
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face"

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face" paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face" paper at affordable prices!

Autobiography of a Face, by Lucy Grealy, is a memoir of disquieting candor and power of a cancerous adolescent experiencing and experimenting with the repercussions of chemotherapy and the threats of a manipulating society. Grealy gives her adult years somewhat shorter shrift than they deserve, but the account of her arduous coming of age is both haunting and inspirational as she makes a lyrical statement about the complex relationships between beauty and self-worth in our humanity, about the ruthless " importance in this world of having a beautiful face." Her journey entailed a painstaking recovery from physical deterioration, through mental and intellectual maturity and growth--regarding the intrinsic impact of society's discrimination on appearance, towards a receptive, introspecting human being.

Obliviously diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma, and staunchly put under operation after operation, bone grafts deteriorating time and time again, destroying and un-mending her jaw, Lucy initiates her thoughts quite early, saying, "I was my face I was uglinessthough sometimes unbearable, also offered a possible point of escape " (7). She quickly accepted her eccentric reflection in the mirror as nothing but a label on her inner self, and struggled between confronting her conflict and running away from it to find refuge. Strangely, the hospital became a refuge for her, despite the pain of chemotherapy. (" Pain, if nothing else, was honest and openyou new exactly what you were dealing with", indicating she was comfortable with things that she had over, a strange sense of control and stable expectation, whereas school continued to be intolerable and home was increasingly unstable). The world seemed a far scarier place than the operation table, and the jeering of strangers cut deeper incisions than a surgical knife. The hospital was the only place she didn't feel self-conscious or inferior in, and there, she tried to come to terms with her disfigurement. It was during lonesome afternoons in Intensive Care, that she came across cognitive epiphanies, even during her teen years after she believed her face to be a locus of despair and an excuse for being "unlovable". "Instead of proving my worth on the chemo table, I would become a hero through my understanding of the real beauty that exists in the worldI decided that it was my very ugliness that allowed me access to this other beauty" (150) she said, after having difficulty in understanding and disgust towards patients who were having cosmetic surgery that didn't appreciate how lucky they were to be merely healthy, let alone normal---so she demonstrated with her decision, the strive for remarkable stoicism and effort to transcend petty needs for insubstantial things like boyfriends, and attraction.

Her mother's weakness to confront disconcerting and painful situations like illness, permeated its way through Lucy's mind , during her later years, when she not only suppressed tears during chemotherapy, but ,also, natural desires of every teenage girl the desire to be pretty. Her sister was going through puberty and there were times when, she couldn't help but wish for an aesthetic face, only to quickly respond to her envious reaction with, " My face was my face, and it was stupid to wish it any other way" ( 140), bluntly illustrating her, self-enforcing a burly façade as a defense mechanism. This improved her skills in detaching herself from her desires, lowering her expectations, and hence, decreasing any disappointment that would follow. It also protected whatever ounce of surfaced dignity that remained when not distrustfully reminded by a mirror. However, repressing had its toll, and the more she negated her feelings, "the more they crowded in", and spiraled into a vapid, self-destructive and loathing cycle. This ultimately separated herself from people whom she thought never have experienced the depth of " bottomless grief". (Ugliness). Her life was put on pause because of the reverberations of suppressed jealousy. A 'pause' meant, an indifference towards surrounding, a form of seclusion, and she believed being beautiful was to live with just the opposite sensations of life, " without the great burden of isolation, which is what feeling ugly felt like" ( 177). This feeling produced a deeper one of confinement, and extrication from society and the communitygetting a job wasn't something she was up for because her face posed as more of a problem than her rsum. Her isolation and image only served as an underpinning to the definition of her " self", which only assisted her drowning self-esteem. Her obsession with the disadvantages of her looks eventually took a deeper dive into an aura of guilt " I wasn't worthy of being looked at….my ugliness was equal to a great failure" (185), and thus a person with that intensity of shame, definitively would develop deeper tendencies to either thrive, or die, in the world of the introverted.

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Lucy, plunged into the pools of thriving and dying when it came to the consequences of living in one's own head. Her fate and faith increased now and then, as illustrated when she stated, " I considered the desire to have my body develop into a woman's body a weakness, a straying from my chosen path of truth…as I lay in bed at night I considered by powers my heightened sense of self-awareness, feeling not as if I had chosen this bath but that It had be chosen for me" (151). Her gender role and development was warped through society's critiquing which soon became mainly her own constant critiquing. The function of beauty, as society portrayed to women was to obtain the norm of love, attraction, and need. Her void being just that, a healthy social life was out of the question, even when she attended the University of Iowa and shamefully surfed through transient partners to obtain the missing construct of loving and belonging. (That she rarely received from her alienating family). That, along with random taunts in the streets from strangers, solidified all feelings of anomaly---as a woman, a member of society, a partner, and an individual.

