
Monday, October 26, 2020

Child soldiers

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on child soldiers. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality child soldiers paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in child soldiers, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your child soldiers paper at affordable prices!

This poem was written by Rashid Peters a former child soldier in Sierra Leone only 15 years old.

When I was drugged and injected with cocaine,

Forced to join the war of stains

Brainwashed often and again,

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I would have told you I have so much to gain

With the heavy arms I lug at war.

I killed and raped and maimed and more.

Abducted away from my mother and father

to shoot and murder another

I cannot go any further,

with this shooting and killing that has no border.

Forgive me now if I injured your brother.

I was forced to pull the trigger

By elders who made my childhood wither.

In reality, child soldiers are children young enough to lift a rifle. Denied a childhood and often subjected to horrific violence, some 00,000 children are serving as soldiers in current armed conflicts. These young combatants participate in all aspects of contemporary warfare. They wield AK-47s and M-16s on the front lines of combat, serve as human mine detectors and participate in suicide missions.

Children have now become easy prey for armies. Physically vulnerable and easily intimidated, children typically make obedient soldiers. They are cheaper to keep as they eat less and are easier to manipulate.

Involving children as soldiers has been made easier by the making and selling of inexpensive light weapons. Before, the more dangerous weapons were either heavy or difficult to use, but these guns are so light that children can use them and so simple that they can be stripped and reassembled by a child of 10. The poorest communities now have access to deadly weapons capable of transforming any local conflict into a bloody slaughter. In Uganda, an AK-47 automatic machine gun can be purchased for the cost of a chicken and, in Northern Kenya, it can be bought for the price of a goat.

Children in developing countries desecrated by ongoing civil war find the only road to survival is to wield a gun. In Liberia in 10, children as young as seven were seen in combat because, according to the Director of the Liberian Red Cross, those with guns could survive.

Most of the children in armies come from conditions of poverty and ignorance where they don't understand war and their involvement is a means of survival.

Children seeking escape from poverty join military forces out of desperation however the majority of child soldiers are abducted and enslaved into guerrilla groups. Children of 15 or younger have been abducted from the villages and the poorest quarters of the cities, as well as from schools to enlarge forces. Once recruited as soldiers, children are treated as adults. Childrens actual duties in warfare cover the whole range of military activities. While children might be thought to be the people deserving greatest protection, as soldiers they are often considered the most expendable. Captured children are forced to kill implicating them in criminal acts making them fear being shunned should they manage to escape back to their community. Thus the army and the elders who stole their innocence become the only choice remaining to these children.

In Northern Uganda the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), an armed opposition movement fighting the Ugandan Government has over the last twelve years abducted more than 1,000 children and forced them to become child soldiers and slaves. Ninety per cent of the LRA are children, mostly aged between thirteen and sixteen kept and forced to work in conditions so appalling that it amounts to slavery.

The abducted children are systematically terrorized and brutalized. Once recruited, children undergo varying degrees of indoctrination. socializing them into violence. The elders in charge control all aspects of the children, they are tyrannized to take part in atrocities and forced to take drugs to overcome their fear or reluctance to fight.

In the civil war in Sierra Leone often after the RUF attacks a village they abduct the surviving children. The children witness or take part in the torture and execution of their own relatives are then removed to special camps, trained usually for about two or three months on how to kill other people. Thousands of children witnessed and participated in horrible atrocities against civilians, including beheadings, amputations, rape, and burning people alive.

Girls are also used as soldiers in many parts of the world. In addition to combat duties, girls are subject to sexual abuse and may be taken as "wives" by rebel leaders in Angola, Sierra Leone and Sudan. In Uganda they are forced into what the children call marriage to senior LRA soldiers or are given as a sexual reward for boy soldiers who are obedient. Nearly 100% of escaped girls and women from Sudan after being child soldiers have sexually transmitted diseases.

