
Monday, January 11, 2021

Simulated Violence

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Simulated Violence. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Simulated Violence paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Simulated Violence, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Simulated Violence paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Simulative Violence

When I was about three of four years old I started playing with toy weapons. I didn't even know that video games existed until I was about six or seven. At that time video games became a big part of my life. Every day I would get home and start playing them until my parents made me stop or until I went to bed. These games ranged from sports and violence to strategy. I was mostly attracted to the games with the most violence and therefore that's all I played. I am now 17 and I have not killed nor harmed anyone since I started playing these games.

Many people believe that video games cause violence in kids and adults. Psychologists have done numerous amounts of experiments on whether video games and violence are related, but have found that it is extremely hard to come up with a theory.

Crimes are committed by people and in order to figure out why they caused these crimes, you have to get into their heads. Psychologists are brought in to examine criminals everyday and most of the time they find it impossible to diagnose them.

Help with essay on Simulated Violence

It is hard for me to even think of video games causing violence. I believe that if they do cause some sort of violence then there has to be two factors involved, environmental and psychological. In order for a video game to actually change someone enough for them to become violent, some sort of psychological disorder is needed. Someone doesn't just wake up one day and play a video game and decide that they want to kill someone. It just doesn't happen that way. If a person of any age has had some problems in life that have contributed to violence and then later went and played a video game, the video game could cause him to experience those negative feelings again and possibly cause him to become violent. If a person that has never had any psychological disorders started getting into violent video games, he might experience some excitement but not to the extent of becoming violent. Not only does the participator have to have a psychological disorder he also has to be in the perfect environment. If someone with a troubled past decides to play some violent video games and decided he wants to kill someone then the environment has to be perfect. If he is playing a game with guns and he decides that he will shoot whoever he wants with a gun he will need a gun in order to fulfill his urge. This is when the environmental factor kicks in. If he needs some sort of weapon and his dad happens to have one in his room then it becomes easier and more convenient for him to go kill.

The video game industry created ways to make it more convenient for people to buy video games. If a parent wants to go buy a video game for their kids, they can go to the store and view it on a screen to see what they think about it. The video game industry also puts parental warning stickers on the covers. These tell you what ages should be playing these games and which ages it its inappropriate for. If parents choose to ignore these disclaimers and buy games for their ten year old kids that are meant for teens, then they have no one to blame but themselves if their kids become disturbed by it.

There is no way anyone could link video games and violence together. First of all, it is impossible to tell what is going on in a persons head that causes them to become violent. And second of all, people need to realize that there has to be other factors involved. If you think about it, sometimes we ourselves don't even know why we do things, so how can we expect others to figure it out for us.

If video games were to cause violence, then there would be some way to prove it. Video games are a form of entertainment just like music and movies, yet video games get blamed for causing violence more then the other forms of media. I think that it is possible for a person to become violent if he is constantly in the presence of violent movies, video games, magazines, and friends. Friends can also be a major factor that causes violence. If you hang out with the wrong crowd, it can lead you to do things which you usually don't do.

Violence needs certain factors in order for it to happen. In my opinion, a person that has some psychological problems and the perfect environment is more likely to become more dangerous or violent while playing a video game or watching a movie, then someone who has no major problems and is not in the presence of weapons. People need to realize that the video game industry try to help out by putting warnings on their games and that if they choose to ignore it then it is their fault for buying them.

Simulative Violence

When I was about three of four years old I started playing with toy weapons. I didn't even know that video games existed until I was about six or seven. At that time video games became a big part of my life. Every day I would get home and start playing them until my parents made me stop or until I went to bed. These games ranged from sports and violence to strategy. I was mostly attracted to the games with the most violence and therefore that's all I played. I am now 17 and I have not killed nor harmed anyone since I started playing these games.

Many people believe that video games cause violence in kids and adults. Psychologists have done numerous amounts of experiments on whether video games and violence are related, but have found that it is extremely hard to come up with a theory.

Crimes are committed by people and in order to figure out why they caused these crimes, you have to get into their heads. Psychologists are brought in to examine criminals everyday and most of the time they find it impossible to diagnose them.

It is hard for me to even think of video games causing violence. I believe that if they do cause some sort of violence then there has to be two factors involved, environmental and psychological. In order for a video game to actually change someone enough for them to become violent, some sort of psychological disorder is needed. Someone doesn't just wake up one day and play a video game and decide that they want to kill someone. It just doesn't happen that way. If a person of any age has had some problems in life that have contributed to violence and then later went and played a video game, the video game could cause him to experience those negative feelings again and possibly cause him to become violent. If a person that has never had any psychological disorders started getting into violent video games, he might experience some excitement but not to the extent of becoming violent. Not only does the participator have to have a psychological disorder he also has to be in the perfect environment. If someone with a troubled past decides to play some violent video games and decided he wants to kill someone then the environment has to be perfect. If he is playing a game with guns and he decides that he will shoot whoever he wants with a gun he will need a gun in order to fulfill his urge. This is when the environmental factor kicks in. If he needs some sort of weapon and his dad happens to have one in his room then it becomes easier and more convenient for him to go kill.

The video game industry created ways to make it more convenient for people to buy video games. If a parent wants to go buy a video game for their kids, they can go to the store and view it on a screen to see what they think about it. The video game industry also puts parental warning stickers on the covers. These tell you what ages should be playing these games and which ages it its inappropriate for. If parents choose to ignore these disclaimers and buy games for their ten year old kids that are meant for teens, then they have no one to blame but themselves if their kids become disturbed by it.

There is no way anyone could link video games and violence together. First of all, it is impossible to tell what is going on in a persons head that causes them to become violent. And second of all, people need to realize that there has to be other factors involved. If you think about it, sometimes we ourselves don't even know why we do things, so how can we expect others to figure it out for us.