Lucy spent her entire lifetime searching for self acceptance through other people's acceptance, ignoring the reality of her true conflict clarifying her identity as something apart from her face and the extrinsic world. She managed to become very self-actualized, and wise, it being an obvious auspice when she realizes the greatest ignored realities of such things as pain early on her life--- "Anxiety and anticipation, I was to learn are the essential ingredients in suffering from pain, as opposed to feeling pain pure and simple"(16). She used intelligence to anchor herself superior to all that had hurt her in the past, and to all that continuously intimidates every imperfect person in today's society. The negative but typical role of society in her life would have been (and was for a few years), to obliterate her mental image and composure, but she promoted her ends by intuitive self-counseling, worldly exploration of human life, and surpassed universal truths. All forms of pain and anger, both emotional and physical, eventually found healthy expression through creative observing and writingand she first found this gateway of escape in college as she notes, "Language itself, words, and images, could be wrought and shaped into vessels for the truth and beauty I had so long hungered for" (1). Writing represented her first sense of control over a creation pertaining to something appealing and beautiful. (As opposed to, for example, makeup). Through developing a full sense of self-definition, she enhanced mental aptitude and strength to retain equanimity while living in a judgmental, unforgiving world, and blessed herself with her own forgiveness, and liberation of genuine quality; Never again to feel or face the threat of a shallow, indecent, expecting society.

Please note that this sample paper on Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face", we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Analysis of Lucy Grealy, in A"utobiography of a Face" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Coming of Age

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Coming of Age. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Coming of Age paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Coming of Age, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Coming of Age paper at affordable prices!

Coming Of Age

Coming of age can be defined as the entrance into adulthood. Some cultures have special ceremonies for young people who are entering adulthood from childhood. The whole idea of these ceremonies is to place an individual into new surroundings of the community he/she lives in. It is the beginning of new responsibilities and understanding as well as gaining access to the society's secrets. Coming of age is when the individual sees with new eyes and gets a wide understanding of the culture and the spirit of his society.

In two stories, "Young Goodman Brown" and "Araby" the issue of coming of age is discussed. Both stories discuss this issue and show young men entering adulthood desiring to introduce themselves to the world. Both are looking to the church with new eyes, and notice the difference. Even though both stories talk about the church, Goodman Brown focuses more on mixture of culture and faith in the society in general, while Araby looks more on a boy as a person and his needs to determine his holiness in the church.

Young Goodman Brown, a young man entering adulthood introduces himself to his society and the world. On his errand to the adulthood ceremony he comes across different cultures he had never known before. He realizes that his community was corrupt. The church and his society were corrupt. The people in Salem, his village, the Minister, the Deacon and other heads of the state had looked like good Christians, doing good work to prove that they are God's chosen people, but all of them were followers of the devil by nature.

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During this trip to the devils' meeting, Goodman Brown meets many people who had good reputation in Salem village and were good Christians. He was however, surprised to see them in the forest. Having been raised in a good Christian family he asked himself questions during his journey. Why was he in the forest and why had he decided to follow the devil. "We have been a race of honest men and good Christians since the days of martyrs; and shall I be the first to the name of Brown that ever took this path and kept", (15) he asks himself.

The voices in the forest answered and told him that even his father and grandfather were followers of the devil. He was surprised, however, as to why they never spoke about it in the village. His response to those voices is, "We are a people of prayer, and good works to boot, and abide no such wickedness". (15)

This statement demonstrates Goodman Brown's innocence but clearly shows that he was now experiencing new ideas, a new culture as well as spirits. This is something he didn't know before. These were secrets that were hidden from him during his childhood. His parents and the society as a whole never revealed those secrets to him because he was not supposed to know them, anyway.

By joining the adult group as a member of the community, Goodman Brown followed his parents' race and culture even though naturally it is dirt and corrupt. The dark figure calls all members of the society to join the congregation and to accept the reality that every person is sinful. " Welcome, my children" said the dark figure, "to the communion of your race. Ye have found thus young your nature and your destiny. My children, look behind you" (60).

By welcoming them to the "communion of your race" he is emphasizing that people are unified by the fact that everyone is evil. The devil figure is like a puritan minister trying to tell everyone that they are evil, but he tells them to accept it, that "evil must be your only happiness" (65), people can live happily if they only realize that evil is the way they are meant to be, and to fight it is useless. The congregation accepts his invitation "in one cry despair and triumph" (65). They are celebrating even though truly they are condemning themselves.

Hawthorne is using religious figures throughout the story. Brown is surprised to realize that those he had looked at as pious are all sinful. He noticed that in Salem Village sin and faith mixed together. He says, " It was strange to se that the good shrank not from the wicked, nor were the sinners abashed by the saints" (55). Those who go to church everyday are the same people who are followers of devil.

After he returns from the devil's meeting, Brown looks at the church in a different image, knowing that the minister, deacon and all members are liars. What they do in front of people is not who they are inside their hearts.

James Joyce in his story "Araby" also discusses coming of age. The word 'araby' means to orient, to establish yourself and understand what is around you. A young boy in the story reaches adulthood and wants to orient himself to his society. The boy lives in an Irish community where most of the people are Christians. He doesn't have knowledge about the church and the society. As he grows up, and sees with new eyes, he realizes that the church is the center of Irish community but is kind of dead. The heads of the church are acting against the church. They use the church as a path to satisfy their personal needs and not the needs of the society.

The boy describes the street he lives in as "blind" and that his house stood at the "blind end". In this description he shows how he doesn't have any hope for his future. He also uses the image of a dead priest who was a tenant in that house. The priest is shown as having been insensitive to the spiritual needs of his people. His legacy was a collection of books that demonstrated his confusion. There is evidence that he devoted his life to gathering money and materials. He writes, "He had been a very charitable priest in his will he had left all his money to institutions and the furniture if his house to his sister." (5). By not leaving the money and all his belonging to the church where everything belongs, the priest left no evidence of a life of spiritual influence. The priest's behavior clearly proves the fact that he used the church as mask to obtain money for personal gain.

