
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Nuclear Energy Good or BAd

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Nuclear Energy Good or BAd. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Nuclear Energy Good or BAd paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Nuclear Energy Good or BAd, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Nuclear Energy Good or BAd paper at affordable prices!

Is nuclear energy good or bad?

Nuclear energy is defined by Webster's Encyclopaedia as energy from the inner core or nucleus of the atom, as opposed to energy released in chemical processes, which is derived from the electrons surrounding the nucleus. Thus, since the atom was split, releasing nuclear energy for the first time, it ushered in a new era of political, economic and social debate in the history of humankind. For the first time humanity had to grapple with the intricacies that this new nuclear age brought with it. People had to struggle with the dichotomy of nuclear energy, in time recognising both the benefits and the drawbacks associated with nuclear energy. Thus, over time as people became more educated and the level of awareness about nuclear energy was raised (especially during the activist years of 160's and 170's) the question is nuclear energy good or bad was increasingly being asked.

This essay will therefore discuss the value of nuclear energy. It will focus on very pertinent issues that have long been debated in the area of nuclear energy. These issues include aspects such as nuclear waste, environmental costs, nuclear safety, nuclear sustainability and nuclear weapons.

Nuclear wasteOrder College Papers on Nuclear Energy Good or BAd

The fuels in nuclear power reactors are a major source of the most dangerous and most radioactive waste produced. In the last 50 years, irradiated fuel has been responsible for 5% of radioactivity generated. 500 pounds of plutonium and approximately 0 tons of high-level radioactive waste are produced by a 1000-megawatt nuclear power plant on average each year.

Nuclear waste is thus a very important and real problem that society has to deal with. Governments and private nuclear plants have to adequately and effectively deal with the safe removal of nuclear waste. When not done so, nuclear waste has the potential to become a very bad negative outcome from the use of nuclear power and energy. Nuclear waste is thus an instance that shows that nuclear energy can be construed as 'bad.'

Environmental Costs

The nuclear fuel cycle, which generates electricity from nuclear energy, releases carbon dioxide during mining, fuel enrichment and plant construction. Carbon dioxide intensivity is increased during uranium mining. As uranium mining proliferates as the demand for electrical energy and new nuclear plant construction increases, so will carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphere. In contrast to renewable energy, nuclear energy generates four to five times more CO per unit of energy produced, taking into account the total nuclear fuel cycle.

Another somewhat startling fact is that the United Stated government allows the release of radioactive water into the environment at "permissible" levels. One can also not obtain a true and accurate picture of the exact amounts of nuclear and radioactive wastes and emissions leaked into the air, water and soil as the figures for these are not available, according to the website.

At these rates, the earth's atmosphere and ecosystem will soon be unable to cope with the amounts of waste and radioactivity injected into it. For these reasons, the impact of nuclear energy and waste has high environmental costs. Many people thus see nuclear energy's impact on the environment as a negative cost that will inevitably not be sustained over the long term. For these reasons the Kyoto Protocol has been drawn up. It is an attempt to limit the negative impact that nuclear energy has on the environment. It is also an indication of the global trend in recognising that the costs of the nuclear age is and will continue to catch up with humanity. President Bush of the United States by refusing to sign the protocol and align the United States with the principles of the Kyoto Protocol has angered many in the international community.

Nuclear safety

There have been concerns around the use of nuclear energy as well as the storage of nuclear weapons. Repetitive problems have occurred with security, safety and environmental impact in the nuclear industry. High levels of radioactivity are thus dangerous to human health and well being. Safety at nuclear plants and reactors is therefore vital. Human error plays a major part in nuclear safety as in the case of the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine. There a nuclear leak caused by nuclear heating in a non pressurised boiling water nuclear reactor. The fallout killed over 50 people, thousands of square miles were contaminated and clouds of radioactive isotopes were found as far away as Sweden. Anxiety over the use of nuclear energy has been heightened by the Chernobyl disaster as well as accidents at Windscale in the UK and Five Mile Island in the US. Since governments do not recognise the dangers of radiation and radiation sickness nuclear safety is still a controversial subject.

Nuclear Weapons

Aligned to the issue of nuclear safety is the presence of nuclear weapons and arms. Nuclear weapons including the atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb and the neutron bomb and the vast numbers of weapons the world's superpowers have amassed, have left those holding the power with the ability to destroy the world many times over. For many years during the cold war between the democratic west and the communist east, the world lived in fear of a nuclear winter. This is obviously a negative aspect associated with the nuclear age.

While this essay thus far has discussed the negative aspects associated with nuclear energy, there are some benefits that go along with the use of nuclear energy. These will now be focussed on/

The Benefits of Nuclear Energy/Nuclear Sustainability

· Safety.

While no source of electrical power generation is completely safe, nuclear power has a remarkable record. About 0% of electricity generated in the U.S. comes from nuclear power, and in the last forty years of this production, not one single fatality has occurred as a result of the operation of a civilian nuclear power plant in the United States, Western Europe, Japan, or South Korea. No other form of energy production can even come close.

· Zero risk of large-scale oil spills.

Incidentally, getting rid of our dependence on imported oil is desirable not only from an environmental standpoint, but from a political one. The largest single activity of our military today is ensuring the security of the Middle East for U.S. interests. As far as the risk of large oil spills, the Exxon Valdez spill of 18 was one of the worst environmental disasters in history.

· Economical.

Nuclear power plants are one of the most economical forms of energy production. Fuel costs for an equivalent amount of power run from 1/rd to 1/6th the cost for fossil production, and capital and non-fuel operating costs are roughly equivalent, resulting in the overall cost of nuclear generation of electricity running 50% to 80% that of other sources. This is in spite of the fact that capital costs have been hugely inflated due to lawsuits, court injunctions, and other delaying tactics used by individuals and organizations opposed to nuclear power.

· Reliability.

Nuclear power plant capacity factors average about 75%. This is about equivalent to those of fossil fired plants, and since nuclear plants are required by the NRC to shut down for what often amounts to trivial reasons, that would indicate they are actually more reliable than fossil plants. Wind and Solar power cant come close to the capacity factors of nuclear power, for obvious reasons.

· Sustainability.

