
Friday, November 13, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Heaney. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Heaney paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Heaney, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Heaney paper at affordable prices!


Globalisation is an issue that has been arising in the last few years. It is an increasing worry due to loss of individuality, as people are tending to follow trends and not rate their personal traditions and culture as important. Globalisation is explained as the world unifying and being as one. It is about the developments that have occurred in the world, bringing us together.

The question states that a consequence of globalisation is man's retreat to find his personal traditions and culture. This is true is everyone retreated from global. Not everyone does though. Due to the trends and increasing technology some people have retreated to find their individuality again, but some people are happy to follow in the globalisation process.

Write your Heaney research paper

Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney was born in April 1 in County Derry in Northern Ireland. He grew up on a farm with his nine brothers and sisters and in 151, Heaney won a scholarship to the Catholic school, St. Columb's college in the city of Derry. Heaney moved to Belfast and became a lecturer at St. Joseph's and later at Queen's college. Heaney has published several volumes of poetry and although he left the farm at a young age, his experiences on the farm remained a basis for his poetry. A lot of his poetry deals with personal issues retreating from the global. Some of these poems are "Personal Helicon", "Punishment", "Digging" and "Tollund Man".

Personal Helicon

"Personal Helicon" is a poem reflecting Heaney's journey from childhood to adulthood. Mount Helicon was a place supposedly to be the home of the Muses, the Goddesses in classical mythology who inspired artists and writers. In "Personal Helicon", Heaney tells of his "personal helicon" his source of inspiration wells. He uses descriptive language such as "trapped sky" which is Heaney being drawn to the reflection in the water of the well. Heaney uses simple structure to convey the meaning of his life being five stanzas. He also uses an irregular rhyming scheme. The tone of the poem is a reminiscing one. Heaney is looking back on his childhood and showing his understanding of life and how he developed spiritually through poetry. A lot of the sentences have connotations, for example, in the third stanza he says, "a white face hovered over the bottom." He has looked in the well to see his reflection, but this could also mean if we removed our outer casings like pride insecurity, and vanity, although we would then understand ourselves better. Metaphors are expressed also, for example, "to stare, big-eyed Narcissus" and Heaney is saying that Narcissuses is like a human being with thoughts.

Heaney finishes the poem as an adult, wanting to illuminate the "darkness of life" through his poetry. "Personal Helicon" is one of Heaney's personal experiences, something that not everyone else has experienced. He has retreated from the global and expressed an event that was important to him.


"Digging" is another poem reflecting Heaney's memories from childhood. Heaney reminisces on his childhood, remembering his father digging the flowerbed and the stories about his grandfather. Heaney uses simple language to convey his meaning, for example, "my father, digging." It is easy to relate to and also utilises imagery well. He uses sound and sight, for example, "the squelch and slap" and "the curt cuts of an edge." The structure is in eight different sized stanzas. Heaney uses some rhyme and rhythm, for example, "my thumb" and "snug as a gun". Alliteration is often used as an effective form of expressing images. Some examples are, "tall tops" and "buried the bright". The tone of this poem is a reminiscing one also, as he looks back on his experiences as a child.

The poem starts and ends with references to his finger, thumb and pen. This is showing the theme of the poem. Heaney has a pen and decides to dig with that. He doesn't have a spade like his father and grandfather, but he'll dig with his pen. He is still following family traditions but with a pen, not a spade. "Digging" is relatively similar to "Personal Helicon" as they both talk about personal childhood memories. Heaney has moved away from national issues to concentrate on his own memories.


"Punishment" is a poem by Heaney that is based on the "bodies in the bog." Heaney was very fascinated by the Bog people and composed a number of poems about them. In this particular poem, a young girl was dug up and was thought to be an adulteress. Heaney describes about how he imagined she would've looked and felt the day of her death. He uses simple language, yet it is very descriptive and effective. An example of a simile is "like a stubble of black corn" which is comparing the girl's shaved head to corn that has been buried in mud. Heavy alliteration and assonance sounds are used to express the weight of her body and weight of sorrow. An example of this is "body in the bog" and "floating rods and boughs." The "o" and "b" sounds are heavy. The arrangement of the poem is simple and yet tightly structured. It has eleven stanzas of roughly even length and no rhyme. It almost seems to be a short story broken up into stanzas.

The tone of this poem is empathetic, as Heaney empathises with the girl. He tries to understand what has happened, "I almost love you," he feels for her. Heaney has concentrated on one person's in the bog. He finds the bogs fascinating and has expressed one of the stories. This particular bog is in Ireland so he has focused on his own personal culture and beliefs, completely separated from the rest of the world.


"Nell" is a movie about a young woman named Nell who lives in the wilderness with her mother. Nell's mother dies, and whilst removing her body, the sheriff and the doctor, Jerome, come across Nell. They never knew she existed and Jerome becomes fascinated by her, and starts to observe her actions. A psychologist, Paula, is taken into this scenario also, to keep observations on her. Nell has her own language and routines that she conducts on a regular basis. Chaos occurs when the court decides she should be taken into the real world.

