
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Medical Marijuana

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Medical Marijuana. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Medical Marijuana paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Medical Marijuana, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Medical Marijuana paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Marijuana is one of nature's oldest medicines; it has been an ingredient in remedies for thousands of years. Around 000 BC India and China used Marijuana to treat illnesses, easing childbirth pain, asthma, epilepsy, appetite, and disposition. The chemical components that seem to be valued for treating conditions have baffled science for centuries. Therapeutic success for many diseases gives hope to people in places where hope has been in short supply. The majority of voters approve of medical uses of Marijuana; although the debate over the drug's legal status is far from over. Opposition of Federal officials has caused controversy.

The medical use of Marijuana has become increasingly popular, and arguments against it seem to be slowly fading. The drug proves to show an increasingly large amount of therapeutic value and potential. A study by the National Academy of Sciences (18) showed that Marijuana and its derivatives show promise in treating glaucoma, easing chronic vomiting for cancer chemotherapy patients. In 188 Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young, US DEA, chaired hearings all over the country examining the testimonies of researchers for and against therapeutic Marijuana. The evidence was un-equivocal mostly. In his ruling he declared that the, "Record clearly shows" Marijuana's value in treating muscular weakness-multiple sclerosis, overactive parathyroid, and reducing chemotherapy related vomiting. The use for glaucoma was less clear cut. ("Marijuana Medical Uses" http//

How Marijuana produces therapeutic effects is hard to say. Marijuana is a very complex drug; it is composed of more than four-hundred and twenty one chemicals, six of which exist nowhere else in nature (Cannabinoids). Pot's main ingredients, mainly Cannabinoids, are poorly understood so it is hard to establish what ingredients produce what effects. Out of the effects, is the ability to improve appetite, reduce nausea, relieve muscle spasms, and relieve eye pressure, all of which was said before. Many of the effects mediated or modified interaction with the nervous system. One or more cannabinoids produce a CNS effect, a temporary alteration of the binding site of a neurotransmitter, which in turn may produce one or more therapeutic effects. Oddly Marijuana's mood change agent-delta- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is behind many of the drug's therapeutic actions. Due to THC's effectiveness in relieving nausea for cancer chemotherapy patients, in 185 the FDA approved several different remedies. Marinol, one of which is a synthetic THC in a pill form which stimulates appetite.

Marijuana's potential damage to the human body is slight and temporary immune system impairment for healthy users but for the severely ill there can be serious consequences. The main long-term effect is damage to the lungs and the respiratory system. Marijuana smoke contains asmanyl tar a potential cancer-causing chemical. Marijuana smoke is identical to cigarette smoke. Main problem in using both Marijuana and synthetic THC are the drugs' psychoactive effects ranging from drowsiness and dizziness to anxiety and "muddled thinking." Other problems are the drug's side effects particularly speeded up heart rate, usually harmless in healthy individuals, but can pose problems for the elderly and very ill. So Marijuana is "Not a completely benign substance" (Institute of Medicine). Marijuana has so many components that research is aimed at developing synthetic versions without altering the brain or other systems. Though medical Marijuana advocates remain unconvinced and argue that some therapeutic effects may result from the interaction of cannabinoids may be impossible to synthesize.

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Marijuana may have some flaws but it has helped many people. During the most of 178 Susan Nelson watched her husband constantly retch, his body fought so hard to expel the chemicals used to treat his testicular cancer. After 18 months his tattered esophagus ripped, tissue damage that has plagued him ever since. A decade later Susan had developed Lymphoma, she too underwent chemotherapy. After four months of treatment she vomited only once. Instead of heading to the bathroom when she felt nauseous, to take control of her problem, she lit a joint. Susan Nelson is no drug addict, she grew up in a military family, and had never tried Marijuana as a sixties Teen but she was not about to experience again what her husband had gone through. The drug she had prescribed herself had done wonders for her digestion and lowered her inhibitions, causing inexplicable feelings to throw random objects. Smoking Marijuana may have broken the law but it didn't make her harm herself. "When I smoked it," she recollects, "you could still trust me," (Geoffrey Cowley "Can marijuana be medicine?" 17)

Keith Vines a forty-six year old San Francisco prosecutor regards himself to be a stalwart in the war on drugs. Assistant District attorney, spent years putting dealers on prison. But as an Aids patient he saw his body threaten to disintegrate. "Three Years ago my ribs were protruding, I was terrified to get on the scale." He says. He wanted to enroll in a study of human growth hormone but participants had to eat three meals a day, but he could hardly force down one. He tried several drugs including Marinol, which left him too blasted to function. Nothing worked until he joined a local buyers' club and started to smoke Marijuana. Keith finally qualified for the study and he gained 45 pounds. He managed to salvage his job. "Without Marijuana," Keith says earnestly, "I would be dead." (Geoffrey Cowley "Can marijuana be medicine?" 17)

Federal law classifies Marijuana as a schedule I drug, which states that the drug should not have any medical value and people can be fined or imprisoned for merely possessing the drug. Cancer and Glaucoma Stricken Mainers caught puffing will not be free from being arrested or charged under federal law. "In United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative et al., the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the federal governments right to close an Oakland, Calif. buyers cooperative. The cooperative was established under the state's Proposition 15 to supply Marijuana to more than 8,000 patients who use the substance for a range of medical reasons. However, the Supreme Court found that the federal Controlled Substances Act, which classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, contains no exception that would allow patients to use the drug after exhausting all other remedies. And although the passage of related state laws removed the threat of state prosecution for patients who use the drug, the threat of federal prosecution continued to exist. It is unlikely that the U.S. government will begin to prosecute sick individuals who use small amounts of the drug. However, cannabis clubs, which were started all over California as a distribution point for the drug, represent a larger target. What the courts ruling means in the other eight states that do not rely on clubs to distribute the drug is unclear. Some of those states allow patients to grow a few marijuana plants for their own use while shielding them from state prosecution." (Landers "Supreme Court ruling undermines medical use of marijuana" 001) But state law may cause prosecutors to think twice before indicting them. Jay McCloskey, The federal attorney for Maine says he is in any case after the dealers not the small time users. Physicians are also in hot water.

