
Tuesday, January 19, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Basketball. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Basketball paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Basketball, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Basketball paper at affordable prices!

Throughout history dreams have been documented, studied, and interpreted by researchers, therapists, even the Bible, proving that despite doubts and disbelievers, dreams can reveal issues in relationships, causes of stress, a childhood trauma, etc; things helping people to heal mentally, who otherwise may not have. Looking back thousands of years people have been trying to explain them and what they represent. The ideas that have seemed to stick are the ones that deal with dreams as the subconscious, trying to tell your conscious something, rather than some of the earlier ideas that dreams are messages from God, or that they will tell you the future. For such philosophies to come about, it is necessary for dreams and all their details to be documented. While specific objects do not always represent the same thing, the idea of what is being dreamt can be very revealing.

The earliest records of dreams are the Assyrian and Babylonian dream books from Egypt, around 66 BC (Stevens, 14). During this time period, the primary interest in dreams was in warnings they were believed to provide about the future. For example, if one were to dream of drinking water, it meant long life, while drinking wine meant a short life (Stevens 15). There was an Egyptian god of dreams know as Serapis. He had numerous temples throughout Egypt that were worshiped regularly, just as other gods were. Dreams were not taken at all lightly. The first dream analysis to come from Egypt was Chester Beatty. His papyrus is now in the British Museum. It contains some 00 records of dreams. While Beatty supported some ideas of dreams telling bits of the future, he also used the same principles in interpreting dreams as Sigmund Freud did many years later the elucidation of visual or verbal puns, the detection of hidden associations, and the use of contraries (when a dream's meaning is the opposite of what it represents) (Stevens, 15).

The Greeks also had a set of beliefs and rituals for dealing with dreams. Their god of healing, Asklepia, played a large role in this. There were a number of sanctuaries for him situated all throughout Greece in places of beauty with hills, woods, and sacred streams near the sea. This is where healing and the incubation of dreams took place. Incubation was a ritual commonly preformed. A sick or deeply troubled person would undergo a long hard journey to a temple. Here he would remove his clothes and drink sacred water. Then he would be dressed in clean robes before entering the abaton (the sacred abode of the gods), which was filled with snakes. Here the patient would be left to sleep. The healing god would appear to him in a dream with a message to help in making a cure (Stevens, 4).

Dreams have great significance in the Bible as well. Larry Kettlemen tells us this in his book Dreams. They are said to be messages from God. He was reported as saying, "Hear now my words If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak to him in a dream." Because of this, dreams were taken very seriously in terms of religion. For example, in the Bible Jacob dreams of the ladder reaching up to heaven (8th chapter of Genesis) "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven And behold the angels of God ascending and descending. Angels are spoken of quite frequently in the presence of dreams. There is a Jewish story of what happens to us before we are born. Supposedly an angel reveals the soul of all things (heaven and earth) and everything our human destiny will bring. At the moment of birth, the angel flips our nose and we forget all we have been shown. At night however, our souls escape from our bodies to heaven. That was thought to be a dream. From ancient cultures to the Bible, there are many different ways of explaining dreams and their purpose.

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The best-known philosopher on dreams is probably Sigmund Freud. He was an extraordinarily intelligent man with many ideas sifting around. His book explains in great detail is theories. More specifically, he explains the conscious and the subconscious, two states of mind. The conscious is when you are awake and fully aware of what you are doing, thinking, feeling, etc. The subconscious is usually when you are sleeping and are not in control of you thoughts (dreams). Freud referred to dreams in a number of ways. He said they are "the guardian of sleep… they represent the best in us and the worst…they are derived from childhood experience… they can be caused by a disturbance while sleeping." There is also the popular saying, "dreams come from indigestion" (Freud, 150). Freud devoted his life to studying dreams and their hidden meanings. He actually developed a method to help people overcome their problems by analyzing their dreams. He called it psychoanalysis- an analysis of the mind and the personality. Often times he discovered that personality troubles originated from the basis of desires. The strongest desires came from people's childhoods. Children are sometimes forced to hold back their desires and therefore they are forgotten by the conscious mind, but not the subconscious. He called this repression. He was able to determine what that desire was by looking at the person's dreams. If he could find it in the subconscious, then he could expose it once again to the conscious mind, therefore allowing the person to confront the issue at hand and deal with it.

While this was a large focus of his career, he also recognized that events in dreams could be in relation to events in recent days or even to a disturbance while sleeping. For example, have you ever dreamt of a fire drill or a siren, only to wake up and realize your alarm clock is going off? The mind plays tricks on itself, allowing it to remain asleep. The most important dreams, however, are usually the reoccurring ones. They tend to represent something important, something one needs to discover about him/herself.

In Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams, he discusses a specific reoccurring case that originated from a childhood experience. Freud explains

Someone who attending a course of lectures of mine and boasted that his dreams very seldom underwent distortion reported to me that not long before he had dreamt of seeing his former tutor in bed with the nurse who had been with his family till his eleventh year. In the dream he has identified the locality where the scene occurred. His interest had been aroused and he had reported the dream to his elder brother, who had laughingly confirmed the truth of what he had dreamt. His brother remembered it very well, as he had been six years old at the time. The lovers had been in the habit of making the elder boy drunk with beer, whenever circumstances were favorable for intercourse during the night. The younger boy-the dreamer-who was then three years old and slept in the room with the nurse, was not regarded as an impediment.

This is where the dream is of what has been called the 'recurrent' type that is to say, where a dream was first dreamt in childhood and then constantly from time to time during adult sleep.

Carl G. Jung is another man recognized and well respected for his studies in dream analysis. He believed that the unconscious contains repressed material and possibilities for development, or in other words, to enhance the clarity of one's conscious choices (Clift, 0). "Amplification" was the method of association he taught (symbols and aspects are amplified by the dreamer's association with the symbol). He also believed that figures in dreams could be interpreted objectively or subjectively. An objective interpretation would represent the dreamer him/herself. Mostly, however, he thought dreams could be analyzed subjectively, meaning that the dream represents something within the dreamer (Clift, 6). Jung also had some rather farfetched theories. He was convinced that dream symbols are passed from generation to generation. This he called the "collective unconscious." Symbols once present in a father's dream could be passed on to his son, and to his son, and so forth.