The movie uses an effective landscape to portray Nell's surroundings. It is desolate with a lake and lots of green forest. The language Nell uses is very effective as it's a whole new thing to try and decipher. The images of the landscape and "real world" are effective in showing the differences that Nell must embrace. The tone of the movie is at times encouraging and at others a sense of loss. Nell loses her mother and identical twin, both of whom knew her ways, and now she is surrounded by strangers who want to see "the wild woman." It is encouraging when Nell connects with her doctor, Jerome, as she is experiencing so many knew things. "Nell" is about retreating into the global and retreating back out. Because she started out by herself, it was near impossible for her to stay in society so she retreats back to her personal traditions and culture.


It is hard to say whether retreating from the global is a good thing or bad thing. If everyone retreats from globalisation, everyone will be selfish and self-centred. Globalisation needs to be carefully looked at and considered, as individuality is important. It is what makes a person and if the world gets tangled up in trends, there will be no individuality.

Please note that this sample paper on Heaney is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Heaney, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Heaney will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind paper at affordable prices!

Electroshock Therapy, Restoring The Mind

By Ellen Bloom

Modern psychiatry began in the latter half of the 1th century with the identification, by European neuropsychiatrists, of separate mental disorders. At the time three mental illnesses dominated the clinical scene, neurosyphisis, described as dementia paralytica, dementia praecox (schizophrenia today), and manic depressive insanity. Caretakers of the mentally ill commonly resorted to chains, restraining chairs, cold and hot baths, and seclusion. Morphine, bromides, barbiturates, and chloral hydrate kept patients asleep but did little to heal their illnesses. The mentally ill were housed in large state supported hospitals with full authority to treat inmates. Many experimental and unsafe treatments were done. Bodily infections were considered a cause of mental disorder, so teeth, tonsils, gall bladder and large sections of the colon were removed. Many patients died. Surgical removal of sexual organs, salpingectomy and vasectomy was another treatment. It became mandatory to sterilize criminals, idiots, imbeciles and rapists in 0 states in 1040.

Ladislas Meduna, a physician trained in neurology and neuropathology, was examining human postmortem specimens at the Hungarian Psychiatric Research Institute in Budapest. He observed that patients with dementia had fewer than the normal number of neuroglia and that the brains of patients with epilepsy had markedly more. The neuroglia are the myriads of branched cells in the central nervous system that provide a supporting network for the neurons, the main cells of the brain that are the basis for thought, memory, emotion and action. He surmised that if he could develop epileptic seizures in patients he would reduce dementia. The first seizure therapy was done by injecting camphor-in-oil and his patient recovered without harm, and improved mental state. The Metrazol therapy was a frightening event because of the severe side effects, and at the University Hospital in Rome a year old man was admitted for the first ECT procedure ever done. A team headed by Ugo Cerletti and Luigi Bini applied a current that produced a grand mal seizure and the patient improved and recovered.

Buy Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind term paper

Now electroshock is a treatment for severe and persistent emotional disorders. The physician, following a prescribed procedure, induces an epileptic seizure in the brain,. By making sure that the patient's lungs are filled with oxygen, the physician precludes the gasping and difficult breathing that accompanies an epileptic seizure. The physiologic functions of the body are monitored, and anything out of the ordinary is immediately treated.

The treatment is safe for patients of all ages, from children to the elderly, for people with debilitating systemic illnesses and for pregnant women. It relieves symptoms more quickly and lastingly than the use of psychotropic drugs. Treatments are usually given three times a weed for two to seven weeks. To sustain recovery, weekly or biweekly treatments are administered for several months. The duration of a course of electroconvulsive therapy is similar to that of the psychotropic medications frequently used for the same condition.

Electroshock treatment is an option when the emotional disorder is acute in onset, when there are pronounced changes in mood, thought, and motor activities, when the cause is believed to be biochemical or physiological, when the condition is so severe that it interferes with the patient's daily life, or when other treatments have failed.

Modern ECT uses a square-wave form of energy which has a slight, effect on memory. The frequency of the square waves varies from 0 to 60 cycles per second, with a pulse of 0.5, 1.0, or .0 milliseconds. The duration of the stimulation varies between 0. to 8.0 seconds, and delivers from 5 to 500 millicoulombs of energy. Amplifiers record the EEG and the ECG during the seizure, permitting the doctor to evaluate the quality of each treatment.

Treatments are usually given in the morning. Because some people become nauseated by anesthetic, the patient consumes no food or liquid after midnight. The patient is administered a general anesthetic, and monitoring electrodes are attached to the body. After the preparations are completed, the patient is asked to breathe deeply as oxygen is given through a mask. A sedative is administered through the intravenous line and puts the patient to sleep. Blood pressure is monitored. A stimulator, applied to a nerve in the face, arm or leg will show whether the muscle is relaxed. When the twitches stop the muscles are properly relaxed for treatment. The mouth guard is put in the mouth to prevent damage to the teeth or jaw during the electrical stimulus. The stimulus is then passed, and the brain seizure stimulate. The patient is not aware of the passage of current, the seizure or any aspect of the actual treatment.