People in the society obey the church's rules. For example the old lady in the story is collecting "used stamps" for the purpose of raising money for the pious. They don't have a vision to realize that the heads of the church are using the money for their personal interests and not for the society.

As he grows up the boy is determined to follow Christian ways; he has a natural feeling of holiness. Unfortunately, his dreams are not realized. After realizing that his dreams to invest in the church is inconsistent with the actual world the boy is directs his anger not to the church but to himself. He takes it as a personal failure.

Due to these unwelcome surroundings the boy is determined to find some evidence of the loveliness and his dreams tells him to exit the church. The girl next door who he fell in love with became the only point of his faith. After taking a trip to a Bazaar the boy comes to realize that his dreams are not true. In the Bazaar he sees the same symbols of money as in the church. He sees in the "two men were counting money on a salver" (5) a symbol of money in the temple. He allows the pennies to fall from his pocket, the lights in the hall go out; his "church" is in darkness. These symbols of money make him understand, what money means in the world. He realizes that his faith has been blind. He failed completely to see the world as it was. He sees himself as "creative driven and derided by vanity" (5), he sees himself being unsuccessful on his effort to find faith and he is directing the anger at himself as a person and not the society.

Both Young Goodman Brown and the boy in araby are struggling to find the truth about the church. They are facing situations, which are difficult for them to accept. Brown's come back with the idea that everyone in the society was evil made him very unhappy. The young boy in araby is upset because he failed to accept the reality. He tries to leave the church hoping to find faith in love. At the end he realizes that humans are sinful by nature.


Hawthorne, Nathaniel."Young Goodman Brown".Responding to

Literature.Ed.JudithA.Stanford.NewYorkMcGraw,00.161-171. Joyce, James."Araby".Responding to Literature.Ed.Judith A. Stanford.New.


Please note that this sample paper on Coming of Age is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Coming of Age, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Coming of Age will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Tourism profile of Cyprus

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Tourism profile of Cyprus. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Tourism profile of Cyprus paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Tourism profile of Cyprus, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Tourism profile of Cyprus paper at affordable prices!


"One island, a world of options "

INTRODUCTION Although Cyprus is a small island, it has managed to be wide spread known as a paradise destination for tourists all over the world. Especially in the last 0 years the tourism industry is growing rapidly, attracting more and more tourists every year offering them unforgettable holidays.


- Tourism accounted for .7% of total gross value added (001)

- Tourism receipts CYP 1.77 million which amounts 46% of the total foreign exchange of goods and services (001)

- In 001 receipts form tourist accounted % of GDP

- In 00 travel and tourism is expected to generate 51.% of the total export

- Capital investment in tourism is estimated at 0.8% of total investment in 00

- Tourist sector accounted for 5776 jobs, 15.% of total employment

- In 00 there were 046 beds available in tourism accommodation

- Tourists arrivals in 00 were 66 7 and excursionist arrivals were 14


a) Domestic tourism -the latest study on domestic tourism conducted in 15 revealed that some 46% of Cypriots take long holidays. Out of these 61% took their long holidays exclusively in Cyprus, 8% in Cyprus and abroad, while 1% chose to only travel abroad. In addition the domestic tourism represents the 1/5 of the overseas tourism.

b) International tourism-667 in 00, mainly mass tourism, high level of importance, main part of the industry.

c) Special tourism products sea (11 beaches with blue flags), sun (all year time), excellent gastronomy (food, wine, fruits, sweets), attractions (theme parks-aquarium, dinosaurs park, camel park- , water parks, events, festivals, nightlife, archaeological monuments, hospitality of the locals, culture. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION (0 5star hotels, 54 4star hotels, spa resorts and many other types of accommodation. EXCELLENT LEISURE FACILITIES (18 holes golf courts, indoor heated swimming pools, sport facilities etc.)

d) Seasonal tourism

e) Geographical concentration- 4 main cities Nicosia 06 00p Limassol 161 Larnaka 7 000p Paphos 47 00p coastal region - 40% of total population - 57% of the total urban population - 0% of the republic's tourist activity - % of the tourist accommodation .tourism is largely based on hotel capacity in coastal areas.

f) Maturity of the industry-tourism growth after independence of Britain in 160 - big growth in tourist arrivals (185-877, 00-667), accommodation capacity (185-446, 00-046) and quality, number of employees in the industry (185-550, 00-5776). - industry is steel growing - the industry is strongly supported the by government, other related industries, EU(funding).

g) Degree of diversity of tourism products -summer tourism -winter tourism (mountain resorts) -conference tourism -sport tourism -agro tourism (rural tourism) -ecotourism (nature ) -yachting (4 high quality marinas) -adventure tourism(extreme sports) -cruises (middle east Mediterranean)


a) Vital step the establishment in 16 of the Cyprus Tourism Organization (CTO)

b) CTO has drawn a strategic plan for tourism for the period 000-010 c) the main targets of the plan are increase of the per capita tourist expenditure, improvement of seasonality, increase of tourists arrivals, increase of the length of the stay, increase of repeated tourism. d) Government's funds. e) Government's provisions and easements to the corporations and developers of the industry.(low taxes, tax allowances) f)promotion of tourism programs (agrotourism, conference tourism)


