer would make the country strong and powerful again. They also used propaganda against the Jews and other minority groups which were considered enemies. Teachers had to belong to the Nazi party, and children were taught that Jews very the source of all their problems. Since the country was in chaos after the war, and was forced to pay billions in damages, The Germans saw hope in Adolf Hitler. In the late 0s the depression hit which made the situation even worse. Hitler in his speeches blamed the Jews and Communists for their misfortunes and many listed. Unemployment was very high at that time standing at about 5%. Hitler also spoke out against the unfairness of the Versailles treaty. Germany lost a lot of its territory. The Empire was no more. He believed the pure Araban race is destined to rule the world and wanted to build an Empire that would last a 1000 years. He preached that all Germans must unite in order for this goal to succeed. Hitler publicly stated his views on the Jews. But the Jews of Germany didnt see Hitler as a great threat at first. However when Hitler became chancellor and eventually took over totally they changed their mind. The first thing he did was to take the Jews their right to vote. Soon they were not allowed to marry with a pure german, they could not hold positions such as teachers, doctors lawyers,..and so on. Many Jews only then realized that he was serious and many fled Germany. Why did so many Germans follow Hitler? When he took power the economy was basically non existent. Many looked for answers and hope. Hitler was their answer. He promised to rebuild the Glorious Germany of the past. First he started to build up the Wehrmacht. Germany was not allowed to have more than 100,000 men, but Hitler broke the treaty and gave orders to increase that number. Factories started putting out weapons and people now had jobs. To the Germans this was a very good sign. Mass rallies were held, where Hitler continued to use his powers of speech on the German people. 5. THE ROAD TO WAR At first the allies did nothing about the fact that Hitler broke the Treaty. He gave speeches in which he indicated that the German people needed living space. Later he Marched into the Reihnland, and area which Germany lost. Next He moved into Austria, his home country and annexed it without a shoot being fired into the Reich. Following Austria, he wanted control of the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia which was mainly German speaking. He also achieved that goal. The allies didnt want another war so they led Hitler do what he wanted to, but when he Attacked Poland on September 1st, 1 the allies no longer stood by and watched. Britain and France declared war on Germany a few days after later, World War II began. 6. THE DARK SIDE After the Wehrmacht conquered and occupied a territory the SS quickly followed. They would round up Jews, Communists, Gypsies, Homosexuals and others which were viewed as Inferior according to Nazi racial theory and enemies of the German people and put on trains. They were all sent to Concentration camps, which were set up to implement the final solution. Camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, Bergen Belsen were all equipped with gas chambers to make the killing process quick and efectfull. In those camps 6 million Jews and many others were killed by the Nazis. Hitlers army seemed unstoppable but in the end, the allies managed to win many decisive battles. Eventually on Aril 0th, 145 Hitler committed suicide in his bunker by shooting himself in the mouth. His body was burned, but no ones knows what happened to the Fuhrers ashes. On May 7th, 145 Germany surrendered unconditionally. 7. THE MAN Hitler was one of the most, if not the most cruel man to ever walk the face of the earth. His believe of the superiorority of the Aryan race made him hate all others. He believed that the slaws to the east should be made work for the German people. He thought of blacks as being Sub-human. And Most of all he hated the Jews. So much that in early 145, when equipment and manpower was badly needed on the front Hitler insisited on man and equipment staying and continuing to tranport Jews to the camps. In his Testament he left his money to his family. And message to the Germany people Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry. The only people which would be spared where the Scandinavians to the north, since they were closely related to the German race. With Hitlers death the Nazi party quickly fated. But there is still a lot of tension in todays Germany.

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Please note that this sample paper on Adolf Hitler - an Overview is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Adolf Hitler - an Overview, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Adolf Hitler - an Overview will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Master of Disaster

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Master of Disaster. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Master of Disaster paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Master of Disaster, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Master of Disaster paper at affordable prices!

U.S. military Saddam documents lead to arrests

Deposed Iraqi leader not cooperating, sources say

Monday, December 15, 00 Posted 0 AM EST (140 GMT)

An image released by the U.S. Army shows Saddam after he was captured.


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Watch CNNs ongoing live coverage of news of the capture of Saddam Hussein, now on-air.


Saddam to U.S. troops I want to negotiate.



U.S. officials begin interrogating Saddam.



Two deadly car bombings in Baghdad.



Saddams capture evokes joy, rage in Iraqis.



President stops short of calling capture a turning point for military mission.



Tracking down bin Laden a more difficult task.



Inside Saddams spider hole



General describes the capture



International reaction



Timeline The end of the hunt

Audio Slide Show Capture of Saddam Inside the daring raid

On the Scene Satinder Bindra Game over

Special Report Coalition fatalities


• Behind the Scenes Something big was happening

• On The Scene Iraqis must be top priority

• On the Scene Europe reacts

• CNN Access How Saddam should be treated

• Car bombs kill at least 6

• Bush Saddam will face justice

• Iraq debates Saddams fate


• How Saddam was captured

• Saddams brutal regime

• Blair Shadow removed

• Mideast leaders welcome news

• Gallery Saddams capture

• Map Site of capture

• Interactive Most-wanted Iraqis



Will the capture of Saddam Hussein help bring stability to Iraq?






Saddam Hussein


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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. military officials said Monday they had arrested several resistance leaders in Baghdad based on documents found when Saddam Hussein was captured.

Officials said that some of the documents detailed a meeting of resistence cell leaders -- and included their names.

Yet the deposed Iraqi leader who eluded coalition forces since the capital fell in March is replying to interrogators questions with nationalist or patriotic rhetoric, military and other sources told CNN.

For example, he was offered a glass of water, and Saddam said, Well, if I take that glass of water I will have to urinate, and if I have to urinate, I will have to go to the bathroom, and how can I possibly go to the bathroom when my people are enslaved? Time magazine correspondent Brian Bennett said.

A senior U.S. official said that in the first interrogation Sunday, the former Iraqi leader was a wiseass, or in other words, that he gave only defiant and unhelpful answers.

Several sources agree that Saddam identified himself upon his capture and cooperated with U.S. forces who transported him. He also submitted to a medical examination.

But, Bennett said, he has refused to answer questions about the location of resistance cells and would not say whether he was communicating with resistance leaders. Officials declined to say where Saddam is being held, except that he is at a U.S. military facility.

Bennett said intelligence officials were hopeful they could dismantle part of the resistance structure using documents found with Saddam that detailed the minutes of a meeting of cell leaders in Baghdad, including their names.

