
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Youth crime in New Zealand

If you order your custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Youth crime in New Zealand. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Youth crime in New Zealand paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Youth crime in New Zealand, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Youth crime in New Zealand paper at affordable prices!

The increase in youth crime has aroused the public attention. Concern about juvenile's behaviour is not new. Public believe that youth crime is serious and out of control. The media headlines focusing on the increases in child offending has reinforced this view (Maxwell et al., 000). The statistics show that there has been a steady increase in the number of young people offending from ,500 in 188/18 to 4,504 in 17/18 (Maxwell, Morris, & Victoria University of Wellington, 000). Over per cent of all the offences are attributed to young people in 16 (Triggs, 18). Youth offending has increased over the past 1 years, but less so in the past five years. There are stable figures in the number of youth crime since 16 (Maxwell et al., 000). Therefore, the claim of increase in youth crime does not match the experience of those who working with young offenders. They believe youth crime is getting better and no worse than before.

Although youth violence declined slightly in the late 10s, adolescents are frequently exposed to drug-related crime, violence and delinquency. This research essay focuses on the significant areas of New Zealand society in which may affect juvenile delinquent behaviour over the past 1 years, such as family environment, social factors and media effect.

Family dysfunction

One of the significant factors contributing to youth crime within New Zealand today is dysfunctional family. Garnier and Stein (00) reveal that the relationship in the early family environment is associated with children's development and peer group experience. They explain that young people coming from nonconventional values family have more possibility to involve in high-risk behaviours such as heavy drug use and serious offending. Moreover, young people tend to associate with friends whose values are similar to their own (Elder, 180, as cited in Garnier & Stein, 00). Therefore, family environment and parents attitudes are key factors in the development of problem behaviours. When children are exposed to domestic violence, parental drug abuse and high levels of conflict, they tend to transmit these values to themselves. Garnier and Stein (000) apply this perspective into social learning theories.

Custom Essays on Youth crime in New Zealand

Social learning theories assert that children acquire their values and behaviours from the most important role such as parents, and child-initiated violence is a strategy used by child to cope with other people's hostile and aggressive behaviour (Garnier & Stein, 00; Brezina, 1). In other words, family environment and parents attitudes may provide children an opportunity to engage in problem behaviour and attitudes. Children will imitate parents' aggressive attitudes and values to manage the inimical behaviour of others. Once their behaviour has led to a decrease of threatening from others, their negative attitudes are reinforced. Patterson's coercion theory explains that children's aggressive behaviour towards other people can provide an effective means to control or restrain people's behaviour (18, as cited in Brezina, 1). Moreover, Agnew's general strain theory argues, "delinquency represents a means by which youths attempt to cope with various sources of environmental adversity" (1, as cited in Brezina, 1, p.418). Therefore, they will continue repeating their negative behaviour when they experience threatening, and most of the behaviour may relate to delinquency or crime.

Furthermore, parental values can also influent the peer affiliation. What children learn at home from their parents, they bring to the peer group. Youth pick peers who have common values, social status and backgrounds to be friends (Garnier & Stein, 00). According to this, youth who engage in problem behaviour are more likely to associate with other youth who are involved in similar behaviours. Therefore, a group of youth may become an aggressive gang to engage in illegal group activities.

The above theories and arguments support that the family dysfunction has contributed to the increase of youth crime. Dysfunctional family such as sole-parent and divorced family can affect children's values and beliefs. However, these types of families affect children in different ways, due to different personal situations (Drummond & Bowler, 1). Coleman and Hendry (10) explain that divorce is "an ongoing process of uncertainty and confusion" (as cited in Drummond & Bowler, 1, p. ). In this process, parents are more likely to produce an aggressive and stressful atmosphere in family environment. Divorce for adolescents is more than just parents breaking up. It is hard for adolescents to comprehend and cope well. Adolescents tend to deny parent-developed values and search for external supports such as peers. Therefore, adolescents will reconstruct their values from their peers and friends. This group socialisation theory argues that children will carry their values and behaviours that are learned from peers into adulthood (Harris, 18, as cited in Garnier & stein, 00). Although peers may have positive effects on adolescents, negative effects have a higher risk factor causing delinquency.

However, there is limited statistic to show the relatives between youth crime and family dysfunction.

Bessant, J. (15). Youth unemployment and crime Policy, work and the risk society. Australia Youth Research Centre.

Brezina, T. (1). Teenage violence toward parents as an adaptation to family strain. Youth and Society, 0, 416-444.

Drummond, W., & Bowler, D. (1). New Zealand adolescents new millennium issues. New Zealand Nagare Press.

Funk, J. B., Flores, G., Buchman, D. D., & Germann, J. N. (1). Rating electronic games Violence is in the eye of the beholder. Youth and Society, 0, 8-1.

Garnier, H. E., & Stein, J. A. (00). An 18-year model of family and peer effects on adolescent drug use and delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1, 45-57.