Strengths - coordination role of the CTO, developed a long-term strategy, trend towards quality instead of quantity -well organised travel agencies -hotel infrastructure is well developed -quality and quantity of accommodation -ideal weather, san, sea, sand -food processing sector is highly modernised -easy to communicate -safety -high level of hospitality and friendliness -countryside (winning award for agro tourism) -easy accessibility -low taxes

Weaknesses -the strategy of the CTO is not very consistent -not enough well-educated employees -inflexible working hours -degree of cooperation and coordination within related sectors -seasonal concentration during summer -low-middle class tourists -Cyprus political problem

Opportunities -accession of Cyprus in the EU in May 004 -open skies policy -infrastructure investments in all sectors -upgrading of accommodation -development of other forms of tourism -low taxes -Cyprus' intends to attract more sophisticated tourists, high income tourists

Threats -increased price competition from other tourist organizations -other destinations with lower prices and higher degree of cooperation within tourism related sectors -external events (shocks) -introduction of euro could result in rising prices

CONCLUSION -Industry is still growing -large number of consumers -development of accommodation and infrastructure -great opportunities (solution of Cyprus problem, EU) -guaranteed investment revenue


Once more, well met in Cyprus! (Shakespeare, Othello, act )

References -Mediterranean tourism.( Facets of socioeconomic development and structure.) Y.Apostolopoulos, P Loukissas 001 -Tourism on Cyprus. Annex of the contract ETD/00/06/50 IBM

Please note that this sample paper on Tourism profile of Cyprus is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Tourism profile of Cyprus, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Tourism profile of Cyprus will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Last chapter Z for Zachariah

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on last chapter Z for Zachariah. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality last chapter Z for Zachariah paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in last chapter Z for Zachariah, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your last chapter Z for Zachariah paper at affordable prices!

Chapter 7

August 1


I'm lying down in the tent. My vision is blurry and I'm disorientated. I'm unsure whether this suit is doing any good. I suppose it is, otherwise I may be dead by now. But it is weighing me down and I'm finding it difficult to walk. I feel my legs and arms getting weaker and weaker.

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Staying alive seems to be a struggle. I now have an idea of what it must be like to be old and frail, or to have a life threatening disease. My vision of death now is more vivid than ever. I hadn't really thought of death much before, because I didn't think I was close to it.

Yesterday, I saw what part of my journey was about. The truck. I knew straight away which truck it was. It was the truck which left my driveway carrying my family, a few months ago. I fell to my knees. I didn't know whether to feel happy and relieved or sad and tearful. I cried anyway.

" Mum! Dad!" I shouted, running towards the truck. I prayed to God to find my family alive. I was horrified with what I saw. Three dead bodies. I made out they were the ones of my mother, father and Joseph. David was missing. I searched the truck, and all around it. Where could David be? He could have ran off, or somehow disintegrated. I didn't care what happened to him, I only wanted to know if he was alive or dead.

I carried the bodies out and rested them on the ground, side by side.

I wanted to show my respect and cover them up. I saw a large tarpaulin about 0 yards away. When I lifted it up, I put it straight down. More dead bodies. They were arranged, side by side, with arms crossed. I knew someone took much care to bury their loved ones. I went with my conscience and left it be.

I wrote names in the dry, crumbly earth above the heads of my family. After a quiet 10 minute mourning session alone, I walked away and carried on with my journey. I would have driven the truck, but I couldn't find the key, and there may not have been much petrol left in the tank. It's been weeks. Maybe months, but nothing. I look out for every little thing, every little sign of life. An abandoned birds' nest, a dead leaf or a little scrap of radioactive food is the closest to life I've seen. I did see a small insect scurrying around on the crumbly earth under me. It was an earwig. I wondered whether it was going through what I'm going through. This idea moved me. Maybe it's looking for a sign of life, or a mate. I presumed it needed help, so I picked it up and put it in a small matchbox I found, which I've been using recently for fire. I t is around the peak of winter, so it is very cold.

This earwig made me overcome my fear of insects. I knew it needed something from above, to help it, so I became that "something from above". We were alike. I needed "something from above" too. But lately, I've been losing faith. I don't want to, but I can't help it. Maybe that is why God isn't giving me any guidance. He does know everything I say and think, so I'm not surprised. I keep telling asking him to help me. But each time, I become more convinced that nothing is happening, or that God isn't listening. I feel so alone.

It may seem like a silly little earwig, but for a long time it's the first life form I've seen for months. It means so much to me, to find something alike to make me feel I'm the not the only one.

I also wonder how it has survived, how it has eaten and what it has eaten. For the past few days, I've been lying down and watching the earwig for hours on end in fascination. I've been feeding it by putting a small pile of tinned soup on the ground. It seems to like it.

I've been thinking of giving it a name, but I don't know what sex it is. I could call it Jackie or Charlie. I soon discounted the idea, as it doesn't really need a name and I don't think it's bothered too much.

Yesterday, I lost it. I woke up and the matchbox was missing. I still used it as a shelter, even though I have no matches left.

An hour later, I found the matchbox. It was open. I always left it open, as it needed air and I didn't think it could jump out. It must have jumped out, or smartly tipped the matchbox over to let itself free. I felt rejected. During the three days of knowing it , I've been treating it like a human. So I felt like a friend befriending me whereas it is just a measly little insect which has no emotional feelings. I suppose the loss of the earwig did good to me. In the last few days, I have made hardly any ground. Barely half a mile. Usually, I've been making a few miles a day, so I am now back on track. I was also starting to go mad. The best part of my last few days was spent with the earwig, so the loss of it has been a relief.