Two senior Bush administration officials told CNN that Saddam also has told his captors he did not have weapons of mass destruction before the war. Bennett, speaking from Baghdad, said the former Iraqi leader asserted that the United States invented the presence of WMD to justify an invasion of his country.

He also said he didnt play nice with U.N. [weapons] inspectors so that he could protect the privacy of his presidential areas, Bennett said on CNNs Newsnight, quoting a U.S. official in Iraq who had seen an initial interrogation report.

For a man who killed tens of thousands of people and tortured his enemies, Saddam was taken into custody in a surprisingly peaceful manner, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday night on CBS 60 Minutes.

Eight months after Baghdad fell, U.S. soldiers found the former leader of Iraq hiding in a hole in the ground about 6-8 feet deep. Saddam was captured about nine miles from his hometown of Tikrit and across the Tigris River from one of his lavish palaces.

Saddam had a pistol but was taken into custody without firing it.

Here was a man who was photographed hundreds of times shooting off rifles and showing how tough he was, and in fact, he wasnt very tough, he was cowering in a hole in the ground, and had a pistol and didnt use it and certainly did not put up any fight at all, Rumsfeld said.

In the last analysis, he seemed not terribly brave.

The 66-year-old longtime Iraqi leader was No. 1 on the coalitions list of 55 most-wanted regime figures, and his evasion has been a political sore spot for the U.S. administration. (Saddam profile)

Saddam to troops I want to negotiate

Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, said 600 4th Infantry Division soldiers and special operations forces from Task Force 11 -- a unit set up to capture high-profile targets -- staged the operation based on an accumulation of intelligence capped by information from an Iraqi under interrogation that Saddam might be in one of two locations in Ad Dawr.

When the initial raids failed to find him, the troops launched a cordon and search operation that eventually brought their attention to a ramshackle compound near a farmhouse that was one of the targeted locations, said Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of the 4th Infantry Division troops.

Inside the small, walled compound, Odierno said, soldiers found a small, two-room adobe hut that included a kitchen with running water. Inside the hut, soldiers found clothes -- some still in their packaging -- and outside, beneath a rug covering a piece of Styrofoam, they found the entrance to the hole where Saddam was hiding.

Sanchez said the spider hole had a rudimentary ventilation system and was infested with mice and rats.

When the soldiers first found Saddam, he raised his hands above his head, military officials said.

I am Saddam Hussein, he said, according to the officials. I am the president of Iraq and I want to negotiate.

The U.S. soldiers reportedly responded President Bush sends his regards.

No way he could fight back, Odierno said. (Gallery Saddams capture) He was caught like a rat. (Audio Slide Show The capture of Saddam Hussein)

Exclusive CNN video shot after the raid showed soldiers on the scene patting each other on the back -- apparently in celebration -- and taking group photos in front of a military vehicle. (On the Scene Alphonso Van Marsh)

U.S. forces found weapons and about $750,000 in U.S. $100 bills with Saddam, Sanchez said. Troops also found two AK-47s, a pistol, and a white and orange taxi.

Saddams long, graying beard was shaved and his hair trimmed for identification purposes, military officials said.

Pedestrians in downtown Hong Kong watch footage of captured Saddam Hussein on a large screen.

Members of the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council visited Saddam on Sunday and said they found him tired and haggard, unrepentant, even defiant. Four members of the council called the former ruler a just but firm ruler.

Adnan Pachachi, a leading member of the council, said Saddam would be tried by Iraqis for crimes against Iraqis.

There will be a public hearing, Pachachi said. A trial that is open. (Saddams future)

Saddams capture was based not on a direct tip, but a collection of intelligence gathered from the hostile questioning of Saddams former bodyguards and family members, U.S. officials said Sunday.

Over the last 10 days or so we brought in about five to 10 members who then were able to give us more information and finally we got the ultimate information from one of these individuals, Odierno said Sunday.

No one is likely to receive the $5 million offered for Saddams capture, since most of the information that led to his capture was given up under hostile questioning, U.S. officials said.

Bush Saddam will face the justice he denied to millions

President Bush, in a short televised address Sunday from the White House, said Saddam will face the justice he denied to millions. For the Baathist holdouts responsible for the violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held.

This afternoon I have a message for the Iraqi people This is further assurance that the torture chambers and the secret police are gone forever. You will not have to fear the rule of Saddam Hussein ever again. (Full story)

Rumsfeld said the United States has not decided whether to classify Saddam as a prisoner of war but that it would abide by the Geneva Conventions in its treatment.

Saddams capture was also praised by officials from France, Russia and Germany, who opposed the war. A statement from French President Jacques Chirac said The president is delighted with Saddam Husseins arrest. (World leaders unite in cheering capture; Middle East leaders welcome news)

In Baghdad, Iraqis took to the streets dancing, doling out candy and firing rifles into the air. (On the Scene Satinder Bindra)

But in Tikrit, a base of Saddam loyalists, the streets were quiet. (Map Site of Saddam Husseins capture)

Coincidentally, senior CIA officials are scheduled to meet Monday to discuss the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, officials said. The session was scheduled before Saddams capture.

If the meeting takes place as scheduled, officials said it will have quite a different tone. They said that if Saddam is willing, he could be the best possible source on the location of any concealed weapons in Iraq.

U.S. officials cautioned Sunday that Saddams capture would not mean the end of violence in Iraq. On Monday, two almost-simultaneous car bombings outside Iraqi police stations left several people dead, Iraqi officials said. (Full story)

CNNs Nic Robertson, Jamie McIntyre, Barbara Starr, Jane Arraf, Al Goodman, Alphonso Van Marsh, John King, David Ensor and Satinder Bindra contributed to this report.

Please note that this sample paper on Master of Disaster is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Master of Disaster, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Master of Disaster will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, February 5, 2021

The Internet - It's No Joke

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Internet - It's No Joke. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Internet - It's No Joke paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Internet - It's No Joke, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Internet - It's No Joke paper at affordable prices!

The Internet "It Is No Joke"


Information systems and technologies have become a vital component of successful businesses and organizations. Companies have spent billions of dollars to stay at the forefront of technology enhancements in order to enhance growth and expansion of their businesses and new ventures. To support these technology changes a company may require the assistance of Specialists in Information Technology Management, Human Resources, purchase of new equipment, installation, training, system maintenance, and the list goes on.