Recording one's dreams is something everyone should take the time to do. Besides the fact that is can reveal things about yourself you never knew, it actually gets to be quite fun. Dreams are a part of us, but more often then not they are forgotten or ignored. So many things happen in all the years of living some are big some are small, some are celebrated some are mourned, while others are simply brushed aside. A great many of these events will weave themselves into a dream in some way or another, even if it is just once, in a very tiny way. If those dreams are not recorded, most times they will be forever forgotten shortly after awakening. In keeping a journal of dreams, one is able to look back at them and try to relate them to what is going on in his/her lives, good or bad.

Recording your dreams does take some discipline. It is best to do it every morning. Keep a notepad and pen right next to the bed. As soon as you wake up, write down everything you can remember about the dreams from that night. Be as specific as humanly possible. Record every detail The weather, the colors, the time, furniture, buildings, landscape, feeling, tone, words head/spoken, thoughts that came, the people, their features (age/height, hair/eye/skin color), describe everything. Even the smallest detail may help in analyzing the dream.

For thousands of years dreams have been fascinating philosophers. There are many different theories on them, but all support that dreams are important and worth documenting and analyzing. Dreams are more than entertainment while resting the body and mind; they are a window to the unknown of oneself.

Please note that this sample paper on Basketball is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Basketball, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Basketball will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

The Louisiana Purchase

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Louisiana Purchase. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Louisiana Purchase paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Louisiana Purchase, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Louisiana Purchase paper at affordable prices!

America has always been known as the land of the free and the home of the brave. It was those brave, living in the United States, who changed the future of the country when it was first developing. They were the ones who starved for adventure, who burned with desire to explore the unknown, who knew the West was waiting for them. Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home, was a perfect example of the dreams that he and many other Americans shared. It sat facing the land that everyone so desperately wished to know. In 178, settlers were determined to see what the rest of the unknown land they called home had in store for them. Starting in the Mississippi Valley, people began to organize land to move westward. Yet because the Spanish owned land west of the Mississippi and south of Georgia, it was difficult for people to migrate, as they desired. Eventually, in 180, Congress was persuaded to allow Lewis and Clark to lead an expedition into the West. The Louisiana Purchase over the years became the biggest factor of economic growth in United States history because it nearly doubled the size of the country.

France had claimed the Louisiana Territory since the 1680s. As a result of defeat in the French and Indian War, France ceded Louisiana to Spain In 175, Spain signed a treaty that agreed to give Americans the "right of deposit" at New Orleans (The Louisiana Purchase World Book). This granted the United States the right to ship goods originating in American ports through the mouth of the Mississippi without paying duty and also the right of temporary storage of American goods at New Orleans for transshipment (The Louisiana Purchase Britannica). Spain suspended the right to deposit in 178.This caused a strong reaction among Westerners. In 1800, Spain transferred Louisiana to France in the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso. Napoleon assigned an army and a general over the Louisiana Territory, but Spanish authorities continued to govern. In 1801 the right to deposit was reinstated for a short time.

Napoleon Bonaparte envisioned a great French empire in the United States, and he hoped to use the Mississippi Valley as a food and trade center to supply the island of Saint Domingue, which was to be the heart of this empire. First, however, he had to restore French control of Saint Domingue. Saint Domingue was France's richest colony in the Caribbean. For over a century enslaved Africans had toiled there to cultivate sugar cane for the French. In 174 a slave named Pierre Dominique Toussaint l'Ouverture organized a rebellion. Toussaint and his followers fought for seven years before gaining control of Saint Domingue. In 180 a large army sent by Napoleon arrived on the island to suppress the Haitian rebellion. Despite some military success, the French lost thousands of soldiers, mainly to yellow fever, and Napoleon soon realized that Saint Domingue must be abandoned. Napoleon had failed disastrously in his efforts to reconquer the sugar-rich colony of Santa Domingo from the rebellious blacks, and he valued Louisiana primarily as a feeder for this colony (Napoleon The American Spirit). Without that island he had little use for Louisiana. Facing renewed war with Great Britain, he could not spare troops to defend the territory; he needed funds, moreover, to support his military ventures in Europe. Accordingly, in April 180 he offered to sell Louisiana to the United States.

Concerned about French intentions, President Thomas Jefferson had already sent James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to Paris to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans to the United States. The exploration of Lewis and Clark had excited Americans all over to move westward. The thought of gaining a farm, filled with layers of fertile soil for their crops, sparked an interest in many. The giant, powerful, Mississippi offered a world of opportunities for Americans for traveling, power, imports and exports. Jefferson knew that by making this addition to the United States, many immigrants would be even more apt to come to America if they had more room in which to live. If France refused Jefferson would consider an alliance with Great Britain. Time went by with no answer, causing Westerners to get restless. Andrew Jackson started organizing a militia and offered to take New Orleans by force. If Napoleon would not sell all of New Orleans, Livingston and Monroe were to bargain for just a part of the city where the United States could build its own docks and warehouses. If the French still refused to sell, they were to go to London to seek a British alliance.

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France had to face reality. They were on the verge of war with Great Britain. The French navy had been weakened by yellow fever. They could not protect their possessions in the Americas. If war came, Britain could seize New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory. So Napoleon decided to deal with the Americans.

Monroe arrived in France hoping to buy a city. Americans knew that by purchasing the Louisiana Territory, they would open up a world of possibilities for the country. Trade from the ports, transportation through the Mississippi, and fertile land located in the west all appealed to the building American economy. Upon arrival in France, offered as much as $,75,000 for the Floridas and New Orleans. Instead France offered all of Louisiana for 5 million. Jefferson had instructed the two envoys to purchase only the Floridas, but they felt confident that the United States would accept the larger offer. After weeks of bargaining in a treaty signed on April 0, 180, the United States agreed to buy all of Louisiana for about 15 million. It was agreed that the French and the Spanish were able to use the port of New Orleans and other ports within the territory for 1 years, as long as the ships were loaded with produce. No other country has these rights except Spain and France (" The Louisiana Purchase" Our Nations Archive).