Even if Uranium mining were stopped today, the use of breeder reactors (which create more fuel than they use) would permit us to continue generating electricity at present levels for over a thousand years into the future.


There are thus benefits as well as well as drawbacks associated with nuclear energy. The advances made for humanity through the use of nuclear power has been significant (as seen through the advantaged of nuclear energy discussed in the previous section). However, the dangers associated with nuclear energy in the shape of weapons of mass destruction and the danger and potential of nuclear leaks and reactor meltdowns has also made people more apprehensive about nuclear energy. This contradiction that the nuclear age has brought the world makes it very challenging for one to decisively say that nuclear energy has been entirely good or entirely bad. This is because the inherent dangers in the use of nuclear energy mirror the dangers that were brought with other inventions and innovations that advanced and changed the shape of society, such as automobiles and air travel. Both these modes of transport present very real risks to the person that chooses to use it. However, there are also many benefits, making it difficult for a realist to say that the automobile has been good or bad.

This form of logic and analysis can be applied to the use of nuclear energy in society. We have to recognise the benefits that we have derived from it. If society had to continue using coal and other such sources as fuel, the world, with its exponential population explosion could very well have run out of these sources by now. It is for this reason that I recognise the value that the nuclear age has brought humanity and thus would have to agree that nuclear energy can be good. This is not an endorsement of nuclear weapons in any way. I recognise the potential for harm that they bring to the world at large and their use by governments as a form of threat in lieu of diplomacy violates ethical and moral guidelines and principles, when the norm of reciprocity should ideally dictate international relations and geopolitics. My recognition that nuclear energy as a good factor in society also comes with a further limitation; that safety and security at power plants and reactors be made the most important factor so that the safety of the community in which the plant is located is ensured.

Please note that this sample paper on Nuclear Energy Good or BAd is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Nuclear Energy Good or BAd, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Nuclear Energy Good or BAd will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on NIKE. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality NIKE paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in NIKE, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your NIKE paper at affordable prices!

The athletic apparel industry in which Nike is involved is a major money maker in the United States, but the fact that none of the factories are located in North America has brought some heat to the company. Nike controls more than 40 percent of the U.S. Market for sports related goods, but doesn't have a single sneaker factory in this country (Miller 1). Nike continues to make millions of dollars yet exploits workers overseas by paying them very little, while requiring long hours without overtime pay in factories that are not up to "American" standard. Nike subcontractors employ nearly 500,000 workers in plants in Indonesia, China and Vietnam (Saporito 1). The exploitation of workers in Third World counties, where the majority of Nike's labor is done sparks a controversial issue. People question why is it that Nike continues these practices. According to "Just do it, Nike," Nike seems especially fond of doing business in undemocratic countries like China and Indonesia, where the military can be relied upon to "crack heads" if workers get out of line (Miller ). The military monitoring has been a large controversy due to the fact that these are often Chinese working against other Chinese workers, or Vietnamese against their own people also. For Nike there are two benefits it it's a cheap way to monitor in an overseas factory and it creates a sheaper labor workforce. In turn making the labor cheaper for Nike. This makes it possible for Nike workers from the states to work on other things and only tour the factories when nessecary. While still assuming a stable workforce without good pay. The critics of Nikes labor practices have taken tours and witnessed the mistreatment firsthand. Time magazine reported saying," The plants were found to be modern and clean, well lighted and ventilated and paying a decent wage by local standardsalthough by no means are they trouble free. Make no mistake these are factories not amusement parks, and even in developing Asia, where jobs are scarce and getting scarcer, this is not the job of choice." (Saporito 1) The wages that the workers overseas are paid is nothing when compared to how much we pay for a pair of shoes or the profit that CEO Phil Knight is making off his sportswear giant he once operated out of the back of his car as a college student. "A big issue that surrounds sweatshops is wage. The minimum wage often does not reflect the cost of living." (Hepner Online) Is the wage fair? There are many people who feel the wage is fair and the cost of living is taken into account when the wage is looked at, but studies show otherwise in many factories. Just recently, CNN reported a raise to entry level workers in Indonesia, Nike officials said "the increase will raise the minimum monthly compensation packagewhich includes bonuses, housing, healthcare, transportation and meal allowances to approximately $7.14 a month."(Nike Establishes Labor" Online) To many people living in the U.S., that package may sound good however the compensation package doesn't do away with the long hours, the poor conditions or the low rate of pay. Many of these workers are young children working to help support their families. The benefits do not make up for the low pay rates that keep them in the work force. The pay is only enough to get by where these children want to be saving in order to leave the factories and return home. In "Taking a Look inside Nike's Factories", part of Bill Saporito's, "Can Nike Get Unstuck?" this is what was found. "Americans pay $100 for a pair of shoes that a worker gets less than $ a day to make. They pay Michael Jordan $40 million to endorse them. Can't they find more money to pay the workers? The short answer is no, because corporations pay the going rate for labor whereever they are." (Saporito 1) If this statement is true Nike pays the wage for the country the factory is in, then what is the controversy about? Much of it stems from the overtime that these workers are forced to work without over time compensation. Here in the United States there are regulations placed on businesses that require then to compensate their workers with a higher wage for over time hours. So since Nike is an U.S. based company should Nike have to pay overtime? The answer is no. Nike doesn't have to pay overtime like here in the U.S. so they don't. In Vietnam "Workers so want a reduction in overtime, the length of annual leave for the Indonesian workers making Nike shoes is more than 0 days though dozens of workers interviewed in November, said the actual amount is 10 days." (Ballinger ) There has been evidence of Nike breaking at least nine labor laws in China according to AMRC; a Hong Kong based human rights group that has been monitoring the abuse of human rights in China for the last 0 years. "Children as young as 1, were found employed in Nike factories, working from 144-1 overtime hours per month to make ends meet." (Designer 1) Ernest and Young, an accounting firm, hired by Nike, to do research and the issue reported conditions in Vietnam "where young women toil sixty-five hour weeks for $10, in air so bad that 78 percent of the employees have respiratory problems." (Miller1) Factory workers endure abuse on the job lacking a voice or ablility to do anything about it. Since Nike contracts out for their factory managers, it has been hard for Nike to regulate what goes on when they are not on their tour or walk through. "A Korean supervisor in a Vietnam factory was found guilty of beating 15 Vietnamese about the head with a shoe "upper", and another Korean supervisor was charged with sexual molestation." (Saporito ) In this instance it was not an U.S. supervisor, nor was it a military officer but someone of a different nationality. The hard part is that there are no independent unions and meaningful corporate codes of conduct to discipline management. So workers must turn to the courts for help which is a long fought battle that no one wants to attempt. In one case that made it to, a Vietnamese court recently found a Korean supervisor guilty of beating workers and extradition may be sought for the accused sexual molester who fled. In Indonesia 4 discharged Nike workers are challenging the legality of their dismissal before the country's Supreme Court (Saporito ). These are major breakthroughs in the court systems to have someone tried and convicted in these distant countries whose courts are often corrupted. Factory conditions are consistently getting press here in the U.S., as many are angry with Nike for not providing for their overseas employees. The following account is of the conditions in a Chiniese factory Twelve hour shifts several days a week; wages as low as 16 cents and hour; 16 workers to a dorm room; pregnant women fired. Workers are not allowed to talk. There is constant pressure to produceworkers are yelled at. If you don't meet your high production quota you must stay until you do-without pay. The factory is noisy, filled with dust and fumes. Workers have fainted, overcome by the long hours and the glue fumes. One worker died; another lost an arm; other has had their fingers broken by the equipment. Most workers have never heard of the Nike code of conduct. There is no union and workers are afraid that if they complain, they will be fired. When a group of workers stopped working in March to protest had not been paid, they were fired. The supervisor warns workers in advance of any inspection, the factory is cleaned and if workers are interviewed it is in the presence of factory management. ("The Neediest and the Greediest" 4) This is only one description of the factory conditions and the requirements that are put on the workers of these factories, on contract with Nike. In order to deal with the criticism Nike gets about working conditions and pay, "Nike Inc recently established a new department with a mandate to continue to evolve it's monitoring of subcontracted manufacturing facilities and to continue to upgrade conditions for workers in subcontracted facilities around the world." ("Nike establishes" 1) This department will monitor, compensation issues, benefits, the work environments, recruiting and hiring policies, overtime policies, worker management, environmental issues and supervision of independent monitoring systems. All these are large steps by Nike to improve it's factories and to repair the relations with people here in the U.S. who are appalled by the reports of poor work environment workers are forced to endure. "The company has been tarred by an image as a sweatshop operator that exploits Asian workers who make shoes and apparel for Nike subcontractors. Nike's efforts to be a good corporate citizen, and they have been considerable, have yet to sway the public forum. Basically, our culture, and our style, is to be a rebel, and we sort of enjoy doing that," says Knight, who created a jock empire based on hero worship backed up with good product and great advertising. "Now that we reached a certain size there's a fine line between being rebel and being a bully, and yeah, we have to walk that line."" (Saporito 6) According to Knight he will continue to make the sport-wear giant successful any way he can. "The estimated net worth of co founder and current CEO Phil Knight is $5.4 billion, one of the wealthiest people in America." (Miller 1) The issue remains whether the sports wear giant, Nike, will continue to do work in other countries, where labor is cheap and regulations are few, and not monitored on a normal basis. Nike will continue to exploit workers in these countries as long as America continues to buy the products. Nike, who recently spent $78 million in one year on advertising worldwide, depends upon Americans and their children to purchase its sneakers. Yet it locates 150 factories and some 50,000 jobs in Asia. Knight recently made the absurd and arrogant statement that, "Americans don't want to make shoes."" (Sanders ) Is CEO Phil Knight right? Are American workers not willing to make the shoes that are so popular in stores and classrooms across the nation. If so, the exploitation will continue and Nike workers will remain underpaid and over worked in poor working conditions.