If video games were to cause violence, then there would be some way to prove it. Video games are a form of entertainment just like music and movies, yet video games get blamed for causing violence more then the other forms of media. I think that it is possible for a person to become violent if he is constantly in the presence of violent movies, video games, magazines, and friends. Friends can also be a major factor that causes violence. If you hang out with the wrong crowd, it can lead you to do things which you usually don't do.

Violence needs certain factors in order for it to happen. In my opinion, a person that has some psychological problems and the perfect environment is more likely to become more dangerous or violent while playing a video game or watching a movie, then someone who has no major problems and is not in the presence of weapons. People need to realize that the video game industry try to help out by putting warnings on their games and that if they choose to ignore it then it is their fault for buying them.

Please note that this sample paper on Simulated Violence is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Simulated Violence, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Simulated Violence will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, January 8, 2021


If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on hardy-hopkins. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality hardy-hopkins paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in hardy-hopkins, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your hardy-hopkins paper at affordable prices!

Religion represents the major correlation and contrast between the poetry of Thomas Hardy and Gerald Hopkins. Hardys poems looked at religion with a cynical eye, exposing inconsistencies of the actions of the world as proof of either the ambivalence or lack of a God. Hopkins, on the other hand, saw God as an omnipresent force on the planet and in everyones lives, and his poetry reflects this extreme faith in religion. The poems of both Hopkins and Hardy mirror occurrences in each of their lives, as both led substantially different ones. Despite some similarities between the poets -- significant unhappiness, same era -- the differences in their views on religion and their subsequent effects on their poetry are notable and important.

Hardy, surprisingly enough, was raised in a Christian family and held strong faith in Christianity for the first part of his life. As he aged, however, Hardy began to wonder about the inconsistencies of life. If there really was a God, he asked himself, then why would there be such horrors in society and nature? Why would there be so much suffering in the world? These questions were being asked at around the time that Charles Darwin was revolutionizing the scientific community with his research on creationism. The ideas of natural selection and evolution coupled with the seeming randomness of life led Hardy to believe that God was either uncaring and unresponsible or simply did not exist. Hardy never was exactly sure about the existence of God, but he was often unable to marry his scientific principles to the ideals of religion, and thus found himself remaining agnostic.

The poem Hap demonstrates many of these issues that Hardy was facing. The first word of the poem, If, depicts the uncertainty of Hardys faith in both God and his own idea about what/who God is. If but some vengeful god would call to me / From up the sky, and laugh Though suffering thing, / Know that they sorrow is my ecstasy / That they loves loss is my hates profiting!, (Norton, 6) the poem reads, and we see that although Hardy is uncertain about the existence of God, he has some ideas about the ambivalence that God has if he exists.

Hopkins, contrastingly, would not have started Hap with the word If. Hopkins had a strong devotion to Catholicism, and eventually became ordained as a priest. He often used his faith as a source for his poetry, and throughout his works it is quite evident that Hopkins does not waver in his devotion to God, despite the unhappiness this faith has brought with it. The Habit of Perfection, a poem about a priest who has taken a vow of silence, demonstrates Hopkins zealousness in his faith. In that poem, the narrator seems as if he is unworthy of Gods love and thus becomes silent. The tone of the poem is an overzealous love for God rather than simple faith, and this overzealous love seems to stem from a kind of unworthiness of the narrator when compared to the creator. It is an important testament to Hopkins mental state about religion. Although the narrator obviously is too repressed to be happy, Hopkins seems to envy him and the strength of his servitude.&

Help with essay on hardy-hopkins

Hardys The Subalterns also deals with servitude to a higher power, but the poems speaks of the randomness at which God works rather than Hopkins testimony that God is so wonderful as to deserve a vow of silence. The Subalterns speaks of some natural effects -- the sky, the North, sickness, death -- and how each of these things are directed by a stronger force (Norton, 71). This is implied to be God, and a personified death goes so far as to say that he is a slave to the schedule. The poems seems to demonstrate the indifference and randomness with which God runs the planet.

In He Never Expected Much, Hardy portrays the world as indifferent and void of passion (Norton, 87), but he might as well have been talking about God. At this point in his life (he was eighty-six years old), Hardy was getting more and more cynical about the existence of God, and the poem reflects his resignation that the world will not fulfill any expectations that religion asks of it. Hardy also seems comfortable with this fact, as the poem reveals a stoic persona that seems to be defeated by a haphazardly-run world and comfortable with this knowledge.

Hopkins instead felt more defeated by himself and his own inadequacy in the perceived eyes of God than anything else. Whenever Hopkins approaches God directly, as in the very direct [Though Art Indeed Just, Lord, If I Contend] (Norton, 107), he seems extremely fearful of even the thought of approaching God. What is meant to be a complaint for some of the injustices of the world turns into a passive, fearful, almost apologetic missive. Where Hardy took the injustices of the world to mean there really was not a God (or at least the declaration that he just did not know either way), Hopkins saw this to mean that the omnipresent God was punishing the people for evils. Hardy also felt that whatever was controlling the world was a passive being (He Never Expected Much), where Hopkins felt God was an active participant in the joys and sorrows of the world.

Another of the poems in which Hopkins demonstrates his belief that the stability of the world hinges on either Gods anger or Gods compassion occurs in his epic The Wreck of Deutshland (Norton, ). The poem speaks of a God with the power and wrath to bury a boat with a frown on his face (Norton, 4), then his ultimate mercy in saving some of the boaters from drowning.