Because of their immaturity and lack of experience, child soldiers suffer higher casualties than their adult counterparts. Few peace treaties recognize the existence of child soldiers, or make provisions for their rehabilitation and reintegration into society. As a result, many end up on the street, become involved in crime, or are drawn back into armed conflict. Rehabilitation of the child soldiers is a difficult process. The children have been brutalized and have carried out killings. They have wielded life-and-death power over adults often in their local communities.

It is often suggested that too much money is spent for defense in both the developed and developing countries of the world, and that some of that money might instead be used to relieve hunger and to promote childrens survival and development. But, worldwide, many national budgets stay sharply skewed in favor of defense year after year to secure safety. If security means the protection of our most precious assets, child survival should be high on the agenda of all defense departments. Why isnt it? Perhaps in reality, the operational function of defense establishments is not so much to maintain the security of the country as a whole but to assure that the powerful remain in power. Rather than serving all their citizens interests, defense budgets serve the survival of the rich, not the children or the poor.

The world continues to watch as child soldiers are denied a childhood, only educated in violence in the interest of others. Are they responsible for their actions of destruction if they are forced to carry out these actions? To carry a gun is the cost of their survival but what does this really cost the world? Children uneducated brought up in evil, what is the future? The territorial and civil wars where child soldiers are trapped in torment may be of no consequence to your life. Their suffering however touches and effects everyone's future as through technology and globalization the world has become a smaller place bound closely together. I am sixteen and comparing my life of opportunity and freedom to that of Rashid Peters a former child soldier a year younger than me makes me question the morals which fabricate society. If I were powerless and suffering, I would hope that those

Please note that this sample paper on child soldiers is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on child soldiers, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on child soldiers will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Grrrk mythological creatures

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on grrrk mythological creatures. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality grrrk mythological creatures paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in grrrk mythological creatures, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your grrrk mythological creatures paper at affordable prices!

Greek Mythological Creatures

The Greeks created myths to both entertain and to explain the unexplainable. The stories told of great heroes, immortal gods, and fierce monsters. I think that the latter are the most interesting and entertaining of the three, and I am going to tell you about five of the biggest, deadliest, and meanest creatures to ever appear in mythology.

The Cyclopes were very interesting creatures. They appear mainly twice in mythology, once in the creation story and once in homer's The Odyssey. Theses two stories show the Cyclopes as very different creatures. In both of the stories, the Cyclopes were giants with one huge, round eye in the middle of their forehead.

In the first story there were only three Cyclopes. They were sons of Gaia (earth) and Uranus (sky). Their names were Brontes (thunder), Steroes(lightning), and Arges (brightness). After birth, they were imprisoned below earth by Uranus, and later by Cronus. They were skilled blacksmiths, and their fiery workshops were found deep under the earth, thought by some to be beneath mount Etna. Zeus freed the Cyclopes when he rebelled against the titans, and they repaid him by making some things to aid him and his brothers in their fight. For Zeus, they created a magnificent thunderbolt. For Poseidon, they made a mighty trident. Finally, for Hades the conceived a helmet that made its wearer invisible, so he could surprise his victims. The Cyclopes and some other creatures helped Zeus to a triumphant victory over the titans. They were allowed to stay on earth from then on and were thought of as Zeus's loyal blacksmiths.

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In The Odyssey, the Cyclopes were portrayed very differently. In this story, they were horrible cannibalistic monsters. There were many of them and they lived in caves scattered across the island of Sicily. They did what they pleased, and cared only for themselves. They had no society nor any respect for the gods. Polyphemus, the Cyclopes that terrorized Odysseus and his men displayed this when he says, " We Cyclopes care not a jot for Zeus with his aegis, nor for the rest of the blessed gods, since we are much stronger than they." (Dibbley 6).