Langer, J. (15). The case of media violence. Youth studies, 14, .

Ledingham, J., & Richardson, J. (1). The effect of media violence on children. Retrieved May , 00, from Health Canada Online website


Levine, M. (16). Viewing violence. New York Doubleday.

Lotz, R., & Lee, L. (1). Sociability, school experience, and delinquency. Youth and Society, 1, 1-.

Marriage and divorce in New Zealand. (001). Retrived May , 00, from Statistics New Zealand websites http//

McDowell, H., & Ziginskas, D. (14). Feeling stink A resource on young people's mental health issues for those who work with them. Wellington Ministry of Health.

Masters, C. (00, June 8). Our children Are criminals starting younger. Retrieved May , 00, from New Zealand Herald website http//

Maxwell, G., Morris, A., & Victoria University of Wellington. (000, February). Young Offenders. New Zealand Law Journal, p.8-.

Minister says report on youth crime and suicide flawed. (00, February 5) retrieved May , 00, from New Zealand herald website http//

Smihth, S. L., & Wilson, B. J. (000). Children's reaction to a television news story. Communication research, 7, 641-67.

Tepperman, J. (17). Toxic lessons What do children learn from media violence. Retrieved May , 00, from Action Alliance for Children website http///

Triggs, S. (18). From crime to sentence Trends in crime justice, 186 to16. New Zealand Ministry of Justice.

Unemployment Trends for you people, 11-000. (000). Retrieved May , 00, from Statistics New Zealand website http//

Please note that this sample paper on Youth crime in New Zealand is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Youth crime in New Zealand, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Youth crime in New Zealand will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Dada Kamera: Performance Response

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dada Kamera: Performance Response. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dada Kamera: Performance Response paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dada Kamera: Performance Response, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dada Kamera: Performance Response paper at affordable prices!


Performance Response

Dada Kamera's performance In On It showcased in the Fresh Terrain Festival is a powerful performance of two gay men, This One and That One, who are working on play within a play. The play they are working on is the story of a man who has just found out that he is terminally ill and only has a short time to live. He tries to tell his son who shuts him out. He tries to tell his wife, and she leaves him for another man. In the end, just before he drives his "blue Mercedes Benz" into oncoming traffic, he leaves his life insurance policy to the wife and son of the man who left with his wife. This One and That One are victims of the "accident" because one of them is driving the car that the man hits, leaving the other to tell the tragic story. The play confronts issues of relationships, both homosexual and heterosexual. These two cultures collide in the end - literally. Although it is merely by chance, it still points out the conflicted intersection of these two cultures. But more importantly, it reminds me to cherish every moment. It is through powerful lighting design that I am able to follow the complexity of the play and the various storylines that emerge.

The two characters work in three different realities and storylines - moving back and forth from one to another. One reality is the two men working on a play in front of the audience and even breaking the fourth wall at times. Another reality is the characters within the play they are working on. The final reality is the remembered thoughts of the men about their own relationship. The ability to move in and out of these realities could be confusing but are seamless to me, due largely to the light designs choices.

Buy Dada Kamera: Performance Response term paper

As the show begins, the more than sufficient bright white house lights fade to complete blackness as a single ray of deep, blue light rises. It is focused tightly on something on the floor. My eyes slowly begin to adjust to the darkness, and I can make out a man's jacket lying on the floor. I don't know the importance of the jacket, but the light draws my attention to it. Even though I do not know what the jacket's ultimate meaning is to the characters, this light design choice accomplished its goal getting me to wonder, "what is so important about this jacket?" From this point on, I'll watch the jacket. This One and That One put it on, taking on a role of the terminal man in the play which they are writing. The jacket tells me what character they are playing. It becomes an emotional item when That One tells This One, during an argument, that the jacket is his favorite because This One told him that he looked good in it the first time they met. At the end of the show, as the sounds of the car accident disappear, the lights fade to darkness, and the single deep blue light rises as This One takes the jacket and places it back on the floor and exits. I'm left again, staring at the jacket on the floor, but it now has meaning, completing a cycle and reminding me of the small things that are so important in life. The importance of the jacket is highlighted by this light design choice. Because the designer focused only one deeply saturated light on the jacket, I am forced to pay attention to it and understand the meaning it conveys.

At the first moment the two men are both on the stage together, they are lit with lights that are shuttered and focused to create a square area of light. This square area of light is created by multiple lights shuttered at right angles, so that smaller areas can be created with the same rigid effect. The edges help provide a stage area that the two men never leave. The area is quite small in comparison to the size of the theatre. This helps me focus in and feel more intimate with the characters. I think the best way to describe the sensation would be like looking through a camera and zooming in from a panoramic view to a close-up. This square area of light is the basic look for the reality of the two men working on the play. Although this area may change in size, it is generally larger than the other realities. This reality is also lit with a somewhat warm colorless look that comes from typical theatre lighting equipment.