I've noticed I haven't been writing about Mr. Loomis at all. I have been thinking about him now and again, but I've decided not to write about him.

I've lost track of time and direction. It could be a year or so, since I left the house, and I could be miles away from home, even in a different state. I swear I look older. When I look at myself in a reflection, I can see changes in my appearance. I must be a year or two older.

I've just woken up, I had a bad dream. I was in a laboratory and I was wearing an orange suit with a strange man and he was holding a gun and was pointing it at me. I turned around and saw a door. I instantly ran towards it, but it was getting farther away from me and were gradually closing. The strange man was calling,


I think he was calling for someone but when the doors closed, there was pitch black and I felt an eerie feeling in my shoulder. Then I woke up.

I must have lost my memory. I've been reading some journals which were mine. I recognised they were mine because they are in my handwriting. I remember writing up to the point when my family left in the truck. Since then, the story has been new to me.

Maybe someone has written new things in my journal but it's all in my handwriting. I don't know where I am but I am in a tent which I've written about.

Everything from my journal seems to be true. Everything I've written is happening. It may be a dream and that I'll wake up any minute. I hope it is dream. I want to go back before my family left and before I met Mr. Loomis. I can't believe I did what I did to him. If I went back I would have done things differently. I better not talk of him any more. I did tell myself not to. For the last few months, I've been walking in ,what I hope to be, one direction with little breaks. My aim was to find another place which supports life. I am sure the only place was back home.

I've been surviving on any tinned food from stores I come across. It's all cold. Cold soup, beans and tomatoes.

Tinned food is all I can eat. Any other food would be radioactive. Maybe tinned food is radioactive, but it's the safest I can eat.

The most amazing thing has happened. I have ended up here destiny has taken me. A large area outside deadness. It looked like my house. I swore it was. But there was something different about it. It felt like it wasn't mine, someone else owned it. I felt guilty about going inside. But I did. I saw open cupboards and wardrobes and an unmade bed.

I felt someone was watching me but if they were hiding, they would be in the house. Right? I went back outside.

"HELLO! HELLO!" I called. There was no reply.

I had djà vu. It seemed like everything I did already happened before. If someone was watching me, I would have looked quite weird with a large orange suit, and whoever was watching me must have been quite scared.

I was almost certain I was being watched. That strange feeling inside was getting stronger and stronger.

I haven't washed for years. I saw a river. I presumed it was safe to bathe in, as it was out of the deadness. Without checking with Geiger counters, I stripped off and made no hesitation to get in.

Just as I was about to get in, I thought I heard a shout, a warning. This djà vu was as strong as ever. I knew this has happened before. Things were very, very similar.

Please note that this sample paper on last chapter Z for Zachariah is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on last chapter Z for Zachariah, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on last chapter Z for Zachariah will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations paper at affordable prices!

At the beginning of the novel, Great Expectations, Pip was a young kid who did not know how to read the names on his parent's tombstones. He was scared by a convict and believed that he would eat his liver if he did not do certain favors for himretrieve food and a file. In the end, Pip is a grown man, and has matured a lot over the course of the novel. He started off poor, and then he received a vast sum of money from a benefactor. When Pip first met Estella he was a young boy who was intimated by her, but by the end of the book they are friends. Even though many of Pip's characteristic's changed overtime some stayed with him nightmares, feeling of guilt and innocence, and love for Estella.

When Pip is young he does not know much about the world. He cannot read or write. The first scene of the book, Pip is in the graveyard looking at his mother and father's tombstones and he cannot read the words that appear on them. The first feature that Pip had when he was young, and that he continues to have in his older years are nightmares. When Pip sees the man in the pub that aims in invincible gun at him, and then stirs a drink with the file Pip gave Magwitch, Pip is frightened and has a nightmare of this occurrence. He narrates

I had sadly broken sleep when I got to bed, through the thinking of the strange man taking aim at me with his invisible gun, and of the guiltily coarse and common thing it was, to be on secret terms with convicts…I was haunted by the file too. A dread possessed me that when I least expected it, the file would reappear. I coaxed myself to sleep by thinking of Miss Havisham's, next Wednesday; and in my sleep I saw the file coming at me out of a door, without seeing who held it, and I screamed myself awake. (7)

This shows that Pip is scared by the man and the file, who pointed the invisible gun at him. He also thought he was going to get in trouble with the law for helping a convict. Pip still feels this way towards the end of the novel. After Miss Havisham burnt in the fire, and Pip burnt as well, from saving her, he had a nightmare of Miss Havisham running at him. Pip says, "If I dozed off for a minute, I was awakened by Miss Havisham's cries, and by her running at me with all that height of fire above her head" (404). This conveys that Pip was having nightmares of the incident just like he had nightmares when he was a young boy. So, Pip never changed and he continues to have nightmares even when he is older. Another thing similar to Pip having nightmares is that he sees the white ghost, which is Miss. Havisham. He sees this ghost the first time he leaves Miss Havisham's house. Pip says

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And I saw a figure hanging there by the neck. A figure all in yellow white, with but one shoe to the feet; and it hung so, that I could see that the faded trimmings of the dress were like earthy paper, and that the face was Miss Havisham's, with a movement going over the whole countenance as if she was trying to call me. (64)

This is when Pip was younger but he also sees her again when he goes back to visit her before she is burned. Pip articulates, "A childish association revived with wonderful force in the moment of the slight action, and I fancied that I saw Miss Havisham hanging to the beam" (401). So even though Pip has changed some much this childhood, innocent, image is still with him and he has not forgotten about it.