The majority of businesses would be unable to survive successfully in the marketplace without utilizing a variety of interconnected computer networks in order to service their information processing and communication needs. With all these changes, companies have a growing concern regarding security of systems information, abuses both internal and external, lawsuits and losses. But what is the exposure? Are there existing law suits? What should we do to protect our companies and ourselves?

Order Custom Essay on The Internet - It's No Joke

The Investigation

It is important to understand and protect the systems implemented into our company.

Companies must take precautions to protect sensitive and confidential data from accidental or intentional leaks. They need to know how to limit legal liability and/or damage to the companies' reputation from inappropriate or offensive e-mails and web surfing. Well-written policies and procedures can boost employee productivity and reduce network congestion.

In order to determine what needs to be done, we should understand the exposure companies face relating to Technology Information Systems. For example, EMC Corporation lost valuable sales contact information when an employee accidentally sent it to the competition via e-mail (The Boston Globe); an Oracle insider caused their stock prices to tumble after spreading false rumors on a message board (CNNfn); and Dow Chemical fired 50 employees and disciplined 00 others for sending e-mails containing pornography and violent images (Associated Press). Employees who surf the web are costing organizations more than $1 billion per year in lost work time (CNNfn). The U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) recognized concerns regarding the Internet and the growing body of law governing it, and have recently published a document advising police and prosecutors on "Searching and Seizing Computer and Obtaining Electronics Evidence in Criminal Investigations." The document includes framework applicable to the search and seizure of computer data and network traffic. In addition, it covers the Fourth Amendment's limitations on search and seizure, the Electronics Communications Privacy Act, the Wiretap Act, the Cable Subscriber Privacy Act, and the Privacy Protection Act. Additional documented lawsuits and cases related to Technology Communications are

· Cracking Concerns Over Cyber Crime Treaty (Galil, 001). The Council of Europe wants a treaty to harmonize laws against hacking, computer viruses, and other Internet crime, as well as to ensure common methods of securing electronic evidence.

· Employers and E-mail Where to Draw the Line (Galil, 001). With the increase in workplace technologies, both employers and employees are wrestling with the balance of e-mail privacy expectations and the need for secure, productive work habits. The new Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act went into effect in Great Britain. This new regulation permits employers to monitor staff phone calls, e-mails and Internet activity without consent, and demonstrates that e-mail issues have become a global technology problem.

· Smyth v. Pillsbury Company (Galil, 001). Smyth v Pillsbury is a case pertaining to e-mail privacy. A United States District Court in Pennsylvania ruled that the Pillsbury Company did not have to notify Mr. Smyth that his e-mails would be examined. The court reasoned that since it was Pillsbury's equipment, the company was entitled to examine its contents.

· New York Times (Gaili, 001). E-mail privacy issues have occurred at many well-known companies and employees are being fired over those little forwards that many of us send out each morning. On November 0, 1, the New York Times Co. fired employees who were accursed of contributing to a hostile work environment because they repeatedly traded unsavory batches of unsolicited personal e-mail messages that contained dirty jokes and nude pictures. The New York Times also reprimanded several more employees who had simply received the offensive e-mail and then deleted it. Those workers were punished for failing to alert management to the offending e-mail messages, a direct violation of company policy.

The Solution

Knowing there are so many varied issues and lawsuits specifically related to the misuse of company electronic communication systems including e-mail, Internet, phones, faxes, etc. intensifies the need for companies to have well-written, thorough policies and procedures. Prior to creating a plan, remember to use the right resources for input. Your Information Specialist certainly has direct knowledge of the areas of your systems that should be addressed. Your Human Resources team can help with their knowledge of policy writing. You may include others throughout your organization that might have knowledge of other systems, software's, and issues relating to your systems. Include the right people other considerations for implementing policies and procedures include

· The protection of sensitive and confidential data.

· A company's reputation can be at risk for inappropriate or offensive e-mails (internally and externally) and employee web surfing.

· To shield the employers from possible sexual harassment suits. As in most communications media, some of the pictures, video, sound and text on the Internet are sexually oriented. If such material is brought into the workplace, it carries with it the potential risk to the employer under federal or state prohibitions against sex discrimination.

There are many organizations, including Attorneys, who specialize in preparing policies and procedures for all sizes of companies. After reviewing several written company policies and recommendations from The Internet Manager-professionals for Internet Policy Management, we found the following elements of a written policy and procedure to be consistent

A written agreement (policy & procedure) should be created to include, but not limited to

· A description of permissible uses

· Specifically set out prohibited uses

· Rules of behavior

· Access privileges

· Privacy

· Archiving and Retention

· Penalties for violation of the policy, including security violators and vandalism of the system.

· Everyone who uses the system should be required to sign the policy, and know that it will be kept on file.


Business use of the Internet has experienced extraordinary growth in the past decade. It is now common-place for employees to have access to the Internet, and as the United States moves ever closer to an information work/service type of economy, even more workers will need this access to do their job effectively.

Employers are encouraged to tell employees that they may be monitored so there is no misunderstanding. Crafting a good, thorough policy in regard to e-mail, Internet use and all company owned properties is very important. At technology companies, where the lines between work and home are blurred, this is especially important. Microsoft, for example, has a policy promoting the reasonable and responsible personal use of corporate e-mail, but it owns any communications between employees.

Although people tend to be very casual about e-mail communications, e-mail messages may more closely resemble memos, rather than phone conversations, and so must be treated with a higher level of care than the average telephone call. Also, striking the delete key does not actually mean the message is deleted. It is still in the computer. Many employees misunderstand the dynamics of the systems they use. A greater understanding of both the technology uses and the policies and procedures, the employee is signing is imperative.

Upon full investigation of all the issues related to Technology Management, employers should take a serious look at the risk and exposure of not having well-written policies and procedures for all their Technology Systems. A company may choose to have one policy that encompasses all aspects of their systems, or may choose to have several policies specific to each area. Use your internal experts Information Specialists, Human Resources, and/or consultants to identify your specific needs. These policies and procedures may protect you from embarrassment, loss of business and goodwill, and lawsuits.


Miller, G.(001, January 8). Fired by Big Brother. Los

Angeles Times Magazine, 11-1, 5-6.

Galil, Y. (001, February 5). New Federal Guideline for

Searching and Seizing Computers from servers to PDAs. The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web


Galil, Y. (001, February 5). Cracking Concerns Over Cyber

Crime Treaty. The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web http//

Galil, Y. (001, February 5). The Napster Transformation.

