
Tuesday, November 3, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on friend. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality friend paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in friend, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your friend paper at affordable prices!

Friends Can Destroy You

Friends maintain immense abandon of sources to develop a good relationship between two people. As we general say friends' interpretations must be honesty, straightforward to each other. They should agree each other's opinions. They support self-awareness to each other. They don't walk away when troubles come to them but to give them hands. Such civilization of friend identities put my self into a den deeper and deeper. The more I experience the more I recess friends are definitely brutal, deceived and distrustful.

According to my empirical of self-esteem in friendship that I have realized friends who take an advantages form each other. They are relentlessly impact their sentiments. They approach you when they need you, but they never regard you when you need them. There are too many evidences that show how and why my friends betrayed me all the time. The next paragraphs will talk about one of my friends. Through out the incidence has occurred me that I am thoroughly assured friends are selfish, distrustful, foolish, and sorrowful.

My past memory has frequency consecutively emerged in my brain that my best friend has betrayed me again and again.

Order Custom friend paper

Since I was in high school that I have met several best friends, one of them are the special one. We went out together, drunk together. Even we shared the money we had. Such of happiness made us even closely like blood brother. We were all well known to each of our parents, because we were intimacy doing things together. Not only this but we also helped each other when there fights beside us.

On the year of my age18, when was my last year to graduate from high school. At the same time there also was the high provoking promotion reflected every one to get an opposite partners which we call boyfriends or girlfriends. So I carried this thought to look for one who I got was I like the most, she has a lot of things some other girls don't have. I had been together nearly a year. During that year my best friend was also well known about her who we went out together and played together. He regarded us all the time, what she was good at or the things we did together. One day I stumbled on they were together one night. We gradually broke up….

Furthermore, not only this but also he cheated on me when I immigrated to the Unite States. He cheated on me of he was going to buy a house for his mother who was old and sick. Such faith of parents influenced me to lend amount of money to him. However, later I found out he got the money to gamble and loosed it. From that time on he broke his promise to pay me money back and has not even give a call.

Confronting frustrations that I recessed the reasons why my friends had chosen to cheat on me, because I was too dependable on my friends. I shared my secrets and feeling. I sacrificed most of things which have never thought to achieve them back. Being excessive in believe people who never shared their secrets or thoughts with me. Profoundly we concern if we really find ones who we can trust on. Then we should treasure them but not to destroy them.

Friends are variety groups of people who help each other, comfort to each other, and encourage each other. However, they can destroy our feeling of human dignities. They can grab every thing you have and gone for permanently. Friends could bring happiness or could give hand to you to be succeeded. But at the same time it also can be revise of the opposite sides or make you lost even more than he or she helped you gain. There has such proverb saying "the more love you receive the more pain you pay" it is truer than ever since.

yyFriends Can Destroy You

Friends maintain immense abandon of sources to develop a good relationship between two people. As we general say friends' interpretations must be honesty, straightforward to each other. They should agree each other's opinions. They support self-awareness to each other. They don't walk away when troubles come to them but to give them hands. Such civilization of friend identities put my self into a den deeper and deeper. The more I experience the more I recess friends are definitely brutal, deceived and distrustful.

According to my empirical of self-esteem in friendship that I have realized friends who take an advantages form each other. They are relentlessly impact their sentiments. They approach you when they need you, but they never regard you when you need them. There are too many evidences that show how and why my friends betrayed me all the time. The next paragraphs will talk about one of my friends. Through out the incidence has occurred me that I am thoroughly assured friends are selfish, distrustful, foolish, and sorrowful.

My past memory has frequency consecutively emerged in my brain that my best friend has betrayed me again and again.

Since I was in high school that I have met several best friends, one of them are the special one. We went out together, drunk together. Even we shared the money we had. Such of happiness made us even closely like blood brother. We were all well known to each of our parents, because we were intimacy doing things together. Not only this but we also helped each other when there fights beside us.

On the year of my age18, when was my last year to graduate from high school. At the same time there also was the high provoking promotion reflected every one to get an opposite partners which we call boyfriends or girlfriends. So I carried this thought to look for one who I got was I like the most, she has a lot of things some other girls don't have. I had been together nearly a year. During that year my best friend was also well known about her who we went out together and played together. He regarded us all the time, what she was good at or the things we did together. One day I stumbled on they were together one night. We gradually broke up….

Furthermore, not only this but also he cheated on me when I immigrated to the Unite States. He cheated on me of he was going to buy a house for his mother who was old and sick. Such faith of parents influenced me to lend amount of money to him. However, later I found out he got the money to gamble and loosed it. From that time on he broke his promise to pay me money back and has not even give a call.