Throughout the novel Pip is guilty and innocent. When Pip helps his convict, Magwitch, by sneaking him a file and food Pip feels extremely guilty. Page 17 shows how Pip is guilty. This incident is before the convict is caught; Pip is imagining that everyone is out to get him and that they are chasing him because he stole the pie. When the convict is caught and Pip is there with the search party, Pip feels guilty that he does not receive and punishment because the convict gets him out of it. After they catch Magwitch, Pip feels as if he should get in trouble for helping a convict. Nothing happens to Pip so he feels a feeling of guilt. Pip is also scared that Joe will eventually find out what is happening to him

That, if Joe knew it, and at any subsequent period of our joint domestic life remarked that his beer was flat or thick, the conviction that he suspected Tar in it, would bring a rush of blood to my face. In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong. (41)

This shows that Pip does not want Joe to find out what he did, but in a way he does too. He is scared of both possibilities because he is extremely guilty because he is not in trouble, and at the same time he does not want Mrs. Joe and Joe to find out because Mrs. Joe will probably smack him. Pip's social class changes after Pip receives a large sum of money from a secret benefactor. Pip believes that he is better than Joe and everyone else from Kent. Joe visits Pip in London and Joe gives Pip a long speech how Joe and London don't work together and it's not where Joe belongs. Joe leaves and Pip says to himself

The fashion of his dress could no more come in its way when he spoke these words, than it could come in its way in Heaven. He touched me gently on the forehead, and went on. As soon as I could recover myself sufficiently, I hurried out after him and looked for him in the neighbouring streets; but he was gone. (4-5)

After Joe gives his speech Pip is emotionally upset and he is stuck on what to do. Joe was one of his best friends and now they are not anymore because Pip left him and forgot about him.

When Pip sees Estella for the first time he is stunned by her elegant beauty. When Pip meets her for the first time he is in love. He feels so bad and embarrassed when Estella ridicules him. At the end of chapter 8, Pip says, "I was a common labouring-boy; that my hands were coarse, that my boots were thick; that I had fallen into despicable habit of calling knaves Jacks" (65). Pip's love for Estella continues throughout the novel. Pip draws his own conclusion that Miss Havisham is his secret benefactor and that she is because she wants him and Estella to get married. This conclusion is wrong and Pip finds this out later. Pip goes to Estella and Miss Havisham and professes his love to her. Pip and Estella strike up a conversation about Drummle the man Estella has been with and Pip says, "You would never marry him, Estella?" (6). Estella replies, "Why not tell you the truth? I am going to be married to him" (6). As we have talked about in class, this is the climax of the novel because this is when Pips heart breaks. He still has love for Estella the rest of the novel, and Estella and Pip meet up again in the last chapter of Great Expectationsit has been eleven years. Estella and Drummle's marriage did not work out and Drummel died. In the end, Pip and Estella walk of hand in hand just as friends.

The three traits I have explained to you are all closely related. Some of the incidents in the story can be thought of as depicting Pip's nightmares, guilt or innocence, and love for Estella. These the traits of Pip's character show us that he really never changed when he received the money. His social class changed, but he never grew up to become and adult because he was always given money, and never really earned it by himself. I think that after Magwitch's death Pip became more of a man because then he had to make a living on his own. Because Pip always kept these three traits I think that it means that Pip always had a part of Kent in his heart, and he never forgot about it even though it seemed he did.

Please note that this sample paper on Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Pip's Unchanged Characteristic's in Great Expectations will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers'

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers'. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers' paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers', therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers' paper at affordable prices!

Explain the ways in which Romeo and Juliet were star-crossd lovers.

Romeo and Juliet, is a tragic love story about two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet who are innocent victims of fate.

The Chorus introduces the power of fortune in the opening prologue, when it stated that Romeo and Juliet are "star-crossed" (destined for bad luck) and "death-marked," and that their death will end their parents' feud.

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The opening lines of Romeo and Juliet also speak of an "ancient grudge," which the characters in the play are born into. Throughout the play, there is evidence that the lovers' misfortune occurs because of coincidence and misunderstanding. Romeo and Julie did not have a choice in what they desired, they were destined to participate in the conflict and death.

Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers because it was fate that they were born into opposing families.

In the Prologue the Chorus explained that the Capulets and the Montagues are enemies. Grudges between the two families were shown from the beginning of the play, when the servants of the two houses encountered on the streets of Verona and provoked a fight with one another.

Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 5-6)

The feud between these families had extended hatred to the followers and retainers of both side and of all the characters in the play, it is Tybalt who takes the feud most to heart. He hated all Montagues as he hated hell and when he recognizes Romeo at Capulets feast, he swore to take revenge on the Montague for intruding.

Romeo, who was wise and gentle by nature, had never actually entered the feud and he wanted to avoid a quarrel with the hate-filled Tybalt above all men, because Tybalt was Juliets beloved cousin. After Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo no longer kept his temper and kills Tybalt in vengeance for his friends death. Romeos fortunes begin to declines from the point when the Prince banishes him for his part in the fatal brawl.