There is a "Gray Area" (Alice P. Mead, CMA) Some doctors may suggest to use marijuana can be prosecuted and they might be debarred from writing prescriptions but the First Amendment protects many doctors although "Some Physicians understandably want to keep clear of the gray area and the sanctions that could result." (Alice P. Mead,) Although many state officials have tried to reclassify Marijuana as a schedule II drug, which allows medical use, the Federal Officials always come in between it. The Federal Government has interfered with voting initiative and state laws. "We are all Lawyers up here and we said all along this won't work without the Federal Government being a player at the table; obviously the court decision bears us out." (Gordon Smith, Executive Vice President Maine Medical Association)

Predominantly illegal since 17 Marijuana may prove to be a valuable option to more commonly prescribed drugs for some diseases. California, Arizona and Massachusetts are leading the struggle to make Marijuana available. They are not without help, 6 states and the District of Columbia passed various laws and decrees establishing therapeutic research programs, doctors to prescribe Marijuana and the Federal Government to lift the bar on medical use.

Please note that this sample paper on Medical Marijuana is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Medical Marijuana, we are here to assist you. Your college paper on Medical Marijuana will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Problems in the workplace

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Problems in the workplace. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Problems in the workplace paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Problems in the workplace, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Problems in the workplace paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Problems in the Workplace

The issue began years ago, in the Human Resources department, when two new human resource directors were hired. Before this time, we had a HR assistant who had been doing the job for the most part, by herself. She was basically considered the "Human resources department ". She was responsible for all of the hiring; advertising and doing the interviews along with the paperwork that came with all of these duties. Yet, because she had been doing the work for such a long period of time, like anyone else she had fell into a comfort zone. She knew how she liked things to operate and her style slowly began to shadow over the face of human resources.

After laboring the bulk of the responsibilities of running the department, the company finally completed the hiring process and brought on two new Human Resource directors, to help assist the company, in its development and growth. Though for the HR assistant, it meant gaining two new bosses and having to face the possibility of having to adapt to the new styles of the directors. Not only that, but also running the risk of having a conflict in interest. Even though, it could have been seen as a great opportunity to learn new things and receiving the chance to help create a good team atmosphere. The HR assistant looked at it as, someone coming in and taking that attention away from her. She allowed selfishness to influence her attitude her and outlook on the whole situation. Leaving a taste of bitterness in her mouth, without truly giving the opportunity a chance.

Now since the assistant had been there for such a good period of time, she became very proficient in her work and had a tremendous amount of knowledge to how things worked in the department. Therefore, it was her job to train the HR directors, in order to help them to understand her responsibilities. Obviously, so that they could obtain a better perspective of how the process worked at their new company, so then they could analyze and figure out how to make things better. Even more so, it would allow them the capability of being able to help make the assistant's job easier. Once again, instead of embracing the opportunity of sharing the information, to encourage great things for the future of the company. She felt that, "though they are my bosses, I know more then them. Therefore, they need me more then I need them." (G. Hidalgo, personal interview, August 0, 000).

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So as time went on, the directors naturally began to seek out new ideas to try and improve the company. Due to the respect that they had for the assistant's time with the company, the directors felt that it was their obligation to include her. Since they valued her opinion, the directors would often ask her opinion on new ideas and they even suggested things that could help make her job less stressful. But every time her bosses approached her with new ideas or a improved way of doing things, they seemed to always get the same responses. "No, that isn't going to work" (S. Dore, personal interview, August 18, 00). This continued to go on up until this present time. Up till now instead of feeling like a team environment, the HR assistant began to become a thorn in the directors' side. The directors felt that, as long as the assistant was with the company, the company would not be able to grow. They then found themselves in a jam, feeling that she had not done anything wrong for the cause of getting fired, more or less just being a difficult person to work with. Even talking to her about problems became an issue, because the assistant displayed a case of extreme sensitivity through being quick to cry, whenever being constructively criticized. Knowing this, the directors didn't know how to approach the dilemma; as a result they opted to just do nothing. Which is a problem within itself. Consequently, the problem we are facing at this time is, a HR assistant who is allowing her stubbornness to keep herself from trying new ideas and coming out of her comfort zone, because of the dire need of attention that she received off of doing more work then what was necessary. Also, we have two HR directors who feel suppressed by the assistant. In which this feeling of suppression, was not enabling them the break to help the corporation develop. More importantly, the directors did not posses the heart to go in and discuss these issues, with there subordinate.

Recently, the new annual raises came out and to the associate's dismay; she did not feel that her raise was not a reflection of her work performance. For that reason, she decided to put in for a higher raise. After reviewing everything, the company decided not to grant the assistant's request for a raise. This act forced the HR assistant, to put in her two weeks notice after 8 years of service. Despite the fact that she put in her two weeks notice, the plan was not to truly quit, but to hopefully get the company to reconsider her request. Yet in still, the company did not budge, in fact the directors felt as though it would be sad to see someone with that kind of experience go. It meant the arrival of that breath of fresh air, almost like waking up and stretching out in the morning (G. Hidalgo, personal interview, August 18, 00). The assistant tried to reconsider, but she had ultimately backed herself into a corner. Because once she put in her offer, the company began interviewing for her position and within those two weeks had given an interviewer an offer. At that point, staying with the company was a lost cause.