Exactly what it was the United States bought for 5 million was unclear. The wording of the treaty did not clearly explain the boundaries of the territory. Before the United States could establish fixed boundaries to Louisiana there arose a basic question concerning the constitutionality of the purchase. Personally, this kind of decision was hard for President Jefferson to make, being a strict interpreter of the Constitution. However, he knew that the purchase would do nothing but help the United States. Jefferson thought an amendment of the constitution to legalize the sale might be needed, but the Senate approved the treaty by a vote of 4 to 7.

The setting of fixed boundaries awaited negotiations with Spain and Great Britain. The dispute with Spain was over the ownership of West Florida and Texas. In the Adams-OnĂ­s Treaty of 181 with Spain, the United States acquired Florida and surrendered its claim to Texas. In return Spain gave up its claim to West Florida. The Rocky Mountains were accepted as the western limit of the Louisiana Territory and the Mississippi River was considered the eastern boundary of the great purchase.

Jefferson had by far made the best decision of his Presidential history. He had eliminated any chance of war with other countries by fairly purchasing the land. He had also increased the size of his country by almost twice its original size, and he had created the ability for better trade with the New Orleans ports. After making the purchase of Louisiana, it is easy to see an increase in area and population for the United States. In 1800, the land was estimated at 864,746 square miles, and by 1810 it had increased to 1,681,88 square miles (See Appendix A). It was known that the population of the United States was bound to increase as the land able to be offered to immigrants increased. In 180 the population was estimated at 5,870 people, and by 1810 it had increased to approximately 7,00. Jefferson knew he had stretched his power by making the purchase, however he also knew that Americans would be benefiting from his decision for the rest of their lives.

The final negotiations with France finalized the addition to the United States. This made the U.S. one of the largest nations in the world. It created approximately thirteen states across 600,000,000 acres.

Overall, the Louisiana Purchase over the years became the biggest factor of economic growth in United States history. Thomas Jefferson was President during a hard time in American History. He was faced with building a nation that had just recently gained its freedom, and was still just an infant compared to the rest of the world. Yet he accepted the challenge and went on to make some of the best decisions the United States Executive branch has ever known. By purchasing Louisiana, he doubled the size of the nation, opened up ports for American trade, opened the Mississippi River to exploration, eliminated the chance of foreign conflicts, and gave Americans the chance to benefit from the resources of the fertile land of the West.

"The Louisiana Purchase" Our Nations Archive. New York Black Dog & Leventhal, 1

Napoleon "Napoleon Conceals His Motives" The American Spirit. Lexington, Massachusetts D.C. Heath and Company

Milner, Clyde, O'Connor, Carol, Sandweiss, Martha. The American West. New York Oxford University Press, 14

"The Louisiana Purchase" The New Encyclopedia Britannica Volume 7 Chicago Encyclopedia Britannica.Inc.

"Louisiana Purchase" The World Book Encyclopedia Volume 1 Chicago World Book, Inc.

Lerner, William. Historical Statistics of the United States. Washington D.C U.S Bureau of Census

Please note that this sample paper on The Louisiana Purchase is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Louisiana Purchase, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Louisiana Purchase will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, January 15, 2021

Framing organisation

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on framing organisation. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality framing organisation paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in framing organisation, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your framing organisation paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Avoiding "War On The Wharves" Is The Non-Confrontational Policing of Major Industrial Disputes "Here to Stay"?

The 18 Australian maritime dispute, heralded as the "War on the Wharves", failed to culminate in full-scale pitched battle between union picketers and the police.

The relationship and protocols that have been developing between policing and unionism in the 180s and 10s were fundamental in avoiding violence at the HUA picket lines. Police, acting with restraint and apprehensive of potential violence, generally sought to maintain public order and control through a consultative and non-confrontational approach.

Historical perspective

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In belligerent industrial times such as the early 180s and the late 10s, policing was inclined to follow the paramilitary path of a legalistic and repressive approach. And unionists have perceived polices as the agent making it possible for the employer to continue production by the use of scab labour, the enemy of the unionised workforce.

During relatively peaceful industrial times, police have often found that discretion was a better method of preserving the peace and marinating legitimacy in the eyes of the populace than prosecuting the law to its fullest.

But sometimes the police-picketers violence are caused by government and employer push for decisive police action; police willingness to confront and defeat the perceived enemy; belligerent and violent picket activities; media and public pressure for police action.

"Blamey Cossacks" versus the stevedores

On November 18, about 150 stevedores, contrary to union leaders' pleas, broke a police line about fifty strong and stormed Station Pier as they rushed towards the P and O liner, Chitral. "The crowd simply, by weight of numbers, brushed the police aside." And police seen conflict as a realm in which they must win in order to preserve law and order and maintain their future authority. Allan Whiteeaker died as a result of a bullet wound to the neck inflicted by police and the stevedores went crazy and berserk and as a result, two constables were seriously injured. This situation shows that potentially unpredictable and explosive character of police involvement in industrial disputation.

According to public order theory, it indicates that state's force, in the form of aggressive policing, can actually escalate the tensions and potential violence of industrial conflict. Today, police who encounter industrial picketing are unarmed, for their own safety as well as that of the public. Using force to disperse a surging crowd without intending to arrest any of them is a feature of 0th century public order policing.

The policing of the 18 maritime dispute was directed and over sighted by a very different group of police leaders; many tertiary-educated and trained in management practices. Modern police command is aware of lessons of the immediate past in policing public order situations, the ubiquitous nature of video cameras at potentially violent situations and the potential civil litigation damages against police.

Policing the 18 Waterfront dispute

In the 18 waterfront dispute, the state police and traders hall councils had been developing procedures and protocols in relation to industrial disputation. For the modern policing ideally keeps industrial peace by reasonable compromises with strikes, by routine procedures, and by tactical negotiation and flexibility.

As a result of violent clashes in the 180s, Victoria Police and the Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) established professional protocol arrangements to deal with potentially volatile situations. And the MUA picket line was officially sanctioned by the VTHC, it was recognised by Victoria Police. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) executive have developed a reciprocal union policy in relation to authorised strikes and pickets.

The peaceful, non-criminal pickets at the Patrick terminals around the Australian ports were the visible and symbolic centre-piece of the union's campaign, the focus of national and international media coverage and the platform of civil disobediences.