Confronting frustrations that I recessed the reasons why my friends had chosen to cheat on me, because I was too dependable on my friends. I shared my secrets and feeling. I sacrificed most of things which have never thought to achieve them back. Being excessive in believe people who never shared their secrets or thoughts with me. Profoundly we concern if we really find ones who we can trust on. Then we should treasure them but not to destroy them.

Friends are variety groups of people who help each other, comfort to each other, and encourage each other. However, they can destroy our feeling of human dignities. They can grab every thing you have and gone for permanently. Friends could bring happiness or could give hand to you to be succeeded. But at the same time it also can be revise of the opposite sides or make you lost even more than he or she helped you gain. There has such proverb saying "the more love you receive the more pain you pay" it is truer than ever since.

Please note that this sample paper on friend is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on friend, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on friend will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Social thinking

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on social thinking. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality social thinking paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in social thinking, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your social thinking paper at affordable prices!

Within the social sciences there exists a common subject that links the various disciplines together. That is the scientific study of pattern and diversity in human adaptive behavior. Pattern and diversity distinguishes humans from all other living things, but does not make us unique or better. This adaptive behavior is locally patterned and globally diverse. Although it is genetically transmittable, learned behavior is not. Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings from a biological, social and humanistic perspective. Sociology is the scientific study of social relations or group life of a society. These two disciplines have similar ideas in their practices of material field and conceptions. They also have differences in their forms of methodologies.

There are four basic elements that are used in studying a discipline. They are conception, material field, methodologies, and subject-matter claims. Conceptions create images for structure and dynamics underlying observable phenomena. A disciplines material field is the common-sense principality of objects and events that the discipline studies. Methodologies establish images of safe procedure and a clear conclusion by which a material field may be understood. Methodologies prescribe specific methods for collecting data that are used to evaluate a discipline's conception. Subject matter claims are highly selective pictures of its material field that are made from inferences drawn out of individual methodological rules for the purpose of evaluating particular conceptions.

Eleanor Smith Bowens book, Return to Laughter takes a fictional approach to her study of the Tiv culture. She is an Anthropologist who examines the rules of right behavior as functions in the Tiv culture of West Africa. The material field of Bowens anthropological study is observing the Tiv peoples pattern of behavior in their everyday life. Some limitations to anthropology are that descriptions of the rules are reached with biased emotions, and you cant do controlled experiments because it is real life. When anthropologists are participating with members of the culture, their own views and opinions become obstacles that get in the way of being objective. The conceptions (or culture) are learned through the rules of right behavior. An example of a rule of right behavior in the Tiv culture was laughing at disabled people. That behavior was extremely appalling to Bowen yet, it is a behavior that was acceptable in the Tiv culture. This is an example of how thick culture really does cut. Bowen learned the patterns of the Tiv people by using the methodology of participant observation. In order to thoroughly understand the culture and its people, Bowen had to assume the role of every possible member in society. She was her own best instrumental tool. In being assigned different names by the tribe, she was able to see what is expected from people of different social positions. As well as how the Tiv people interact with and treat individuals from different social positions. In making inferences from her experiences, Bowen arrived to her subject matter claims that the Tiv cultures focal point was witchcraft. The other was that older is more powerful and that power was cast in the male kindred line. It was a way of explaining the unexplained to the Tiv. It gave the Tiv a sense of hope and control, which showed they seriously, believed thats the way it is; things happen for a reason. Bowen, in her study, was practicing normal science. She did not seem to be very innovative in her methods.

Peter Berger examines sociology and social structure in his book Invitation to Sociology. Sociologists study the functions of a population that function by specialization, and categorize members into groups that accomplish tasks in society. The material field is the study of a large population of people. This structure of society is thought to be an instrument of human adaptive behavior. The things that make up this structure must be different. Throughout history, structure endures a cycle of repetition. Roles are designed to establish social structure. The role provides a pattern to which the individual acts in a particular situation. Sociologys conceptions is composed of a collection of like beings of the same kind, whose members live in a high state of interdependency, and who appear to be bent on enduring over time. Members of society find it necessary to seek the behaviors of others in order to satisfy their own wants and needs. They are not able to satisfy these needs on there own as individuals. In order for interdependency to work, it is important for members not to be carbon copies of each other. The limitations of sociology is that interdependency appears to relinquish freedom of choice. However, if freedom of choice were to be utilized by everyone the social system would break down. The methodologies used to study populations are survey research and experiments. This type of methodology can be difficult because it is impossible for every person within the population to be surveyed. Therefore, it is hard to be certain that it is an accurate demographic representation of the large society. The information collected from the surveys and experiments are formulated as the final outcome for the subject matter claims.

Custom writing service can write essays on social thinking

Anthropological and sociological sciences share similarities regarding material field and conceptions. The material field is objects and events that the discipline studies. An example of material field in anthropology was the small group of Tiv people that Bowen observed. The material field for sociology is a study of a large population. Conceptions in the study of anthropology consist of culture, which is the set of rules of right behavior that is shared by the people under study. These rules are shared and transmitted over generations. In sociology conceptions include a population in a high state of interdependency, which is built on trust. These studies involve examining people functioning in social systems, with an emphasis on external differentiation.