Even more astounding than the Cyclopes were the Hundred Handers. Also known as the Hekatonchires, these three giants were truly amazing. They were huge and strong beyond all telling; from their shoulders sprang one hundred arms terrible to behold and each had fifty heads upon its shoulders, growing from sturdy bodies (March 05). They were sons of Gaia and Uranus, and therefore were brothers of the Cyclopes. Their names were Briareos (or Agaeon), Cottus, and Gyges (or Gyes). When they were born, their father was so repulsed by the sight of them, he tried to push them back into their mother's womb. They were imprisoned in Tartarus, and like the Cyclopes, were released by Zeus when he rebelled against the titans. After the titans were defeated, and Zeus threw them into Tartarus, and he gave the job of guarding the gates of Tartarus to assure that none ever escaped, to the great Hundred-Handers. Later, when the gods of Olympus tried to overthrow Zeus, Briareos, the mightiest of the three brothers went to help him. The mere sight of the Hundred-Handed giant was enough to stop the gods.

The great beast called Typhon may very well be the biggest, scariest, and most deadly creature of them all. He was the last challenge of the power of Zeus. The Typhon's origin differs; depending on which story you read.

One story tells that he was the child of Hera alone. It says that she was jealous when Zeus produced Athena from his mind, so she prayed to Gaia to make a creature even more powerful than the king of the gods himself, and Gaia heard. Not much later hera gave birth to the monster. In the other story, the Typhon was the child of Tartarus and Gaia.

Either way, this creature was very, very disturbing. On his shoulders were a hundred hideous snake heads, all with black tongues and glaring eyes. These heads could produce every sound thinkable (lion's roar, stampede of bulls, etc.). The Typhon was taller than all the mountains; his head was said to have touched the stars. His mouth shot flames, his body was winged, and instead of fingers he had a hundred serpents heads on each hand. From the thighs down he was nothing but huge coiling serpents. When he stretched his hands out, one touched the east, and one touched the west.

Amazingly, Zeus defeated this horrible monster, although it was no easy task. The Typhon cut off Zeus's hands and feet and put them in a leather bag. The Typhon flew the helpless god off to his cave. Zeus found the bag in a corner of the cave and put them back on. He then threw mount Etna on top of the beast, ending the ordeal. The volcano is supposedly caused by the Typhon struggling to escape.

Another amazing creature, the Sphinx, comes from a particularly gruesome family. Her mother was Echidna the half women, half serpent monster. Its siblings were the horrible multi headed Hydra, the three headed dog Cerberus, the great Nemean Lion, and the fire breathing chimera.

The bloodthirsty Sphinx had the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, a serpent for a tail, and the face and breasts of a woman. Hera sent the Sphinx to punish the people of Thebes. It lived atop a mountain just outside of the city and would ask all the people who walked by a perplexing riddle. It went like this "What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?"(Dibbley 18) If the person answered incorrectly, as everyone did, the Sphinx would strangle him or her and eat them immediately. The sphinx continued to kill people since no one could answer this odd riddle. Finally, one day, the hero Oedipus came across the Sphinx, and answered the riddle correctly (The answer was a human). When the Sphinx realized that her riddle had been solved, she was so enraged that she jumped off the mountain onto some jagged rocks, killing herself.

The last creature I am going to talk about is the Chimera. The Chimera is a sibling of the Sphinx and another child of Echidna. The Chimera was a truly bizarre monster. It had two heads, one a lion's, and one a goat's. It had the body of a lion and a serpent for a tail. To top it off, this deadly monstrosity breaths fire. The Chimera was killed when Bellerophon, riding Pegasus, jammed a chunk of lead into its throat. The beast's fire breath melted the lead, causing it to drip down her throat, scorching its insides.

Those are just five of the amazing creatures used in Greek mythology. I didn't even mention the snake-haired gorgons, the soul eating harpies, the half bull, half man Mintaur, or the graceful flying steed Pegasus. As you can see, the Greeks were some very imaginative people and it seems like the myths never end.

Please note that this sample paper on grrrk mythological creatures is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on grrrk mythological creatures, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on grrrk mythological creatures will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Genetic Engineering

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Genetic Engineering. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Genetic Engineering paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Genetic Engineering, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Genetic Engineering paper at affordable prices!

Over the past decade genetic engineering has moved from the realms of fantasy to reality thanks to the sequencing of the human genome and developments in molecular biology techniques. A definition of genetic engineering is "the manipulation of DNA using restriction enzymes which can split the DNA molecule and then rejoin it to form a hybrid molecule." It is the introduction of genes into existing cells; this may be used to prevent or cure a wide range of diseases or perhaps to genetically alter a plant so that it gives more food.