The MUA, fully supported by the ACTU, realised that it need public support if it was to achieve the reinstatement of its members. MUA officials pledged to police that the MUA would maintain control of its peaceful assembly. A ban was imposed on swearing, racial abuse and alcohol at Fremantle Dock. And the MUA made commitments of no violence, only routine yelling at change-overs of non-union labour; police agreed not to employ shields, batons and horses to intimidate protesters.

As a result, the pitched battles on Australian docks of the late 10s were not repeated in 18, despite much media speculation of a "Waterfront War." Because the union organisers were aware of lawful police authority to arrest, move and detain, since the police had the power to act under summary offences legislation against people who were obstructing and hindering people in the execution of their duties.

In April-May 18, the protocols for regular meetings and accepted behaviour between union and police negotiators were intensified and co-ordinated, and such compromises challenged the traditional culture which meant that the employer merely needed to contract police who would clear pickets by either persuasion or force.

Criticism of police inertia

Criticism by some conservative politicians focused on the police's inaction against the MUA assemblies. Police command, exhibiting independence from political pressure, ensured that police members would not be manipulated in the dispute. At East Swanson Dock, Patrick's Chairperson Chris Corrigan, having assumed that police would clear terminal entrances, condemned the police for failing to fulfil statutory obligation to remove people obstructing commerce, the pickets being neither peaceful nor legal. Same as Stuart Wood and Des Moore are both condemned the failure of the police to enforce the law in the waterfront dispute and alleged that police avoided confrontation with large groups, which encourage violent action by protesters, and require to return to Blamey-style policing response to picketing.

But Corrigan appears to have acted upon the traditional assumption that if the employer demands police intervention to clear passage that police will naturally concur without consideration of the consequences. In face, the ultimate responsibility of police is to preserve life and protect property. A modern policing tactic, designed to attain these objectives and common to both minor and major industrial disputes, is to hasten slowly, even at a pace, coz it provides time for the industrial protagonists, employers and workers, to consult and possibly negotiate the conflict without police intervention. The question remains from whom or from where does an aggressive employer seek a coercive force to remove pickets, if dissatisfied with the role of the public police.

The police commissioners at their annual conference in Melbourne on 1 April issued a consensual statement advocating a "negotiate" and "non-violent" resolution of the maritime dispute. The police would act as necessary to deal with unlawful blockades, but reaffirmed their strong desire that the maritime dispute is settled through negotiations and the legal processes rather than violent conflict. After the commissioners' communiqu, there was no further attempt by police to remove picket lines around the Australian ports.

The vicissitudes of policing the Liverpool lockout

In late September 15, dock workers were locked out by the Mersey Dock and Harbour Company (MDHC), and there was no trouble despite the dockers' protest. The cost to the Merseyside Police of deploying a daily police presence including overtime payments until March 17 was between 1.5 and million pounds, and the routine monitoring as not proper police work; the police did not appreciate being at the Liverpool Docks at 5 am in the winter. The dockers were not in conflict with the police, but they perceived the police as being on the side of the MDHC in the dispute. And the vitriolic dockers conclude that the police department certainly supported the dock company and alleged that the OSD have intimidated, beaten and even tortured dockers and their supporters in the pursuit of keeping dockers out of their jobs.


0 September 16, a rally of three hundred dockers and supporters erupted into violence and 41 were arrested. The police blamed the presence of eco-warriors and members of the Reclaim the Street brigade for the violence.


Police on the Austalian wharves sought to accommodate the picketing and community protests through a restrained, consultative and non-confrontational strategy. Violence is in neither the police nor the unionists' interest.

Unlike the suppression of Stevedores in 18, the police during the 18 waterfront dispute were praised by union officials but criticised by the employer.

The future policing of industrial disputes depends fundamentally on police organisation being able to maintain their operational independence from all interested parties and being prepared to deny automatic response to employer demands. Even the non-confrontational approach has been used, but the latent coercive capacity of police even when the overall strategy has been one of peace-keeping and consultation.

Please note that this sample paper on framing organisation is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on framing organisation, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on framing organisation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques paper at affordable prices!


'At a broad level, systems thinking encompasses many methods, tools and principles that are oriented to looking at the interrelatedness of forces, and seeing them as part of a common process. This includes brainstorming and discovery techniques, scenario planning and graphs or diagrams representing the system relationships, as well as simply an awareness of unintended consequences.

The value of Systems thinking lies in its ability to assist organizations identify and effectively alter the systems they operate within, as a means of resolving the many challenges that may arise.

Through exploration of the concepts of the Learning Organization, this report aims to evaluate three System Thinking tools; Root Cause Analysis, Causal Loop Diagrams and Scenario Planning.Root Cause Analysis

Many organisations find themselves with unwanted, recurring situations. This is generally referred to as Root Cause Analysis, finding the real cause of the problem and dealing with it rather than simply continuing to deal with the symptoms.

In normal operational environments, it is often difficult to find candidates for root cause analysis as the situations which repeat are either distributed over time so one doesnt realize they are actually recurring, or the situation happens to different people so there isnt an awareness of the recurring nature of the situation. However, 'those situations which are recurring with the greatest frequency and consume the greatest amount of resources to rectify are generally the most suitable candidates for root cause analysis.

An organisations first challenge in the use of any systems tool is that they must establish if the situation warrants the chosen application. RCA is best used on those situations which occur with the greatest frequency and consume the greatest amount of resources to rectify.

On completion of identifying the situation, the overall aim is to find the root cause of the issue and remove it prior to the cycle commencing again. However, it must be determined whether the removal of the root cause warrants the resources required to resolve the problem, rather than continuing to treat the actual symptoms of the problem.

The goal of root cause analysis is to investigate and determine the following;

• What is happening?

• Why is it happening?

• What is being done to prevent it from happening again?

Dealing with a recurring problem is not seen as an acceptable solution. Firstly, it is a requirement that the root cause be identified by the project team. Secondly, a plan is put in place to ensure the surrounding issues do not surface again in the near future.

Causal Loop Diagrams

Causal loop diagrams (CLD) are a way of attempting to understand inter-relationships which occur within all systems and processes. They trace cause and effect through a system and, in particular, attempt to model feedback.