Anthropology and sociology have differences in the forms of methodologies.

Methodologies are specific methods for gathering data that can be used to evaluate conceptions of a discipline. Anthropologys method of study is participant observation. The anthropologist observes a culture by participating as a member. Sociology utilizes survey research as a preferred methodology. This type of research includes questionnaires that are administered to carefully selected samples in the society under research.

The social sciences consist of different disciplines in which each studies certain aspects of the human adaptive behavior. Each discipline is geared to look at the pattern and diversity of humans in different ways, by asking different questions and using different material fields and methods. The conceptions, material field, methodologies and subject matter claims help to formulate scientific information as well as ideologies of human adaptive behavior. As has been shown, anthropology and sociology contain similarities as well as differences in their practices.

Please note that this sample paper on social thinking is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on social thinking, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on social thinking will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Sunday, November 1, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA paper at affordable prices!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are

endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (Thomas Jefferson).

The Declaration of Independence is that it does not say, We hold these truths to


be self-evident, that all men including their race, creed, religion, or color are created

equal, that they…. Thomas Jeffersons words were hypocritical. Not all men were

created equal and these men were slaves. Slavery has existed throughout the United

States at the time and by 1760 there were about 5,800 African slaves in North


Slavery in America started when the New World was first discovered. It started

off when the first colonists came to the Americas and in order to survive they needed to

farm the land and grow crops. Since they were not accustomed for the hot sun and were

too lazy for hard labor. In order to survive they needed a large labor force to farm the

lands. They tried to capture the native Indians and failed, for many reasons one of them

was from smallpox, and from various diseases, which killed them. Another reason that

the Europeans could not capture them was because they had been in America all their

lives and they were a majority. Therefore the Europeans set out to seize African slaves.

Africans were the perfect choice of slaves to farm in colonial America, because

slavery had already existed in Africa. Plus Africans could endure the heat of the raging

sun, since Africa and America's weather were similar. Also both African and European

colonist's bodies could resist many diseases, unlike native Indians.

Africans were shipped from Africa by the Europeans in what was called the Triangular

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. This was an organized route where Europeans would travel

to Africa bringing manufactured goods, capture Africans and take them to America.

Eventually they would take the crops and goods and bring them back to Europe.

However the Europeans had no humanity what so ever. For example, they

separated Africans from their families by the age of ten. After that they were shipped in

uncomfortable ships. Most of them suffered from suffocation, disease, and lack of


"And disease had begun to swell the legs of some sudlts. Yet other develop fevers with

heavy sweating and trembling chills" (Roots, 11)

Some of the African slaves committed suicide, the reason for that was because

they could not stand the lack of sanitation or the deseases and sicknesses that spread

around the boat. They were also the basis of Americas economic system since they grew

most of the crops, such as tobacco industries. That helped their economy to grow due to

the effect that the demand for tobacco was very big in Europe, so exporting the crop was

a major factor in developing the agricultural economics.

" Fend kiling dorong leh warrata ka iteh tee ( Behold- the only thing great than

yourself)" ( Roots,)The African natives were of all ages and sexes. Women usually

worked in the homes, cooking and cleaning, whereas men were sent out into the

plantations to farm. Young girls would usually help in the house. Young boys would help

in the farm by bailing hay and loading wagons with crops.

Large numbers of African slaves working together on the same land or lands close

together would usually talk to each other in their language (the Gullah language).

Speaking in their own language helped them keep their own cultures traditions, and


The harshness of slavery was different depending on the plantation in which the

slaves were located. Slaves in California were very ill treated. Californians believed in

racism, they didn't like to treat black's equally. Therefore they treated them harshly.

Slaves in Richmond and other towns would work as artisans or laborers, as long as they

sent part of their wages and the money that they make to their masters, they still had

harsh laws.

There came a time when the population grew and was about 50,000, that

happened because of the mixed economy. Everyone worked in different occupations. The

African Americans worked in either the fields or as cooks, housekeepers, personal

servants, or artisans. Some of the most important jobs were to work as lumberjacks or

shipbuilders. They built these ships because some slaves worked on the docks, or as

merchant sailors, fishermen, whalers, and privateers. Some African American men and

women worked in urban areas, in manufacturing and trading or as servants in the homes

of the rich families.

" After you get hitched, I'm takin' back tthat travelin' pass! .. "(Roots

45) Life was hard for both the free and non-free African slaves. Both were treated badly

and disrespectfully. They had to obey a number of harsh rules; for example they couldn't

gather for a harmful dance. They needed written passes to leave town or even if they

wanted to travel more than forty miles from their destination, their punishment was to be

cut up into pieces.