Obviously, both Hardy and Hopkins felt that there was much suffering, pain, and hardship in the world. However, their views as to why this occurs are markedly different. Hardy feels that the reasons for these hardships exist because there may not be a God. Or, if there is, the God may feel that ambivalent and uncaring towards humans. Perhaps the creations of human beings were simply a mistake or an accident, and God felt little responsibility for them anymore. He especially demonstrates this in New Years Eve, in which an indifferent God ponders the passing of another year, then explains to one of his followers the following The he (says) My labours -- logicless -- / You may explain; not I / Sense-sealed I have wrought, without a guess / That I evolved a Consciousness / To ask for reasons why / Strange ephermeral creatures who / By my own ordering are, / Should see the shortness of my view (Norton, 77). Here, Hardy portrays God as a kind of bumbling supernatural being who admits that the human being experiment is not one that was undertaken with much consideration or though. Somewhat similarly, in Channel Firing (Norton, 77), Hardy portrays God as a mad scientist type figure, who watches over his subjects with an ironic edge. We get the feeling that God is actually being the conflict, and the war is a medium for entertainment itself. I looked Up From My Writing (Norton, 85) is a similarly cynical view on the world, as a pontificating Hardy is writing his story when the moon interrupts him. The moon, which seemed to be a symbol of the voice in the back of Hardys head, asks Hardy how he could be writing in a world where there is so much suffering. Hardys stoic personality in the poem shines through here, as he seems to be saying that not he, nor anyone else, has any control over the atrocities of the world. Al will be the same no matter what people do, so why should we bother? This implies that there is nothing from which to ask help, or no God.

Hopkins, on the other hand, has a much less cynical view of God. In Gods Grandeur (Norton, 101), the poet bemoans the destruction of the environment (which God created) by humans. The destruction of the environment could be seen as one of the reasons for punishment that god inflicts with his wrath on the planet and society. Hopkins seems to be saying, Did something bad happen? Then, yes, it was God, but it was your fault for _______. The guilt and anguish that Hopkins feels toward God is less cynical than Hardys agnostic views, but is no less unhealthy. Hopkins lived a short life filled with guilt and remorse, and any happiness that he felt was usually tempered by his attitude toward God. He was either disappointed in himself for not being as devout as he should be (The Habit of Perfection) or disappointed in other humans for their behavior to the things that God creates (Gods Grandeur). Hardy spent most of his life looking for meaning to it all, as his faith in religion was lost as he aged. Struggling in an era where Christianity was the norm, Hardy attempted to create an agreement between his own strong views as a realist and the views of religion. He failed time and time again as the random occurrence -- particularly the negative random occurrences -- of the world continued and increased. Hardy searched for meaning in his life, but ended up pessimistically resigning himself to the fact that the world was indifferent and uncaring (He Never Expected Much).

Please note that this sample paper on hardy-hopkins is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on hardy-hopkins, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on hardy-hopkins will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Liberal Values in Quebec

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Liberal Values in Quebec. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Liberal Values in Quebec paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Liberal Values in Quebec, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Liberal Values in Quebec paper at affordable prices!

In Claude Ryan's manifesto, Liberal Values in Contemporary Quebec, he describes concerns and progress through the years of the Quebec liberal government. Ryan outlines ways in which they have addressed (or, very infrequently, plan to address) these issues in his essay. Explored here will be two of the central contexts of social welfarefeminism and an aging population ( as illustrated in Armitage's Social Welfare in Canada ) and how they are reflected, attended to, and cause conflict in Ryan's views of Liberal values in modern day Quebec.

In a dissertation dissecting a paper on liberal values and social welfare, it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what constitutes a feminist issue. All fundamental problems in society, one might argue, are gendered and deal with oppression and therefore fall under the umbrella of feminist issues. Ryan does, however, seems to be appealing to the feminist readers when he discusses in his essay the increased amount of women in universities, citing free primary and secondary education as well as subsidized tuition and access to financial assistance as the main reasons why (6). He also stresses the rights enjoyed by women, stating that the "Liberal Party was the principal architect of the changes which led to the recognition of the equality of men and women" (). Ryan goes on to describe women's suffrage, the current laws making men and women equal partners in marriage as well as the recognition of same-sex civil unions, all laws serving to protect women's rights in society. The author also credits the Quebec Liberal party for adopting the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, which protects citizens from discrimination based on sex, age, race, etc. which benefits all people in society, particularly those at risk of marginalization like women and the elderly (). He also stresses the right of every individual to " health services, free….education, to help from the government when an individual is in dire need,….to various assistance measures for housing, to a guaranteed pension for seniors..."(6)

Providing affordable housing for low-income families, or income supplements to those whose rents were higher than average, are measures the government in Quebec has taken to assure that disadvantaged people have access to housing. However, Ryan states that "the principal provides of housing facilities should be in the private sector" (7). While Ryan states that public housing increases the divide between privileged and underprivileged people, history has shown that any measure at privatization in social services with regard to housing is detrimental to those in true need. Landlords in this system may discriminate against tenants in need, such as seniors and single parents.

Ryan also addresses the needs of women and those of the elderly when he discusses the support of the government for income security programs. For the elderly, Ryan points to the Quebec Pension Plan as the main source of financial assistance to seniors. He notes that each worker contributes to the Plan in their lifetime and thus receives income support post-retirement. (7) He doesn't discuss though the effect on the QPP of the increasing size of the retired population due to the aging baby boomers, and whether or not the government program will be able to support them all, and further, whether it will be able to support future generations of retirees. Ryan also fails to question the bias against women of a system that compensates workers according to number of years in the workforce ( proportional to the amount paid into the QPP), neglecting to account for women who must leave paid labour positions to raise children. How will women who take time out of the paid workforce be fairly compensated?Ryan delves at length to government income security program for underprivileged individuals and families. He claims that the current government, through reform of this program, has achieved two goals. First, that the Liberal Government has increased the benefits received by needy families. Second, that disadvantaged families including children too young for school have received special attention increased payments, which would be of particular interest to single mothers. (7) Ryan goes to state that the Liberal government has "…cut off many beneficiaries who were not eligible for financial assistance…" (7). It is difficult to see by this statement whether these reforms have truly benefited the public after all, when he is vague about the reformed qualifications for receiving income assistance in the first place. Perhaps these stricter qualifications also serve to discriminate against the very populations that the reforms claim to assist. Further, Ryan does not discuss how the elderly receiving an insufficient pension might be assisted through the income supplement program.