The patient breaths unassisted within three minutes after the treatment is completed. As he awakens, he is asked to give his name, date and the mane of the hospital. Awareness improves rapidly within 15 minutes. Older patients, however may require observation for a few days. If the patient complains of a backache or muscle stiffness, the muscle relaxant was not adequate.

Melancholic patients with psychosis who are adequately treated have an immediate and excellent response. For those who experience a sudden onset of a manic delirium or rapid-cycling manic, the results are excellent, provided the treatment course is intensive. Frequently that means daily treatments. Patients who have been psychotic for months and years may respond so slowly that the course will not show effects until they have had three to five weeks of treatment. The catatonic patient treated almost always finds relief after two or four sessions. Absence of relief is probably the result of inadequate treatment.

What most people don't know is that ECT has fewer risks than does treatment with psychotropic drugs. Sixty years ago patients risked fractures, recurrent seizures, and memory changes, but modern procedures have eliminated those risks. Fractious or recurrent seizures are rare and usually reflect technical errors. The risk of death during ECT is rare.

The prevalent belief that ETC impairs memory is based on the early experiences of patients who were treated without anesthesia or ventilation. Such treatments were associated with sever and persistent memory losses. But present practice is no longer associated with those devastating complaints. It is the mental illness that impairs the knowledge of the patient.

ECT therapy has long suffered from a controversial and bizarre public image, a reputation that has effectively removed it as treatment options for many patients. But 45 years of clinical and research experience says that ETC therapy is now a safe, effective, painless and sometimes lifesaving treatment for emotional and mental disorders.


Convulsive Therapy

Lothar Kalinowsky 188

Sage Publications

Fifty Years in Neurology

AE Bennet

Continental Book Publishing Company 17

Convulsive Therapy Theory and Practice

M. Fink

Raven Press 18

Undercurrents A Therapist's Reckoning with Depression

M. Manning

Harper Collins, New York 14

included with essay

Please note that this sample paper on Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Electro Convulsive Therapy: Restoring the Mind will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Meteorology. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Meteorology paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Meteorology, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Meteorology paper at affordable prices!

Being that we are the third rock from the sun, we constantly are interacting with its' atmosphere and weather. Meteorology plays a constant role in our everyday lifestyle. It affects us as individuals also businesses such as agriculture as well as travel. It is important to understand the fundamentals of how this meteorology system works.

First of we all know that the sun gives out heat. Along with the heat the sun also sends out energy in the form as solar radiation. Solar radiation can pass through space and the gases in the atmosphere. Solar energy heats anything that it hits. Energy cannot be made or destroyed, but it can change from one form to another. Energy is either potential energy, (stored energy) or kinetic energy, (movement energy).The sun is very hot and emits solar radiation. The energy from solar radiation can be changed to heat energy as in solar heating, electrical energy using a photovoltaic cell as in solar cars, and to chemical energy by photosynthesis in green plants (http//

There is a popular misconception that the seasons on the Earth are caused by varying distances of the Earth from the Sun on its elliptical orbit. This is not correct. One way to see that this reasoning may be in error is to note that the seasons are out of phase in the Northern and Southern hemispheres when it is Summer in the North it is Winter in the South. The primary cause of the seasons is the .5 degree of the Earths rotation axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic, This means that as the Earth goes around its orbit the Northern hemisphere is at various times oriented more toward and more away from the Sun, and likewise for the Southern hemisphere (http//

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Air pressure and fronts define arctic atmospheric circulation patterns. Air pressure is a measure of the force exerted by air on all objects. Air pressure is related to temperature. Given equal volumes, warm air is lighter (less dense) than cold air and consequently exerts less pressure Changes in air pressure often signify weather changes. Rising air pressure usually means fair weather, whereas falling air pressure generally signals stormy weather. This is because a drop in air pressure often indicates that a cyclone, or low pressure system, is moving into an area, bringing clouds and precipitation. A rise in air pressure frequently means that an anticyclone, or high pressure system is moving into an area, bringing fair weather. A change in air pressure signals the advance or passage of a front. Fronts are the narrow transition-zone boundaries separating two air masses of contrasting properties (temperature and humidity). Low pressure systems often develop along frontal boundaries and cloud cover and precipitation often occurs in the vicinity of fronts.Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air and can be described in different ways, including relative humidity, which is the term used most often in weather information meant for the public. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air compared with the amount of vapor needed to make the air saturated at the airs current temperature. Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air, not the total amount of vapor and liquid. For clouds to form, and rain to start, the air does have to reach 100% relative humidity, but only where the clouds are forming or where the rain is coming from. This normally happens when the air rises and cools. Often, rain will be falling from clouds where the humidity is 100% into air with a lower humidity. Some water from the rain evaporates into the air its falling through, increasing the humidity, but usually not enough to bring the humidity up to 100% (http//