I read an electronic article, from the University of Phoenix's library, the Seven Steps For Effective Problem Solving, including going over the website to view possible decision making techniques. I also conducted a few interviews with current employees that are with the company.


I gathered from my interviews, that the HR assistant lost out on a great job and possible career. Due to the fact that, she allowed the forces of stubbornness and selfishness to influence her to not change her way of thinking and to making critical choices. Learning that she grew up accustomed to having that attention, may have helped in developing those feelings of the need to always feeling appreciated and focused upon. She was a lone child, in which she was raised with receiving a lot of attention from her parents. Included, the directors seemed to be influenced by the forces of intimidation. They appeared to be intimidated by the assistant's knowledge of the work and her long tenure with the company. So, instead of assuming the role of the assistant's bosses and handling the situation through communication, they chose to take a back seat to there co-worker. Both influences, allowed a small situation turn into a bigger situation. In turn, the company lost a person that could have been vital to the companies' success and the directors lost out on an opportunity to handling the situation and becoming better directors.


Both the HR assistant and the directors possessed two different styles of working. While the assistant seemed to have a conservative style, the directors displayed more of a creative style. As a result, the two apparently began to conflict with one another. Although, it is often true that different ways of doing things may conflict with each other, the opposite is also true. Different styles can work together and generate an abundance of success. You can accomplish this by keeping an open-mind, communication, and compromise. As an individual, you have to understand that, there is more then one way to accomplish a job and allowing yourself the opportunity to listen to new ideas can help in completing that job efficiently. Through communication, we can identify issues and express our own, in which would help in leading to solving the issues. Most importantly, when working in an environment where people contain multiple styles, it is important to be able to compromise. Through compromising, we can find the best method to success, whether it is from choosing from one style or combining them. Regardless, the objective is to get things done with the least amount of problems. Working with others can sometimes pose for some frustration and hard work, but by thinking unselfishly, communication, keeping an open-mind, and compromising, getting through the difficulties can become much easier.

Please note that this sample paper on Problems in the workplace is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Problems in the workplace, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on Problems in the workplace will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Odyssey

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Odyssey. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Odyssey paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Odyssey, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Odyssey paper at affordable prices!

The ancient Greek placed great importance on the body. The idea of an ideal body was the attitude of the majority of ancient Greeks. Admiration for the human body was exhibited throughout history with art and literature. Artists depicted their view of the idealistic and beautiful body through sculptures. People were not only judged on their appearance but also on their mind. These aspects helped to place the people of a society into various social levels. Odysseus was prized and admired for his cleverness, skills in trickery and strategy in waging war. Leaders were men whom had patience and a great amount of knowledge.

The physical self is seen as a positive theme in Homers writing. When the princess and the playful maids found Odysseus they thought of him as a bestial man that they feared. The narrator explains Streaked with brine, and swollen, he terrified them, so that they fled, this way and that (10). Athena the goddess who was always on her favorite mortals side adorned the savage looking man that stood before the frightened women with a larger, more handsome, youthful body. These gifts changed the princess and her maids views of Odysseus instantly. Their fear diminished and admiration took its place. Nausikaa proclaims Uncouth he seemed, I thought so, too, before; but now he looks like one of the heavens people (106). These gifts made Odysseus look like one of the gods. To possess these qualities makes the physical self more desirable. In this case they perceived the man in a different manner entirely based on his appearance. This way of thinking still exists in todays world. Physical appearance can either help you or hold you down. The standards one is judged by based on their body has changed. One is able to be part of different social classes and still possess a respected body. There are also similarities to the ancient Greek times. People today are still judged on their body based on their position in society and their physical attributes but the divisions dont seem to be as harsh.

The body was categorized in several ways. The young, athletic self was cherished. The young possessed strength and beauty that made them more desirable. It is evident in this epic tale that the strong led the weak. Competitions were held among men to separate the strong from the weak. In the following passage Laódamas foolishly challenges Odysseus to competition come join our competition, if you are practiced, as you seem to be. While a man lives he wins no greater honor than footwork and the skill that hands can bring him (1). Alkínoös son young and ignorant thought he could out do him in sport and skill. The young man does not know enough about his guest as to make such a statement. Seareach further contests you never learned a sport, and have no skill in any of the contests of fighting men. This is not the way a host was taught to treat his guest. The elderly were not treated with the utmost respect. The old were admired for their wit rather than their strength. The elderly people with most knowledge were known to be prophets. The prophets usually guided people through life with messages from the gods. (where does the quote end - page #)

Beggars were treated with little or no respect. They were abused and treated like animals. The suitors displayed this hatred towards the poor with the way they treated the princess guest. They had a low tolerance for the old mans presence. On several occasions the men of Ithaka mistreated the beggar and the swineherd due to their tattered appearance. One instance was when Odysseus came home from his long journey disguised as a beggar. His first encounter of mistreatment was made by Melánthios while on his way to his home, the palace. The foggy minded traveler having drank too much mocks the two passer bys Here comes one scurvy type leading another! God pairs them off together, every time. Swineherd, where are you taking your new pig? (17). The man finishes off his rudeness by kicking Odysseus hip as he passes. Antínoös, one of the strongest suitors grew impatient with the intruders presence in the hall and flung a stool at the strangers shoulder (6). Lower class citizens were not expected to react to this kind of treatment and so Odysseus after being treated like a dog just walked on and remained calm. The body of the rich was treated with respect. If Odysseus would have come to this island as he did the others in his travels he would not have been treated so poorly. Instead of arriving as a beggar he was a warrior craving his homeland. The rich feasted together, competed in leisure activities and designated the body as important. The weaker people in society such as children, the elderly, the cowardly and lower class citizens were excluded from these affairs.