As the two men speak about the play they are working on, This One and That One narrate the story and then choose a role to step into. This One takes off the jacket and reveals a white shirt, becoming the doctor for a scene. That One puts on the jacket, grabs a chair, and sits as he takes the role of the terminally ill man. It is clear that the reality has changed because as they set up the scene, a smaller cool area of light is left contrasting from the larger warm area of the other reality. This is typical of the reality of the play within the play. Within this reality they always step into the roles of these characters by stepping into a smaller area of light, which tends to be cooler white/blue light in a smaller concentrated area. The lights are still shuttered at right angles so that the men, at many times, are standing or sitting only in one square shaft of light. If the first reality gave me a sense of a close-up, this reality tends to be almost invasive into the character. The small squares shafts of light also seem to isolate the characters. At one moment, a terminally ill man sits in a chair facing forward with one square shaft of light on him. On the other side of the stage sits his son in a single square shaft of light. Darkness separates the characters as the father tells his son that he is dying. This design choice allows me to see into the eyes of both characters and see them as individuals in an extreme close-up, but at the same time it creates isolation for the two characters. Eventually, the scene ends and the lights return to a larger warm square area of light, and This One and That One can interact directly with each other again.

The other reality of the two men remembering moments of their own relationship is handled in a similar manner. The major difference is that the two are seldom separated by darkness, and the area tends to be a bridge of light between the two making the shape of a thin rectangle on the floor. The two men tend to face each other as they are in this reality, and the audience seems to disappear to them just as it does in the reality of the play within the play. The color of light varies in this reality but tends to be more saturated, warm colors in comparison to the rest of the play. As the memory passes, the lights rise again to the larger, colorless square, and the men step immediately back into the present reality of working on the play.

The scenes tend to move from this present reality into the other realities seldom cutting from the play within the play to scenes of the remembered past. The lights go from a large square area to individual, small areas where the men are already standing. They never leave the light, but the light just seems to intensify where they stand and disappear in the space between them. As the scene ends, the lights rise again to the larger square until they either return to the play within the play, with its small, isolated lights, or they turn to face each other as the lights dim into a narrow bridge of light between them. The space seems to breathe as the lights expand and contract over and over again. The repetition of the light patterns in their respective realities adds to the continuity and fluidity of the performance. The performance moves in and out of these realities but the lights help to make it seamless.

Please note that this sample paper on Dada Kamera: Performance Response is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dada Kamera: Performance Response, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Dada Kamera: Performance Response will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Animal Cruelty

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Animal Cruelty. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Animal Cruelty paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Animal Cruelty, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Animal Cruelty paper at affordable prices!

The controversy of animal experiments has long been debated in our society (Rowan 1). Time and time again the question of whether or not scientific researchers should have the right to perform experiments on animals has been an issue. Should researchers be able to perform experiments on animals? Should researchers only be able to perform limited experiments on animals? Or should researchers not be able to perform experiments at all? These questions are argued over every day, everywhere in the world. There are many people for all sides of the debate. This is an extremely huge controversy today (Rowan 1).

Many say that animal experimentation is pointless. When it comes to animals and their rights there is a definite fine line between our needs and our taking advantage of these species we consider inferior (Posner 1). Several thousands of animals are experimented on each day; yet there have been close to no cures found. Why continue experiments on animals if there is no point to it? Scientists who are performing outdated and inaccurate tests that prove no benefit to humans or animals are wasting millions of dollars every year (Animal Experimentation). A lot of money is spent on research; however this money instead could go to hospitals, hungry people, or even the building of more schools.

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It is said that humans and animals react differently to drugs (Animal experimentation). This is a proven fact that you cannot argue against. If one kind of

animal is repeatedly tested on with the same drug (which is practiced continuously); this will all be done for no reason. What would the purpose be? Many animals would have been killed and we would have still no cure. Moreover, scientists say it is impossible to recreate a human disease into a perfectly healthy animal (Animal Experimentation1).

One thing to keep in mind is that to invent new methods for animal experiments are being invented. Congress has recently suggested replacing animal experiments with other relevant models when available (Werner 2). Dummies could be used in exchange for animals. To this day our technology is so advanced, computers are predicted to help us in many more ways then we realize. People believe one-day computers will replace the use of animals. Cutting down on many experiments should be another definite plan, so that there is less animal suffering and less loss of lives.

Considered by many, the worst and saddest downfall to animal experimentation is the pain and suffering the animals are forced to undergo, which is unbelievable. You can compare their experiments to brutal torture. Many experiments include starvation to the death; breaking of the bones, vertebrae, and ribcage; heart puncturing, skin and fur burning; chemical injections; removing of the skin; implantation of tumors; drilling the vision. Some experiments can even get as foolish as forcing the animal to smoke tobacco

and marijuana, and even forcing the animal to take LSD. Can you imagine a human being physically forced into smoking marijuana or taking LSD, both illegal drugs?