The maintenance of the population in Quebec is a serious problem. Birth rates are low, and with the increasing number of elderly and deceased among the baby boomer era, the province must encourage family growth and immigration if it hopes to maintain the current population. Ryan points to several initiatives of the Liberal government that aim to achieve this end. Examples include providing tax breaks, financial support and birth allowances to families with young children, aiming to increase the resident population, and providing a welcoming environment to immigrants without whom the population would be decreasing each year. By subsidizing day care, the province hopes to ease the financial burden on families, thus encouraging growth.

Very few solutions to social problems are proposed Ryan's manifesto. Overall, the author is trying to applaud the Liberal government for it's achievements thus far, ignoring the fact that many of the target population for these programs are falling through the cracks. He fails to propose how our healthcare system will adapt to serve the needs of the growing aging population, among many things. One suggestion he does make, however, that is very intriguing is that the Liberal government adopt elements of proportional representation to better reflect the population and diversity in the National Assembly (Ryan, 11). Proportional representation systems often increase the number of women and minorities to a given body, thereby serving to give them voice in government (Sodaro, 10).

There are many conflicts between ideals represented in Ryan's Liberal Values in Contemporary Quebec and the context in which the government must act; the most prominent of these is the clash between the need to place more funding into public social services and the government and public resistance to increased taxation. Ryan writes of the reforms instituted during the Bouchard and Landry governments

The reduction of the assistance given to welfare recipients who were unable to join the work force, the savage deinstitutionalization of patients in psychiatric hospitals, the deterioration of services offered for students with learning difficulties in our schoolsthese are some of the measures whose negative effects will be felt well into the future. (7)

While Ryan condemns these program cuts of previous governments, he makes no indication that any attempts are being made to repair the damage. He also discusses cuts that the Liberal government has made and points out that "the sectors of education and healthcare received special consideration".(1) While this may be true, it's obvious by the wording of this statement that cuts were indeed made to core social services. When we reflect on rising prices and cost of living, even maintaining the budget for social services at this point is depriving those in need of the care they deserve. Money that should be flowing into these programs has only two sources in Ryan's opinion" taxation and borrowing " (1). He also states that "taxation has reached the saturation point"(1) yet suggests no practical solution to finding funding, preferring to instead praise the Liberal party for it's so called program support and pointing out the difficulties with solutions proposed by other parties.

Claude Ryan's essay, Liberal Values in Contemporary Quebec outlines ways in which the Quebec Liberal Party has used liberal values to steer their policy making and budgetary focus. While the Liberal Party may have an impressive record for creating laws and programs to support the most vulnerable portion of the population, there is little being done now to allow these same programs to evolve and adapt to fit the contexts of social welfare outlined here, feminism and an aging core population. Perhaps instead of researching the past and applauding achievements made then and there, it would have been more useful of Ryan to focus his propaganda on the future of the Liberal Party and their vision of social welfare as it applies to today's and future generations of voters.

Please note that this sample paper on Liberal Values in Quebec is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Liberal Values in Quebec, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Liberal Values in Quebec will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 31, 2020

The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear paper at affordable prices!

Desire is a quality inherent to every human being. Each person possesses within themselves certain cravings, whether they be good or bad, saintly or malicious, frivolous or practical. In fact, the play King Lear clearly states that the desire for something greater than basic needs is what separates man from beast. While most people attempt to protect themselves from being overcome with their own greed and desire, some simply give into this deadly vice. They allow their lives to become focused solely upon the quest for money, status, influence, love, or whatever satiates their longing. For many of the characters in King Lear, the desire for power became their most destructive vice and eventually led to ruin, betrayal and death.

In the opening scene of the play, Goneril and Regan, the two eldest daughters of the aging King Lear, are seen contending for their father's inheritance. At Lear's request, they engage in a sort-of contest where they each express why they love him the most. In both of their flamboyantly flattering speeches, they profess undying love to their father who sits by and watches this sickening spectacle. The two sisters, clearly vying for a more lavish part of the inheritance, engage in shameless flattery in an obvious struggle for power (in the form of land). By stating, "I love you more than the world can wield," and "I find myself felicitate in your dear Highness' love," the girls clearly show their brazenness toward their aging father. The comments of Cordelia do much to solidify their falsity as she states, "…I am sure my love is more ponderous than my tongue." When she refuses to take the same path of extravagant compliments as her sisters, it shows that, because Lear favors her the most, her intentions were the most genuine. Thus the play shows that virtue is placed on the one who does not covet greater power.

The desire for power further manifests itself in the sisters even after they gain their respective inheritances. The two, nearly overwhelmed with power and responsibility, still feel the need to manipulate the people around them, namely those who remain loyal to their father. They are under the impression that the Earl of Kent, Lear's most loyal supporter, has been exiled and thus turn their wrath toward the Earl of Gloucester. They know that he maintained allegiance to their father, and took advantage of his weakened state which resulted from his manipulation at the hands of his son. In the most gruesome scene of the play, Regan and her equally power-hungry husband, the Duke of Cornwall, engage in gouging out Gloucester's eyes for aiding her father on his way to Dover. This brutal act epitomizes Regan's struggle for power as she ignores any sense of decency while torturing an old man for looking out for her father. She even goes so far as to reveal Edmund's treachery against him, information she knew would destroy the aged Earl. She does not exercise the slightest amount of mercy in revealing his son as she states that "thou call'st on him that hates thee." By this time, it is obvious that the girls, especially Regan, are completely consumed with the desire for power.

Within that gruesome scene, however, appears a character who exemplifies the antithesis of this struggle for power. The only person in the room during Regan and Cornwall's torture of Gloucester who spoke up against their brutality was the servant of Cornwall. Without doubt, this virtuous man possessed no desire for power or self-advancement, and instead acted based upon his own morals and values. In his plea to Cornwall, he stated that, "I have served you ever since I was a child; But better service I have never done you Than now to bid you hold." Then, when Cornwall refuses to yield, the two fight and Regan, in a fit of rage, stabs the servant. This demonstrates well the infectious and destructive nature of the desire for power as it seemingly triumphs over virtue and humility.