Please note that this sample paper on NIKE is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on NIKE, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on NIKE will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Operant Conditioning

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Operant Conditioning. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Operant Conditioning paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Operant Conditioning, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Operant Conditioning paper at affordable prices!


The use of Operant Conditioning to shape a desired behaviour

Behavioural psychology is a branch of Psychology, which studies the way in which humans learn and adapt to their environment. The ability to adapt and to learn from a constant changing environment is essential for survival of all species, not exclusive to the human race. "Operant conditioning involves operant behaviour, as each individual act operates on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli". (Myers, 00, 01.).

Operational Conditioning is a method used to increase a desirable behaviour, and to decrease an undesirable behaviour. This method incorporates shaping, positive and negative reinforcement, token economies and reinforcement schedules to further increase a desirable behaviour within a species. B.F. Skinner, one of the most influential behavioural psychologists who developed his theory of Operational Conditioning from Edward L. Thorndike's Law of Effect, used these fundamental principles of reinforcement and reinforcement schedules to shape and modify the behaviour in rats placed in a controlled environment, called a Skinner box. (Myers, 00, 01.).

Buy Operant Conditioning term paper

Edward. L. Thorndike's theory of the Law of Effect states that "Rewarded behaviour is likely to recur, whereas punished behaviour is likely not likely to recur." (Myers, 00, 01.). Using this theory as a starting point, Skinner developed a behavioural technology that revealed principles of control. These principles enabled Skinner to teach pigeons such behaviours as walking in a figure eight, playing ping-pong, and keeping a missile on course by pecking at a target on a screen. (Myers, 00, 01.).

Operant-Conditioning 4

Critics of Skinners theory denounce it stating "he dehumanized people by neglecting their personal freedom and by seeking to control their actions." (Myers, 00, 01.). Skinner's response was that "recognizing behaviour that is shaped by its consequences, we, as a society,

should administer rewards in ways that promote behaviour that is more desirable. Due to the fact that people's behaviour is already haphazardly controlled by external consequences, why not administer those consequences for human betterment"(Myers, 00, 01.).

The present study is an attempt to test the efficiency of Skinners principles of Operant Conditioning to increase desired study behaviour, by the use of a controlled experiment. A participant recorded his/her daily activities on a daily calendar. For the period of approximately two weeks the participant recorded when the desired behaviour of study occurred naturally. The participant then recorded on a daily calendar the occurrence of the desired behaviour for four weeks with the use of operant conditioning principles as an intervention to gradually increase the amount of time studied. It was expected that the participant would observe and benefit from an increase in the desired study behaviour.