And for that offence... Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. (Act , Scene 1, Line 85-16)

Romeo and Juliets love were much determined by the stars because they did not intend to fall in love; it was fate that brought Romeo to Juliet. In Act 1, Scene , it was by chance that Lord Capulet's servant, who was illiterate, met Romeo on the streets of Verona and asked him what was written on the party guest list. If the servant did not approach Romeo and his friends, they would not have known about the Capulet's costume party, which everyone was welcomed if they were not from the house of Montague. Although it was dangerous, Benvolio, a friend of Romeo, convinced the young lord to go to the party in the disguise of a mask. Romeo who was a sincere and passionate lover, was love-sick and frustrated over Rosaline who did not require his love because she wanted to remain a virgin. It was fate that Romeo attended the Capulets party to see Rosaline but ended up meeting Juliet, whom he fell madly in love with upon just seeing.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight. For I never saw true beauty till this night" (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 51-5)

It was only after Juliet was called by her mother, that Romeo discovered that the lady with endless beauty, was young Juliet, only daughter to the lord Capulet, the great enemy of the Montagues; and that he had unknowingly fell in love with his foe. This troubled him, but it could not stop him from loving.

"Is she a Capulet? O dear account. My life is my foes debt." (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 1-14)

The fact that Romeo was wearing a mask and his face was hidden allowed Juliet to fall instantly in love with him too. If Juliet had known that Romeo was a Montague she would probably not have fallen in love with him. Even though it was not supposed to happen it was meant to be. She does not deny her love or break off their relationship.

"My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy." (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 17-18)

After the feast, Romeo was unable to stay away from the house where he had left his heart, so he hides in Capulets orchard and over hears Juliets confession of her love for him. He makes his presence known and they both declared their love for one another. The feud between their families caused many problems for Romeo and Juliet becuase neither the Montagues or the Capulets would have accepted them being together, so they decided to get married secretly and challenge fate.

Romeo and Juliet did not imagine that their love would lead to the tragedies that it did.

The beginning of the tragedy for the two star-crossed lovers was when Romeo had been banished and the old lord Capulet arranged a marriage with Paris for Juliet. The arranged marriage is bad luck because it is another obstacle that prevents Romeo and Juliet from being together. Juliet pleaded with Lord Capulet that she was unsuitable for marriage but he was deaf to all her excuses. Her father orders her to get ready for following Thursday when she should be married to Paris and that if she objects he will disown her. Her mother Lady Capulet declared that she was done with Juliet and when Juliet turned to her trusted nurse for advice, the Nurse turned against her at a very crucial time. The Nurse told Juliet that it would be best if she married Paris. This betrayal by the Nurse left Juliet alone because from then on, Juliet could not depend on the Nurse for help or advice. If the Nurse had been around to help Juliet, things may have turned out differently.

The desperate and distraught Juliet searched for help from Friar Lawrence who offers a solution that involves Juliet taking a potion which will put her into a coma and make it appear as though she was dead so that she can avoid the arranged marriage and escape to Mantua with Romeo. But more bad luck occurred when the message from Friar Laurence did not reach Romeo in Mantua. The message must reach Romeo so that he knows what Friar Laurence and Juliet have planned. Unfortunately, because of the plague, there is a quarantine that prevents the messenger, Friar John, from delivering his message in time. Consequently, since Romeo does not receive a letter from Friar Laurence telling of their plan, Romeo instead hears from Balthasar that Juliet is dead, and now rests in the Capulets tomb. Romeo who was determined to join Juliet in her death convinces a poor apothecary to sell him poison. The plague was very unfortunate for Romeo and Juliet because it prevented the messenger from reaching Romeo with the important letter

An incident of bad luck was when Romeo drank the poison right before Juliet woke up. It was all a matter of timing; when Romeo drank the poison and when Juliet woke up. This whole incident was fate because if she had woken several minutes earlier and Romeo had waited a bit longer, then they would've seen each other and Romeo wouldn't have drank the poison. This just happened completely by chance.

It is clear that misfortune plays a major role in this story of the star-crossed lovers. From the beginning of the play, the love of Romeo and Juliet was destined to be destroyed. Although Romeo and Juliets hastiness contributed to the tragedy, it wasn't the lovers' actions that directly caused their deaths. It was fate that determined that the lovers should be born of feuding families and the hatred between their families means that they were not supposed to be together. Romeo and Juliet were destined for death so that their parents feud would be over. No matter what they did they just could not be together and ended up paying the price by trying to mend their families hatred for each other. Romeo and Juliet were innocent victims of evil fate that was cast upon them.

Please note that this sample paper on Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers' is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers', we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Romeo and Juliet 'star-crossed lovers' will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, December 7, 2020

A streetcar named desire

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on a streetcar named desire. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality a streetcar named desire paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in a streetcar named desire, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your a streetcar named desire paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

A streetcar named desire is a play written by Tennessee Williams and is about the two basic humans drives; which are death and desire. The two main drives could be representative of the state of America after WW1 a country wavering between a dying past and the adolescent new world. The reader/viewer of the play will experience these two basic drives through the characters culture, background, imagery, music and symbols. For the characters to have the direct effect of representing the text's underlying values and attitudes the main characters of the play are constructed in a particular way.

This is a play of Culture Vs Brutality, Illusion Vs Reality, Civilization, Culture and Tradition Vs Natural, Passionate and Primitive.

The culture of the characters is an integral part of identifying the issues that the playwright is trying to

Address, For example in two of Williams plays he has a southern gentile woman as the main character (the Glass menagerie and a streetcar named desire) who's world is shattered by the harsh treatment of the changed modern world.