The earth's atmosphere is interesting. The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air which we call the atmosphere. It reaches over 560 kilometers (48 miles) from the surface of the Earth, so we are only able to see what occurs fairly close to the ground. Early attempts at studying the nature of the atmosphere used clues from the weather, the beautiful multi-colored sunsets and sunrises, and the twinkling of stars. With the use of sensitive instruments from space, we are able to get a better view of the functioning of our atmosphere. Everything one earth is supported by the atmosphere, solar energy, and our plaent's magnetic field. The atmosphere absorbs the energy from the Sun, recycles water and other chemicals, and works with the electrical and magnetic forces to provide a moderate climate. The atmosphere also protects us from high-energy radiation and the frigid vacuum of space. The envelope of gas surrounding the Earth changes from the ground up. Four distinct layers have been identified using thermal characteristics (temperature changes), chemical composition, movement, and density (http//

A meteorologist job is try to predict what the weather will be. They use all kinds of equipment to come up with this data. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of data are collected every day from weather stations, radiosondes, satellites, and observers. To process this amount of information requires ever more powerful computers to perform the millions of calculations per second needed to model and predict the worlds ever changing weather. The mathematics of weather forecasting are very complex. Surprisingly, most information about the weather is collected by small automated land-based weather stations around the world. This has, to a large extent, replaced networks of observers around the country. Often these weather stations are similar to one you might find in a home or school garden. They are housed in a Stevenson screen or box which shelters the measuring instruments from direct sunlight and rain, whilst allowing air to flow freely. Some are still visited by observers who copy the information down by hand. One helpful devise is satellite. Satellite-derived data helps improve the accuracy of weather forecasts. The information and pictures we can get help us to understand how weather works. They also help us to anticipate weather events better for example, hurricane warnings (http//

The pattern of a weather system is not consistent because the weather is constantly changing. Air masses and accompanying fronts do not remain stationary for long. Although their movements are never exactly the same, they do exhibit some patterns that help meteorologists and others predict the weather. The boundary between two air masses is called a front. As a result, moving fronts indicate a change in the weather. On a weather map fronts are drawn where there is a large change in temperature and a shift in wind direction. A front can also be described as the boundary between adjacent Highs with different conditions


In conclusion, understanding the earth and its atmosphere is very important for the future of this planet. It is critical that we as individuals in society start taking care of this planet by reducing pollution and recycling so that the next generation can live in a healthy environment.

Please note that this sample paper on Meteorology is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Meteorology, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Meteorology will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Uncertain Love

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Uncertain Love. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Uncertain Love paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Uncertain Love, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Uncertain Love paper at affordable prices!

Uncertain Love

Love is a very complex subject and some couples may think they have found it, but in reality only a few may have had the privilege of experiencing it. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy, along with Jay Gatsby, are entangled in relationships based on wealth, possession, and obsession.

Tom viewed his beautiful wife Daisy as a possession rather than a soul mate. He seemed to think that to love someone you had to dominate them. His relationship was based on him controlling his wife and he loved being able to do so. Mr. Buchanan obviously didn't care for Daisy and proved it by cheating on her with Myrtle Wilson. Money was extremely important in keeping his marriage alive and Tom used it to buy Daisy expensive things such as a string of pearls worth $50,000 which in the present day would be worth well over $5,000,000. Tom did not think much of Gatsby and when Daisy told him that she was leaving him for Jay he replied, "She's not leaving me! Certainly not for a common swindler who'd have to steal the ring to put it on her finger!" That statement revealed that he felt superior to Gatsby and was very confident that Daisy would remain with him. Later, he even let Daisy ride home with Gatsby, again showing his assurance in their partnership. Though he did not seem worried he denounced his wife's affair and even claimed it was a step toward the eventual collapse of society and inter-racial marriage "Nowadays people begin sneering at family life…and have intermarriage between black and white." Tom was the ultimate hypocrite; he condemned his wife's affair but had no qualms about his own infidelity. This just showed how ignorant he really was. Tom Buchanan had it all, the money, a beautiful house and his gorgeous wife Daisy the last piece to fit into his image and complete the puzzle.

The affair between Tom and Myrtle was nothing special to Tom, just another fling made possible by his money; she was a disposable that he could throw away at any time. Myrtle was a greedy woman who was impressed with Tom's incredible wealth. Her husband George was poor and she wanted the good life. One would think that you'd try to keep an affair secret, but not Tom. He flaunted their relationship in public because he was careless of the consequences and "Tom's acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular restaurants with her [Myrtle] and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about chatting with whomsoever he knew." Tom definitely considered her inferior to him and showed this by slapping Myrtle across the face and breaking her nose. Tom's act of violence was brought on by her feeling she had the right to mention his wife Daisy's name and unfortunately Tom thought otherwise. This displayed what a bully and a hypocrite he truly was he carried on a public affair but was compelled to beat his mistress to keep her in her place. The strange thing was that he felt no guilt about this incident and it makes one wonder if he cared or if he was just using her for personal pleasure. Tom's greatest asset, money, once again was used to buy Myrtle whatever she wanted to keep her happy, including an Airedale that she thought was "cute." Tom's relationship with Myrtle was based on Tom controlling her with his wealth, and she was merely an amusement for his spare time.