The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web


Galil, Y. (001, February 5). Deep Linking Your Way into a

Lawsuit. The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web http//

Galil, Y. (000, October 11). New International Treaty on

Cyber Crime. The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web http//

Galil, Y. (000, February 5).Criminal Acts "Illegal

Access, Interception, Data and System Interference". The Internet Law Journal. Retrieved March 5, 001 from the World Wide Web http//

Please note that this sample paper on The Internet - It's No Joke is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Internet - It's No Joke, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Internet - It's No Joke will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

What is SWOT?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on What is SWOT?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality What is SWOT? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in What is SWOT?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your What is SWOT? paper at affordable prices!

Weaknesses are usually just the opposite of strengths. While it is tempting to be charitable or full of worship when analysing a firm, it is essential to get a realistic sense of where their problems lie.

Almost all the companies in the world have their own weaknesses, even the Wal-Mart has some weaknesses too. Although in the earlier, we have comment that Wal-Mart have lot of strengthens by compare with others companies in the world, but it still can't went until the perfect. Since they have the lowest prices in the America, wherever they open up a new store, other stores sales are declining. For information, Wal-Mart has come into small towns and put up a huge retail store and they end up killing all the small town businesses because they are so successful and selling with the cheapest price that small business cant afford to be. There have been many small towns that have turned down the building when the coming of Wal-Mart because they know what it will happen to the business in the small town. Especially small retailers are experiencing huge declines and met the financial problems. Because of this, they are getting bad reactions from some groups. This situation is obstructing the companys future growth.

Community relations problems are bound to exist with a corporation the size of Wal-Mart. Likewise, when a corporation is as successful, many a naysayer will challenge and scrutinize the company. Complaints mainly arise from community groups accusing Wal-Mart of destroying the local retail environment in the downtowns of small towns. Those put out of business by the giant retailer are among its most ferocious critics. The company is accused of monopolistic behavior. It wages aggressive price wars, and uses its power to bully its suppliers (Quinn 8-115)

Another weakness of the company is about ethical behaviour. Some consumer groups believe that the company has some unacceptable actions to lower the prices. This situation is harming the companys name and image. Some of Wal-Mart products brought controversy when an NBC program discovered false labeling in clothing made in abroad marked under "Made in U.S.A".

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Extensive labour relations problems are common at Wal-Mart. These are detailed within other sections of this report. Generally, the company is opposed to unionise labour (Fact Sheet, 001). Wage issues, shift scheduling, and workplace rights abuses are cited by labour groups. This seems to go against its founding principles of respect for employees. The company is also in frequent legal trouble with regulators and union groups in the courts (Quinn 8-115).


Dependence on suppliers

Size - perhaps too big in many markets

Store layout is crowded - lack of aisle space

Size of store means that it is difficult to quickly find an



· Wal-Mart is facing stiff competition from old and new rivals like Meijers.

Other public relations problems vary from zoning violation complaints, to itemized complaints from competitors of Wal-Mart using its power unfairly. Censorship, for example, came up as an issue. Wal-Mart publicly believes in Family Friendly products, therefore if a movie or CD contains mature content the company will not carry the product for sale. This has caused much criticism from various groups.

In all, the company strategy is that of growth, expansion, and diversification by finding new areas to expand into within retail and the service industry. It is the number one retailer in the US and in the World as a result. The competition is scared of them. Its customers know its brand, and will shop there because of the price, selection, and size.

In the finances of the Wal-Mart store, cost of sales increased 14% from 15 to 16 due to lower mark-up prices, consistent with Wal-Marts commitment of providing low prices. Although Wal-Marts financial ratios are healthier than those of the industry as a whole, an eleven-year comparison shows a marked decline in the companys profit margins, liquidity and returns on investments. Long-term debt increased from $1.7 billion in 1 to almost $8 billion in 16. Since Sam Waltons demise in 1, stock prices dropped from a high of $4 per share to a low of $1.1 in 16.

In the manufacturing and service, Wal-Marts image as a clean, comfortable, mom-and-pop type of operation has changed drastically since Sam Walton passed away. Every negative connotation that K-Mart has acquired over the years has been applied to Wal-Marts discount stores. The stores are unclean, the shelves are unkempt, and the stock is dusty. Even SAMs Clubs lack the luster that its major competitor, PriceCostco, has. Wal-Mart associates are not nearly as knowledgeable and helpful as the company claims them to be. The company has been concentrating on expanding its Supercenter division at the expense of losing many of its discount stores. Supercenters are Wal-Mart discount stores with large grocery stores attached, all within one massive structure. The food industry has lower profit margins and is much more competitive. In addition, many traditional Wal-Mart stores are shut down when Supercenters are built in neighbouring areas, thereby limiting reliable revenue receipts. About half of the closed stores are leased out, but the remaining stores are simply abandoned. International locations are costlier to operate and generate fewer revenues, yet the company continues its plans for further expansion overseas. Total square footage for all domestic locations increased 5,804,80 from 15 to 16; however, sales per square foot decreased from $6.10 in 15 to $5.1 square feet in 16.

Wal-Mart is, without question, a fabulously run company. It has, however, but one selling proposition price. While thats a pretty good one, the company isnt infallible. Same-store sales have been inching down, to the low single-digits. Costco Wholesale, among others, has effectively competed on price, while offering higher-quality goods.

Wal-Marts store locations arent always the most convenient. The stores can be dark, hard to navigate and not pristine. The lines are long. The apparel is far from hip.

Something a company does poorly, or a characteristic that puts it at a disadvantage. For example, one of Wal-Marts weaknesses could be its inflexibility to respond to changes in the marketplace at the local level.

Human resource


Employees of Wal-Mart are the largest group of workers without

health care in the United States.

Wal-Mart suffers from high employee turnover.

"The Wal-Mart threat causes some companies to close their doors for fear they can't compete, and that's a defeatist attitude. The critical thing is to have the will to win."

Unified members are facing the prospect of competing against Wal-Mart supercenters for the first time following Wal-Mart's announcement a couple of months ago that it plans to open 40 supercenters in California over the next four to six years - a prospect reflected in opening remarks by Chuck Pilliter, Unified's president and chief operating officer, who said Zaucha's

Some of WalMart's weaknesses lie in their recent entrance into the Asian markets. Since their European competitors have already made their foothold there, WalMart is at a slight disadvantage at gaining customers there. Also the value chain system applied to the American markets needs to be altered for their Asian markets because the tastes of the Asian consumers vary greatly from their American counterparts. WalMart is also reaching the saturation point in the American markets. Their long time presence has lead to use every trick in the book to gain customer satisfaction the old school way, but now with the use of IT they can further increase their customer market by analyzing the market trends of their various locations. Their new IT will give them further insight on what the customers really want and they will be able to focus and selling and advertising the demanded products at the lowest market prices to beat out their competitors. According to the competitive forces model, analyzing WalMart's stance in the Asian markets reveals that the threat of new entrants into the industry is quite possible, since they are trying to sell foreign products to consumers who would prefer the local products. The threat of competitors is quite strong as they have to compete with the European stores who have established themselves there well before WalMart's arrival. However, the new IT will give them the ability to determine which products are in most demand in which locations and then switch the order levels with suppliers accordingly, thus avoiding any losses and in fact guaranteeing a profit.