The participant for this study was a male, approximately 18 years of age, and was a Douglas College psychology 100 student who participated in this study for course credit. For two weeks, he participant was asked to record base line data of his study behaviour as it occurred naturally, then was asked to record his behaviour with a four week intervention, using key techniques and principles of Operant Conditioning. The participant, during the four-week

Operant-conditioning 5

intervention was asked to record the number of minutes studied each day, for each week. The participant agreed and signed a consent form. (see appendix A).


The participant was asked to use a pencil and daily records calendar to record his daily behaviours, as they occurred naturally for two weeks. After the two-week period, he was then asked to record his daily behaviour and his study behaviour while using the principles of operant conditioning to increase his study behaviour. After each day, if the required behaviour occurred, the participant was given a token in which he could redeem for 'free' time.

The principles of operant conditioning used were continuous, positive reinforcement by using tokens to gain personal time, tokens, a fixed-interval reinforcement schedule as every time the desired behaviour occurred the participant received a token, and shaping, the use of operant conditioning to modify and enhance the desired behaviour. The participant used Myers 6th edition psychology textbook to study from.


The participant was asked to record his behaviour every day for two weeks. This would provide a controlled variable in which to compare the experimental variable. After two weeks, the participant was then introduced to principles of operant conditioning (ex positive and potent reinforcement and a reinforcement schedule.). For four weeks, he recorded his daily behaviour and for every time the desired minutes of daily study behaviour was achieved, he received a token. Each token granted to the participant could be redeemed for one hour of personal time. Each week the number of desired study minutes increased. At the end of each week, if all desired study minutes from Monday through Sunday exclusive were achieved, the participant was

Operant-Conditioning 6

allowed to purchase two new CDs. If the desired study minutes were not achieved for each week,

Monday through Sunday exclusive, the participant was denied the purchase of two CDs.

For two weeks the participant collected base line data. In week one of the intervention period the participant was required to study for a minimum of 45 minutes per day, per week. In the second week the participant was required to study for a minimum of 75 minutes per day, per week, then for 15 minutes per day, per week in week three. Finally, the participant was required to study for a minimum of 150 minutes per day, per week. If all of the desired minutes of study was accomplished, at the end of each day the participant received a token in which he could redeem for free minutes of personal time. At the end of each week, if all minutes of study were accomplished, the participant was allowed to purchase two new CDs as a reward. At the end of each week the participant recorded his results on a table, which he could then compare to the required results for that week. At the end of the four week intervention all six weeks of data was collected for the purpose of a compare and contrast table to show the behaviour achieved by the participant, and the predicted, desired behaviour defined by the experiment. (see appendix B)


The effectiveness of operant conditioning principles during the four-week intervention period was assessed by comparing the experimental intervention data with the two-weeks of base line data. As anticipated, the participant's study behaviour gradually and steadily increased during the intervention period.

Operant-Conditioning 7

As the figure 1 demonstrates, the amount of time in minutes in which the participant studied was average. During the four weeks of intervention however, the participant's behaviour steadily increased.

As table one indicates, during the four weeks of intervention the participants study behaviour increased, and as shown in weeks four and five, surpassed the desired target.


The results of this study demonstrate that the use of operant conditioning principles, such as positive reinforcement, token economies and reinforcement schedules for shaping behaviour were effective. The two weeks of base line data indicated that the study behaviour of the participant was average, however it was not consistent from day to day. As expected, when the participant underwent a four-week intervention period using operant conditioning principles, his study behaviour steadily increased and was consistent each day.

Past experiments suggest that operant conditioning is effective in shaping a desirable behaviour through reinforcement. B.F. Skinners experiments with rats and pigeons found that the use of successive approximations by rewarding only the desirable behaviour, and administering reinforcers that have a positive effect will promote shaping of a specific and desired behaviour. "By making rewards contingent on desired behaviours, researchers and animal trainers gradually shape complex behaviours." (Myers, 00, pg 0.).

The study encompasses limitations. There were no control measures taken to ensure that the time studies were done at the same time, each day for consistency and continuity. The study itself was a case study, only focussing on one individual, therefore generalization cannot be

Operant-Conditioning 8

drawn form this studies findings. Although tokens were used and reinforcers were present, the fact that the participant administered there own rewards may have altered the results as the participant could give himself rewards regardless if he completed the desired behaviour or not. Finally, due to the fact that the positive reinforced must be, according to Nancy Maloney a psychology professor at Douglas College,"immediate, accessible and potent"(N. Maloney, personal communications, 00.); the reinforcement in this study may not have been potent or accessible enough for the participant as it was not immediate. The reinforcement was given at the end of each week, rather than each day.

Further research would benefit from a reinforcement that is immediate and accessible, administered by the experimenter, rather than the participant, and experimenting upon larger populations, randomly selected would give more credible and sound results in which a generalization may be pulled

In conclusion, the findings support the hypothesis in that operant conditioning is a successful way in which to modify, shape and increase a desired behaviour through the use of its fundamental techniques and principles.

Please note that this sample paper on Operant Conditioning is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Operant Conditioning, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Operant Conditioning will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Business in Japan

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Some main post offices are open seven days a week.

Most department stores are closed for two to three weekdays a month.

Most museums are closed on Mondays.




(m) RATE

Single Occupancy Double Occupancy


8, 000 yen

, 000 yen


0, 000 yen

5, 000 yen



7, 000 yen

4, 000 yen



40, 000 yen

45, 000 yen


66 80, 000 yen


80 100, 000 yen



10 180, 000 yen


00 00, 000 yen


ʞCheck-in is from 00 pm / Check-out is before noon.

ʞAn extra bed can be provided at a charge of 5,000. Cribs for infants are available free of charge.

ʞAll rates are subject to 10% service charge and applicable taxes.

ʞAll rates are subject to change without notice.