Daisy Buchanan could not stand to wait for Gatsby and got wrapped up in money and a marriage with Tom Buchanan that she could not get out of. Her love for wealth was important to her and Tom had all the money she ever needed. She knew he was rather possessive but he gave her a sense of security that she so desperately needed. Daisy once said, "That's what I get for marrying a hulking, brute of a man," and that is what he was. A powerful man who controlled women and got what he wanted. Although she claimed to love Tom she must be missing something, or else she would not be cheating on him with Jay Gatsby. One would have assumed that Daisy would benefit if she had gotten out of the marriage but also should not blame her for staying in. She knew she could have anything she wanted whenever she wanted and all she had to do was ask. Daisy viewed her marriage with Tom as a relationship where she might not have been as happy as she wanted to be, but could be recognized in society and have money to satisfy her needs.

Daisy claimed to love Gatsby, but her love was as superficial as the image Gatsby had created with his money. Before the war, Jay Gatsby and Daisy were in love and she told him she would be waiting for him when he returned. Unfortunately for Gatsby, Daisy chose to marry Tom Buchanan who was a very, very wealthy man. When Jay returned from the war he got extremely wealthy himself and set out to get Daisy back. The first time they laid eyes on each other one would have thought that the love was as strong as it was five years earlier. It was, but only for Gatsby. Daisy got caught up in the wealth and all she wanted was the money. She obviously did not love him; she let him take the blame for Myrtle's death and went on as nothing had happened. This showed how cold and callous she truly was. Besides the money, she might have been trying to get back at her husband Tom for cheating on her, and she wanted to make him jealous. Although Daisy was caught up in Jay's riches and had a chance to be with him, in the end, she chose a man [Tom] whose money she knew was real and could not be lost.

Jay Gatsby let his lust for Daisy become an obsession and was controlled by it. He thought of nothing else but her and constantly analyzed over every little detail, keeping a scrapbook with pictures and events of her life. Gatsby remembered the past and was convinced that it could be like that once again. He organized massive parties hoping to attract her attention. Jay became delusional with love and was blinded by it. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock across the bay symbolized Gatsby's longing for her and the route to his dreams. His gorgeous mansion, his lavish parties, and all his shirts (which impressed Daisy so much) were just his way of trying to buy her love. When he kissed her five years earlier he had made a choice and committed to her, giving up his adventurous life. He so badly wanted them to be together and was determined to do everything in his power to make it happen. What he did not realize was how shallow she was; he was only concerned with her magnificent beauty. Gatsby was obsessed with Daisy but showed signs of his true love for her; taking the blame for Myrtle's death to protect her, and standing out in the rain the entire night to make sure did not face any harm. The only reason Gatsby's love was synthetic is that if he truly did love Daisy he would want her to be happy no matter what. He tried to break up the Buchanan's marriage not knowing that Daisy was only thinking of herself and would never divorce her controlling husband. Gatsby was too blinded by love to see how shallow Daisy really was and his fixation with her eventually cost him his life.

True love is an inexplicable and amazing thing that can compel human beings to act in ways which may seem eccentric. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald examined many partnerships that dealt with each character's different perspective of what love really is. Whether it be buying one's love with wealth, having someone as a possession rather than a companion, or obsessing over a lost love and trying to impress them by living a superficial life, and being someone that they thought others want them to be.

Please note that this sample paper on Uncertain Love is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Uncertain Love, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Uncertain Love will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Innocence of age

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on innocence of age. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality innocence of age paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in innocence of age, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your innocence of age paper at affordable prices!

The Innocence of Age

General Response

When reading "The Innocence of Age", I found the author, Neil Bissoondath, had a very unique writing style. He incorporated many flashbacks into his writing and had a unique method of character development. For instance, when a new character was brought into the storyline there was no immediate descriptions or background information provided about that character. As the story progressed and the character continued to appear, information was then revealed about the character's past and I was then able to visualize how this character fits into the plot. I found this interesting because at first I had no idea how the character tied into the novel but as the novel progressed I was able to put it all together. For instance, from the start of the novel Pasco always thought about a girl named Edna. At the beginning I had no idea who Edna was and how she tied in with the storyline. I eventually found out that she was his wife, and later on I found out that she died from a stroke. After finding out all this information Bissoondath provides flashbacks of Pasco's and Edna's life together. Sometimes it seemed as though this novel was going backwards. Personally, I do not like this writing style because it can be awkward and confusing to read. When reading this book I often had the feeling of being lost because I was not always one hundred percent sure who exactly each character was. However, I feel it is an effective technique because it forced me to want to read on and find out.

One thing I liked about this book was Bissoondath's vivid imagery. I liked how he was able to paint a clear picture in my mind of what was happening. Instead of just reading the words off the page, I was able to visualize what was being described. He seemed to make the book come alive with his details and descriptions. For instance, when Bissoondath used the words, " He was perspiring, his undershirt, white and growing ratty at the seams, cool where it clung damp to his skin,"(page 18) to describe Pasco waking up from a disturbed sleep, I had a distinct picture in my head of what he was describing. I feel that imagery is a very important part of a good book and I found Bissoondath's imagery to be very effective. I like it when the author's words come together to show me what is going on, without simply just telling me.