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Where as with the stronger character of Stanley is a new world, working class, animalistic brute is more adapted to the harsh world, Williams shows this is one of the issues of the play through the various scenes of disaster and dislike between the refined and cultured past and the uncouth, working class, un traditional future.

Other issues or themes of the play is the nationality association; It is assumed the Du Bois is an aristocratic surname and this is proven later on in the play, It can also be assumed the Kowalski is a foreign name (which is turns out to be) and the foreign people in those times were highly likely to be those of working class.

This is represented through the speech of the two characters e.g.; Stanley speaks loudly and speech to Stanley is getting across what he wants, likes, dislikes and so on where as Blanche speaks more flittingly, on a higher level. Speech to Blanche is a searching for values and her speech reflects her education.

Another issue that comes into play in A Streetcar named Desire is Williams exposure of the inadequacies and hypocrisies of American mythologies, by this I am referring to the myth of an unfallen Eden (Blanche) whom is a representative of chivalrous and civilized men and gentile sensitive women, For example a very similar character to Blanche is that of Daisy from "Schindlers list".

It has also been stated that a theme prevalent in A Streetcar named Desire is that of homosexuality, it is said that Williams is representing a suppressed interest or attraction with homosexuals through the characterization of Blanches young husband, who's death drover her to insanity.

Background is also an important part of the characters representing the issues and values that Williams created them to convey, for example the first setting is New Orleans a rough tough new world city filled with liquor, card games and adultery.

The new world is presented as a sexually laden and sensual world.

This is represented by the characters living in the area, there interaction with the area and mainly blanches unsavory reaction to the setting. Elysian fields is an ironic and amusing name for the sector in which Stanley and Stella live, This is because in mythology Elysian fields was the name of the so-called heaven for the gods but elysian fields is the complete opposite for blanche as it is the setting in which she is eventually driven mad by herself.

Imagery is another factor that is used through the characterization of the main characters to represent themes and issues, For example there is the imagery of Stanley whom is always in bright colors e.g.; silk pajamas, bowling shirt, watermelon, cards and the meat Stanley brings from the butcher are all bright noticeable colors, which are like Stanley in a way because they cannot be ignored.

Blanche is represented by pastel shades and whites, like a moth she is delicate and frail so the pastel colors of a gentile woman or creature are used to represent her and create more characterization.

There is also imagery that connects Stanley and Stella to animalistic, modern, flesh over love and desire over love ideals.

For example the movements and brutality of Stanley have an animalistic feeling as does his behavior towards Stella in scene three. Stanley could be easily identified with an ape or another similar animal because of his primitive behaviors, his feelings of territory invasion and the way Blanche finds fault with his behaviors and manners.

The varsouviana and the jungle music (which are all parts of blanches characterization) can only be heard in her head and represent imagery of her young husbands affair, the torment it has caused blanche and her descent into insanity.

Music and sound is an important part of brining character linked issues and themes to the surface, for example when ever the varsouviana is heard it is heard only in blanches head and is usually linked to some feeling that blanche is having for the time.

The music represents her frailty towards her husband's death and towards the new world that she sees's as alien.

The jungle music is important in developing the animalistic tendencies of Stanley and when the jungle music is heard it is usually at the time Stanley is being most uncouth.

The cries of streetwalkers, the Mexican woman and the street vendors are all part of the cultural fabric in the experience of Elysian Fields, New Orleans.

There is much use of symbols in juxtaposition of the new and old worlds and the representatives of each world, e.g.; Stanley and Blanche. The most prevalent use of symbolism is that of the title, and its reference to the two streetcars; desire and cemeteries Blanche takes to Elysian fields e.g.; Heaven. This is representing Blanches journey to New Orleans and her journey through desire to insanity to death and eventually heaven. This is also made obvious by the character change of Blanche who starts out as someone looking for love and understanding but there is always the fear of death and destruction nearing her.

"Death- I used to sit here and she used to sit over there and death was as close as you are…"- Blanche.

Elysian fields have a strong symbolic significance in A Streetcar named Desire, This is the place in which the main characters live and is a reference to Greek mythology and it means "Paradise".

Paradise was originally created for two and the intrusion of the new world territory by an old world gentile female has caused sin and despair, Elysian fields is Stanley and Stella's paradise but Blanches Hell.

Shep Huntleigh is the representation of the perfect generous, chivalrous southern gentleman (Blanches perfect man) and also a representation of Blanches impending insanity.

There is also a lot of reference to light, as it is used as a symbol. For example blanche is always in flattering light such as candlelight and she puts lanterns over the naked light bulbs, which could be a comparison to the saying "pulling the wool over someone's eyes". The references to light are representative of Blanches illusionary tactics and how she doesn't break the truth she merely distorts it to be more favorable.

The characters in A Streetcar named Desire are representative of themes and issued related to the change of American society during that time, the issues of homosexuality and the issues of the new modern, fleshy and animalistic world and the old charming, gentile and traditional world of the past and it's one of it's deacaying last remnants of a southern gentile woman and her descent into insanity caused by the death of her husband, the harshness of the new world, the forced changes in her character and the way she has been made redundant for the new world. For if the society in Blanche was once accepted decays and she doesn't change with the times she becomes unimportant to those whom have changed.

Please note that this sample paper on a streetcar named desire is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on a streetcar named desire, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on a streetcar named desire will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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