There are two specific types of loops that are generally used to display system variables at work, the reinforcing loop and the balancing loop. The reinforcing loop depicts either growth or decline that is occurring within a system at an ever-increasing rate. A reinforcing loop is applied to a situation in which an action produces a result which in turn promotes more of the same action.

Represented in the diagram below is an assumption, the larger the Population the greater number of Births as there are more people of child bearing age. From our assumption, that any increase in Population will cause an increase in Births, and then a further increase in Population. These increases can be shown on the CLD by a + sign, as below. The positive sign indicates that a change in the causal variable will cause a change in the variable it is affecting in the same direction. That is, an increase in Population will cause an increase in Births.

This is the simplest CLD and represents a Positive Feedback Loop. A change in any variable will cause the system to continually move in one direction either continually increasing (a virtuous cycle) or continuously declining (a vicious circle).

The above example demonstrates a reinforcing loop, in which two factors are identified as an explanation into increased population. The 'elements' in this example are 'Population' and 'Births' and the circle structure represents the forces of influence and the '+ 'indicates that the influence adds to the element, had one element had a subtracting influence a '-'would have been displayed. The above diagram is by no means complete. As Population increases, deaths must also increase. And as Deaths increase, the Population will effectively decrease.

The decrease in Population due to an increase in Deaths is shown in the CLD with a - sign. This sign indicates that a change in the causal variable (Deaths) creates a change in variable it is affecting (Population) in the opposite direction. This second loop is known as a Balancing Loop. Balancing loops can be applied to any situation where an action is used in an attempt to bring the other elements within a system into agreement.

The use of causal loop diagrams should be approached carefully as it will only be with a thorough understanding of the process and the ability to identify leverage points within the system that an organization will be in a position to determine the most appropriate ways of influencing change.

Scenario Planning

Scenarios are stories that pose alternative futures for the organization, based on assumptions about current trends and events. Usually a best-case scenario, worst case scenario, and a scenario somewhere in between are developed to map out the ranges of possible futures the organization might face, the threats and opportunities each future might pose, and what the critical success factors might be in addressing those futures.

One of the benefits surrounding the construction of scenarios is to promote learning by the planning team; sensitize team members to plausible, though perhaps unlikely, futures; and develop strategies better able to handle most eventualities. However, the main purpose of scenario planning is to directly face inevitable uncertainties for long-range future and strategic outlooks. E.g. Global Financial Markets

Acknowledging uncertainty in this respect means thinking in terms of different but equally plausible interpretations of what is happening and the effects it will induce in the long run. In scenario-based planning these subjective interpretations and expectations are reflected as a number of alternative paths for future developments. This approach to planning serves as an aid to develop strategies that promise success under most divergent environmental conditions.

In order for the project to be successful, it was imperative for each team member give adequate contribution on the past history and success of this type of technology in their region. However, it was the project manager's responsibility to ensure that each of the Director's focus on looking towards the many possible futures that lay ahead of the organisation and the possible challenges these futures may bring.

By the end of the discussion, the working group had a number of scenarios to consider, along with the affects that they may have on the organisation. It then comes down to a vote (at board level) on which of the possible scenarios should be researched further and inevitably be invested in. Exploring these scenarios gave the organisation a better understanding of our current goals and strategies in which to forecast our long term strategic position in the market place.


It is common practice for companies to rethink their business strategies. With systems thinking can come new mental models and a shared vision to take organizations into the next century. Through providing its people with the basic concepts and tools, an organization is in effect encouraging them to take responsibility of the environments within which they work.

Each has to do with how we think, what we truly want, and how we interact and learn with one another."

However, some of today's most successful organizations are embracing these ideas to meet the demands of a global economy where the value of the individual is increasingly recognized as our most important resource.


'Root Cause Analysis', http//

'System Behaviour and Causal Loop Diagrams', http//

James R, 'Validation of Casual Loop Diagrams',

'Scenario Planning',

Jepsen, M. Turner, T. Marshall, J. Dibley, C. Paterson, H. Calway, B. Brown-Parker, J. Buchanan, N. 'LEB50 The eBusiness Environment', Swinburne University of Technology

'Causal Loop Diagrams', http//

'Root Cause Analysis', http//

McNamara, C, 'Systems Thinking', http//

Senge, P. 14, 'The Fith Discipline Field book', London, U.K.

Please note that this sample paper on Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Evaluation of system thinking tools & techniques will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Usually when one hears fashion designers spoken of, one thinks of fame, money and working with famous and beautiful people. A picture of a luxurious style of living, filled with parties, fashion shows and magazine interviews paints in one's head. Names such as Armani, Versace and Dior are thought of right away. Although some fashion designers do live like that, for most part a career in fashion design is sometimes not as glamorous as it may seem. The fashion industry is a very difficult industry for one to succeed in because there is a lot of competition and not a lot of demand. To make it big in this field one has to have a lot of talent, patience, drive, courage and the ability to work very hard. Fashion design is not for everyone because it takes a lot of time and nerves to succeed. This career can have one work until sunrise to finish designs and meet deadlines. A career in fashion design can also be risky because often it does not provide a stable income. To people who really enjoy this type of work though, it would not make a difference because they would be doing what they truly love to do. Therefore, although being a fashion designer could bring one much frustration, stress, long working hours and an irregular salary, it could also bring a lot of money and fame, give one a sense of pride, a way to express creativity, and an opportunity to make people look and feel good.