There are three types of genetic engineering. The first is used for gene therapy and involves the use of retroviruses. Retroviruses are viruses that can transfer their own genetic information and also genetically alter the human gene. This type of therapy can be used in the treatment of brain tumours. Suppose a brain tumour is forming by rapidly dividing cancer cells. The reason this tumour is forming is due to some defective or mutated gene. The therapy chosen for this case would be to use a herpes virus that has had its virulence removed, rendering it harmless. The virus is still able to insert its genetic material into the target cells. The virus is then taken and injected into mouse cells, where it makes additional copies of itself. These mouse cells, now containing the virus, are then injected into the brain containing the tumour. Once inside the brain, the virus seeks out the target tumour cells and invades them. The tumour will now start to produce herpes enzymes because the virus has inserted its genetic material into the tumour cells. Once this happens, a physician can treat the patient with a herpes curing drug that will destroy the tumour cells along with the mouse cells that are producing the herpes enzyme.

The second method involves blasting genes with a pressurized gun filled with helium. The helium gun will fire very small gold bullets, which will be coated with the genetically altered genes. This technique was done on mice that had tumours. The gold bullets coated with the altered genes were shot at the skin of the mice that surrounded the tumours. The cells that were successful in receiving the altered genetic code activate immune cells. By this activation of the immune cells, it is hoped the tumours will decrease. By using the gene bullets the genes are not permanently in the cells of the mice but the effects ware off in a few days to a few weeks. This may be an advantage or a disadvantage.

The final method involves liposomes. These are hollow, fat molecules in solution. This method has been experimented with cystic fibrosis, where chloride ion levels need to be kept low. By inhaling liposomes coated with genetically altered genes, the build up of chloride ion is prevented. There is a significant decreased in chloride ion levels. This method does not pose the harmful side effects that retroviruses do.

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Despite this new technology possibly curing thousands of diseases, there are many disadvantages to using it. The basis of gene therapy is finding a gene that is not functioning right and to insert a healthy portion into that gene. To find these genes, scientists must perform genetic tests or genetic screening to see if the gene that causes the defect is present. This genetic testing is highly controversial and is raising many ethical and legal issues. Many believe that this is an invasion of privacy. If, for example, tests are performed during pregnancy to find genetic faults, these could lead to an increase in the number of abortions. Many young couples may find out that they are carriers of a disease and then have to decide if they want to have a child that could be born with a genetic disease. One major dilemma is finding adequate insurance once a person finds they have a genetic disorder. This may be insurance to cover the treatments, which could be gene therapy, or living their lives knowing that they carry a gene for a disease. A positive test will have placed them in a high-risk group, a group they may have not been in if they hadn't been tested. It is this labelling that makes insurance coverage almost impossible to find. The insurance that will cover them may be extremely expensive. So, choosing to have the test may be a question of whether they think their current insurance will cover them or not.

Another problem is regulation of the uses of gene therapy. For example, society is obsessed with the idea of youth and beauty. If scientists could identify the gene that contributes to youth or beauty, then the technique of gene therapy could be monopolized by the cosmetic industry to enhance beauty or to "turn back the clock". The problem with this is whether baldness, height, or beauty should be enough of a reason to require gene therapy. Then where does it stop? Do we have the right to design who we are, what are children should be? Should people have the power to play God? Many people are worried that new virus or unseen disasters could be provoked by human's medalling in genetics. Do we know all the consequences? Although precautions are taken, the risks of harmful modified bacteria (as an example), escaping, still exist. There is also a fear that biological weapons could be developed as a result of genetic engineering. This, for many, this is a central problem in the future capabilities of genetic engineering.

A final disadvantage relates to taking genetic information out of other animals and placing them into humans. For example if an animal produces an enzyme, which is in short supply in some humans, the gene from the animal could be placed into humans. Many moral issues are raised here also. Should we be taking cells from animals and putting them in ourselves?