Even though it seems like Wal-Mart has a lot of strengths, they also have some weaknesses. The first weakness that they are just now facing is that they will not be able to continue to keep the level of grow that they have accomplished steady over the future years. Whenever a company grows so fast that they can build and run ,00 stores in years, people tend to wonder if that growth will be able to still happen. One of the reasons people think that is because Wal-Mart has always been good at succeeding in primarily small, rural communities-away from competitors. That is another weakness. Now where Wal-Mart is opening they are entrenched will competition such as Kmart and Target. Even if Wal-Mart was to try and move into the smaller rural communities, they are not wanted. Here is yet another weakness. Wal-Mart has even been banned in Bath, Maine; Simi Valley, California; and two towns in Pennsylvania. The state of Vermont has completely resisted all plans for a Wal-Mart to be brought into the state because of the fear that all of the local retailer will be forced to shut down. This is a weakness because it is never a good thing to be looked at as negative through the public eye. Word of mouth could possibly spread, and before you know it, three more states dont want to have a Wal-Mart anywhere near them.

The biggest weakness Wal-Mart has to deal with competitors. With K-Mart and the largely growing Target in the same market they are daily trying to improve themselves to stay at the top of the market. They have to find all the advantages they can to be the best company they can be. They must get feedback from their customers to all themselves to learn from what they are doing.

Please note that this sample paper on What is SWOT? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on What is SWOT?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on What is SWOT? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

War on Iraq

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How African American Student Athletes Deal With Going To Predominately White

Colleges Or Universities?

It was March of 00 and I was at my annual cheerleading competition. I am

from an urban public school where my squad is one of the only diverse ones.

Custom Essays on War on Iraq

Looking around I noticed that my squad was one of the few that had any

minorities present. As we sat down to wait our turn for mat time (a practice

run through of the routine before the actual competition) I over heard some of

the Caucasian females snickering from behind about our squad. They were

saying things like black girls are not supposed to be cheerleaders,

cheerleaders are supposed to be white girls with tans. Our cheerleading squad

is one of the most hated and disrespected of all squads. A perfect example of

that disrespect and hatred is the fact that we were robbed at our second

competition. When we got to the competition we were a little apprehensive

because we had to share a small area of the locker room with the LaSalle

cheerleaders. They were our worst enemies, our rivals, our opponents, and the

only people that we went to the competition to try and beat. When one of our

fellow cheerleaders went to the locker room to return some loose money she had

found to her surprise and dismay that all of the other money she had was gone.

She checked and rechecked her wallet to see if she was just not looking well

but to her shock she had not overlooked. She no longer had her money. When

she came and told our coach our whole squad went into the locker room to see

if they too had been robbed. To everyone's sadness they too had been. In

total our squad lost over 00 dollars of hard earned money. Fortunately we

did win second place in the competition but because of that incident we could

not even rejoice. Discrimination and stereotyping against not only black

cheerleaders, but all minorities, as well as people that hang with those

minorities can feel the wrath of it. This happens largely at predominately

white establishments or institutions. Discrimination not only takes place at

school but at other places as well, like my cheerleading competition.

African Americans are being stereotyped every second of every day. Regardless

of what stereotype is said it happens. A very common stereotype placed on

African Americans is "all black people are great athletes." This stereotype

becomes more and more prevalent as further African Americans come to

predominately white colleges or universities. The main reason for stereotypes

is ignorance. An example could be a tall African American with a slim build

walking about the campus. A guarantee could be that the majority of people

would assume that he was an athlete but in all actuality he could be attending

the University of Rhode Island on an academic scholarship. I can remember

talking to my friend and telling him the exciting news of me joining the track

team. The first thing that he said was I know you can run fast, all black

people can run fast. I asked him why he made that assumption and his reply

was, they have to be able to run fast to flee from the cops. Although quite

comical that statement could have quickly made anyone else upset, it was a

perfect example of prejudice and racism.

Still there are other problems that African Americans will have to face when

they come to a predominately white college or university. One example could

be the stress or anxiety to conform to the new lifestyles or style of

teaching. Another could be the high drop out rate of first year African

American students that is hung over their heads. Yet another could be the

effect the school, professors or area has on the black student. (Spigner

1) Many different things regardless of how big or small have been known to

create anxiety or stress. Many people are not happy with change. Most will

try to avoid it at all costs, so the mere shift of moving to a predominately

white college or university could drive anyone insane. Lastly there is

racism. Racism is not what it used to be many differences have risen over the

years. Decades ago African Americans would never have been given the

opportunity to go to school. If they were given that right the school was not

a knowledgeable one. African Americans would not have been able to play

sports, be on television or vote. Racism is still a widely studied issue.

The issue in the last couple of years has been the ignorance people have to

the fact that they are being racist. Decades ago racism was defined as the

blatant disregard for someone else or their feelings. It is not that obvious

anymore, but that does not mean in any way that it has stopped.

Racism as a whole is no longer blatant. Atwell (11) article discusses how

racism is no longer as openly spoken as before but someone of African American

decent could be dealing with racism from their professor or athletic coach and

not even know it. With the student athlete programs the lines of academics

and sports is blurred. Academic support services may instead be aiding and

abetting a racial status quo by emphasizing more of a social desire for sports

entertainment (Atwell 11). That quote is stating that academics seem not to

be as important as how the school does entertainment wise.

It is argued here that targeting student athletes ostensible to provide

academic guidance may in actuality serve to reinforce sports interests over

educational pursuits. Such expropriation seems particularly significant (but

not exclusive) on white campuses, in part because such campus illustrate a

glaring over-representation of black players. (The Chronicle of Higher

Education June 17, 1, as cited in Spigner, 1).