A fashion designer has to go through many, sometimes stressful and long stages before the clothing is made. "The designers often begin by researching the desired design characteristics, such as size, shape, weight, color, materials used, cost, ease of use, fit and safety."(Designers 1) Sometimes there can be a great difference between what is considered stylish and what the people actually buy. In order to research the fashion designer would often flip through fashion magazines, sometimes even at home, when sipping coffee, and would attend many fashion shows. By attending fashion shows he or she will know what kinds or fashions are made by other designers. After the designer has completed the research process, the next step would be predicting what the trend will be in about six months to a year. This needs to be known because usually designers work on their collections six months to a year in advance. For example, in the fall of 00 the designer would work on the spring/summer 00 collection and in the winter and spring of 00 he or she would work on the fall 00 collection. After predicting the next trend however, the designer then makes original sketches and if he or she works for a company shows the sketches to the owners to make sure that they suit the company's style and image. "After the design is approved, it is made out of muslin. Darts and seams are put into the muslin garment as it is molded on a model or a dressmaker's dummy."(Dress Design 4) At this time, it could be decided that some designs are not possible to recreate in real life and that the garments from these designs should not be created. Additionally, this is the time for the designer to make any necessary changes before the samples can be made out of the fabric that they were intended to be made out of. When the sample garments are finally made, they are put in a fashion show that is attended by possible retail buyers or individual clients. If the designer works for a department store though, the garments can be reproduced to sell right away. Also, the samples can be photographed and put in a catalog and be made only with order. All of it depends on where and by whom the designer is employed.

Having a career in fashion design also, requires many certain qualities and skills. Being creative, sensitive to beauty, confident, driven, hard-working, passionate and cooperative is required in this field. Without these qualities one cannot be a successful fashion designer. To be successful a person must posses a lot of creativity and style. The designer must not be afraid to go beyond what is expected and to know how to make color and balance work together. Confidence and drive are equally necessary because usually it takes fashion designers years to get noticed and to get established. In this industry " competition is stiff and success is always hard won."(Career as a Fashion Designer ) The ideas of the designers are often rejected which makes it really important for them to believe in themselves and be determined to succeed. Being passionate about their job and being a hard worker are two other very important traits. Fashion designers must love their job and be willing to stay up all night finishing their projects because often they will have to do just that. "Given the hardships, designers have to be crazy about what they do. How else would they be able to survive the grueling hours, low entry-level pay, and lack of guarantees?"(Han ) Being cooperative is also necessary, as the designers get to work with many different people and must be able to be team players. In addition, fashion designers must have the following skills active learning skills, operations analysis skills, active listening skills, critical thinking skills and systems evaluation skills. Without these skills, it would be very difficult for one to survive in the fashion industry.

To become a fashion designer it is good if one starts to explore this profession early in life to determine whether it is right for him or her. Taking art classes at school and an enrolment in a design program would be great for one who considers a career in the fashion field. The person who wants to become a designer should study drawing, sketching, designing, fabric and textile sciences. He or she should also complete a two to four year designing program later on and get a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts with a major in fashion design

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After completing the education process the designer can start working. Although there are not too many jobs in this field, the demand keeps growing each year.

"During 17, there were approximately ,867 fashion designers employed in New York. We estimate that in 007 there will be 8, 6 designers employed in New York. This represents an increase of 507 new positions each year (.1%). Additionally, ,886 jobs per year (16.8%) will become available due to employee turnover."(Fashion Designers 4)

Because he or she would be just starting work in this field, the salary of a fashion designer would not be too high also. An average starting salary would be between 1,500 and 0,000 dollars. At the median level the salary would be between 0,000 to 50,000 dollars and between 60,000 and 75,000 dollars if a designer is exceptionally skilled or has a lot of experience. Sometimes however, depending on where the designer works, there might not even be a salary because the designer could be paid by assignment. That happens to many designers who have their own businesses. Others, who work for big companies such as Gap and Express get a regular, stable salary. Aside from money, when just starting out in the fashion industry it would be wise for one to work with an established designer to get a taste of what this profession is like. The starting designer could learn a lot from the established one and get experience at the same time.

What would working as a fashion designer be like? Depending on where the designer works the working conditions for a fashion can change from person to person. If one works at a big company, he or she most likely enjoys regular working hours. The designer also has to work long hours sometimes to meet special deadlines and work with many other people. 'I may work a.m. to 11 p.m. a few weeks to a few months each season, says an insider.'(Han ) When in such a situation, the designer must have the created designs approved his bosses. Sometimes, the designers must be required to travel to different locations. If the designer is self-employed, he or she has to do everything for the business. Self-employed designers usually do not work with a lot of people, mostly their family or some other helpers. These designers work extra long hours while they establish their businesses and often enjoy an irregular and small salary. The top-of-the industry designers who have a lot of individual clients, on the other hand, receive a lot of money. They get to work with many famous people, including singers and actors and travel to alluring destinations all over the globe.

In the end, being a fashion designer is a serious commitment that has its own positive and negative sides. Fashion design can be very competitive and stressful, require many personal characteristics, different skills and hard work. However, it can also take one to alluring destinations all over the world, bring fame and establish wealth. One of the other positives of fashion design can be no need of a long education. In the end, one must decide, based on values and knowledge, whether he or she has what it takes to be a fashion designer.

Please note that this sample paper on The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on The Pros and Cons of becomin a fashion designer will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on gambling. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality gambling paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in gambling, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your gambling paper at affordable prices!


The purpose of this primary research report is to analyse the role and response of religious traditions to Gambling in a contemporary Australian society,

Through the thorough analysis of the instruments that can be used to compose this report, the most appropriate was observations. I chose this instrument as I thought that this will help me compose the most efficient and advanced report from the various instruments that could be used.

The specific instrument that I employed to compose this report was observations from various newspaper articles, websites, encyclopedia's and text books. I used specific and relevant quotes from scriptures, and current organisational leaders in order to demonstrate the role and response of religious traditions to gambling in contemporary Australian society.

Cheap Custom Essays on gambling

This assessment task contains my final report which summarises my findings and draws conclusions on the role and response of religious traditions to gambling. It also contains a full 'Annotated Bibliography' and some secondary research that I was able to collect.

Gambling Research Report

It seems that most societies engage in some form of gambling, as it has developed to be an extension of entertainment. However, gambling takes on a new meaning because stakes are introduced, leading to risk-taking. In some cultures there are sanctions against gambling because of a prevailing view that gaining something purely through luck or chance is morally unsound.

Statistics from a report on Australia's gambling industries by the productivity commission indicated that around 0 000 Australians (.% of adult population) are estimated to have more significant gambling problems, with 140 000 adults experiencing severe problems. Also problem gamblers comprise 15% of regular (non-lottery) gamblers and account for over $ billion in losses annually one-third of the total gambling industries market. It also states that the total turnover of gambling in Australia in 17 and 18 was $5 billion and the cost to gamblers was $11. billion, of this $.8 billion is collected in taxes by state and territory governments. Many of the harms experienced by problem gamblers can be traced back to gambling and not other life events or personality features of the gambler.