1. Education and Safety of Cardiac Anesthesia

(World Prospective of Risk Reduction)

1) New Developments in Risk Reduction and Outcome Improvement North America, Asia, Europe

) Computer-assisted Cardiovascular Anesthesia Navigation System, Simulator Virtual System for Cardiac anesthesia

. Scientific Approaches for Cardiovascular System

1) Tissue Engineering Culturing Myocardium

) Molecular Biology Myocardium Receptor

. Coagulation

1) Coagulation Changes during Cardiovascular Surgery

) Assessment of Platelet Function during and after Cardiopulmonary Bypass

) Does the Use of Antifibrinolytics Reduce Bleeding during and after Cardiac Surgery?

4. Cardiopulmonary Bypass

1) Embolic Events during CPB Detection and Prevention

) Dialysis and hemofiltration in Cardiac Surgery

) CPB for the patient with HIT

5. Imflammatory Response in Cardiac Surgery

1) Mechanism of the Imflammatory (Immune) Response during Cardiac Surgery

) Modulation of the Inflammatory Response

) Extreme Inflammatory Responses

6. Thoracic Anesthesia

1) Anesthetic Considerations in One-lung Ventilation and Techniques for Lung Isolation

) Lung transplant

) Perioperative Management of Patient for Esophagus Resection

7. Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

1) Pathophysiology and Perioperative Management of Pulmonary Hypertension

) Anesthetic Management for Fontan, Norwood Surgery

8. Postoperative Management in Cardiac Patients

1) Hemodynamic Support LOS and arrythmia

) Postoperative Respiratory Management

) Postoperative Pain Management

. Non-cardiac Surgery in Patient with Heart Disease

1) Current Evaluation Guidelines for the Patient with IHD

) New Management Options in Valvular Heart Disease

10. Management for Aortic Stenosis

1) Pre and intraoperative Evaluation of Aortic Valve

) Surgical Options for Aortic Valve Procedure

11. Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass

1) Review of Literature Is OPCAB Better?

) Reduction of Ischemia during OPCAB

) The Future of Coronary Bypass Surgery

1. Neuroprotection

1) Neurologic Consequences of Cardiac Surgery

) Perioperative Neuroprotection in Cardiac Surgery

) Spinal Cord Protection

1. Literature Review

1) International Pharmacology

) Japanese Session

1) CPB System for Aortic Arch Reconstraction

) Complications during CPB

1. Beginner to Intermediate

1) Principle, Indications and safety

) Image Optimization

) Anatomy

4) Evaluation of Global Function

5) Evaluation of Regional Function

6) Basic Mitral Valve

7) Basic Aortic Valve

8) Basic Densities and Defects

) Basic Thoracic Aorta

10) Artifacts and Pitfalls

11) Tricuspid and Pulmonary Valves

1) Relationship of Surgery and TEE

1) Surgical Considerations in Aortic Surgery

. Intermediate to advance

1) Quantitative Hemodynamics

) Systolic Function

) Evaluation of Hypotension

4) Aortic Stenosis

5) Aortic Regurgitation

6) Mitral Stenosis

7) Mitral Regurgitation

8) Prosthetic Valves

) Endocarditis

10) Thoracic Aorta

11) Pericardial Disease

1) Diastolic Function

1) Congenital

Further information coming soon.

Please note that this sample paper on Business in Japan is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Business in Japan, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Business in Japan will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Song of Solomon

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Song of Solomon. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Song of Solomon paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Song of Solomon, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Song of Solomon paper at affordable prices!

In the novel The Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, Milkman (Macon III Dead) gradually progresses in the process of self-actualization. Throughout the course of the novel, Milkman is constantly absorbed in himself. By the conclusion of the novel we find that he has finally realized the heritage and culture to which he is a part of. It is through various experiences and meetings that Milkman finally "awakens" in closing of the novel. Morrison used the techniques of diction and realism to portray Milkman's journey to discover himself and his family roots. The culmination of these literary techniques and the experiences that Milkman goes through, Morrison was successful in freeing Milkman of avarice and replacing it with an appreciation for his cultural and familial roots.

Milkman's road to awareness begins with his parents; Macon Dead and Ruth Foster Dead. His parents served as an impediment, as they hindered his ability to figure out his true authentic identity. So the first "stepping stone" that Milkman had to climb and surpass was that of escaping the suppressed world that his parents subjected him to. Ruth breast-fed Macon III (Milkman) until he was six years old. Milkman would be forced to oblige under his mother's commands. As Morrison wrote, "…he was old enough to be bored by the flat taste of mother's milk, so he came reluctantly, as to a chore…"(1). Morrison portrayed the scene through the use of both diction and realism. Through her word choice (diction), Morrison portrayed the reluctant behavior of Milkman in relation to being breast-fed at such an old age. Realism was used to portray the feelings Ruth felt. She was at a point in her life where things were meaningless and no one expressed any love towards her. By breast-feeding Milkman, she experienced a sense of pleasure. "She had the distinct impression that his lips were pulling from her a thread of light"(1). This light referred to the daily pleasure she needed to sustain her life. This situation of Ruth was important in the development of Milkman's personality and character. Ruth believed that she possessed no authenticity, and that she was insignificant and secluded from the world. By passing these negative attributes and emotions to Milkman, she disturbed his natural process for growth, and ultimately left him feeling lost and insecure. Instead of encouraging Milkman to grow and mature, Ruth forced him into the world that she herself despised. Through the use of diction and realism, Morrison depicted the situation that Milkman was in at the start of the novel.

Morrison portrays Milkman's first step towards self-actualization indirectly through the use of realism and diction, as stated earlier. The lack of proper support and motivation, Milkman was a disadvantage growing up. He lacked guidance, honesty, and most importantly, an identity. There was within him an inner turmoil that disappeared only after he freed himself from his restraining parents. Milkman is going through the same experience his mother had and went through her entire life. Morrison wrote, "…because the fact is that I am a small woman. I don't mean little; I mean small, and I'm small because I was pressed small"(14). In the same way that Ruth was pressed small, Milkman was restrained and was not able to live with his true identity. This feeling is what later led Milkman to search for his own identity in other places and in other people.