There are many ways that schools of higher learning try to make the academics

of African American players seem up to par when in reality they are only

mediocre, maybe even less. Wiley and Hatchett (11) pointed out that

institutions of higher learning used misleading or inconclusive data to make

the dismal student graduation rates look better. Edwards (18a; 18b; 184,

187, 1, as cited in Spigner.) has long noticed the contradictions and

hypocrisy of providing a meaningful education against the more sought after

national publicity and notoriety from intercollegiate sports.

There are many questions as to whether or not these African American athletes

can perform as well in the classroom as they can on the field or on the court.

Research conducted by Ellickson (10) showed that participation in college

athletics saps the energy needed for a more positive classroom performance.

Engstrom and Sedlacek's (11) study of existence of prejudice among the peers

of student athletes indicated that students generally possessed some negative

attitudes towards the student athletes, particularly regarding academic

performance. Smallman, Sowa, Young, and Bryce (11) feel as though the

research of the ethnic differences in student athlete responses to stressful

life events revealed that blacks reported significantly higher ratings of

evasiveness or stress.

There are many reasons why student athletes are not becoming successful

adults. One reason is because there are fewer teachers of African American

decent. The potential of African American student athletes to graduate is

seriously compromised by the fact that so few staff, faculty and other

students on campus look like them. They feel less welcomed than white students

on our campuses (Lapchick, 17).

On most college campuses the over representation of black student athletes is

as stark as the under representation of black teachers. In 18-10, only

4.5 percent of black faculty compared to 88.5 percent of white faculty were

employed full time in a U.S. college or university (Chronicle of Higher

Education Almanac, August 6, 1 as cited in Spigner, 1). A larger black

presence of faculty particularly on white campuses could theoretically promote

a better climate to help improve black student athlete development, though

black teachers have their own problems of profession survival. (Banks, 184;

Spigner, 10-11, as cited in Spigner, 1).

In the fall of 185 black faculty were decreasingly represented in ranks of

assistant, associate, and full time professor. The percentage of this was 5.

percent, .7 percent, and . percent of full time African American

instructors. The white professors ranked the same way, had increased

representation at 87.5 percent for an assistant, 0.5 percent for an

associate, and .7 percent respectively for full time college professors

(National Center for Education Statistics, 1 as cited in Spigner, 1).

Stress and anxiety can and have been known to overtake people of all ages and

ethnicity's. They have been known to push people to the limit and test their

strength, because of these limits some people are unable to pull through. If

you are faced with stress or anxiety and cannot withstand the trauma you may

obtain disorder. For those that can face the trauma will make it through to

live and fight another day. African Americans in a new environment,

preferably a white college campus will probably have to deal with some of

those everyday traumas of the world. If they do not learn how to endure, they

too could succumb to a stress or anxiety disorder.


How African American student athletes deal with being at a predominately

white college or university? There are many reasons why African Americans

would not succeed at an all white college or university. One reason would be

the racism that remains prevalent in white communities as well as schools.

Racism comes from the most unexpected people and places. The fact that racism

is not as noticeable as in the past makes it harder to see. Another problem

African Americans have at white colleges is the stress or anxiety to conform

to their new surroundings. The pressure of academic success is another that

could cause stress or anxiety. Lastly, the slack that African Americans

receive because they are students as well as athletes at these schools can

cause numerous amounts of stress. Many people feel as though students have it

easier because of the fact that they are athletes. These are the main topics

I will be speaking of in my paper.

Please note that this sample paper on War on Iraq is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on War on Iraq, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on War on Iraq will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, February 1, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Coke. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Coke paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Coke, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Coke paper at affordable prices!


This article illustrates a systematic approach for teaching fundamental investment analysis.

Students analyze the investment potential of a publicly traded corporation. The semester project

consists of three parts a complete ratio and DuPont analysis to determine the current financial

Help with essay on Coke

position of the company, a strategic analysis to determine the major strengths and weaknesses of

the company, and a forecast of the future performance and discounted future cash flow analysis

to determine the companys intrinsic investment value.


At the core of fundamental investment analysis is the ability to calculate, analyze, and

interpret the meaning of financial ratios to determine the financial position of the firm. Ratios

are used to discern changing patterns and potential trouble spots that may arise in the future

business life of a firm. They allow the analyst to standardize key financial variables from the

balance sheet and income statement for comparison to industry averages or those of a major

competitor. The semester project requires each student to obtain financial data on his or her target firm

from the SEC website ( and, using integrative Excel spreadsheets supplied by the

professor, to calculate relevant ratios in the four financial management areas liquidity, asset

utilization, employed leverage, and profitability.


The Excel spreadsheet (Exhibit 1) is set up with logic statements to make assessments

regarding time-series trends and cross-sectional analysis. The cross-sectional analysis allows the

student to compare his/her selected company to the industry average, while the time-series

analysis allows for a trend comparison over the past three years.

Coca Colas liquidity is substandard when compared with the industry. The current ratio for

16 is below industry average. In addition, its quick ratio also indicates less liquidity than the

industry average with no discernable trend of improvement over the last three years. Therefore,

Coca Colas liquidity position could be characterized as substandard.

The activity ratios reveal a second dimension of the Coca Cola Company. These ratios

indicate the relative efficiency with which the company uses investors assets. The inventory

turnover ratio measures how rapidly the company turns over or uses dollars invested in

inventory. In the case of Coca Cola, there are positive values reported based on industry average

and cross-sectional comparisons. The inventory turnover for 16 was 7.08 in comparison to an

industry average of 5. Likewise, the three-year trend indicates a continual improvement in

inventory turnover. Other activity ratios indicate similar positive results based on both cross-

sectional and time-series analysis.

The third group of ratios deals with the use of debt in the capital structure as well as the

ability to meet interest payments from operating income. Both the total debt ratio and the debt-

to-equity ratio indicate a favorable assessment based on cross-sectional and time-series analysis.

In addition, the times-interest-earned (TIE) ratio indicates that the company covers interest

charges over 16 times. This again compares favorably to the industry average of 15 times.

The fourth category ratios deal with profitability. Coca Colas gross profit margin is clearly

superior in comparison with the industry average. It is also obvious that Coca Cola does a

superior job of cost cutting, resulting in higher operating profits when compared to the industry.

In addition, the net profit margin of 18.8 percent net return on sales compares well to only 15

percent for the industry.

Next, return on total assets also indicates favorable performance. Coca Colas 16 return

on total assets is percent compared to 16 percent for the industry. Further, the return on

equity for 16 was 57 percent, more than twice that of the industry average of percent.