Help with essay on innocence of age

I was disappointed with the ending of this novel. The book just seemed to stop and there was no real resolution. It felt as though the book needed to be longer because its storyline did not come to a close. I found that this novel had a broken storyline. It was comprised of numerous subplots, which had no relation to one another. I did not like how a conflict would rise, and then one of the other subplots was discussed without resolving the conflict in the first subplot. For instance a skinhead named Emile commonly threatened Pasco, tension was developed between the two characters but the tension was never resolved. Emile threatened Pasco and started causing mischief in Pasco's restaurant but then a different plot took place and the situation was never resolved. Emile was never spoken of again in the novel, which did not make sense to me. I felt as though I was left hanging. What disappointed me the most about the ending of this book was that it ended with one of the very insignificant subplots of the story. I found that the main theme, Pasco and his son Daniel growing distant of each other, was not concluded. It felt as though I read the book for no reason, the ending was meaningless.

Passage Response

This passage from "The Innocence of Age" illustrates a key moment in the development of the main theme of the story. The story is about a father and son, Pasco and Daniel, whose lives grow apart and proceed down different pathways. During the story, Daniel and Pasco drift farther apart from each other as they find themselves living in two separate worlds. This is an important theme in the story and I use the word distance to describe this theme. Daniel and Pasco have opposite views and strategies in which they live their lives. As they peruse their lifestyles, they grow distant from each other. Their different views of ideal reality cause conflict to erupt between them and therefore their relationship becomes more and more distant as the story progresses.

Pasco is the owner of a restaurant, Pasco's that is also known as the Greasy Spoon, and Daniel is an inspired businessman. Daniel is enthusiastic about change and he peruses an improved lifestyle. He is money hungry and the thought of increasing the size of his wallet makes him tick. He is driven by the thoughts of expansion. Being in

real-estate, he inspires to increase the value of any building he has connections with. Making money is his number one priority in life.

Pasco is threatened by change. He is an old fashioned man who is trapped in a world that is changing around him. This scares him. He lives in the past and dwells on his previous life when his wife Edna was still alive. Unlike his son, he has no concern for wealth and prosperity. He seeks independence and hides himself from the world of expansion. Pasco and Daniel have variations of reality, which contributes to their distance from one another.

Since Daniel's world evolves around money, he constantly attempts to increase the value of his father's possessions. He aspires to turn Pasco's (his father's restaurant) into a first class diner and immensely increase profits. He presents many ideas of expansion to Pasco, which he impassively disregards. Daniel feels that his father is not living his life to its highest potential. He does not understand why his father would turn down the opportunity to make more money and live a high-class lifestyle. He did however manage to convince his father to renovate his house to increase the value, but this took a lot of convincing and bribery on Daniel's part. I don't think Daniel understands his father's views of life. Daniel feels he is practical while his father is shallow.

Pasco is not inspired by the thought of increasing profits; he desires independence. He previously gave up a higher paying job as an insurance agent to work in the restaurant. He wanted to possess the feeling of being in control and to be his own boss. The different views between Pasco and Daniel caused many disputes between them. They commonly fought with each other while attempting to make the other see their ways. Neither of them were willing to change their views of reality to suit the others needs, which lead them to becoming distant of each other.

This passage presents a clear message that Pasco and Danny are very different; they possess opposite values and ways of thinking. Through out the story the theme of distance is developed between them. Daniel lives a straightforward life in the real world, while Pasco creates his own world of illusion; a world without change. For example, when his friend Montgomery passed away, he resisted the truth by not attending his funeral. Daniel, a realist, views his father as someone who lives in a world of lies. Because the difference between Pasco and Daniel grew so large, unfortunately they became very distant as they perused their separate lives.

Please note that this sample paper on innocence of age is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on innocence of age, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on innocence of age will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

"The Goophered Grapevine"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on "The Goophered Grapevine". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality "The Goophered Grapevine" paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in "The Goophered Grapevine", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your "The Goophered Grapevine" paper at affordable prices!

Differences in expression, whether creative or non-creative, is an evident device in most literary works a difference that includes not only the content of a work, but its language. Use of language can help an author construct an idea without explicitly identifying the main point. Charles W. Chesnutt's "The Goophered Grapevine" enlists language to express many deep and profound fundamental problems that existed during Post-Civil War America. His point was made by interrelating two narrative viewpointsthat of a Northern entrepreneur (John) and an ex-slave (Julius). Chesnutt's narrators who possess warring viewpoints are used to divide many social, economic, and racial classes. Chesnutt's literary use of language comes from the differentiation in narrative style. The story is written from two opposing viewpoints John who represents that which is white, rich, and Northern, and Julius who stands for what is black, poor, and Southern. The problem that Chesnutt examines through his narration is the racial injustices brought upon the black slaves, and differing ideologies and perspectives from one group to another in the time period shortly after the Civil War.

The story begins as John a carpetbagger, sets out for a change in climate because of his wife's poor health. John, engaged in the grape-culture in Ohio, decides to look for a more southern atmosphere to continue business. On the advice of a cousin who had moved to North Carolina he also did the same. Upon looking around town and deciding and looking several times at one place that he thought would suit him he ventures up to the plantation to show his wife. They come across Julius, a former slave who tries to advise why John should not be buying the vineyard. This is where we find our second narrative viewpoint, Julius, who tells a story inside the story.