Following the stage of parental impediment, Milkman was on his next stage of self-awareness. The individual who first inspired Milkman to discover his own true identity was Pilate. Pilate was one of the most unique, influential, and independent characters in the novel. Pilate sparked in Milkman, what no other person had before. She intrigued him. For the first time in his life, Milkman began to question things and felt curiosity and wonder. He began to feel in him, a desire to find out more, about himself and his family. With Pilate, came another influential woman in Milkman's life Hagar. Ever since he first met her, Milkman was enchanted and very attracted to Hagar. She opened his mind and heart to something that he had never felt before. It was Pilate and Hagar's lyrical nature that helped Morrison express Macon III next step towards self-awareness/actualization. Her singing was triggered by what she believed was a message from her father (Macon Dead I). It was his familial background that was indirectly luring him into searching for his own true identity. "Surrendering to the sound, Macon moved closer. He wanted no conversation, no witness, only to listen and perhaps to see the three of them, the source of that music that made him think of fields and wild turkey and calico"(). This sense of magical realism led Milkman to advance to the next stage in his gradual process. "As Macon felt himself softening under the weight of memory and music, the song died down. The air was quiet and yet Macon Dead could not leave"(0). Through the use of diction in this case, Morrison expressed Milkman's ongoing fascination for Pilate. As Pilate is part of his family, he is slowly uncovering pieces of what would later shape his identity. Once again, through the use of diction and realism, Morrison represented the gradual awakening that Milkman is experiencing.

Custom Essays on Song of Solomon

Once Milkman had developed the initiative to search for his true self, he grew rapidly as a person. An influential agent in this case was Guitar, one of the few friends Milkman had. Guitar completed Milkman in a way that no other character could. Milkman was quiet, poetic, and not firm on his beliefs, while Guitar was enthusiastic, outgoing, and sentient of his needs. Guitar is the true foil of Milkman. It is through Guitar, that Milkman reaches another stage in his life. The most significant stage in the relationship between Milkman and Guitar was when Guitar spoke of the Seven Days. The Seven Days represented life for Guitar. He had found something he emphatically believed in. He told Milkman, "It's not about you living longer. It's about how you live and why. It's about whether your children can make other children"(160). Through diction, Morrison symbolized the effect that a goal, a purpose, and love can have on a person. When Milkman saw that Guitar was more interested in what he would die for, rather when how or when he died, it made him wonder. It even made him afraid that it was wrong. He told Guitar, "I'm scared for you man"(161), when in reality, it was himself that scared him the most. The necessity for purpose and love overcame Milkman's emotions leading him on to the most important stage in his life. Once again, Morrison portrayed Milkman's gradual awakening and awareness to his true purpose and identity through the use of diction. The diction, as minute and insignificant as it may have seemed, actually led to an array of mixed emotions and conflicts within Milkman, further deepening his cultural identity.

In his attempt to escape the suppressed world of his parents, Milkman stumbled upon their past. He visited Danville and Shalimar, both places of spiritual and familial heritage. For the first time in his life, he was in a place that he felt meant something. It was the land of his ancestors, primarily Macon Dead I. He learned from various characters, the events that shaped his parents past. It was these very experiences that had shaped his grandparents past. These various stories filled pieces to the puzzle that Milkman was trying to solve. His missing identity was forming itself as each story unfolded and as he met various different people. Milkman is especially drawn to Circe. This attraction is a part of the quest that Milkman has been trying to complete. Circe was like a part of their family, as she had helped Macon Dead II and Pilate escape from white landowners. So an attraction where there was vulnerability from Milkman on the subject of family was inevitable. Morrison wrote, "So when he saw the woman at the top of the stairs there was no way for him to resist climbing up toward her outstretched hands, her fingers spread wide for him, her mouth gaping open for him, her eyes devouring him"(). Circe, Pilate, and the men from his fathers past, provide Milkman with the necessary support, comfort and identity missing from his childhood. He begins to understand and appreciate his old, but newly found heritage. All that was absent from his upbringing is now substituted by events from generations past. Life, as Milkman had never experienced before, was easier to understand. This was primarily due to his new perspective, which proved to be more fulfilling. In this case, diction and realism played minor but nonetheless very important roles. The realism was presented through the diction when the dream of Circe is delineated. This intermingling of diction and realism produces the effect of awareness within Milkman. He begins to understand and complete his new, independent identity. Milkman discovered things about his parents relationships, and in the process discovered his own identity. By venturing into the unknown, he became aware of many of the characteristics that make up his own personal authenticity.

After a thorough examination of diction and realism within the context of the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, it is found that Milkman completes his quest of discovering himself. Milkman realized his true identity, and was finally freed from what had burdened and suppressed him as a child. Through gradual change, Milkman's various experiences shaped not only his personality, but also his identity. As Morrison wrote, "For now he knew what Shalimar knew If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it"(7).

Please note that this sample paper on Song of Solomon is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Song of Solomon, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Song of Solomon will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships paper at affordable prices!

The American Honda Corporation has a great track record of consumer-manufacturer relationships, making it important to research the relationships it has built with the consumers. New technologies in communications and database management have led to an explosion of managing consumer relationships. This holds true, especially in consumer and business-to-business, as the marketing effort returns from a mass mentality to a shopkeeper's mentality, from supply to demand marketing. The ideal one-to-one approach is through direct marketing to capture understanding, evolution, value and treatment of customers (Stearns 1).

The American Honda Corporation began as a small motorcycle company in 15. Today, Honda is a top manufacturer of motorcycles, power equipment, ATVs, generators, marine engines, and automobiles. From the first Honda vehicle, the S500, released in Japan to today's top-selling Accord and Civic, Honda is one of the world's leading manufacturers in the automobile industry. In 167, auto production began in the Suzuka factory. In 17, the Honda Civic debuts and by 177, the Civic ranks first in United States fuel-economy tests for the fourth consecutive year. The Honda Prelude debuts in 178, followed by the most profitable Honda Accord in 18. In 186, Honda introduces its luxury line, Acura. By 10, the Honda Accord becomes the best-selling car model in the United States and wins the fifth consecutive 1st ranking in the J.D. Power and Associates Consumer Satisfaction Index.

Honda Motor Corporation's basic philosophy of making products acceptable in international markets has led the Company and its subsidiaries' unique business development since its early days. As customer acceptance of Honda products in key markets increases, this philosophy has expanded to a basic business strategy of making products wherever they are being sold in quantity. Through this approach, Honda has been able to contribute to the economic welfare of a number of countries that produce Hondas. An example of Honda's commitment to the people and countries in which its products are sold is Honda of America Manufacturing, Incorporated, in Marysville, Ohio.