To speak of levels of psychological moralities, researching through the experimentation of animals is a bad example of positive morals. The point where justifying morally right from wrong has been crossed with animal experimentation. Human hearts have turned cold and vicious. Human minds have mutated into finding the

easier, less guilty way out. Professional, scientific researchers have narrowed their options down to certain animals, animals that will not be difficult. Rabbits are selected to have chemicals dropped into their eyes because their eyes do not cry or water; beagle dogs are selected for their calm temperament when people harm them.

It is true that, animal experimentation can be helpful. Experimenting on animals can help scientists to discover new ways to cure diseases. But once again, you have to ask yourself, if hardly any cures are found, why continue with the endless torture and excruciating pain? Imagine a society where humans are the guinea pigs. After all, man is animal. You meet your death by starving. You may even be burned all over your body, or even get lung cancer from being forced to smoke tobacco (Animal Experimentation). Doesn't sound fun does it? When humans are exchanged for animals in research experiments, humans will not be able to be experimented on since our laws prohibit that

torture. And what about cruelty to animals? It is understood by many that animal cruelty was outlawed. To this day, animal experimentation is the worst type of animal torture one

could imagine. It is difficult to even think of what it would be like if humans were used in place of animals.

The animal rights activists believe that animals suffer as humans do and that all creatures, regardless of having a moral- reasoning capability, are entitled to freedom of torture and pain. As scientists became more advanced, the experimenting became more creative. A scientist studying for head trauma strapped an animal in machinery to receive high impact blows to the head that left the head severely damaged. Another time to examine for severe burns, pigs were restrained so that they could not escape and then burned alive with flames until flesh could be removed to examine. Was this really necessary? How does this directly benefit us?

Animals are not the only things being destroyed our environment is also destroyed. We do not stop and think about the consequences of our actions until it is already done. Pesticides and other chemicals have been damaging our land due to pollution. Not only on land but also in rivers, oceans and even our plants (Animal experimentation). If we keep this up we may not have clean water to swim in, fresh air to breath, or clean soil to grow our plants in.

Animal experimentation needs to be stopped. The endless, continuing tragedy of millions of animals dying has to stop. This has to start with someone, somewhere. As a society we need to wake up and start thinking about how we can stop the cruelty towards animals, instead of how to kill them. If it is morally wrong to kill unborn babies, why is it

not morally wrong to kill and torture poor, defenseless animals? (Cruelty Prevention) The public does not see what goes on behind closed doors. This is because product testers do

not want people to see the animal suffer and die. Once they are done with the experiment they kill the animal off as if it meant nothing. Is this how people were brought up to kill innocent creatures and not even thinking twice about what they are doing? When will this sick torment end?

There is a group called PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) that have over a hundred thousand members in it. Its one of the largest animal rights organizations in the world. The organization seeks to tell the public and educate them about the attitudes towards animals. By showing films and pictures they hope to reach many people, and show them that there are alternatives to their experimenting. PETA was founded in 1980. It was established to protect all rights of all animals. With this organization developed, cruelty towards animals has been the same. Nothing has changed. Why do people still chose to do wrong when they know perfectly well that animal experimentation is not right? What we need to do is get off the high horse and realize that we are no better than any other animal that roams the earth. We may be more powerful and smarter than most animals, but that does not give us the rights to treat them as we do in animal experiments. It is not amusing or right.

Please note that this sample paper on Animal Cruelty is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Animal Cruelty, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Animal Cruelty will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

"Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st paper at affordable prices!

This essay will explore the research that has been conducted into the physiological stress response. It will look in particular at psychologists such as Seyle and his extensive study into the physiological aspects of stress as well Glaser et al., who studied the link between stress and the immune system. Finally this essay will examine stress management in regards to reducing the physiological aspects of stress.

The first psychologist to examine the physiological aspects of stress was a man named Hans Seyle. Seyle is a significant figure in the history of psychology, made so by the model he produced in 156 known as the General Adaptation Syndrome. This model termed GAS focused mainly on the physiological aspects of the stress response. The model consisted of three main stages Alarm reaction, Resistance and Exhaustion. The first stage of the syndrome (Alarm Reaction) was determined as being the stage in which the body's level of arousal is heightened, the heart rate and blood pressure are increased, sugar stored by the liver is released into the blood to fuel the muscles, muscles become tense and alertness increases. This first stage of Seyle's model has lead to many people becoming more aware of when they produce the symptoms of stress. Therefore many people try to control their stress levels by trying to control their symptoms. For example if a person notices that their breathing rate has deepened or they are sweating more, they will be able to recognise they are suffering from stress and will automatically try to breathe more slowly and relax more in order to prevent further symptoms of stress. Seyle went on to say that if the stress sufferer cannot deal with the stress in a productive way, they will experience stage three; exhaustion. This can lead to psychosomatic illnesses, such as ulcers and heart attacks.