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The women treated with the most respect were the queens and princesses. The women without noble blood were slaves, maids or nurses. Most women were portrayed in a clean, feminine manner. The girl who spoke to Odysseus with contention as he was posing a mere man was quickly shut up by the strong words of the king. She went on like a fool, taunting him and calling him names. He knew of her dirty deeds and threatened to tell Telmakhos of them (47). Most female characters were submissive and respected men with the exception of Melántho, Dólios daughter, and she paid for her wrong doings in the end as well.

There is a relationship between the body and ones social standing. The clothing one wore was an indicator of social and economic status. The body of lower social standing was older, tattered and poorly clothed. One with a higher social standing was seen as possessing a cleaner body. The body was constantly being cleansed, oiled and newly clothed. This theme was consistent. With every stop Odysseus and his men took they were sent off to sea to be bathed and fed with gifts and clean clothes to wear.

The womens body and those of high social standing were celebrated. The body of the beggar was ridiculed and abused. When a person became more attractive he was treated with more respect.

Those who worshipped, respected and feared the gods acted in a more decent way than those who did not. The strongest and most patient of people did not fall weak to the temptation and seductiveness of the body. The suitors feasted on the kings herds, drank his wine and courted his wife not knowing if the king was even alive. Towards the end of the suitors lives they realized their fear for the gods should have been more prevalent.

The womens body is very important in The Odyssey. Men fall weak to the womens body. The men bought gifts in a competition to win Penelopes heart. Although the woman gains power through her body and seduction, she is still at the will of the man. Penelope was the female with the most amount of power. Even the goddesses and nymphs had less self control. Penelope held her husband for twenty years through her tricky plans. This shows an empowerment for women. Women did what they were told to do for the most part. If they did not they were subjected to foul labels. The suitors abused their privileges while in the wayward kings palace while trying to win the queen to be their bride.

Throughout this text Odysseus uses his knowledge and cunning ways to make his way home. Along with his pride this helped him to survive on the entire journey. For example, in Sweet Nymph and Open Sea he persuades the beautiful nymph to believe that he would rather stay with her than go home to his wife, the mere mortal(87). When Kirkê turned the men into swine Odysseus once again used his wits to get him and his crew out of trouble. He entices the goddess into swearing to an oath to work no more ill magic toward his harm and further convinced him to turn the swine back into men (177). The nymph fell sweet for Odysseus much like Kalypso. She even devised a plan for his safe arrival home. The master of trickery had all that was needed to be a confident leader.

There is a great deal of significance placed on the physical body in Homers work. There are many aspects of the body that place a person at a certain level. Whether it being gender, race or economic position it is prevalent throughout the work. This tale displays many layers of the social levels that are held by the people of a society. Each body holds a certain amount of power and also receives a certain amount of respect.

Please note that this sample paper on The Odyssey is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Odyssey, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Odyssey will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, December 18, 2020


If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on 'TO FULLFIL HIS WISHES'. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality 'TO FULLFIL HIS WISHES' paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in 'TO FULLFIL HIS WISHES', therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your 'TO FULLFIL HIS WISHES' paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Throughout my life there had always been two distinctive themes, I had always loved airplanes, and I had always disliked having my photograph taken. If I am photographed I just tend not to appear at ease, not because I think that I am particularly unattractive or anything like that, I just dislike the theater of it all. Here in the forest I couldn't help but to smile faintly at the irony of all that, despite the pain I was suffering. All was still and quiet were I was, no living thing made a sound or even a murmur here only the presence of a faint burning aroma kept me awake. I lay here motionless and weak entangled amongst all the rubble unable to gather the strength to free my self. I had finally reached a place were I no longer had to fulfill peoples dreams or make them proud. I am just reflecting now.

Reflecting now, the only real picture I had like of my self within an airplane was the one hanging in my parent's home it's the one of me as a young boy sitting in the cockpit of an Air Force flightier jet, grasping the controls and pretending to fly, a smile from ear to ear but not acknowledging the camera at all. My dream since I was a child had to become a flightier jet pilot, father had always said how I would make the ultimate pilot even as a toddler he constantly reminded that we such a profession I could be in charge of flying jumbo jets, traveling the world at the same time but believed that to become a flightier jet pilot I was just settling for second best. It was fathers dream for me to become a pilot, also a dream he had held for himself since he was in his early teens but due to his poor vision it prevailed him from doing so.

At the first opportunity I applied to join the Air Force. I had gone shopping with my with my father to buy a suit for the upcoming interview as I had been selected for an interview in front of the air force selection board. This in itself was bizarre. I had never been shopping with my father before and my father was exactly delighted at the prospect of me joining the 'military', as he called it, to become a pilot. He felt I was giving myself into the second best option and that I should continue my education and become a 'real' pilot, a commercial pilot. My determination over ruled his choice. The following week I wore that navy blue suit and gold tie I had brought that father believed it made me look mature and worthy too fly, nonetheless I wore it with pride. Father took a photograph of me just before I set off to my interview I smiled, out of the ordinary for me I think it was because I was excited, but my eyes were glancing down at the floor, my dislike on photographs shinning through once again. The interview wasn't quite the success I had wished so long for, I passed the selection test with flying colours but had failed the medical. My eyesight was quite up to standard, slightly off the perfect vision needed for a career of such extreme. I was in tears from the moment I exited the large glass door at the air force base till I got home, father knew the outcome as soon as I entered, in a sense I could tell that he was glad. Numerous times preceding the interview he had told me that as a young and mature man I should destine myself by working in such hostile conditions of the armed forces.