As you can see, this report by the productivity commission designates that the gambling industry presents itself as just a harmless entertainment operation, which in some form, has been revealed over many years to be misleading. Also the industry attempts to put the blame for problem gambling onto gamblers themselves which has also been revealed to be incorrect.

Gambling is not just wrong through its statistics due to the fact that a person is losing money and becoming mentally detrimental, but also in religion and it's thought on gambling.

Christianity believes that gambling is morally wrong because it encourages and instigates human greed instead of faith in God. From this Christians can strongly say that gambling is an evil that should be avoided due to the fact that people will make money their God. It comes from the first of the Ten Commandments "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other Gods before me."

Gambling is also wrong because it is materialistic. Its appeal comes from a belief that wealth is the most important thing to gain in life.

Gambling is also seen inadequate in a Christian judgement given that it causes effects on the gambler, such as irresponsibility, mental problems and suicide, gambling is also addictive. Through this are causes of social evil, crime and problems, which affect third parties other than the gambling victim.

Another reason why gambling is wrong is because it exploits human weakness and addiction for financial gain, and as such is a case of the rich and the powerful exploiting others, something which the Bible consistently condemns.

Christianity deals with gambling through many denominational charities such as the 'Saint Vincent de Paul society'. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society deals with problem gambling on a daily basis by providing counseling networks and programs. One of the coordinators of this society Mr Dennis Borham shared some remarkable insight into the problems that gambling causes "…5% of our clients have admitted to current legal problems because of gambling". Another charity is called the 'Interchurch Gambling Task Force' (ITGF) which works within the social welfare industry and focuses on the corrosive social effects of gambling. It comprises of many church leaders from various denominations such as, Baptist Union, Salvation Army etc. The spokesperson is Reverend Tim Costello.

The Uniting Church opposes gambling but permits small scale gambling such as parish fund-raising activities which is often associated with Catholicism.

Not only is gambling wrong in Christianity, it also has been proven wrong in Islam.

Islam adopted this view, and discouraged participation in games of change, as it somehow represented interfering in divine law. Indeed Islamic teaching suggests that by indulging in games of chance, human beings are attempting to meddle with "blind" fate and therefore inadvertently mock the divine plan in which nothing is left to chance. This teaching is also conveyed in the Quran which is used as a weapon in order to deter Muslims away from gambling "O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination - of Satans handwork that ye may prosper. Satans plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer will ye not then abstain? (The Noble Quran, 50-1)".

We have seen how gambling is often wrong in Christianity and also Islam, but gambling is also seen wrong in Judaism.

Judaism like Christianity believes that gambling is prioritizing money and wealth before yourself, others and most importantly of God, which can be traced back to the old testament that states in the ten commandments "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other Gods before me" . This commandment is the number one law in Judaism and this is why Judaism disallows gambling. It is considered so close to theft that in Jewish law the professional gambler is not allowed to be a witness in court. The gambler does not "promote the welfare of the world" and that is one of the positive Mitzvot of the Torah.

We have seen from three religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism that gambling is wrong and as they condemn the new age entertainment because of their beliefs. The response of Buddhism to the issue of gambling is unknown as Buddhists have no central body which determines its attitudes to social issues, however, Buddhists are guided by the five moral precepts of not killing, not stealing, not being involved in improper sexual acts, not lying or deceiving and not taking intoxicants. These determine their behaviors. Buddhists should refrain from any behavior, which harms oneself or others. Accordingly, a wise Buddhist would not involve themselves in gambling, which is both harmful to one's self and others.

One point seems certain "People of the Book", whose traditions have come to them through the Judaic-Christian-Islamic heritage of monotheism, have religious and moral sanctions in place against gambling. In many instances throughout history, this has been translated into formal government policy, leaving those who gamble to incur the consequences of flouting the rules and laws of church and state. Despite this, people continue to gamble, for many reasons.

Indeed people who come from neo-Confucian cultures may approach gambling and concepts of luck and chance from a different mindset which holds that those who play for money are not transgressing a moral law. Instead they are testing Karma or fate.

Gambling in the neo-Confucian context may be contrasted to gambling in the Judaic-Christian-Islamic tradition, which through received religious teachings maintains sanctions against indulging in games of chance and personal gain. In this context, people have to go outside those precepts to engage in gambling.

Christianity has a relation to both Islam and Judaism as they both believe that gambling is morally wrong and the influences of that has affected the up bringing of Australia through out the years some of these are

- Churches are increasingly vocal opponents of gambling, particularly the Baptist and Uniting churches who have been involved in government enquiries etc. into problem gambling.

- Reverend Tim Costello leads the anti-gambling movement in Australia, and has done so for a decade.

- Costello is involved in the politics as well as the theology of gambling.

- Involved in Church and state measures to deal with gambling.

- "We don't have problem gamblers; we have problem machines in a problem industry".

It is important to re-emphasise that each of these religions described above are favoured due to their loathing towards gambling. The extent of gambling is now so large, that there is increased questioning on whether the problem can be dissipated due to the fact that gambling has travelled from pubs to the internet. As you can see through statistical evidence, gambling is very much apart of our current society as it encompasses the notion of 'new age entertainment' which most religions detest and disallow.

Please note that this sample paper on gambling is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on gambling, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on gambling will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Beyond the Broad-Brush

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Beyond the Broad-Brush. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Beyond the Broad-Brush paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Beyond the Broad-Brush, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Beyond the Broad-Brush paper at affordable prices!