In recent years drugs have been created to help suppress the symptoms named in the General Adaptation Syndrome. Anti-anxiety drugs such as benzodiazepines, which are manufactured under the names of Librium and Valium, are designed to decrease arousal and relieve the tension in the muscles, in an attempt to lower the risk .

There have been a lot of studies into how stress is linked to the physiological aspects of a person's life. Glaser et al., 186 conducted a study of medical students (forty in total) who were about to take an exam. He found that six weeks prior to the exam, they had lower levels of stress than at the time of the exam. He also discovered that the number of T cells at exam time were lower than they had been previously. T cells are lymphocytes found in the blood that help to destroy the harmful bacteria and viruses. Glaser had therefore determined that stress had suppressed the immune system. These findings have led to the creation of a stress management method called biofeedback.

Custom writing service can write essays on "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st

Biofeedback is a physiological method of stress management. Biofeedback allows a person to supervise the interactions within their body and gives them a suitable degree of control over these processes/ interactions. Shapiro et al., 170 stated that biofeedback allowed participants to "make significant short-term changes in their biological processes" This could include raising their heart rate or lowering their blood pressure. Biofeedback has been used alongside relaxation techniques. From Seyle's findings and model we have been able to determine that when a body gets stressed it becomes more alert and their level of arousal increases. In an attempt to reduce the stress levels, relaxation techniques have been developed that help to slow down some of the symptoms of stress such as deep breathing and alertness. They have also helped lower a person's arousal level.

Another important development has occurred in reducing the risk of CHD. When a person becomes stressed it has been discovered that sympathetic branch of the ANS is stimulated, leading to the constriction of the blood vessels, resulting in a rise in heart rate and blood pressure. If the stress becomes prolonged, the arteries can become damaged. The narrowing of the arteries causes CHD; which is known as arteriosclerosis. An attempt has been made to educe the risk of CHD, in the form of drugs. Beta-blockers decrease the activity in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and so slow the heart rate and attempt to reduce the constriction. Thus resulting in lowering the blood pressure.

Finally, there have been various studies into how the endocrine system is connected to a person's stress levels. It has been found that when a person experiences stress the endocrine glands secrete hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. Anxiolytic drugs have been developed based on the findings related to the endocrine system. These drugs try to reduce the anxiety a person experiences due to the chemical (hormones) released in the endocrine system. An example of an anxiolytic drug is Barbiturates.

In conclusion, research into the physiological aspects of stress has proven very useful in the construction of methods to deal with stress. This research has provided the basis for further investigations into how to cope with stress and has been fairly successful in limiting or reducing the amount of stress felt by a person.

Please note that this sample paper on "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on "Stress research has important implications in that it can advise us on how to manage our own and other stress reaction." Discuss how research into the physiological response to stress has enabled the development of physiological approaches to reducing st will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

CommercialBanks Vs. Thrifts

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on CommercialBanks Vs. Thrifts. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality CommercialBanks Vs. Thrifts paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in CommercialBanks Vs. Thrifts, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your CommercialBanks Vs. Thrifts paper at affordable prices!

Commercial Bank vs. Thrift Institution

Commercial banks are considered to be the largest group of depository institutions when measured by asset size; they are very distinguishable from savings institutions and credit unions in the size, regulation and composition of their loans and deposits. Deposits are the main source of funding for commercial banks while their liabilities may include various non-deposit funds such as subordinated notes and debentures.

Commercial banks have two main assets on their balance sheet; loans and investment securities. Loans are responsible for the majority of assets held by commercial banks and are considered to be the most important revenue generator. The four main types of commercial bank loans are; business loans, real-estate loans, individual loans, and various other loans, which may be loans to emerging countries. Real-estate loans rank as the largest asset of the four main types of loans. Investment securities represent the second major asset on a commercial bank balance sheet. These consist of items such as; interest bearing deposit purchases from other financial institutions, federal funds sold to other banks, repurchase agreements and U.S. Treasury securities, just to mention a few. Investment securities benefit commercial banks in liquidity management, generation of interest income, low default risk and are effectively traded in the secondary market. Due to the high levels of liquidity risk for commercial banks, they usually hold large amounts of cash and investment securities in order to meet the claims of their liability customers, upon liquidation. In the event of loan default the losses are charged off against the bank equity, thus reducing retained earnings and the equity of the bank.

Commercial banks have two main sources of funds, deposits and borrowed money, which are represented as liabilities on their balance sheet. Deposit accounts are comprised of four major sections; non-transaction accounts and transaction accounts, which include the sum of non-interest bearing demand deposits and interest bearing checking accounts, make up the first section. A second section is retail or household savings and time deposits; normally these are individual account holdings of less than one- hundred dollars. Large time deposits in excess of one hundred dollars make up the third section; these are usually negotiable certificates of deposit that can be sold in the secondary market to outside investors. A final section is nondeposit liabilities, which include instruments such as repurchase agreements and federal fund purchases. When examining a commercial bank balance sheet an interesting aspect that distinguishes them from other financial institutions is their high debt to assets ratio, which implies that a very large amount assets is funded by debt, either being deposits or borrowed funds.