Julius catalogs a story how a plantation owner, Mars Dugal McAdoo, hires Aunt Peggy, a free black woman living nearby to put a spell on his vineyards as a way to keep slaves from stealing his grapes. Peggy's spell causes anyone who eats the grapes to die within twelve months of eating them. Just the threat of this magic convinces the local slaves not to eat the grapes, until Henry, a recently acquired slave who has not been warned of the spell, eats grapes from the vines. Since Henry knew nothing of the goopher, Aunt Peggy decides to spare him by putting a protective spell on him, but one that links him directly with the vine's well-being. When the crops thrive in the summer, Henry thrives, but when the off-season saps the vines of their strength, Henry is likewise weakened. The spell therefore coincided with the growth, dormancy and regeneration of the grapevines.

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Dugal McAdoo the slave owner/plantation owner-for whom, Julius explains, "it ha' ter be a mighty rainy day when he could n fine sump'n fer his niggers ter do, en…ha' ter be a monst'us cloudy night when a dollar git by in de darkness'" (1645) - notes the pattern of Henry's deterioration and renewal and comes up with a plan to profit from the imbalances in his strength. So he sells Henry off in the summer for a large sum and then in the fall buys him back for a less considerable amount. The plan works so well that McAdoo is able to purchase another plantation from his proceeds from Henry. But his greed gets the best of him when he takes the advice from a Yankee the crops and Henry die.

Thus Julius's embedded narrative about Henry offers John (and the reader) a commentary on the treatment of blacks and the worth of slaves in the Old South. Henry is just another piece of land or equipment that McAdoo profits from every season. It was made clear in many instances that is how the author felt why McAdoo even took care of Henry during his "off-season" "He tuk good keer uv 'im dyoin' er de winter, give 'im w'iskey ter rub his rheumatiz en terbacker ter smoke, en all he want ter eat, -'caze a nigger w'at he could make a thousan' dollars a year off'n did n' grow on eve'y huckleberry bush." (1645) And Julius emphasizes the coexistence of Henry and the land once more when McAdoo went to war against the Yankees "Mars Dugal tuk on might'ly 'bout losin' his vimes en his nigger in de same year… he say he wuz mighty glad dat wah come, en he des want ter kill a Yankee fer eve'y dollar he los' 'long er dat grape-rasin' Yankee'" (1647) Once again, the life of a black human being is measured in economic terms.

The differences in beliefs are also quite evident in the story. Julius nearly directly comments upon what John told us in the introduction that he had moved south on the advice of a doctor, "in whose skill and honesty I had implicit confidence" (1640). This tells us of John's white, conventional beliefs in science, which Julius clearly does not believe in. The first time occurs when the spell claims two unwary victims, deaths the white folks claims were the "fevuh, but de niggers knowed it was goopher"(164). Julius also establishes his belief in the spells and folklore when he explains Henry's first ebb in strength "He sent fer a mighty fine doctor, but de med'cine did n' 'pear ter do no good; de goopher had a good holt." (1644) While John remains skeptical about the goophering, Julius here puts his own beliefs into the story with the same relevancy that science is seen in Julius's world.

When Julius finishes his story we see the power that Chesnutt has to characterize each person in the narrative through his literary use of language. Annie asks the question "Is that story true? Asked Annie doubtfully, but seriously, as the old man concluded his narrative," (1647) with three words he has just characterized Annie, unable to believe either side of the tracks doubtfully, but seriously. Annie is the middle way in the story not on one side or another not only believing in science or not only believing in the folklore.

The language is so unmistakable for each individual in the story and precise that we build our views of each person through their speech patterns, dialect, and ways of telling stories. We see John the rich, white, Northern man with all his intelligence and entrepreneurship narrate so beautifully and gracefully. Then there is Julius who can barely speak correctly and sometimes one is not sure of what he is even saying so that is our black, indigent, Southern man. Now we also have Henry and McAdoo who are only described by Julius which could not have been half as effective if only one narrator was present. Chesnutt's narrative skill of language made the story what it is, a story about a man from the North who has his own sets of beliefs comes to the South to start a business who runs into a former slave who tells him of a spell set upon a vineyard he was ultimately interested in and buys and helps support the ex-slave. The complex underlying tales of unjust treatment of slaves in the South during this time period before and after the Civil War, and the different sets of beliefs between the races and how they set relations apart, makes to me how the literary use of language can be used to offset and identify two sub-cultures of the United States during Chesnutt's time period.

Please note that this sample paper on "The Goophered Grapevine" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on "The Goophered Grapevine", we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on "The Goophered Grapevine" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, November 5, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES paper at affordable prices!

Culture and individual beliefs are capable of affecting the principle and reasoning in every area of thinking. In view of the fact that all cultures are diverse, there are some which are more likely to commit particular fallacies than others. A persons culture is based upon numerous aspects such as race, history, geography, religion, and language. All of these things play a different part in cultures, and affect reasoning in a variety of ways and areas.