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Another character who embodies the want for authority is the bastard son of Gloucester, Edmund. From the very beginning, Edmund is introduced as different from his brother, Edgar. In the opening scene, Gloucester goes out of his way to label Edmund as a bastard, although he does have feelings of affection for the young man. Perhaps it is this separation that triggers Edmund's feelings of hatred toward his father and his half brother, Edgar, who is Gloucester's legitimate son and heir to his fortune. In his first soliloquy, Edmund reveals his disgust in Gloucester's love for Edgar and his intention to bring him down and win the love of their father.

"Legitimate Edgar, I must have your land [16]

Our fathers love is to the bastard Edmund

As to the legitimate fine word,--legitimate!

Well, my legitimate, if this letter speed,

And my invention thrive, Edmund the base [0]

Shall top the legitimate. I grow; I prosper

Now, gods, stand up for bastards!"

Paralleling the filial infidelity of Regan and Goneril, he too takes advantage of his trusting father and also seeks to destroy his brother. The two plots are very similar, both incorporating the fall of one character and the rise of another. Unfortunately for the risen, they are all eventually brought down; By the end, Edgar himself states that, "The wheel is come full circle I am here." By this he means that he has risen, as if on a wheel, and inevitably descended back to his rightful place.

Finally, the two parallel plots come together at the end as the two sisters battle for the hand of Edmund in order to complete their scope of power. It becomes obvious that Goneril has already established a relationship with Edmund, despite her marriage to the Duke of Albany. And, after Cornwall is slain by his servant, Regan announces her intention to seek the hand of Edmund. The sisters are obviously drawn to Edmund's recent acquisition of Gloucester's inheritance and aim to expand their own holdings by marrying him. Goneril's betrayal of her living husband, though, appears far more scandalous than Regan's intentions of marrying Edmund. Once again, they both show their shamelessness in seeking whatever will further their personal gains. Unfortunately, this struggle would turn the two against each other, as their desires once again overcame familial loyalty. In the final scene, after Edmund has been revealed, and in an ironic turn of events, a gentleman enters and announces to the Duke of Albany that, "Your lady, sir, your lady [is dead] and her sister by her is poisoned; she confesses it." In the end, the common desire that the two shared destroyed them both, as well as destroying Edmund, the object of their yearning. And Albany, who is the voice of reason in this scene, says, "This judgement of the heavens, that makes us tremble, touches us not with pity," because he knows that they all faced the fate to which they had been prescribed. Their actions came full circle and they were destroyed by the vices that they so emphatically embraced.

At the conclusion of this play, the resulting carnage allows the reader to see just how deadly the vice of desire was for the characters. The bodies of Regan, Goneril, Cordelia, Gloucester, Lear and Edmund plainly show the result of striving for power. Lear himself eventually regretted the loss of power, but only because he finally realized what good he could have done with it. Cordelia, like the servant, represented virtue as her loyalty to Lear endured through her exile to France. Unfortunately for her, as well as Gloucester, their loyalty was not rewarded. Gloucester, though, did die happy when he realized that Poor Tom was his true, loving son, Edgar.

Even more than jealousy, ignorance, lust or pride, desire led to the downfall of these characters. Some were the innocent victims, while some were the purveyors of this deadly vice. In the end, though, it was so strong that it mastered all loyalty and love. It ripped apart families, caused murder, suicide and madness. However, the surviving characters learned a valuable lesson. They learned that power does not lead to happiness and that one's family should be the recipient of all loyalty. In one of Albany's final addresses, he states very simply that, "All friends shall taste/The wages of their virtue and all foes/The cup of their deservings." And he was correct the lives of the ones who gave into power were eventually shattered, as well as the lives of the ones they loved.

Please note that this sample paper on The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The desire for power as the most destructive vice for the character in King Lear will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization? paper at affordable prices!

To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?

Sometimes profit can be seen as a good indicator of the success of an organisation, but this is not always true. Everything depends on what an organisation thinks of success. The Oxford's Dictionary (000) defines "Success?as "the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get? An organisation may have different aims than the profit maximisation; therefore I would like to explain the different kinds of organisations.

The diagram above is a very simple division of the types of organisations. Shafto (1) states that "an Organisation is a group of people held together by an agreed structure involving the acceptance of agreed rules and a system of authority, seeking to pursue a specific objective or a set of objectives? Organisations can be roughly divided into multinationals and non-profit organisations.

Cheap custom writing service can write essays on To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?

Marcouse (1) defines "Multinationals?as "a firm which has its headquarters in one country and branches, manufacturing or assembly plants in others? "General Motors?generates more turnover than Denmark and "Ford Motor Company?generates more turnover than Poland, both of these companies are multinationals. It is obvious that these kinds of companies are aiming to maximise their profit, even though they may have other objectives such as growth and development, to be the most efficient, to maximise stockholder wealth, and so on.

The non-profit organisations, such as Greenpeace, Oxfam, National Health Service hospitals, and others, have other aims rather than the profit maximisation. The non-profit organisation does not think that profit maximisation a good indicator of success. Some of the aims of the non-profit organisations are ecological, charitable, to help the society, etc. This kind of organisations also needs profit to accomplish some of their aims, but all this profit is going to be reinvested in order to expand the organisation to help other societies.

Another point to include is the High Quality profit and Low Quality profit. Marcouse (1) states that "The High Quality profit is the training profit which can be expected to be sustained into future years, on the other hand, Low Quality profit is the profit arisen as a result of one-off source?

A lot of companies earn a low quality profit. A clear example of a low quality profit would be Firestone. Firestone is an American company that makes rubber tyres; their costumers had several accidents with the Radial ATX and Radial ATX II tyres, causing more than 10 deaths and more than 000 injuries in all over the world. Now the Ford Motor Company, Mercury and Mazda are recalling specific models of cars to change their tyres. The Bridgestone (a rubber tyre company from Japan) bought the Firestone and the company is now called Bridgestone/Firestone. The Firestone was sold to the Japanese company because of its bad economic conditions.