Anti-slavery ideas started in the north, since they were allowed to become

popular. Eventually it moved down to the south; however, it took time for the southerners

to accept it. This was bad for the landlords because if slavery were abolished then most

or all of the economy in the south would collapse. Therefor plantation owners or

landlords would no longer have cheap labor which will then result in expensive products

so that means they can no longer compete in the market.

After anti-slavery ideas began to rise, political problems rose with them. After a

little while the civil started, at the end of the civil war, as you might know the north was

victorious over the south, that moment was when the north forced the south to ban

slavery. Which ended up in the destruction of the south.

The right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right

to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others).

There is no such thing as the right to enslave. A nation can do it, just as a man can

become a criminal- but neither can do it by right. (Ayn Rand)

I come to conclude that slaves were people just as their slave owners were people.

Despite the difference of opinions throughout this great country, it was an inevitable

conclusion that everyone should have been treated equally. The enslavement of humans

obviously produced different opinions among many Americans, which in turn I believe to

be the start of the Civil War. African-Americans suffered through many hardships and

losses over time. One must come to the realization that all humans should be treated the

same no matter what their race, creed, or color. This is all in the past and Americans

should treat it as such. We must never forget the hardships each and every American has

gone through. Instead reflect on what has happened in the past and learn from it. Look to

the future and remember all men are created equal.

Please note that this sample paper on SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on SLAVERY IN NORTH AMERICA will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, October 30, 2020

In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"? paper at affordable prices!

In Shakespeare's plays, there are many important scenes. In "Hamlet" one of the most important is Act III scene ii. This could be because it is a "key" scene in the fact that in unlocks a path for which the rest of the play will follow course. Or that it is a "key" scene because of its content, like the fact that it contains a play-within-a-play ect.

In my essay, I will discuss both of the point stated.

The main point of this scene is to see whether the Ghost seen in Act I Scene ii is telling the truth, or, if he is just an evil spirit, taking the form of Hamlet.

In this scene hamlet uses the play as a device with which to see if Claudius is guilty of murdering his father if not. He has the players act a scene like the ghosts account of how he was murdered. He and Horatio observe Claudius's reaction to the play and see if he reacts to it. We can tell that Hamlet thinks that he will react because he says

"…I have heard that guilty creatures sitting at a play have by the very cunning

of the scene been struck to the sole, that presently they have proclaimed their maletacions"

but there are also many differences between the "play-within-the-play" and what hamlet is told by the Ghost. Hamlet cannot have the actors play out the exactly what was said, because or else Claudius will know that Hamlet knows that he murdered his own brother, and that Hamlet wants to kill him.

One of the differences is that the prisoner, Lucianus, is not actually the kings brother, nut his nephew. The prisoner also "woos the Queen with gifts"; this does not happen in the play. The Queen also seems harsh to the idea of marring again, but in actual fact, she does not.

When Claudius is watching the play, the reacts to the scene when the Player King (sleeping in his orchard) Is poisoned by his nephew, just as hamlet had planned. Claudius starts calling for "Light" This could have many different meanings, "Light" could mean goodness or forgiveness, and he is seen in the next scene to be praying for forgiveness. Hamlet is delighted that his plan has worked, and that Claudius has revealed his guilt.

Hamlet asks if the king is frightened by "false fire", this could be like false fire in a gun, when there is no gunpowder (he is afraid of nothing).

At the start of this scene, Shakespeare gives advice to actors though Hamlet. We know this because the lines 1 to 6 were added to the play in a later edition. These likes also do not add to any of the plot.

Fellow playwrights of Shakespeare would have witnessed the play. He then states what the problems with acting are. These problems

The Problems of acting in Shakespeare's day

There were many problems in the standard of acting in Shakespeare's day. This

can be deduced by the extra lines that were added in Act III Scene ii lines


People who used to act in plays at the time often shouted (as to be heard over

the talking and noise of the crowd). Shakespeare says that town crier might as

well act the plays, as they would be just as loud.

The actors also over did (over played) emotion, and that they weren't being

natural in the way that they acted, they weren't "Portraying nature" because no

one naturally.

In this scene, Hamlet reacts with many of the other characters in the play. It shows that he is a very witty character, always resorting to puns.

We can tell a lot bout how the stage was set up, and how theatre parts were played. Limelights were used to light the stage form below. When hamlet says "what, frightened by false fire?", false fire also refers to the "false fire" used to light the stage.

The fact that Shakespeare used original stories to base his plays on is also shown in this scene. Hamlet uses an earlier story to write his playa.

This scene also introduces a vicious circle to the play. Hamlet (wants to kill) Claudius (who tells) Leurties (to kill) Hamlet ect. This is a truing point in the play, where it is sent in a different direction than the audience think.