Commercial bank balance sheets also consist of off balance sheet activities. These may be various fee-generating activities such as issuing letters of credit or engaging in futures, forwards, options and swap contracts. When an off-balance-sheet asset occurs it is recognized on the asset side of the balance sheet or income will be attributed to the income statement. On the other hand when an off-balance-sheet liability occurs this item is represented on the liability side of the balance sheet or an expense is recognized on the income statement. Off-balance-sheet activities are beneficial to banks in that they allow banks to earn additional fees to complement declining business margins. Since reserve requirements and deposit insurance premiums are not taxed on off-balance-sheet activities this creates a tax incentive for commercial banks.

The commercial banking industry has become highly competitive due to the rapid advancements in technology, bank mergers, and the increase in the number of non-bank institutions. One of the most significant technological advances made by commercial banks has been the automated teller machine; this has made banking much easier for customers, 4 hours a day. Online banking has also been a major competitive tool for commercial banks; customers are now able to satisfy the majority of their banking online. Technology has not been the only reason for job declines in commercial banks; mergers and bank failures have also had a major effect on commercial banking. Mergers lead to fewer jobs because similar operations are consolidated.

Deregulation in commercial banks began in 180 when congress passed the Depository Institutions Deregulatory and Monetary Control Act. This act gradually abolished the restrictions on interest rates, and allowed the Growth of ATM's over state lines. Prior to this act banks had been subject to a ceiling on the level of interest paid to depositors. With the elimination of this ceiling interest rates became a major selling point, thus increasing competition among banks.

With commercial banks mainly focusing on the needs of businesses, thrift institutions were introduced in the early 1800's to serve the needs of individuals wanting to purchase homes. There are three main types of thrift institutions savings associations, savings banks, and credit unions.

Savings associations and savings banks specialize in real estate lending, particularly loans for single-family homes and other residential properties. Shareholders or depositors and borrowers can own these two types of thrifts. These institutions are referred to as thrifts, because they originally offered only savings accounts, or time deposits. Over the past two decades, however, they have acquired a wide range of financial powers, and now offer checking accounts and make business and consumer loans as well as mortgages, just as commercial banks.

Both saving associations and savings banks may be chartered by either the federal Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) or by a state government regulator. Generally, the Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) insures savings and loan associations, and the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) insures savings banks.

Savings institutions must hold a certain percentage of their loan portfolio in housing-related assets to retain their charter, as well as their membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank System. This is called the qualified thrift lender (QTL) test. Savings institutions must maintain 65% of their portfolio in housing-related or other qualified assets to maintain their status.

Credit unions (Cus) are not-for-profit depository institutions, owned by their members, and accept deposits in a variety of accounts. Unlike commercial banks credit unions are prohibited from serving the general public, members are required to have a common bond such as having a university affiliation. All credit unions' offer savings accounts, or time deposits; the larger institutions also offer checking and money market accounts, similar to commercial banks. Credit unions financial powers have expanded to include almost anything a bank or savings association can do, including making home loans, issuing credit cards, and even making some commercial loans. Credit unions are exempt from federal taxation and sometimes receive subsidies, in the form of free space or supplies, from their sponsoring organizations.

The number of thrifts declined dramatically in the late 180's and early 10's. The savings and loan crisis of the 180's forced many institutions to close or merge with others, at great costs to the federal government. However, there has been a resurgence of thrifts in recent years.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In Euripides' Medea, the protagonist, portrayed as the main character, abandoned the gender roles of ancient Greek society. As a result of this, Euripides invented a new version of the gender female. Medea defied perceptions of gender by exhibiting male characteristics while existing in the bounds of the "female mentality. Medea brings a sense of manly courage to womans gender by slaying Creon and Creusa. She brings power and hubris, decidedly male characteristics, to a womans role by slaying her own children, in a society where women's identity was dependent on having a husband and bearing children. Finally, Medea does not commit suicide, as do the other Greek heroines of the time but she takes on male behavioral characteristics as she exhibits intelligence and an ability to control herself emotionally as she designs her plot for retribution. Medea is determined not to let herself become the traditional female victim in a Greek tragedy. She insists on her right to do what her male counterparts have traditionally done in the past.

In ancient Greek society, murder is commonly associated with male protagonists, in fact, the crimes that Medea commits are no worse than the kinds of butchery committed by the great male heroes of tragedy and epic commonly associated with women. One of these crimes is the courageous slaying of her brother which she claims she has done for the sake of Jason, lamenting, "Oh My Father! Oh my country! In what dishonor / I left you, killing my own brother for it" (6, 4-5). She further goes on to justify and rationalize her plans for the murder of Creon and his daughter Glauke, and she does not have any remorse but feels it is just retribution for her dishonor. "If I can find the means or devise any scheme / To pay my husband back for what he has done to me-/Him and his father-in-law and the girl who married him-/…For in other ways a woman / is full of fear, defenseless, dreads the sight of cold / Steel; but when once she is wronged in the matter of love, / No other soul can hold so many thoughts of blood" (, -). When Medea says that she is one who can hurt my enemies and help my friends (6, 6), she is essentially justifying her actions according to certain "code" of behavior traditionally set aside only for male heroic, just and courageous actions. Medea represents herself as the "new female", she attempts to strike at the very heart of the patriarchy in which she is bound, and seeks to destroy Jason's identity as he destroyed hers.