FORD MOTOR CO (NYSEF) - More Info News, Profile, Reports, Research, Insider, Options, Msgs - Trade Choose Brokerage

Range 1d | 5d | m | 6m | 1y | y | 5y | max Type Bar | Line | Cdl Scale Linear | Log Size M | L

Compare F vs. S&P Nasdaq Dow


From the graph above, we can appreciate how Ford Motor Company it is paying for the consequences of Firestone's bad tyres. The share stocks of Ford are going down because most of the accidents occurred with Ford cars.

Microsoft is a good example when we talk about high quality profit. Microsoft is a company that sells a computer language (software). This software is very popular now, but the development of the software started in 18 when they first launched Microsoft Windows. The great Microsoft success of the 10s was the launch of Windows 5. Nowadays a lot of similar programs exist in the market, but everyone is familiarised with Microsoft Windows. It would be very difficult for an entire company to learn to use another software rather than Windows; it would take time, money and effort on learning the working mechanism of the other software.

MICROSOFT CP (NasdaqNMMSFT) - More Info N/A - Trade Choose Brokerage

Range 1d | 5d | m | | 1y | y Type Bar | Line | Cdl Scale Linear | Log Size M | L

Compare MSFT vs. FTSE 100 FTSE 50 Dow Jones

Splits none


The stocks of Microsoft are doing well, they falling down a little bit at the end but I personally believe that this falling is because the recession period of the economy.

Companies with aims of profit maximisation may have some problems if they are only focused on the short-run rather than the long-run profit maximisation. When the company is focused on the short-run profit maximisation, this company may cut quality of their selling product, by buying cheaper machinery, or reduce wages in order to reduce costs and have a better turnover at the end of the year. If a company takes one of these decisions they may have some trouble in the long-run, because costumer will be unsatisfied if the quality of the product is bad or the employees will be unhappy about their wages and they can go on strike or this may lead to absenteeism which means that the company would have to spend more money on substitute workers.

On the other hand if an organisation is starting to run a business they cannot plan a long-run plan of profit maximisation, otherwise they will go bankrupt. A new organisation needs a lot of profit to stabilise. I strongly believe that if an organisation is starting a business they should make between short-run and medium-run plans. When a new organisation is settled and stable, the aims of the organisation will be easier to achieve.

We cannot tell if a business is successful by only looking at its balance sheet, if we want to know if a business is successful or not, we have to compare the business with other businesses that are competing on the same area. If we take Sainsbury's as an example, we can easily see that this balance sheet is good, they earn a lot of profit, they gearing is low, etc. But I cannot tell if it is a successful company.

Statistics at a Glance -- SBRY.L (in British Pounds)

Income Statement

1(1) 000 001

Turnover Mill. ? 16,4.00 16,71.00 17,44.00

Pre tax profit Mill. ? 888.00 50.00 44.00

Creditors short Mill. ? 4,54.00 4,70.00 4,5.00

Creditors long Mill. ? 81.00 1,041.00 1,078.00


To determine if the company is successful, I would like to compare this balance sheet with Tesco's balance sheet.

Statistics at a Glance -- TSCO.L (in British Pounds)

Income Statement

1 000 001

Turnover Mill. ? 17,158.00 18,76.00 0,88.00

Pre tax profit Mill. ? 84.00 .00 1,054.00

Creditors short Mill. ? ,075.00 ,487.00 4,8.00

Creditors long Mill. ? 1,47.00 1,584.00 1,51.00


Tesco seems to have a better turnover in the years show and it also seems to have a better gearing than Sainsbury's. So now we can make the conclusion that Tesco is more successful than Sainsbury's.

The economy itself also modifies the profit factor, because if the economy is in recession it is more likely that the profit of various organisations go down, whereas a boom in the economy will increase profit in various companies. That is why a loss in the recession period does not seem so bad

In conclusion, profit can be a good indicator of the success of an organisation; however we cannot ignore the various points such as the aims of the organization, the short-run and long-run profit maximization plans and its consequences, the economy period, and so on. We must take these various points and analyse them in order to get the best possible answer. Profit does not always indicate a good sign of success; we have to check the circumstances to see whether profit indicates the achievement of success for a business or whether is not relevant to the goals of the organization. It also depends on the quality of profit, if a company has a poor quality profit, this company is likely to receive a good turnover now but not a good turnover in the future.

Please note that this sample paper on To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on To what extent is profit a good indicator of the success of an organization? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill "

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill ". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill " paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill ", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill " paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Evaluate how successful the marketing of soccer in Australia has been


"The Marketing of soccer in Australia is going downhill because of lack of TV, Media coverage, limited media attention, not enough support from fans, and lack of sponsorship to support the market".

Soccer as we know it today began in England about halfway through the present century. There are records of earlier forms in China, at least two thousand years ago, in ancient Greece and Rome. But it was in England that soccer began to take the shape as we know it today. Soccer has become a very poplar sport world wide, in some countries soccer; you could say is considered a religion.

Buy cheap Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill " term paper

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the marketing of soccer in Australia, Find out why soccer is not as big or as popular as it is in other countries and determine why the marketing is going downhill. The assignment will consist of 4 main focus questions which are listed below and will hopefully prove my hypothesis correct. Although there are many other factors which are currently affecting the marketing of soccer in Australia I feel as though the chosen topics are the most obvious and major reasons.