It is rare to have a dumb show, or play-within-a-play, within a play, and Hamlet is one of two Shakespeare plays which has one, the other one being A mid summers night dream. It is an important part of this scene because it is the only time within the entire play that we see the murder, after all, this is a play about murder. Before all we knew about the murder was what the Ghost tells Hamlet. It is one of the few examples what a dumb show was like during Shakespeare's time.

The dumb show was shown before the play to introduce it, like a program is used today. It was used to make people understand the main concept of the play.

During lines 46 to 64, Hamlet talks to Horatio about them being friends, and then, on line 64, says

"Something too much of this"

He says it like it is not a manly thing to be talking about. So men did not play sentimental parts on stage.

After the play has taken place, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz call Hamlet to his mother. He then accuses both of them of lying to him. They deny this, but know that they are. Hamlet says that lying is as easy as playing a flute. He then shows this to the audience by playing with Polonius, asking if he can see the cloud shapes in the sky, which obviously do not look like anything, and then changing his mind. Polonius then agrees with everything that he is told.

Hamlets soliloquy is used in communicating his current emotional state to the audience because it reveals the true nature of Hamlets feelings; not only through the diction but also through the imagery, language and underlying messages of the text. It successfully highlights the divisions of character of Hamlet whilst aiding the audience in building a connection with him.

The play dealt with contemporary issues at the time. The question of who would succeed Elizabeth the Ist was an important one at the time. The play deals with the murder of a king, which would have been shaking to the audience because of its subject, a king was appointed by God, and if he was killed, it would be like disobeying God.

In he play, when all of the royal family is dead, Fortinbras claims the throne and becomes king of Denmark, Fortinbras is a prince form Norway.

"..with sorrow I embrace my fortune. I have some rights of memory in this kingdom, which now to claim my vantage doth invite me."

This, in Shakespearian times, would have been the happy ending to the play. The throne was taken over by someone with royal blood, who had been appointed by God.

One of the most important, or key, scenes in the play "Hamlet" is Act II Scene ii. This is because of many reasons. It changes the course that the play takes because of the fact that Hamlet now knows that the Ghost seen in Act I Scene ii is telling the truth. He will then try and kill Claudius. It is also important because it revels a lot about how the art of acting was conducted in Shakespeare's time.

Please note that this sample paper on In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on In what ways is Act III Scene ii one of the key scenes in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet"? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lord of flies

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on lord of flies. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality lord of flies paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in lord of flies, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your lord of flies paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!


Section 1-Theme

Lord of the flies, written by William Golding, is a suspenseful and entertaining novel that relates a lot with the book that I've read called Rite of Passage by Richard Wright. Both of their contents compare to each other in many cases. On keeping with several of Wrights black hero's, Johnny is jolted out of his innocence into the stark realization of the world as a hostile place, when he escapes from home, and is on his own. This theme in the novel is extremely similar to the theme in Lord of the Flies, when a group of boys get violent on an island where no adults live. They both revolve around the theme of evil. Such as in both, the main characters/ character loose their innocence during the entrance to reality in the world and what it's all about. The difference although is the fact that a part of Rite of Passage deals with racism as its form of evil, whereas in Lord of the Flies, it's more about power or survival of the fittest and violence. "Somehow it feels better" Skinkie one of the black kids in Rite of passage said . When he spoke those words he was answering Johnny, the main characters question about mugging white people rather than black. "But the island was scorched up like dead wood-Simon was dead.." We see here, that at the end of the book, evil shows itself, as the way the boys finally leave the island.

Section -Development

Cheap University Papers on lord of flies

As said in section 1, evil, taking part as the theme in both of the novels, compare and contrast to each other in both of the books. A good way, in which I am able to explain this, is through two literary elements, such as character and setting. I've decided to chose Jack Merridew as my character from Lord of the Flies and Johnny Gibbs as the character in Rite of Passage. Jack Merridew is known as the chief of the leader on the island. Jack compares to Johnny in some ways but not all. Jack is described by Golding as tall, thin, and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of this face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger. Jack is the leading advocate of anarchy on the island. Jack is the leader of the savage tribe which hunts the pigs. He supports the notion that one's desires are most important and should be followed, regardless of reason or morals. Jack is the kind of person which Golding believed everyone would eventually become if left alone to set one's own standards and live the way one naturally wanted. Golding believed that the natural state of humans is chaos and that man is inherently evil. When reason is abandoned, only the strong survive. Jack personifies this idea perfectly. He is domineering and lacks restraint at times. He does have leadership; it's almost as if he is "power hungry". The conflict that arises between Jack, is with another character named Ralph, about who will be leader. Id say that in my opinion Jack is a dynamic character because the seeds of evil were always there to begin with. Even though he does in fact become as one would say "eviler", this is only but in degree not in kind. As for Jack's credibility, he could easily represent what a person could really be like. It's very credible for everyone to become savage, especially when freedom comes around.