The DuPont analysis for Coca Cola (Exhibit ) allows the students to consider all the parts

that affect the stockholders return on equity. The 16 return on equity of 56.7 percent is a

function of three triggers the financial manager has to control the performance of the firm the

net profit margin, total asset turnover, and the financial leverage multiplier. The strength of the

DuPont system is its ability to dissect the balance sheet and income statement and isolate

financial areas of low performance or concern. A comparison of the firms net profit margin,

total asset turnover, and financial leverage multiplier to the industry averages can pinpoint

area(s) of substandard performance that led to a low average return on equity.


DuPont Analysis 1

14 15 16

Return on Equity 48% 55% 57%

Net Profit Margin 16% 17% 1%

Total Asset Turnover 1.x 1.x 1.x

Financial Leverage Multiplier .7x .8x .6x

1 numbers are rounded

In summary, the ratio analysis suggests superior performance over the last three years. Coca

Cola is an excellent example of a fundamentally sound, long-term growth company that

continues to return to its shareholders in excess of 40 percent return on investment per year. It

meets the criteria of a franchise product company, one whose product is unique with few

substitutes, has a high demand, and has little or no government regulation. In addition, Coca

Cola continues to be an aggressive cost cutter as reflected by a continual increase in the

operating profit margin.


The strategic analysis includes an assessment of the companys strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. In addition, the student is required to do an environmental scan of the

industry in order to determine who the competition is, what the relative market share is and could

be, and the degree to which the company has a competitive advantage in both domestic and

international markets.

The Coca Cola Company has many strengths and opportunities and only minor weaknesses

and threats to face. First, the companys product is clearly a franchise-that is its major strength.

Second, its ability to get the product to the customer at the least cost, when they want it, is a

strength that is surpassed only by its advertising prowess. Coca Cola recently entered both the

Chinese and Indian markets with distribution networks that have been in place for a number of

years. Its relative success in these markets will ultimately determine if sales will double every

three years, according to the companys CEO.

The strategic analysis requires the student to consider the non-quantitative factors that

contribute to the overall fundamental soundness of the company. The student is required to

consider these non-quantitative factors in the final analysis of whether the company should be a

prospective investment.


In the final phase of the semester project the student determines the intrinsic investment

value of Coca Colas stock. The intrinsic value is based on the present value of the annual cash

flows the stockholders receive over the next 10 years. Exhibit uses historic data for the last six

years to determine the stockholders cash flow, the annual growth rate of stockholders cash

flow, and the six-year average past growth rate of stockholders cash flow.


Return on Equity Calculations


11 1 1 14 15 16

Price Per Share 14.884 0.664 1.084 .75 1.8 4

Owners Cash Flow

(NI + Dep - Capl Exp) 1085.4 11.147 175.7 06.75 507.77 40

Annual CF Growth Rate 0.04117 0.5748 0.176 0.116 0.1755

5-Year Average CF Growth .10%

Annual Sales Growth 10% 0.101 0.0686 0.1581 0.1104 0.015

5-Yr Average Sales Growth

Value Added 7.674 0.18 0.8440 7.715 6.4856

Average Value Added $4.7

Owners CF Per Share

0.40848 0.4158 0.6687 0.811056 1.00166 1.187878

Using the 16 shareholders cash flow ($.4 billion) the cash flow to the shareholders is

projected to grow at the six-year average past growth rate (Exhibit 4) over the next 10 years.

Next, using the dividend valuation model, the capital asset pricing model, and the bond

yield-plus-risk-premium model, the investors required rate of return for investing in Coca Cola

is estimated to be approximately 15 percent. This rate is used to discount the stockholders

future cash flows to their present value. Finally the terminal value of Coca Colas stock 10 years

from now is estimated using the dividend valuation model (P 10 = D 11 k s g) and also

discounted to the present value at the investors required rate of return. The sum of the present

value of each of the next 10 years cash flows to the stockholders and the present value of Coca

Colas stock 10 years from now represents the intrinsic investment value of Coca Colas stock.

Finally, the student compares Coca Colas intrinsic value to its actual stock price to make an

investment decision.


This paper presents a systematic approach, using Excel spreadsheets, to teach fundamental

analysis. The student semester project consists of three major parts, a complete ratio analysis

based on historic financial statements, a strategic analysis that identifies the companys strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and a present value analysis of stockholders future

expected cash flows. The discounted future cash flows to the stockholders represent the intrinsic

value of Coca Colas stock and is compared to the actual stock price.

While the project appears to be extensive, the Excel spreadsheets tend to make short work of

the analysis. Students have found the experience quite rewarding.


Copeland, Tom, Koller, Tim, and Jack Murrin, McKinsey & Company, Inc.,

000, Valuation,

Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Fraser, Lyn M., and Aileen Ormiston,

000, Understanding Financial Statements

, Prentice Hall,


Higgins, Robert C., 15,

Analysis for Financial Management

, Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Please note that this sample paper on Coke is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Coke, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Coke will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Minister's Black Veil

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Minister's Black Veil. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Minister's Black Veil paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Minister's Black Veil, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Minister's Black Veil paper at affordable prices!

Perfection is an idea that has challenged man in his own society, but is man actually capable of obtaining and maintaining a complete and steady state of perfection within his own inner being? As Plato would say, "Perfection cannot exist without the 'idea perfection' in the mind of an individual." There is really no accurate state of perfection that exists in human nature. Perfection is determined by the different interpretations given to it man himself.

Many times man is caught in a trance to become better than his spiritual father, God. Many individuals believe that if they can outdo their Creator than they will obtain a "free scholarship" to the University of Heaven that contains the best teachers in the universe, rated number one above Harvard University. Yet, doesn't this mean that to outdo God would make man his own god? This would be hypocritical to everything that man attempts to teach his fellow species in church every Sunday from the biblical scriptures. In that case man would be worshipping his own identity and following his own set of "commandments," refusing to follow what Jesus Christ established centuries ago. The battle for perfection continues today as many individuals strive to live a pure life like the Creator of heaven and hell. So does this mean that the Creator and His Son only love those with pure hearts and souls? Jesus himself loved Mary Magdalene, the prostitute in the biblical era, some much that he was willingly to teach her the correct path to heaven and peace, leading her to become one of the most prominent Christian figures in the Roman Catholic Church.

The famous first "true" Christian writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, wrote a series of short stories that deal with the "fall of man's society" as well as the hypocrisy that occurs in the church today, leading man to break the first commandment, " Thou shall have no other Gods before me." Each short story is connected with the other in many important factors such as hypocrisy in the church and man becoming his own God. Hawthorne utilizes great imagery of biblical illusion in his work to bring his message across to "the sinners of our Father."

In Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, the minister, Arthur Dimmesdale represents that all people are just human and potentially they are entitled to commit mistakes in their life. Dimmesdale lives a thousand faces but the primary face is that of hypocrisy as he is faced with a battle against his own conscience. Dimmesdale has committed the ultimate sin, yet his cowardly reputation restricts his mouth from reciting the truth to his fellow villagers. Dimmesdale has acted against everything he has preached in his sermons. The minister is no hypocrite! He is perfect!

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This is the reputation that man has interpreted for the authorities of the Holy Church, demonstrating the "perfection" of God here on earth. Because Dimmesdale is a minister he is not entitled to make any mistakes himself; he is paralleled to Jesus Christ who taught his people "truth and honor" for one another. The bible only gives you the human interpretation, which man has created over the years but the real truth lies undiscovered. Only Jesus could tell his people about the life he lived here on Earth free from evil and temptation. In a symbolic way, he did not live a life free from evil and hate for he was persecuted for the sins of all mankind. We all make up part of our Father and through our sins we cause him to lose His sense of purity.

Hawthorne illustrates through the character of Pearl, the sin of Dimmesdale, that she is the perfect "perfection" that man battles for in life here in their society. She is symbolic of God's pure forgiveness of mankind's sins against themselves. Pearl also symbolizes that true perfection is maintained only as a natural birth of your own identity. The vision of Pearl is a constant reminder to Dimmesdale that he has sinned against his Father and has failed to keep his commitment to the church of his Creator. Dimmesdale foreshadows the actions of one other character created by Hawthorne Mr. Hooper.

In The Minister's Black Veil, the character of Mr. Hooper, the hypocrite of his congregation, symbolizes man's quest to surpass his own Creator and judge his people based on the laws of hypocrisy. The black veil which lies upon the face of the minister is symbolic of the distance which he has placed himself from his congregation. He is too perfect for the presence of his sinners. Likewise, the congregation can sense that their minister has not been faithful to them.

The minister displays his cowardness through wearing the veil, which distorts his image of the world around him. Although the veil distorts the images from his sight, the small light, which he can see through his mask, symbolizes God's hope for Mr. Hooper. God will not give up on this individual, causing the veil to remain transparent rather than opaque. The veil also serves as a reminder to society that they have caused a veil to form between themselves and their Creator every time they choose to sin against His will. Through the veil, Mr. Hooper attempts to hide his sins and cover his track in the ministry. The character of Mr. Hooper is that total opposite of Jesus Christ, who never once shunned himself from society because he was too perfect.

Although Mr. Hooper displays the acts of hypocrisy in his church, leading to him become God himself, he does teach a valuable lesson to his congregation. " Why do you tremble at me alone?" "Tremble also at each other! … "I look around me, and lo! on every visage a Black Veil!" Mr. Hooper reminds his society that my making faces at him and gossiping about him around the church, they too have sewn a black veil on their face. They have sinned without knowing it. His entire congregation has become hypocrites of their own. They have also attempted to play the role of God through trying to judge Mr. Hooper for the veil that symbolizes "the fall of man's society." Man will cause his own destruction as Hawthorne has displayed through Dr. Rappaccini in his next story.

One of the most symbolic works of Hawthorne is Rappaccini's Daughter, the story about a doctor who will go to any extent to gain powerful knowledge about life and the nature around him. In this work of Hawthorne, Dr. Rappaccini enacts the role of God by creating an experiment out of his naïve daughter. Her father's experiment causes for Beatrice to bring death to every thing she lays her hand upon. Hawthorne utilizes a great biblical allusion in this story about the hunger for power and the deadly power of love. The scene with Beatrice and Giovanni are symbolic of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and story of the tree of life. Giovanni falls in love with "the plant experiment" out of lust; he falls in love with her after the fact that he sees her beauty. He is tempted to visit her in the garden, arriving with purple flower that is symbolic of the apple of sin. The flower wilts after Beatrice infects it with poison. This is symbolic of the rise of Death. After Adam and Eve ate the apple from the tree, God created death. Death is inherited as part of our life when we are born into this world. The flower's wilting signifies all the sacrifices which man must make in life to survive in his constructed society.

Dr. Rappaccini emotionally and physically "rapes" his daughter from life after his sins are the result of his beautiful Eve's death. Once again man has tried to succumb the power and knowledge of his own Creator and results in a total tragedy causing the death of many innocent lives. Dr. Rappaccini "would sacrifice human life, his own among the rest, or whatever else was dearest to him, for sake of adding so much as a grain of mustard seed to the great heap of his accumulated knowledge." The flower from the garden of life is symbolic of his own sacrifice of his daughter to gain this knowledge, which his brain hungers. Dr. Rappaccini has gone against every word that is read in the bible. His greed has overtaken his soul; he no longer loves his daughter but views her as the experiment that will gain him that "grain of mustard-seed of knowledge." He has become a hypocrite of society's rules to love and protect your loved ones.

Hawthorne has utilized these characters to teach us humans' valuable lessons about the world around us. Should they been forgiven or condemned for their ignorance to realize that God is the supreme being of the world? If man continues to seek for happiness in the idea of perfection, he will remain lost in melancholy for eternity. Hippocrates believed that moderation, harmony, and a "sound mind in a sound body" lead an individual to a healthy lifestyle, physically and emotionally. Antithenes believed that true happiness lies in not being dependent on such random and fleeting things. Perfection will only be an idea that has no true definition. According to St. Augustine, evil comes from mankind's disobedience. The good will is god's work and evil is the falling away from God's work. We are entirely at his mercy.

No one can judge the creations of Hawthorne because we have all committed sins in our life. He, who has not sinned, be the first to cast the first stone at these characters. Condemning these characters would only put you in their place as hypocrites of the church. They can receive "financial aid" for being the minority of society so that they can still get accepted into the University of Heaven. But are these hypocrites truly the minority or are they the majority that can be found around the corner in the hall of your school. We must remove the black veil that we each wear before we can make any statements. We must review our past, accepting our own faults and condemning ourselves first before condemning our neighbor. Man should live a life full of peace and happiness within their heart rather than competing with each other for the power of "perfection". We are God's family and if we destroy ourselves amongst each other it is like symbolically crucifying him once again. Hypocrisy is a natural instinct of man and he must learn to overcome it before ever developing the "idea perfection."

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