In ancient Athenian society, women could only aspire to a single identity--that of a wife and mother. She loses this semblance of an identity when Jason marries Creons daughter. Medea has none of the traditional male options available to her to regain her lost honor, such as personal combat or duel with her enemy or rushing into battle. Women at this time had only one destiny and one fate--to marry and have children. When her honor, her very identity, is taken from her, she refuses to lay down and die and be the traditional victim, she strikes back at her oppressor with cunning ruthlessness and a surprising lack of moral fortitude, using her children as pawns to cause hurt in return of the pain caused by her enemy "…for I shall kill my own children…For those children he had from me he will never / see alive again…" (6 , 0-1). Her guile and absolute refusal to view herself as a victim is apparent when she says, "Let no one think me a weak one, feeble-spirited, / A stay-at-home, but rather just the opposite." (6, 5-6). Medea displays extreme pride, which is stereotyped as a male characteristic. She is willing to sacrifice everything, including her children, to restore her reputation. She is fully cognizant in what she is planning to do. "I know indeed what evil I intend to do, / But stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury / Fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils" (5, 10-1). It is a common belief that a woman's weakness is her children, but this is not the case with Medea. Her sense of pride prevails over her maternal instincts. Medea seeks vengeance with the same forceful determination to rectify the situation as a man would. A woman seeking revenge challenges society's view of women as weak and passive. Medea will go to great lengths to hurt Jason for the wrongs he committed against her in order to restore her honor. In doing so, she defines her new identity.

At first, in realizing that her identity had been taken away, Medea dwells in self-pity until contriving a scheme that will avenge her hurt. Wallowing in self-contempt is generally a quality attributed to women by society, it also is the tragic flaw that is set up to illicit pity and sympathy for the protagonists of Greek tragedy. They must suffer some incredible pain in order to be justified in their actions to avenge themselves. Medea at first, is so distraught after her marriage with Jason ended that she wanted to die, crying out to in a speech to her female friends, "My friends, I only want to die / It was everything to me to think well of one man" (8, 4-5). As her soliloquy continues and she begins to hear herself, she begins to embody more of what is considered to be "male characteristics" saying, "I would very much rather stand / Three times in the front of battle than bear one child" (, 1-14), indicating she is less willing to "play the victim" role than what was previously intonated. Until finally, she realizes that she must avenge her honor and punish those who did her harm, "If I can find the means or devise any scheme / To pay my husband back for what he has done to me…" (, -4). It is at this point Medea acknowledges that she will not take the "traditional" route and kill herself in answer to her suffering. She will, in fact, do quite the opposite. She instead begins to use her guile and cunning, which involves emotional control not traditionally assigned to female characters in Greek tragedy, in order to form her plot for retribution. This is evidenced in her dealings with Creon, in her "bargaining" for one extra day before she and her children are forced into exile when she pleads, "Allow me to remain here for just this one day, / So I may consider where to live in my exile" (1, 5-6). Meanwhile, she it is clear she is using him for her own gain when she rhetorically asks the Chorus, "Do you think that I would have ever fawned on that man / Unless I had some end to gain or profit in it?" (1, -). Medea, then, as a result of her intelligence, emotional control and cunning, differs dramatically from any other "heroine" of this time, embodying decidedly male characteristics.

Help with essay on Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society

Medea defied the society's stereotypes of male and female characters, and simultaneously defined a new view of women in that society. Throughout Euripides' Medea, the protagonist exhibited the tendencies of the epic male hero while revolting against the more "female" aspects as realized in Athenian society. As a result of this, she stands apart from other women as they were portrayed then, and stands closer than ever to her male counterparts in Greek tragedy.

Please note that this sample paper on Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Medea, the Embodiment of the New Female in Greek Society will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Q - Account for Bismarck's use of the forces of Nationalism and Liberalism in the unification of the German states up to 1871.

Otto Von Bismarck was instrumental in the unification of German states up for 1871. His experience as ambassador in St. Petersburg and Paris gave him considerable experience in foreign affairs, and his aim sought to deliver Prussia a higher status in Europe. Representing the Junker class, Bismarck was a great opportunist, delivering and commanding decisions well by exploiting situations at the right time. He accomplished unification through diplomatic persuasion and well prepared wars. He would often have individual tactics from the King.