Johnny Gibbs, is a 15 year old boy, he is black skinned, does well in school and is very well behaved. He is found to be a "good and happy boy" according to Wright. But this was only at the beginning, before Johnny had learned what was really out there, in the open world, where he was all alone. "The world was rosy and happy" Indeed, it was until the loss of his innocence while he lived on the streets after running away from home. This for one is something that compares to Lord of the Flies, when the boys received their freedom on the island. There are a couple of conflicts in this book, but the one that is most important to me would probably be the conflict between Johnny and himself. Whether or not he should let himself go and become some one else, whether or not he should let his evil take over and whether or not he should join some street friends and their acts of mugging and stealing In order to survive on the streets. This certainly contrasts with the conflicts in Lord of the Flies, where the conflict is mainly all the time between boys and their abuse with each other whether emotionally or physically. In my opinion, in contrast as well to Lord of the Flies, Johnny upholds a trait of being a static character. In the beginning of the book Johnny was in fact opposite what he had become in the end. Although evil lurks in every one of us from scratch, the change was so drastic that it makes us think this way about him. Finally, Johnny, in comparison with Jack, is also a credible character because this is something that can for sure happen in real life. Kid leaves home, lives on the street, and isn't sheltered anymore. The environment he is now in is going to change him. This happens in every day life, in the past in the present and will most likely happen as well in the future.

Secondly, the setting of any book is certainly very important. It makes us more involved in the book, as well as more aware of what's happening. It makes us feel like we are inside the book and it expands our imagination.

The setting in Lord of the Flies, of when the boys first arrived on the island, is a beautiful place, a paradise… that gave us the impression of silence, and peace. Just like in the beginning of Rite of Passage, When Wright says "About him the boys and girls whistled, jumping Jupiter, he was free till Monday" happy atmosphere equals enjoyable plot. Although later on in the book Lord of the Flies, Golding's whole "paradise" idea, gets destroyed into a disgusting a horrible dirty atmosphere. That was when things started to get worse and worse. "Then the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall. The water bounded from the mountain top, tore leaves and branches from trees, poured like cold water over the struggling heap on the sand" This stormy weather was only a bit before the killing of Simon occurred. It is warning us and letting us know that something bad is going to happen.

Section -

As I finalize this report, I would like to say that I definitely found Goldings concept of evil more convincing, because in his novel its shows gradual change as the evil gets worse and worse until some body actually dies. Where as in Rite of Passage, the concept of evil is shown in a less obvious way such as racism on the streets, and stealing money or mugging people. Evil, in Lord of Flies is shown through out the who time, whether through emotional abuse , physical abuse or just violence. "Maybe it's just us.." one of the boys said. He was surely right. It was only them. It was them without rules.

After reading that book we should all be able to realize that with out rules and laws the evil inside all of us is bound to come out, the temptation is just too strong.

Please note that this sample paper on lord of flies is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on lord of flies, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom research papers on lord of flies will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A THIEFS TALE. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A THIEFS TALE paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A THIEFS TALE, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A THIEFS TALE paper at affordable prices!


Thalos Vanmor was known to the thieves and thugs as one of the greatest trackers, trap-finders, scouts, thieves, and lock picks on all of Oerth. To the common folk, he was just another face in the crowd. He was easily the most skilled member of the Crimson Shadow Guild of Gray Hawk.

Buy A THIEFS TALE term paper

Not such a tall man. He only stood just over five feet tall. He was as graceful as a swan and slightly built. He had long raven black hair and green eyes that glistened like two emeralds. He was quite charismatic and always clean shaven. He always carried a silver dagger at his side. He commonly was dressed in all black, but occasionally wore green and brown when venturing off into the forest. On his right shoulder he bares the mark of the Crimson Shadow.

(A hazy red fiend clutching a dagger ). He wouldn't even go back on a deed owed to a friend nor enemy. One day, he was in the Silver Goblet, a tavern in the upscale district of Gray Hawk. He noticed a noble in red robes enter the tavern. He took note of the man's great Golden Dragon pendent right away. Suddenly a thought clicked in his mind that he had to have the pendent. An over whelming thought , a promise of riches and eternal life emanated from the pendent. As if the pendent beckoned for him. He quickly decided that he would have to steel it from the man. He slowly maneuvered his way through the crowed of people over to the man. As he reached out to slyly cut the man's pendent form his neck, a drunken dwarf bumped into him. His hand slipped, and he accidentally stabbed the man into the back of his head. He took the pendent, and then bolted out the door.

A moment later as he gracefully weaved and darted through the crowd, he heard shouts for the city guards. As he looked back, he saw two members of the guards in studded leather armor. Their spears held high and close to their chest, they maneuvered through the crowd in pursuit of Thalos.