I had never had the desire to kill anybody; in fact I had never really thought about the Air Force in that context, I was just that determined to experience life at such high speed, altitudes and come into contact with such an adrenalin rush. That I believed my eyesight should stop me from doing had longed for. Against my fathers will I left behind my education and rested in joining the army. I don't know what possessed me to do so I just did. No photos on my exit to military school were taken by my father, no good byes were said from him to me just a blank disappointing look held on his face, heart braking to myself a sure sign that I had let him down but there was no turning back I had already made the promise to my country to collaborate with its forces.

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Just after completion of military school I was sent to combat, an exercise I did not wish to accomplish although of my years of military training, I was scared in fact frighten of my future. The hardest part was to go back home and tell father of my duties for my country. That blank look once again but the words that came out of his mouth, 'you never can keep a good man down' not so heart braking this time round instead his words stayed with me out on them battle fields lingering in the back of my mind every time I became afraid, nervous or ready to give up.

The witnessing of dead people laying on the ground for all to see with prime evidence they had died in a violent and acrimonious manner gave me the greatest cause to find a way out of the battle fields. I could help but to regret the decision I had made to join the army and began wishing that I had listened to my father.

I was glad that I wasn't on the battlefields anymore or that I didn't have to fly the flightier jets that dropped bombs on the innocent. Still caught up in the war I was placed in the hospital barracks distributing the dread tags of life and death to the injured that arrived. Choosing the fate of a person life took a toll on mine, at times I found myself no longer able appreciate the small rations I received as the sight and smell of food had become that of death, I couldn't explain why, it just seemed that way at the time. I had become weak and found my self now a patient. Lying next to me in the revolting shaggy old beds made from rough linen was a pilot who had made his way here after his jet was fired down. Listening to his journey it passed the time but one thing became apparent to me. I had only longed to be a pilot to please me father although it was still second best joining the air force, I believed that he would still be proud of me. I found an empty space within myself and I had wept.

I returned back home just after 1 months of serving in the war from my country. I returned a change man, I confined within myself to scared to express my feelings and experiences, finding it difficult to return back to life, as it was prior to war things we just so different. I did different things for a while, father never satisfied with the professions I confided in. So I started to take flying lesson, even though it was tough I couldn't let me father down twice. I wanted to make his dream a reality, make him really proud this time, even though deep down it wasn't my dream at all and because 'you never can keep a good man down' I became a commercial pilot, recruited and trained by an airline.

My airplane seats around one hundred and fifty passengers and prior I had never fully understood how important a pilot's job really is. Over a beer some evenings father and I joking that I was also a lifesaver, it was the truth because airplanes do crash and a pilot might well be blamed for killing its passengers.

Father considers I am the luckiest person he knows, because I achieved my dream, little did he know that I had really achieved his dream. The best picture he holds of me was when I was awarded my pilot wings at a special ceremony, a picture that he had taken and blown up placed over the fireplace and admires every evening. A photo that I actually acknowledged the camera smiled and looked straight into the lenses because I finally knew that he wasn't just proud of me, he was proud of everything I had achieved in my life.

After 10 years of service in the airline industry, it was to be my last flight but something went go wrong. I'm not sure what it was, maybe an electrical fault that started a small fire, maybe something different. The truth is that is that no lives could be saved out here, not in the dense forest. All the passengers and cabin crew are silent and alone scattered by debris of the crash, only the scent of jet fuel hangs around us. But here in the forest no one can be saved and there is no hurry to do anything, I can't make any one happy and cant fulfill anyone's dreams here. All I know is that father will confine in believing that it was a misfortune that I died doing what I loved.

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


Help with essay on Feminism within Roald Dahls Childrens Book, The Witches

Like all of Roald Dahls books, The Witches is a highly entertaining and humorously sarcastic look at many of the fears and realities that children face. As the title indicates, this particular Dahl story is about witches. From this simple understanding we know that the tale is about women, for only women are witches, males are warlocks. With that perspective in mind the following paper examines how one could look at Dahls story from a feminist perspective.

The Witches

It should be noted, first and foremost, that while can argue many different perspectives in an examination of this story, the perspective being offered is one that indicates Dahls book is a very negative look at feminism and at women in general, providing a somewhat derogatory understanding of who women are.

In understanding how Dahls work seems negatively directed at women we first look at the fact that women have, perhaps throughout history, been negatively classed as a witch if they voice their opinions or make a stand of some kind. Good women were called ladies and were never considered witches. And, in all honesty, there is only one good woman in Dahls book. That woman is not just any woman but a grandmother. In this respect we can argue that the grandmother symbolizes the ideal female who is neither pretty nor truly opinionated. She is nurturing for she takes care of her grandson and loves him. That is her life and she is not sexual, pretty, or threatening in any way. She is the ideal female, in the opinion of the stereotypical and ignorant male.

We are then left with all the other women in the book, all of whom are angry vicious witches. In the following we gain an introduction into who these women are, and they are far from nurturing and positive

In fairy tales witches always wear silly black hats and black cloaks and they ride on broomsticks. But this is not a fairy tale. This is about REAL WITCHES. REAL WITCHES dress in ordinary clothes and look very much like ordinary women. They live in ordinary houses and they work in ordinary jobs. That is why they are so hard to catch (Dahl ).