Germans awarded much praise to Bismarck in the era, even some pronouncing him as a political genius. Today's' Historians are perhaps not so defiant in Bismarck's tactics, but rather his time of emergence and ability to exploit opportunities. An example is when Bismarck claimed "Man cannot create the current of events. He can only float with it and steer". In the 1850's, Prussia's rival, Austria was declining in hierarchy and dominance. Bad decisions and long-term mistakes would creep into Austrian politics after the death Schwarzenberg in 185. However, Prussia would continue it's impressive economic position and this increased nationalistic views and attitudes.

Meternich was determined to keep Austria in the 'drivers' seat'. Perhaps influenced by France, Meternich saw Germany as ripe for revolution from a combination of political unrest and social discontent. Senior posts in the Army, political power and all forms of bureaucracy would stay only with the noble class, which agitated the Middle class. Agricultural labourers and urban workers lived and worked in terrible conditions. An era of new technology left many people unemployed and caused protests in several industries. Together with potato blight, cholera, drought and economic inflation, the position heightened in tension.

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As if a long-term showdown was rumoured, Prussia had a head-start. Prussia had well trained military due to it's huge disciplined army, and it also had a growing economy from establishment of railroads as well the strong iron and steel production. In an entity ruled by King Wilhelm who appointed Bismarck in 186 to settle a dispute between the King and parliament over military reforms, there was everything but regression. In fact, the king gave Bismarck both full control of foreign and domestic affairs. Bismarck was a driven man who took whatever form of action necessary in order to achieve his desired goals.

When arriving on the scene and claiming there was no current provision to sort disputes in the constitution, Bismarck granted power back to the King, who in turn continued to collect taxes in order to finance the growing Prussian military. Bismarck released his famous "Iron and Blood" declaration in impeccable timing to the Prussian people, as a dispute with neighbours' Denmark shadowed closely.

In the year of 186, Denmark attempted to include a heavily German spoken region called Schleswig-Holstein in her own Kingdom. The Danish King breached a 185 Treaty of London, and due to gross unrest from Nationalists and Liberals back home, the Diet formed an alliance of Hanover, Saxony, Prussia and Austria. In a strategic move by Bismarck, he went against the Diet and only welcomed the Austrian alliance, determined to stand Prussia as the leader and gain support from Nationalists. The Danes were defeated and Bismarck demonstrated his willingness to overrule the Diet's rules in order to get what he wanted.

By this stage, Bismarck had already forecasted one move further than Austria. With war in mind, talks were made to France to keep her out of any involvement. This is an immensely important move towards the fulfilling task of the establishment of German national unity under the leadership of the King of Prussia. Bismarck eager to keep "on a roll", quickly released a constitution doing exactly his aims; to exclude Austria from German unification. This blatant move to create anger from Austria invited conflict and war soon broke out. Once again, Bismarck had timed this war well as his ruthless army took just six weeks to defeat Austria. Bismarck made an effort to stop a complete demolishment of Austria "to avoid leaving behind in her any unnecessary bitterness of feeling or desire for revenge" as Bismarck said in 1866.

Although it was not the liberals that united Germany, Bismarck received much support from them when he created a new North German Confederation. One assumes this was a dramatic change for Bismarck from when he studied law in the (Liberal) University of Göttingen, where his hatred of liberalism intensified. One liberal by the name of Von Schering claimed "I bow before the genius of Bismarck. I have forgiven the man everything he has up to now".

Prussia spearheaded the combination of seventeen small German states, and all were left little choice but to join the new government. Bismarck's foreign policy included nationalistic traits, for example, the purpose of safeguarding the internal and external security of Germany. Other advantages include morale unity, equal commercial laws, common administration of affairs and an unobstructed internal economy.

Bismarck, carefully edited the Kings words to give an impression that the King Wilhelm had insulted the French ambassador. France immediately declared war on Prussia in 1870. The south German states aligned between North Germany and France felt the threat of War and joined the North German Confederation. At this point, Bismarck perhaps could not believe his luck, or perhaps better described as an operation gone perfectly to the blueprint. Prussia defeated France in two months. King Wilhelm was crowned Kaiser of the new German Empire and Germany received five billion francs and the regions of Alsace and Lorraine. This was utter embarrassment for the French and another successful war campaign from Bismarck.

Bismarck was the architect of a policy that came to be known as realpolitik this means practical politics. During his time as Prime Minister he stay focused to his prime aim of strengthening Prussia. Alliances to him, were mere relationships that could be sacrificed conveniently in order to an opportunity. Although Bismarck supported democracy, this was only done to gain support from the public, However he dismissed liberalism and used it to improve his status amongst a fast growing Liberal movement at the time. Even in his most aggressive international conflicts, he would closely watch international affairs to work one opportunity off another in order to have reason to go ahead. One example is when Denmark let him take control and display his power over the diet, and in turn, declares war against Austria, and later on France. In the short period of just five years, Bismarck and his German unification became the most powerful country in Europe behind Britain.

Please note that this sample paper on Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Bismarck's role in the unfication of Germany will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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