Because of successful marketing relationships with customers, Honda has gained a great reputation for itself. It has created a unique development and manufacturing capability producing a variety of consumer products built around compact, high-performance engines. By developing, manufacturing, and supplying 'quality' products, using local resources, and reinvesting capital, Honda fulfills its goal of being a responsible and contributing corporation.

Honda always finds a way to delight its customers, be it the gas efficient hybrid vehicle or the launching of scooters in India; there is always something new to make Honda customers proud of the company. Honda realizes the need for achieving cost leadership and often devises ways to delight its suppliers, but it is usually difficult to find the right vendor. Honda tries hard to build a long-term relationship. In order to sustain long-term relationships, most suppliers are inter-linked with Honda. While some companies try to make the payment procedure complex, with the underlying intention of delaying the payment, Honda is trying to come up with procedures so that payment can be expedited. Such activities undertaken by the company makes it an ideal customer in the eyes of the suppliers who reciprocate by providing the best of their products and services at the lowest possible price. The symbiotic relationship results in fruitful association for both (Sharma 1).

Relationship marketing, itself, centers on all marketing activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful exchanges with customers. It is crucial to maintain positive relationships with the customer and the manufacturer of the product, because loyal customers tend to be more profitable to keep than those who are price-sensitive and see little difference among competing products. Also, a company that is successful usually has strong relationships with customers, making it hard for any other competitor to penetrate the interests of the customer. For example, Honda spends more than $5 billion annually for materials and components from three hundred suppliers. The expenditures by the three hundred member purchasing staff at Honda of America represent eighty percent of the firm's annual sales. Each sector of the chain is involved in manufacturing the product, the marketing techniques, delivery, and customer service support after the initial sale. If any of these factors were affected, so will the success of the popular products within the corporation (Hoffman et al 174).

Since the typical industrial corporation spends over half its sales revenues on industrial purchasing, supplier management has been recognized as crucial to the firm's competitiveness, likewise with the Honda Corporation. Honda invests so mush to ensure the very best in quality, that the supply-in-demand must be more than expected to ensure a profit. The automobile industry is a good way to look at the traditional and relationship models of the buyer-supplier relationships (Kim and Michell 11). Several factors must be examined when looking at these types of relationships. These are the percentage of supplier sales to the automaker, the percent of non-redeployable capital equipment, annual man days of face to face contact, information sharing, assisting quality improvement, assisting cost reduction, supplier's trust in automakers fairness, supplier's expectation of unfair and fair treatment. All factors work to achieve the trust of the consumer (Kim and Michell 10). People's identification with Honda is based primarily on the perceptions of its core or defining characteristics. The mission, structure, processes, and climate shape this identity. It also represents hierarchical constellations of characteristics or traits that are central to the Company and eventually, makes Honda relatively distinct against other automobile manufacturers (Bhattachanya and Sen 77).

Supply-chain management is a way of connecting operations of a company with other strategic suppliers and its main mediators and customers, therefore, improving effective and efficient productivity.

According to the elements contributing to effective relationships, consistency and reliability rank among those of importance. J.D. Power Vehicle Consumer Center, rates Honda vehicles among the highest in mechanical quality, performance, style, safety, fuel economy, and overall long-term reliability. Ratings by such a credible source as this, instills trust in potential customers as well as creates continuity for present customers. Customers, then, have confidence in Honda. The fact that Honda has an impeccable track record for their performance of their vehicles makes them an unbelievable commodity.

The American Honda Corporation has experienced marketing success, because of its implementation of the Acura Corporation, a luxury subsidiary, creating business-to-business marketing. Honda's relationships are a viable strategy for social exchange, business-to-consumer marketing, and non-profit marketing (Arnett and German 8). With the establishment of the American Honda Corporate Foundation, the company is able to use Honda to be beneficial to the community through scholarships and grants, making a sector of Honda a non-profit organization ("Honda Corporate").

The channel that Honda uses for its marketing relationships is specifically

Supplier - Manufacturer (Honda)/Assembly - Retailer (Dealership) Consumer

Earlier, the supplier-manufacturer dynamics were introduced, but it is also important to understand the remaining tiers of the marketing relationship. The assembly in this model is one of the most crucial portions. If the assembly does not come through with a quality product, then a company like Honda could suffer from potential callbacks and costly repairs. If production creates a series of lemons, over time, consumers will lose confidence in the manufacturer. The dealership is responsible for delivering the product to potential buyers. If there are not good salespersons, then there will be less profit and also prices would not be appealing to customers, because there would be less demand for them. After the sale, it is important that the product continues to perform well. Customers need assurance; therefore, there is a warranty upon receipt of the vehicle. Also, there is customer service and maintenance services provided at local dealerships. All of these things contribute to overall customer satisfaction and makes relationships with Honda a good one.

In conclusion I foresee more research in the field of relationship marketing in an international context. Comparisons are made between the US and Japanese buyer supplier relationships in the automotive industry and then between four of the major automakers in Japan. In the comparative study of the US and Japan the data support the existence of a clear difference in supplier management between the two countries. Further research directions may be suggested, both conceptually and empirically. Future research will probably give focus in the differences between the majors in each county and possible convergence between both types of relationships contractual and relational. There is a managerial implication drawn from exploratory studies showing that there is a potential myth that Japanese automakers have pursued very similar supplier relationships. They have more likely pursued different supplier relationships based on, for instance, their size and profitability. It is recommended that a comparison of the major automakers in Japan be made individually, not collectively. .

Please note that this sample paper on Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Consumer-Manufacturer Relationships will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021


If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Money. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Money paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Money, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Money paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

Money is a necessary in our daily life. For one person, he or she can use money to improve the standard of life, to solve many troubles and to plan the future for himself or herself as well. Our society, in the same way, spends money in many ways, but generally speaking, two main uses can be classified into the present use and the future use. Thus it comes a dispute on that which of the two is more important and worthy. In my opinion, money spent either on present problems or on future possible benefits is equally necessary and important for our society.