This simple introduction leads us to know that we would never be able to recognize a witch, for she does everything just like everyone else. She works and dresses like any other woman. We do not ever see these other women, but we assume they are mothers and good women like grandmothers. This is further emphasized in the following, which provides us an incredibly negative look at women A real witch hates children with a red-hot sizzling hatred that is more sizzling and red-hot than any hatred which you could possibly imagine.......Even if she is working as a cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman or driving around in a fancy car (and she could be doing any of these things), her mind will always be plotting and scheming and churning and burning and whizzing and phizzing with murderous bloodthirsty thoughts (Dahl 7).

Considering that the women we see are all witches, save the grandmother, we are led to assume that all these women we see who do not have children hate children and all they stand for. They are vicious and cruel creatures that look like everyone else and who act like everyone else. But, when we get them behind closed doors their evil comes forth as they ultimately try to destroy children.

Symbolically we can argue that what we are seeing is a picture of feminists who argue that women should not be obligated to have children. Feminists have often been seen in a negative light because society assumes they should have children. These witches are those evil women who do not want children. A woman who does not want children is presumed to be very unnatural and in this novel, so unnatural that she is an evil witch that wishes to destroy children.

This also symbolizes how much of a threat such women can be. They look like everyone else, but we better watch out because these independent women are actually incredibly evil. They are successful and appear to be perfectly fine, but they do not have children. This is a sign to a man that a woman is either a lesbian or a feminist in many ways. In Dahls novel we see this very powerful possibility for there is something wrong with these women who have no children.

Dahls novel just takes it one step further and indicates that any such woman is clearly an affront to nature itself. They are evil and they are dangerous creatures. They plot to rid the world of children, and thus symbolically are trying to change the course of a society in which women love children and nurture children.

In further understanding this particular perspective we note that the grandmother is more than a simple nurturing woman, she is also a witch hunter, indicating that any good woman would want to rid the world of women who did not want children The Witches, the main character is seven years old. His Norwegian grandmother, a retired witchophile, becomes his guardian upon the death of his parents...He....enlists the help of his indomitable grandmother to stop the witches evil plot to kill all of the children in England (Royer). In this we can clearly see how the grandmother is guilty of indicating women without children are evil.

We also note that the winners of the battle are a boy and a grandmother who hates witches, or women without children. This presents us with the power of men, for the boy is essentially the mastermind and power in the story. And, the grandmother is certainly on his side wishing to propagate the notion that women should always love children.

It becomes obvious that the story of The Witches offers many negative looks at women who are less than ordinary. And, interestingly enough, Dahl has often been criticized for such approaches Dahl has been accused of sexism by feminists in England, and has been criticized for his negative portrayal of witches by witches societies in the United States. These critics point to statements such as the following in making their case against Dahl But the fact remains that all witches are women (Royer). Many argue that the witch, such as Dahls witches are seen as a celebration of and a reaction against the power of the female imagination, female sexuality, and feminist politics (Bewitched by Witches). One individual, in response to Dahls derogatory attitude towards witches, and thus women as well, states While The Witches presents the same old stereotypes about our kindred, i.e. dwelling on the idea that Witches are evil persons determined to kill children, Dahl has eliminated the !

notion that Witches are ugly, old hags. The resulting message is preposterous (New Moon Rising).


In the end we see that the perspective of women in Dahls book is not a pleasant nor by any means a positive perspective. However, it should also be noted that Dahls books are primarily works that address the distrust for the adult world. Dahls works have always insisted that the children are perhaps wiser than adults, and that they should truly examine the world around them through their own lenses, not through the lenses of those who are in authority. As such one could take another argument in regards to the feminist perspective in this particular work, perhaps arguing that the witches are nothing more than representative of controlling forces and women, such as his grandmother, symbolize the wisdom and strength of women in general in helping children fight against unjust authority.


Bewitched by Witches. Retrieved 7 December, 00 from http//

New Moon Rising. An Open Letter to the Pagan/Wiccan Community. Retrieved 7 December, 00 from http//

Royer, Sharon E.. Roald Dahl and Sociology 101. The Alan Review, Fall 18, v6 n1. Retrieved 7 December, 00 from http//

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Military spending

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Military spending. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Military spending paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Military spending, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Military spending paper at affordable prices!

Even if they have never seen a gun, millions of children suffer from wars, as resources that could have been invested in development are diverted in armament. Armament spending has both positive and negative impacts on countries.

On the plus side, military spending can be a boon to some businesses, which in turn is a shot in the arm to the nation¡¦s economy as I¡¦ll explain later in the essay. On the other hand, there are negative effects on economy as well.

It is true that a large military spending will contribute to economic growth in a short term. Militarization will bring more job opportunities to citizens directly in both military and military-related fields. Meanwhile, the important part is that there is another high amount of secondary jobs has been given. For example, a new military uniform factory opened. It not only creates jobs for the people in the factory, but also creates jobs for the people working on the cotton field, even the people doing transportations. Furthermore, it increases the employment rate instantly and significantly.

Another positive side of a great military spending is that it will put a fuller use of existing productive capacities, and thus increasing output of goods and services.

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The most important reason to maintain a high military spending is that it will give a country higher national defense capability. It is obvious that the more money government spends on the army, better weapons will be made. It will protect people better as far as the homeland security is concerted. People will live in a safer condition, and not to worry about their family while they are working. Thus, they will put more efforts in their work because they¡¦re satisfied of their primarily safety. Hopefully, this will bring a better production to nation¡¦s economy.