The history of humans on Earth is mind-boggling. For more than ninety percent of human's brief history, humans have wandered in small bands, scraping out an existence in a world fraught with danger from animals, the weather, and disease. Only recently did humans decide to settle in villages and grow their food rather than hunt and gather it. And then humans learned to live in larger societies, eventually forming governments, class structures, economies, and empires, and some of these societies came to dominate others, and some got richer than others. When probing into it, one will discover deeper and deeper questions about why Europeans are now in America, why China didnt conquer Europe with its more advanced culture, and so on. Jared Diamond took on the task of having a reasonable discussion about the intriguing question of why Europeans spread all over the world during the past few centuries to a greater degree than ever before in human history? In Diamond's book Guns, Germs, and Steel The Fates of Human Societies, he takes a wide-angle view of world history from very high up, in order to provide an overview of human societal development from about 11,000 BC to the present. Its an impressive book, but overall, Diamond's presentation is a little uneven, making this book difficult to rate.

Despite the fact that Guns, Germs, and Steel The Fates of Human Societies is broad and attempts to cover all major aspects of societal development (including technology, politics, language, and economics), but the book has its limitations. Guns, Germs, and Steel The Fates of Human Societies is a book that works very well within the specific range it covers, but it turns out that that range is somewhat limited. In other words, Diamond is guilty of false advertising. The books cover and introduction imply that he is going to tell people why Europeans came to dominate the world in the past few centuries. He does not do this, because his arguments do not apply on that time scale, nor do they apply to such a modern situation. This book is well worth reading, as long as a person is aware of where it fits in the historical landscape.

Diamond focuses on the geographical and environmental factors that affect human societies. These are indeed very important factors. Remember that humans used to live outdoors. Humans used to carry most of our belongings with them. Humans used to know very few humans outside our own group. Humans used to be at the mercy of where the herds wandered, what the weather was like that year, and what the climate was like that decade. Diseases and droughts regularly wiped out whole tribes. Rivers or mountain ranges could literally be uncrossable for years at a time if conditions were not right. For the majority of human history, humans have been profoundly shaped by the immediate surroundings in which they lived.

Diamond makes a great case for why some areas of the world learned things earlier than other areas. How could a society possibly learn to domesticate animals if no domesticable species lived in that part of the world? How could they learn agriculture if few or none of the native plant species were domesticable? Indeed, the distribution of animal and plant species suitable for human domestication was not very equitable in the ancient world. Some areas just had it luckier than others. The winners were in Eurasia, which had the largest number of qualified candidates for domestication. For animals, qualification has to do with reproductive cycles, and other factors that make them easy for humans to adapt and modify to their purposes. For plants, qualification is about having large grains, being cultivable from cuttings, and other factors that make farming better compared to gathering. In contrast to Eurasia, Africa and the Americas suffered from a lack of candidates.

Help with essay on Beyond the Broad-Brush

Geography also affects the spread of information, or it did for most of human history. By looking at archaeological findings, it is possible to trace who knew what when, at least roughly. One can see types of pottery getting passed from society to society, for instance, as well as farming techniques and tools. Thus, large regions tended to share information faster, thus accelerating their development.

Many of Diamond's arguments are believable. The Earth is the way it is, and humans have been amazingly adaptive to be able to live in many diverse regions, from desert to tundra. But that doesnt mean that all humans had an equal shot at developing new lifestyles or at inventing new technologies. It would have been impossible for metalworking to evolve on some Pacific islands since some of them have no metal! In many cases that Diamond describes, those humans who developed certain capabilities are exactly the ones one would expect to have done so, given the physical surroundings they lived in. Thus, Guns, Germs, and Steel The Fates of Human Societies is a detailed, well-researched, and thoughtfully organized book of what one would call physical history. Diamond describes unquestionable advantages that Eurasia had over the rest of the world. As he says, I expect that if the populations of Aboriginal Australia and Eurasia could have been interchanged during the Late Pleistocene, the original Aboriginal Australians would now be the ones occupying most of the Americas and Australia, as well as Eurasia, while the original Aboriginal Eurasians would be the ones now reduced to downtrodden population fragments in Australia. . Its the environment, not the people.

There are many specific issues that can to be brought up to react to Diamonds thesis. First of all, there are a lot of supporting factors that are important in societal development that cannot be explained by geography, local wildlife, and climate. They include factors like religion, the number system and languages. In the factor of language one could only wonder why did some parts of the world end up with alphabets, and others sets of characters? This may have had a deep effect on which societies were able to record and share information most easily. In the factor of the number system, the roman numerals are notoriously tedious for doing calculations. Arabic numerals, in contrast, are still in use today because they proved to be much easier and more adaptable. This may contribute to the dominance of Middle Eastern science a few thousand years ago. "The remaining way for kleptocrats to gain public support is to construct an ideology or religion justifying kleptocracy." In the factor of religion Diamond makes the fascinating point that religion evolved in parallel with systems of state government, primarily as a means to justify military action and class differences. This is a broad explanation for the development of complex religions designed for mass appeal in societies of thousands of people. Why did Buddhism and Taoism evolve in East Asia, while monotheism arose in West Asia? Did these differing worldviews shape the societies that practiced them, perhaps contributing to their paths of development?

Diamond did bring up these very points, but he does not do much with them. He has little to say beyond setting up the structure, such as why state religions evolved in the first place. In these cultural cases, Diamonds view is simply too little.

The bottom line is that physical arguments are very broad-brush. They are entirely acceptable when considering large area of history that cover thousands of years during which humans were totally dependent on their environment. But they cannot help on short time scales, where local cultural effects matter a lot. Nor are they relevant in the modern, interconnected world where geography plays much less of a role. That is not to say that it has no effect, only that it has less effect now than it did when humans were wandering around in groups of 40 people or so. Guns Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies doesn't give one a complete answer to Yali's question in full, but explains different cultures limitations and advantages geographically and environmentally. So Guns, Germs and Steel The Fates of Human Societies is a solid book to explain such things as why Native Americans developed agriculture after the Chinese did, and why some Pacific Island cultures never developed it at all. It explains why small pox and syphilis were so devastating to tribes of the New World, while their diseases rarely did so much damage to people of the Old World. It explains why cultures that had agriculture could go on to develop complex states, which supported specialist classes, including the class of soldier. But do not expect to learn why Britain hates France or why China adopted Communism. These things are beyond the broad-brush of physical analysis. So in the end, one will stick to what one said at the beginning that this is an excellent book for the range it works in. But that range is a bit limited.

Please note that this sample paper on Beyond the Broad-Brush is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Beyond the Broad-Brush, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Beyond the Broad-Brush will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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