In most people s view, existing social problems should be firstly treated and allocated money. It is of course reasonable. On one hand, we need money to solve many shortcomings or inconvenience in our life. Firstly, we need money to guarantee the basic living conditions eating, dressing, housing, and traveling. Secondly, every country must spend money in developing its industry, agriculture, and technology. Thirdly, it is also necessary for society to allocate money in improvement of the educational enterprise, the medical care system, and the welfare work, etc. On the other hand, in order to interdict crime and terrorism, government must use much money. In this sense, money spent on immediate, existing social problems is certainly unimpeachable.

However, we should not live only for ourselves; we must make a consideration for our future generations. For instance, although the source and energy in the earth, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are sufficient for our generation to utilize and consume, scientists also spend money and time in studying new and regenerative resource to replace the conventional ones. Another example is making a long-term study on the university, in which American government and other governments cost much money every year. The aim of the study is to understand the university, the solar system and the earth, and thus to find a way to avoid unexpected disasters caused by the university and find a new planet suitable for our human being when the sun dies. This study seems to be a future matter far from now, but when we have seen the phenomenon of meteorite hitting the Mars, we can conclude that it would actually benefit both our offspring and ourselves.

In addition, we should fully realize that many problems or difficulties we are confronting now couldn¡¯t be solved immediately; it also depends on a long-term research. In the medical field, for example, cancer and AIDS, the most tiresome diseases, that would kill a number of people every day, have not been conquered yet. So researches on these diseases are undoubtedly vital things for our human being--either nowadays or in the future, and we must keep a stiff upper lip on them no matter how much money and how long time it would take.

Custom Essays on Money

To conclude, we should not see the current profits merely and ignore the future crisis. From the above analysis, we could reach a point that both the present problems and the future possible benefits should be treated as equal importance and either of them would necessarily need money. Furthermore, to make a thorough ponderation on how to allocate money more properly and efficiently in these two channels in our society is likely a more valuable issue than that give by the speak.

At this information age, it is impossible for anyone to get full knowledge of all fields of study. That is why there are different branches. While it is quite true that any field of study is basically put forward on the foundation of knowledge accumulated within that field, one important idea should be kept that only knowledge and experience from other field can make it significantly advanced.

Without the help of other knowledge and experience, all fields of study will advance slowly. The already existing knowledge is established. Meanwhile, the unknown one, maybe disputing one, is still unknown. There might be some minor modification, but no substantial movement any more. It seems quite difficult to make great advances again within this field. Whats on earth is the problem? We finally find the key point --- the latest significant advance in this field is actually inspired by borrowing knowledge from others.

Actually, since different fields of study are intrinsically related, more or less, to one another, no study today can be isolated. For example, a successful experiment in chemical lab might lead to birth of a new kind of construction material. Then new industrial technology might subsequently be introduced to manufacture that material. With the help of that advanced material, there will be significantly development in the fields of engineering, such as architecture, automobile, aviation etc. From that point of view, We can say that any field of study is just a local joint of a much wider web of study. Any significant jump of one joint must rely on support by others.

As a matter of fact, breakthroughs in many studies are achieved only after using knowledge and experience from other field. For instance, scientific computation method is quite limited and unchanged for many years in the upper of last century. Using computer technology to this field, many computer-based computation method appeared, allow us able to conduct the most sophisticated calculation. Conventional work of a dentist has no great changes for years. Last year, however, a dentist in Swiss developed a revolutionary method, under which computer was used to gather the D information of teeth, then to make denture automatically and precisely. There are many other examples similar to this about computers wide usage leading to profound improvements to other field. One can even believe that without computer knowledge from outside field, many great advances will be impossible.

Generally speaking, for any study, although the knowledge and experience within that field is quite

important which play a fundamental role, it is necessary to get knowledge from other field, for that is critical force for pushing a profound movement.

The notion given by the author seems rather feasible in that it would possibly contribute to a unified national culture as well as the integrity of the nation if it were implemented according to the claim, yet in effect, the author ignores to take into consideration the aspects such traditional, ethnic, religious and regional culture and conventions as are perceived as essential by relevant communities, as well as the aspects concerning the cultivation of personal characteristics as is closely related to an individual¡¯s future. What a nation requires should lie in preserving the diversity and specialty of the nation¡¯s culture and promoting not only an unswerving sense of patriotism but also a sound development of individual personality.

As we know, it is undoubtedly difficult to design a national curriculum applicable to different regions and people while satisfying various needs from students and circumventing the possible objections. Granted that such curriculum can be devised regardless of the adversity, it still appears ineluctable that different problems occur after execution; what is more, how can the quality of education be well ensured in respect of so uniform a curriculum? Can students develop their own interests and religious beliefs under such circumstances? Can an individual¡¯s talent be well-recognized and taken advantage of? Can traditional, religious, regional and ethnic cultures and conventions be well maintained under the pressure of an exclusively unified curriculum? Even if all these problem can be solved and a variety of contents are arranged in the same curriculum, it is fairly easy for people to imagine the probable consequence resulting from such assorted courses the students might be toiled by study; they might be confused by study; they might be bored by study; and finally, they might be tired of study. As a result, our educational regulation and plan will fail to fulfill even the least demand congruent with the nation¡¯s development. Predictably, such curriculum, even though contrived, contains unforeseeable effects, most of which prevent it from being applied.

On the other hand, if the schools are granted entire right to the determination of what courses should be offered, it will inevitably result in an excessively indulgent administration of the education system. Far from achieving an autonomous efficacy, it is likely to cause some group of students in a certain part to suffer from unwholesome education-that is, in the presence of other students, unfair. Furthermore, similar to the national curriculum, it, solely, may also be unable to help the students with its limitations. For example, if a religious school pays too much attention to the instillation of beliefs and hence ignores the infusion of knowledge and morality, the balance of education that assures the equality of distinct content is-as a result, the harmony between them is also demolished-broken. By then, no effective way is available in reversing the situation.

Not far away from a conclusion, as disadvantages of both sides are revealed as a reference to what a suitable curriculum should be, we can suggest the effective combination of both sides as an alternative lest they each be out of control because the eventual victims will be the hope of the nation-the children and adolescents at school. With the national supervision and modification, the curriculum containing the regional and religious features is bound to reach an expected effect over the debate.

Please note that this sample paper on Money is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Money, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Money will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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