Other than the defense, military also plays an important role on countries¡¦ emergencies. Because the money that government spends on military is enough to train soldiers, they can protect civilians¡¦ lives from natural disaster. For example, when a country is facing flood, at the first place, the army could bring enough well-trained soldiers to build a bridge and help people get out the danger.

Even though there seems to be many reasons to believe that higher military spending will bring a better life to people in a short term, the long run of high defense spending may impede growth and development.

First, high military expenditure tends to decrease an economy¡¦s capacity to meet people¡¦s basic needs, such as food, housing, and medical services. This is because increased military production leaves less national capital and financial institutions for the civilian sector of the economy. In addition, some government cares less about the life of their citizens than how to make the strongest weapons. It¡¦s possible to observe that developing countries, despite their lower incomes, tens to spend a similar and sometime larger share of their gross domestic product (GDP) on armed forces and weaponry than do wealthy developed countries. One of the examples will be North Korea, the government spends % of their GDP on armaments, rather than try to stimulate their economy, and give their civilians basic food and clothing.

Another main disadvantage of high spending is that it leaves less money in the government budget for them to dealing with social, environmental and other developmental issues. According to a recent report from the United States, their federal government spends approximately USD $1. trillion in Fiscal Year 00. Out of all this spending, Pentagon spending now accounts for over half (50.5percent) of all discretionary spending USD $4. billions. In the same year, the U.S. government only spends USD $45 billions on education and USD $0 billions on social services. This translates to smaller social surety checks, less medical coverage, perhaps a third of country¡¦s population doing without health insurance entirely, fewer scholarships and less aid overall for education, especially higher education for the poor people. With all the money spends on the national defense, the government could build three more sets of highway, many more hospitals and YMCAs. In additional, the government could spend money on environmental projects, help economic development, or even on agriculture. All of these will help people to improve their standard of living.

Militarization also hinders an economy¡¦s efficiency, because a lack of competition. Since large amount of military spending creates lots jobs and productions, it becomes the main sources of income. But the military sector often allows military producers to feel less compelled to cut their production costs since they are paid by the government. Therefore, after a period of time, higher average production costs will depress the economy significantly. Meanwhile, it will hurt people¡¦s life due to the high price and low quality.

As for the additional employment allegedly provided by the military sector, this is only a short-term effect ¡§military production tends to use proportionately more capital equipment and less labor than civilian industries and so creates fewer jobs than could be created from a similar investment in civilian production, particularly services.¡¨ From a recent research, people find that USD $1 billion spend by the Pentagon on weapons, supplies and services generates 5,000 jobs. However, the same USD $1 billion would create 0,000 mass transit jobs, 6,000 housing jobs, 41,000 education jobs, and 47,000 health care jobs. (Pentagon Spending)

Another important factor is that there is no end line for the military spending. It would be contradictory to continue building the military arsenal while at the same time paying the high cost of destroying the old weapons. For example, to destroy chemical weapons costs about 10 times more than it does to produce them.

In the fiscal year 00, the U.S. government spends USD $4 billions on the department of defense. Meanwhile, there is a hidden number. In the same year, the government spends USD $00 billions more on military-related fields, such as foreign military aid, military retirement pay, and veterans¡¦ benefits. It¡¦s obvious that the economy will be unbalanced after a short period of time, since most money is given to people with high ranks rather the people who imperatively need them.

While putting billions dollars in the army, the mean usage of this money is not necessary for defense, but for offense- developing new weapons. Even just developing, testing, and assembling thing like unclear and biochemical weapons is dangerous, generating huge numbers of fatalities, cancers and injuries- even if the weapons are never once used in anger. As people concerted about their lives, there won¡¦t be any positive effects on the economy, because people tend to escape rather than produce.

It is clear that reducing military spending will affect civilian¡¦s life more in those exporting countries such as the United States, England, and France since countries selling their old weapons make them great revenues.

º http//, Alaska Journal of Commerce Military Spending set on increase.

º http//, Bush Budget Stalls Military Transformation.

º http//, Missile Defense.

º http//, Economic Aid, Military Aid, or Neither.

º http//, CDI ALMANAC 001-00.

º http//, Why the military budget should be cut.

º http//, Arms Trade¡Xa major cause of suffering, high military expenditure in some places.

º http//, Defining the Problem.

º http//, Top Seven Claims Why We Need to Increase Military Spending, and why they are wrong.

º http//, Military expenditure¡Xthe opportunity cost.

º http//, Demilitarization of Economies.

Please note that this sample paper on Military spending is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Military spending, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Military spending will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Self Harm

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Self Harm. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Self Harm paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Self Harm, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Self Harm paper at affordable prices!

Self Harm

Self-harm is when people deliberately inflict physical harm on themselves. It is not necessarily a suicide attempt and may not mean the person wants to die. People who self-harm are usually doing so to try and alter their mood, especially if they are angry or depressed. Self harm includes deliberately cutting, burning, biting and hitting your body.

Self harm can bring an immediate sense of relief but it is only a temporary solution. It can also cause permanent damage to your body if you damage nerves. If you or a friend are hurting themselves deliberately it is important that you take care of the injuries caused and if necessary, seek medical help.

It may also be necessary to speak to someone like a your local doctor or a psychologist or counsellor to help work through some of the reasons for hurting yourself and find alternative strategies for alleviating the pain you feel inside.

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In trying to stop hurting yourself, it is usually important that you have support from a friend, family member and/or health professional. It may also be necessary to have some alternative strategies to self harm for managing your emotions.