1. Not enough TV coverage of soccer in Australia

. Lack of sponsorship to support the soccer market

. Not enough Fan support

4. Not enough media attention

1. TV coverage of soccer in Australia

For a Sport to popular in Australia or anywhere world wide, it seems essential that there has to be enough Television coverage. The NSL used to broadcast on Channel Sevens TV sports channel, but that no longer exists, leaving Soccer Australia desperately looking for another way of getting its sport on the box. This is one major reason the marketing is going on a downhill ride. Although standard TV channels have seized the viewing of soccer matches associations such as Homeart have agreed to show the 00/00 National Soccer League championship Series (Top 6 Finals Series) and Grand Final (delayed coverage) on the Expo Channel via the Optus cable and satellite service (Channel 47) and regional Austar Pay TV (Channel 1).Homeart, an Australian specialty retailer, has agreed to sponsor the significant production costs of the television production for coverage of the matches, in addition to providing the NSL Champions with a bonus winners cheque of $50,000 upon winning the 00/00 NSL Grand Final. Companies doing generous things such as this will surly help the soccer market, by making the sport more popular. But the market is always heavily relying on sponsorship such as this to remain even on pay TV. Where as sports such as cricket, AFL, NRL, are sponsored and shown on local TV channels on a regular basis, making it very hard for Australia's soccer market to ever compare with other sports. Why would a TV station want to show soccer games if they can't see any improvement in the popularity of the sport in the future.

The below quote will back the theory that TV channel producers aren't prepared to support soccer on TV as they feel its not popular enough to be a success

We are not prepared to devote that sort of money and resources to a national soccer team when there doesn't appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel in terms of pay-TV coverage and major corporate support. Fitzgerald says

Quote from (Daily Telegraph - Mirror Australian Telegraph Publications) Wednesday 4th

. Lack of sponsorship to support the soccer market

Soccer clubs in Australia are having a huge downfall with sponsorship. An excellent example of this would be the fight to try save the Melbourne based team, the Carlton Blues.

"Carlton is one of the more cosmopolitan teams of the league; its not tied to any particular ethnic group and has aimed to establish a broad appeal. It wins games, holds a respectable fifth place on the ladder and yet it hasnt been able to pay its players now for six weeks".

The soccer club was relying on a transfer from an international player Simon Colosimo to Sunderland in the English Premier League. A fee of more than £1 million sterling would have taken care of Carltons crisis but the deal fell through.

(ABC NEWSPAPER) Web page in bibliography

All in all, transfers are an unreliable source of funding for Australias National Soccer League teams but there seem to be few other funding options. Lack of available sponsorship is effectively caused by lack of media and TV coverage, if the sport isn't going to promoted and seen on TV in prime time big companies will never want to take part in supporting soccer teams as they will get little or nothing out of it return

In July 18 Australia applied for the opportunity to host the world cup finals. If a privilege such as this were to be given to Australia and they were aloud to host the world cup finals the sponsorship, TV coverage of soccer would boom and you would find that soccer teams in Australia would find it much easier to find sponsorship.

What can be said is that the NSL, as we know it, has no future. Australias oldest national sporting competition is showing its age. The bubble economy that raised hopes around the turn of the century has burst. Full-time football has gone, taking six-figure salaries for coaches and players with it. Without a solid foundation, a genuine pro league was always going to be a mirage.

Newspaper article "Power for sale" By Dean Ritchie


. Not enough Fan support

Having a large number of fans for any particular team is almost impossible for Australian soccer teams. Due to the lack of TV and media coverage soccer teams have trouble getting a crowd to support them. An average Australian soccer game pulls in a cheerless 500 fans. If you compare fan support of soccer to another sport, Football for example which has a smaller number of registered players with only 14,0 appose to soccer's 87,74. Surprisingly the average attendance level for football is much higher pulling in an average of almost 11 thousand spectators per game which is over double that of soccer's. The huge difference is obviously because caused from lack of media, TV attention. In the past 7 years due to the poor attendance of Fans watching soccer games in Australia the currant 17 soccer stadiums was reduce from the original which cost soccer Australia thousands in lost revenue.

"The Power, who average between 500-000 fans to each home match, entered the NSL on the back of early success of Sydney rivals the Northern Spirit. But hopes of immediate success like the Spirit sank due to average results and poor home attendances."

Newspaper article "Power for sale" By Dean Ritchie


4. Not enough Media attention Soccer Australia

Having a good solid media attention is essential for a successful sporting market. Not only does it help with the sports popularity but also attracts much needed sponsorship to the game. Media attention can really boost and make a particular sport more popular, normally when there's big events coming up there's commercials advertising it, for example the State of origin that's coming up there is adds on all the time in prime time promoting there games. This really attracts football fans from everywhere to either watch the games from there home TV or to actually go to the stadium and see the game live. This could be one of the main reasons soccer has such poor fan support and spectator attendance, due to the lack of media advertisement. Using football for an example again TV/media shows such as the very famous "footy show" really helps the sport of football although the show has turned into more of a comedy show it runs for an hour Giving results there thoughts and stacks of information about what has been happening in that week of the football world. If only soccer could have a show as popular as this for example media attention, sponsorship would come to players a lot easier. Having lack of media attention seems to relate to having little fan support and perhaps because of little fan support there is no or little chance for soccer teams or individual players to get adequate sponsorship. Its clear that the sport needs all 4 of these points working together to create a successful market in soccer for the future.



Wednesday 4th 11 pm


Wednesday 4th 4 pm


Tuesday rd 600pm

Please note that this sample paper on Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill " is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill ", we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Why the marketing of soccer in Australia is going " downhill " will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, December 25, 2020

Interpersonal Communication

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Interpersonal Communication. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Interpersonal Communication paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Interpersonal Communication, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Interpersonal Communication paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

Interpersonal Communication

What is interpersonal communication? In the text, Looking Out Looking In, Adler states, "Interpersonal communication can be defined contextually by the number of people involved or qualitatively by the nature of interaction between them. In a qualitative sense, interpersonal relationships are unique, irreplaceable, interdependent, and intrinsically rewarding" (p. 8)." This paper will discuss three interpersonal communication situations that I have recently been involved with. Each situation will include the nature, the issues involved, the types of interpersonal skills that were used and/or skills that should have been used for each situation.