Thalos moved on franticly looking for a means of escape. He could sense the guards getting closer every moment. In his haste, he darted down an ally, but to his dismay he soon realized the horrible truth that it was a dead-end. He searched for a place to hide but there was nothing. He began to realize that he was going to have to fight the guards or admit defeat and be arrested.

As the guards began to come into site, Thalos felt an arm on his shoulder. He looked over and saw an arm coming through the wall, and he was pulled through. He sat on the floor, breathless for several minutes talking in the last few events. He looked up to see a tall hulking beast of a man. He remembered the man as a half orc, one of the few mixed breeds between orc and man. The man had small tusks jolting from his bottom jaw. He had red eyes that shined like fire red rubies. His hair was a tangled mess of knots. He had no real nose but in its place were two nostrils. He had hair all over his hulking frown. There was a tattoo of the shadow fang gang on his right peck. (A white fang surrounded by a circle of black) The half-orc looked down with a puzzled look on his

and said "Thalos?" in a gruff stern voice.

Thalos shook his head in agreement and asked "And who might you be." in a calm tone.

"I am Pintrom. I have been sent by my gang leader, Rostile, to gain your help." He said in his gruff voice as he extended his arm to help Thalos up.

"Ok, I will help your gang Pintron." Thalos said, as he thought to himself that he owed this man a favor for saving his life. He reached up to grasp Pintrom's arm to right himself. Then, Pintrom led Thalos down a pitch black corridor. Thalos pulled out his silver dagger and activated it's light ability. As he did, he noticed the splendor or this corridor. The walls were made of smooth polished marble. The ceiling had a magnificent painting of a huge Great wyrm red dragon laying serge to a towering black cathedral. The view was breath taking. He also noted that some of the figures in the painting moved slightly as if the whole event on the ceiling was unfolding at that very moment. The floor was polished obsidian with white spots that resembled the endless night. The smell of fire burning filled his nostrils as a gentle breeze blew past his face. He closed his eyes for just a second, and he nearly forgot where he was.

When they reached the end of the long corridor, there was a great stone door. On the door, there was a carving of a great wolf of the shadows. The carving seemed to leap out at you. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought it to be the Wolf of the Shadows.

Pintrom pushed the huge door open with ease and an eerie silence. The door opened into a gargantuan room. The room was adorned with great violet tapestries, beautiful tables, and realistic statues of great beasts. At the far end of the room. There was a man sitting in an oversized chair.

Pintrom lead Thalos over to the man in the chair.

The man then said "I am the great Rostile Leader of the Shadow Fang Gang, One of the most prominent gang in Flaless.", In an oddly deep voice for a man of his size.

Rostile seemed to be only about 4'. He had short brown hair and sky blue eyes. He had a very predominant chin. There was an odd, yet comforting smile on his face. He wore a blue noble outfit with a dark indigo cloak trimmed with silver. He had a short sword with a very large ruby in it's hilt set on the arm of the massive chair on witch he sat.

"Your probably wondering why I asked you here.? In fact there are probably several thoughts running through your head." Said Rostile in a playful tone with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes. What is this place?" said Thalos with an odd innocence.

"This is the new grand hall of the Shadow Fang Gang. We acquired from a great wizard in a recent business venture, but on a more serious note I need a favor." Said Rostile.

"What kind of favor do you have in mind?" Said Thalos with a puzzle look upon his face.

"I need a item from a wizard and your skills will be a key part in my attaining this rare item, but until you accept I cant tell you any more." He said in a more serious tone.

"What will this task pay?" Said Thalos in a quick and a harsh tone.

"You will receive 100 gold pieces and you may keep the items I provide you with and any thing you find in the wizards keep." Said Rostile. The smile appearing on his face again.

"I'll accept your offer but only if you put up 1000 gold pieces up front." Said Thalos with a smug grin upon his face.

"Ok you may your gold Thalos." Said Rostile after much deliberation. As he tossed Thalos a rather large pouch of gold .

"So what will this job consist of and what is the item I will have to obtain for you." Thalos said in a grinning child like manner.

"The item I need is the legondary Shadowstaff . I heard that it is now in the possession of Gorthose The Arch mage of Dyves. It is lock away some where with in the walls of his colossal tower. Now Pintrom will take you to Levinon our wizard. He will help your travel." Rostile said now more serious then ever.

Pintrom led Thalos to a small wooden door in the southeast corner of the magnificent room.

As Thalos walked through the door he saw …

Please note that this sample paper on A THIEFS TALE is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A THIEFS TALE, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on A THIEFS TALE will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Health. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Health paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Health, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Health paper at affordable prices!