Culture, is a very persuasive and potent factor in the ways of our individual beliefs, and thoroughly plays an impact on our society today, also dating back hundreds of years ago. It is what makes our society, creating a basis for our beliefs, and influencing our logical thinking, therefore playing a very influential and immense role on the conclusions we reach as an individual. There are several various diverse cultures all around the world, and all are influenced by various examples, in their society. For instance, religion, physical environment, inspirational people (activists, presidents, humanitarians..), scientific affairs, and other numerous aspects in culture, which can dominantly inspire and manipulate the way we think, and why we think that way.

Culture in ancient times, was defined as "the sum total of the equipment of the human individual, which enables him to be attuned to his immediate environment on the historical past on the other". This means that culture reflects on the foundation of what humans have added to nature, otherwise meaning humans are what make up culture and society today. Culture consists of the intellectual, emotional features, and spiritual material of society today, and in addition, includes the value systems, traditions and modes of life and beliefs in society today. Furthermore, it also undergoes changes with time, absorbing from other different cultures, which sometimes could have a positive effect and other times negative. Today, there is a rapidly growing body of knowledge which in some causes "physical infections" to our culture, and the "poisoning" of peoples minds. A good example of this case is the habit of smoking, and how it is negatively infecting our culture, by mentally influencing the people to smoke. Consequently causing the "poisoning" of countless peoples minds, by making them believe in this habit, and this of coarse leads to deadly effects, which kills thousands of people each year. Although some of the knowledge has harmed the sphere of culture, there is knowledge that has been beneficial to culture, and given a "helping hand" to many diverse societies today.

Culture and individual beliefs depending of the culture affect different areas of logic differently. For example, a person from the Bahamas reasoning in fishing would differ from a person which is living in Alaska. The different aspects of culture have a diverse degree of effect on reasoning all depending on what factor influenced the culture more convincingly in development. A good example of this is, in Africa the religion rituals and the geography are very influential, while in Europe primarily history played a large part in developing the existing cultures. So as you can see, this is an example of two very different countries, separated by two very different cultural influences, therefore differentiating the beliefs and set of minds of the peoples residing in both nations. It is difficult to say if the effect of culture and individual beliefs on logic is negative or positive, although these effects on reasoning are a major cause to the misunderstandings in the world today. Furthermore, the world would be a plain place without the present diverse cultures. It is only when acceptance and tolerance become a part of our individual beliefs that it may be possible for culture and beliefs to not negatively affect conclusions reached.


In culture, there are many sides, which and all of them influence what is personally known and the way one makes decisions. And these sides or aspects are predominantly background (history), religion, individual beliefs, language, geography, and even race. The aspect of culture which are individual beliefs, are defined as being convictions and opinions. These two things are usually based on the other aspects of culture mentioned. For example a person who is a Muslim would most likely have different beliefs about the roles of women in society than someone who is Christian. In this example, the individual belief is a type code concerning women which was based by the development of the particular religions. Even though religion plays a very strong impact in our society today, beliefs are also cultivated trough family, education, peers, and in many cases can be developed depending on the area and time period that a person lives in. For example, since a person is living during the time period of Great Depression, that person would therefore firmly believe in saving money and working hard.

Now shifting toward back in history, to the early 100's, here is a good example of how culture and individual believes, can largely impact the conclusions we reach, and affect our logical thinking. When the perverse political genius Adolf Hitler, came into power (title of fuhrer) in 15 in Germany, he vowed to get rid of all the Jewish people, who resided in Germany, and else where if possible (Austria), because he blamed the Jewish for Germany's loss in a war. So he brain washed the minds of millions of people, including the massive amount of soldiers involved in the war, to hate the people of Jewish decent. So as you can see, how the evolving culture in that era in Germany, along with the individual beliefs of Hitler and the German people, affected their logical thinking and foremost influenced their conclusions that they resulted upon. They altogether first of all, were influenced to hate the Jews by their culture, and how it was interacting on this situation, and this lead to their hateful individual beliefs of the many German people against the hundreds of Jews. Moreover making them think irrationally, logically speaking about the Jewish people. So the great effect, of all their logical thinking, made them come to the conclusion, that all the Jewish people were bad and did not deserve to live. Therefore helping in the initiation of the holocaust, where thousands of Jewish peoples' in Germany, Austria and other countries, were immorally slaughtered and tragically beaten, simply because of their individual beliefs and influences in culture, which led them to conclude to such things.

Now to sum up the point of which "culture and individual beliefs play a role in logical thinking, and the conclusions we reach" there is a large assortment of different cultures all around the world, and all are influenced by the aspects of their culture, therefore having an influence on their believes, logical thinking, and the conclusions they reach from this. All the examples mentioned previously are true cases, which can explain the authenticity of this statement, and provide you a good explanation of the meaning of this verified testament. It is an obvious fact that cultural and individual beliefs can influence the minds of people in the ways of their logical thinking, furthermore the conclusions they reach, by the several different miscellaneous aspects of the cultures today, and also dating back to the past.

Please note that this sample paper on MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on MUSIC AND ITS PRIORITIES will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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