If you are feeling like you want to hurt yourself there are a number of things that you may try to distract yourself until the feelings become more manageable. Make sure that you are around people and remove any sharp objects. Some ideas for releasing energy or feelings include

Scream it Dream it - A place where you can release some of the emotions by writing things down and shooting them away in a rocket.

Do some exercise - Go for a run or walk to use up some excess energy.

Play video games - This may be a good way to distract you and help until the anxiety passes.

Learn relaxation techniques - Activities like yoga or specific relaxation techniques are often helpful in reducing anxiety.

Talk to someone - Talk with supportive friends or call a helpline like Lifeline (1 11 14) or Kids help line (1800 55 1800).

Suicides among young people nationwide have increased dramatically in recent years. Each year in the U.S., thousands of teenagers commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-4-year-olds, and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-to-14-year-olds.

Teenagers experience strong feelings of stress, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty, and other fears while growing up.

For some teenagers, divorce, the formation of a new family with step-parents and step-siblings, or moving to a new community can be very unsettling and can intensify self-doubts. In some cases, suicide appears to be a solution.

Depression and suicidal feelings are treatable mental disorders. The child or adolescent needs to have his or her illness recognized and diagnosed, and appropriate treatment plans developed. When parents are in doubt whether their child has a serious problem, a psychiatric examination can be very helpful.

Many of the symptoms of suicidal feelings are similar to those of depression. Parents should be aware of the following signs of adolescents who may try to kill themselves

change in eating and sleeping habits

withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities

violent actions, rebellious behavior, or running away

drug and alcohol use

unusual neglect of personal appearance

marked personality change

persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork

frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.

loss of interest in pleasurable activities

not tolerating praise or rewards

A teenager who is planning to commit suicide may also

complain of being a bad person or feeling rotten inside

give verbal hints with statements such as I wont be a problem for you much longer, Nothing matters, Its no use, and I wont see you again

put his or her affairs in order, for example, give away favorite possessions, clean his or her room, throw away important belongings, etc.

become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression

have signs of psychosis (hallucinations or bizarre thoughts)

If a child or adolescent says, I want to kill myself, or Im going to commit suicide, always take the statement seriously and seek evaluation from a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other physician. People often feel uncomfortable talking about death. However, asking the child or adolescent whether he or she is depressed or thinking about suicide can be helpful. Rather than putting thoughts in the childs head, such a question will provide assurance that somebody cares and will give the young person the chance to talk about problems.

If one or more of these signs occurs, parents need to talk to their child about their concerns and seek professional help when the concerns persist. With support from family and professional treatment, children and teenagers who are suicidal can heal and return to a more healthy path of development.

It is important to take the subject of suicide seriously. It doesnt seem right that a teen-ager - who has lived for such a short time - would choose to die. But adolescents who cant get over their depression sometimes do kill themselves.

Boys commit suicide more often than girls, but no one is immune. In one recent survey of high school students, 60 percent said they had thought about killing themselves. About percent said they had tried at least once.

Why has the youth suicide rate gone so high in recent years?

Its easier to get the tools for suicide (Boys often use firearms to kill themselves; girls usually use pills);

the pressures of modern life are greater;

competition for good grades and college admission is stiff; and

theres more violence in the newspapers and on television.

Lack of parental interest may be another problem. Many children grow up in divorced households; for others, both of their parents work and their families spend limited time together. According to one study 0 percent of suicidal teen-agers believed their families did not understand them. (However, this is such a common teen-age complaint that other factors are playing a role, too.) Young people also reported that when they tried to tell their parents about their feelings of unhappiness or failure, their mother and father denied or ignored their point of view.

If your teen-ager has been depressed, you should look closely for signs that he or she might be thinking of suicide

Has his personality changed dramatically?

Is he having trouble with a girlfriend (or, for girls, with a boyfriend)? Or is he having trouble getting along with other friends or with parents? Has he withdrawn from people he used to feel close to?

Is the quality of his schoolwork going down? Has he failed to live up to his own or someone elses standards (when it comes to school grades, for example)?

Does he always seem bored, and is he having trouble concentrating?

Is he acting like a rebel in an unexplained and severe way?

Is she pregnant and finding it hard to cope with this major life change?

Has he run away from home?

Is your teen-aager abusing drugs and/or alcohol?

Is she complaining of headaches, stomachaches, etc., that may or may not be real?

Have his eating or sleeping habits changed?

Has his or her appearance changed for the worse?

Is he giving away some of his most prized possessions?

Is he writing notes or poems about death?

Does he talk about suicide, even jokingly? Has he said things such as, Thats the last straw, I cant take it anymore, or Nobody cares about me? (Threatening to kill oneself precedes four out of five suicidal deaths.)

Has he tried to commit suicide before?

If you suspect that your teen-ager might be thinking about suicide, do not remain silent. Suicide is preventable, but you must act quickly.

Ask your teen-ager about it. Dont be afraid to say the word suicide. Getting the word out in the open may help your teen-ager think someone has heard his cries for help.

Reassure him that you love him. Remind him that no matter how awful his problems seem, they can be worked out, and you are willing to help.

Ask her to talk about her feelings. Listen carefully. Do not dismiss her problems or get angry at her.

Remove all lethal weapons from your home, including guns, pills, kitchen utensils and ropes.

Seek professional help. Ask your teen-agers pediatrician to guide you. A variety of outpatient and hospital-based treatment programs are available.

Please note that this sample paper on Self Harm is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Self Harm, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Self Harm will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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