Situation 1

After paying off the American Express credit card bill I received an additional bill with an outstanding balance of $8.15. I immediately called the credit card company to inquiry about the outstanding balance. Customer service representative Carl informed me that the outstanding balance was a finance charge that carried over from the previous month. I informed Carl that if the bill is paid in full by the due date I should not be charged a fee. In a gruff voice, Carl indicted that this is the policy and has always been the policy and there was nothing else he could do. Carl's reaction immediately put me in a defensive mode. I then responded back indicating that if he does not remove the charge I will close my account. I then asked to speak with Carl's supervisor. I was put on hold for a few minutes, which gave me the opportunity to gather my thoughts. When the supervisor came to the phone I was calmer and was able to use better interpersonal communication skills. Adler states, "Often the first flush of a strong feeling is not the best time to speak out (p. 154)." When supervisor Sarah came to the phone I explained in a very calm voice that I was a long time customer and did not believe I should be charged a finance charge because I paid the bill in full by the due date. Sarah informed me that the finance charge was for a previous month but she would waive the fee because of my excellent standing with the credit card company. Although feeling and expressing emotions can add to the quality of interpersonal relationships, not all feelings are beneficial. I found that becoming defensive and angry did little to help improve the relationship with Carl and resolve the problem.

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After returning home from a week long vacation I woke up on a Friday morning to find that the check engine light was coming on when I started my 000 Acura car. The car manual indicated that it should be checked out before driving otherwise you could be taking a chance of seriously damaging the engine. I immediately became frustrated because I had many errands to run that day before the weekend and I was now without a vehicle. I then called the (800) Acura roadside assistance number, which is a warranty on my car that provides a tow to the nearest Acura dealership. Amber at roadside assistance informed me that a tow driver should arrive at my house in approximately 45 minutes, which would make it 1045 a.m. I then informed Fred at Acura that my car should arrive at approximately 1100 a.m. Fred indicated that Acura service was extremely busy but as long as the car was there by 100 the mechanic would have time to look it that day. At 110 a.m. roadside assistance had not arrived. I called Amber to find out why and when I should expect the driver. Amber informed me that they needed a flat bed truck for my all-wheel drive vehicle and the only one they had was out on another call and it would another 45 minutes. In a snotty voice I asked Amber why she didn't call and let me know the driver would be late and I tried to explain that my car needed to be at the dealership before noon. Amber then indicated that she could cancel the tow if I wanted. I immediately hung up the phone. After thinking about the situation, I called Amber back and apologized for hanging up. Amber informed me that she just heard from the driver and he was on his way and explained to me in more detail why the driver was late. The car made it to Acura by 100 p.m. and Acura was able to correct the problem before closing. What I learned in this situation is that in general, people want to feel that they have been treated fairly and feel that they have been understand and respected, regardless of what is being communicated. The ability to listen respectfully can be effective in many emotionally charged situations. I found out in a later conversation from Amber that the flat bed truck was needed for a major accident and it took a higher priority. Instead of becoming frustrated with Amber I could of done a better job of listening. I also could of ask some open-ended questions which would encourage the other person to give more extensive information that could help alter their or my position (p. 7).


Three months after I purchased a $00.00 fossil handbag from Macy's the inside pocket ripped and could no longer be used. When I went to Macy's to exchange the purse I was told by Irene that they did not carry my purse and because I did not have a receipt there was nothing she could do. I tried to explain to Irene that I purchased the purse in southern California when I was visiting my daughter and I used a gift card. Irene insisted there was nothing that could be done. Irene's close-minded reaction and her non-willingness to work with me set off my emotions. I became irritated and frustrated because I had paid a lot of money for the purse because I was an excellent Macy cardholder I felt I was being treated unfairly. I expected a much different response from Irene. From my facial expression and tone of voice, Irene realized I was not going to let this go. Adler states, "The face and eyes are probably the most noticed parts of the body. Anger shows in the lower face, brows, forehead and the way a message is spoken can give the same words many meanings (p. 50." Irene and I were obviously not getting anywhere, so, I decided to take a different approach to solve the problem. Adler states, "Aggression can have a severe impact on the target. Recipients can feel embarrassed, inadequate, or humiliated and can lead to decreased effectiveness in resolving the problem (p. 408)." I then decided to take another approach with Irene. Adler states, "A competent, successful communicator will choose the most effective style for a given situation (p. 414)."

I decided to ask an open-ended question to help Irene and I move beyond despair and anger and into a more active mode of problem solving. I asked Irene if there were any other alternatives to resolve this problem. I let her know that I really liked the purse and ask if there was any way that Macy's could repair the purse. Irene informed me that I could take the purse to a repair store located in the mall and Macy's would reimburse me for the repair cost.

The above suggestions on how to improve the communications on the situations described in this paper are possibilities you my want to choose to resolve the conflict. What I have learned overall in interpersonal communications is your voice, your ability to listen, and your body language are three vital communication tools. The effectiveness of your communication depends on how you sound than the words you use. You may have something important to say and have the right words and phrases to get your point across but if your voice doesn't do it justice, your message won't be heard. If you are open-minded about what you hear, problems that might otherwise escalate may be seen in better perspective. You can validate a person's feelings without agreeing or disagreeing with the content of their concerns by acknowledgement i.e. Saying, "I See" or Eye contact as appropriate within the person's cultural norms (p. 144). Asking closed-ended questions will give you a yes or no answer which are useful to gather some kinds of information, but, generally, they will not help people look at their underlying interests in a way that will help them assess their situation i.e., Are you all right? Or, do you understand what the policy is? Using silence may encourage the person to absorb the information and to provide you with more information. I've also learned to be most effective in your communications that there are things you may want to avoid such as, jumping to conclusions, rushing to judgments, giving unwanted advice, and moving prematurely to problem solving.


Adler, R.B., & Towne, N. (00). Looking Out Looking In (10th ed.). Belmont, CA


Please note that this sample paper on Interpersonal Communication is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Interpersonal Communication, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Interpersonal Communication will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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