Health Study Guide (Quiz 1//0)

• Protein molecules that are designed to make chemical reactions in your body occur rapidly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------enzymes

• The pathway food travels through your body --------------------------------------alimentary canal

• The tube leading from your mouth to your stomach ------------------------------esophagus

Buy Health term paper

• The involuntary muscle contractions involved in swallowing -------------------peristalsis

• The structure that keeps food from entering the wind pipe----------------------epiglottis

• Your "wind pipe" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------trachea

• Your food-storage organ -----------------------------------------------------------------stomach

• The major purpose of your stomach is to _____ ____ ---------------------------store food

• Where most of the food you eat is digested ----------------------------------------small intestine

• The first section of the small intestine ------------------------------------------------duodenum

• Microscopic tubes inside the small intestine ----------------------------------------villi

• The largest internal organ of your body ----------------------------------------------liver

• A yellowish-green or brown liquid produced by your liver -----------------------bile

• Called your "blood sugar" ----------------------------------------------------------------glucose

• What your liver changes the excess glucose into ----------------------------------glycogen

• If you take in more glucose than your glycogen storage can handle the liver changes the excess glucose to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------adipose tissue

• A byproduct of alcohol-breakdown is a poison called ------------------------------acetaldehyde

• Excess fat accumulating in the liver results in a --------------------------------------fatty liver

• A gradual deterioration ----------------------------------------------------------------------cirrhosis

• A pear-shaped sac situated under your liver used to store bile -------------------gallbladder

• Cholesterol crystals that form from concentrated bile -------------------------------gallstones

• An elongated, slightly flattened organ about six inches long that lies behind the stomach and produces pancreatic juice to help digest carbos, proteins, and fats --------pancreas

• Clumps of endocrine glands in the pancreas that secret hormones- islets of Langerhans

• hormones secreted by the islets of Langerhans -----------------------------insulin & glucagons

• An extremely low level of glucose in the blood ----------------------------------------hypoglycemia

• A high level of glucose in the blood ------------------------------------------------------hyperglycemia

• A deficiency of insulin lead to the serious disease ______ ______-----------diabetes mellitus

• A deficiency of iodine leads to ---------------------------------------------------- goiters

• A deficiency of vitamin C leads to ------------------------------------------------ scurvy

• A deficiency of calcium leads to -------------------------------------------------- osteoporosis

• A deficiency of iron leads to ------------------------------------------------------- anemia

• An extremely low level of glucose in the blood (blood sugar) causes--- hypoglycemia

• List the 5 major classifications of nutrients-

(1) carbohydrates

() proteins

() vitamins

(4) minerals

(5) fats & oils

• Known as the sunshine vitamin; a severe lack of this could cause rickets- vitamin D

• Helps the blood to clot properly ------------------------------------------------------- vitamin K

• Helps fats from becoming rancid or spoiling, protects other vitamins from being destroyed by oxygen, and helps burns to heal quickly ----------------------------------------- vitamin E

• What does the epiglottis do? ------------------------------------------------------------ a small flap

which keeps food from going into your trachea

• The importance of potassium in the diet--------------------------------------------- is necessary to

help maintain water balance in the cells

• Cholesterol crystals that form from concentrated bile ---------------------------- gallstones

• What causes cirrhosis of the liver ---------------------------------------------heavy drinking (alcohol)

• Protein molecules that are designed to make chemical reactions in your body occur rapidly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enzymes

• If only one pair of hydrogen atoms is lacking in the fat molecules -----------monounsaturated

• A yellowish-green or brown liquid produced by your liver -------------------------- bile

• The involuntary muscle contractions involved in swallowing ----------------------- peristalsis

• What is the worst meal of the day to skip? --------------------------------------------- breakfast

• The largest internal organ in your body -------------------------------------------------- liver

• The 0-foot long pathway that food travels through your body ---------------- alimentary canal

• Microscopic tubes inside the small intestine --------------------------------------------- villi

• The major purpose of this is to store food ------------------------------------------------ stomach

• How much water should you drink every day? ---------------------------------------6 large glasses

• Aids in the elimination process by helping to clean the intestinal walls ------------ fiber

• Describe the following

o Amino acids- found in proteins; some proteins are made up of about 0 different kinds of building blocks which are amino acids

o Anorexia nervosia- an extreme fear of getting fat that keeps someone from eating even what he should eat

o Carbohydrates- starches and sugars which supply most of the energy for your body

o Dental carries- (commonly known as cavities) is the most common disease in man

o Glucose- most important sugar in the body, also known as blood sugar, and is the form of sugar which is used by the body's cells for fuel

o Hyper- prefix meaning "more than normal or excessive"

o Hypo- prefix meaning " less than, beneath, or below"

o Kidneys- most important organs of the excretory system which filter the blood

o Liver- the largest internal organ of your body; produces bile

o Metabolism- the process by which the body produces and uses energy from food

o Obesity- being 0% or more overweight; being obese raises the body's risk of disease

o -Osis- suffix meaning "disease"

o -Sclero- suffix meaning "hard"

• Know the diagram of the digestive system p. 4

Please note that this sample paper on Health is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Health, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Health will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!