However, for many, the advantages far out-weigh the disadvantages of gene therapy. First of all, advances in the field have introduced treatments to various diseases that were previously thought to be hopeless. Secondly, gene therapy has brought about the production of medicines in mass quantities. The medicines are pure and much cheaper if technology allows it to be produced in large amounts. Also genetically engineered organisms have many potential applications in agriculture, including novel foods, pesticides, and animal drugs. These include, among others, animals engineered for leaner meat, plants engineered for insect resistance, and bacteria engineered to produce drugs for livestock. Many of the problems that exist with genetic engineering could be eradicated with further funding. While, if precautions are taken the risk factor can be minimised to a miniscule scale. Whatever the view point, there is no denying that genetic engineering has the potential to be a revolutionary new form of curing diseases or even solving industrial problems in agriculture. Perhaps, eventually genetically modified food could even be a cheap solution to world hunger. What should be remembered throughout is that if used for good, genetic engineering could save millions of lives. For that reason alone, I believe that developments into genetic therapy should continue.

Please note that this sample paper on Genetic Engineering is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Genetic Engineering, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Genetic Engineering will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Book Review Lives on the line

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Book Review Lives on the line. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Book Review Lives on the line paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Book Review Lives on the line, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Book Review Lives on the line paper at affordable prices!

The book Lives on the Line by Miriam Davidson tells five different stories each describe what life is like. There lives represent what has been going on and what is going on in Nogales. From a maquiladora worker, a man who was diagnosed with cancer then became an environmental activist, a child of the streets and two maquiladora managers. These stories tell about the dramatic transformation from the industrial boom of the maquiladora and the pressure of the border itself. In this essay I will try to cover how these lives have been impacted on both sides.

Miriam starts out by telling us that she believes the transformation of Nogales is because of the maquiladora boom. These maquiladoras attract large number of people without jobs to the city especially women because they have smaller fingers and do better jobs. Thousands and thousands of people flocked to all over the border. In Nogales from the mid 180's to mid 10's the population tripled. (p.10) They received thirty to forty five dollars in a forty-eight hour workweek but rent was so high that they could not afford it. So with all the new people that were arriving every day in Nogales and the insufficient housing and Mexico's lax of environmental enforcement that Davidson says is the driving force of the changes in Nogales.

Many problems arose from the economic boom from the Maquiladoras. A very large issue in my opinion the environment and the health of the people surrounding the border. With all the new population growth and all old in the second story with Jimmy Teyechea the founder of LIFE- Living is for everyone this man tells us of his fight for trying to make the town of Nogales aware of what was going on and he fought to make it safer for the people. This man's life was greatly impacted by the ignorance and purposeful dumping of toxic chemicals down drains, washes, bright green rocks found in the city dump. Unlike the regulations that say these chemicals are supposed to properly be disposed of, but with money and ignorance involved this did not happen. Jimmy and thousands of other people died from cancer or strange diseases because heads were turned the other way. Children diagnosed with leukemia and babies being born with missing or partially formed brains. Jimmy helped by getting the attention of the public at no matter what cost.

In the first story with Yolanda Sánchez she shows us how the maquilas have an effect on the lives of women. Yolanda came to Nogales seeking work trying to flee from her drunken husband and trying to make a new life for herself. She did so by going to Nogales finding work in one of the maquiladoras. She stayed with a friend and later on acquired a piece of terreno. She also sold used clothing, kitchen utensils and babysitting. After three years struggle Yolanda said "I felt like the queen of the hill." (p.) This was the story of thousands of newcomers that came to Nogales trying to find jobs at the maquilas and new lives. Trying to make it was the central theme of Nogales.

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Many people like Yolanda who at first many have no water no electricity they use old chemical barrels to store their water in began to protest this. They would lie in the middle of the highway to block off traffic this was a way to get the attention of the media which did and they were forced to take action. They promised to bring public facilities to them and they did.

Many people believe that the maquiladoras should take some part in this because they are what draw all these people to the border and exploit them. Maybe they should give a little back to the community also. This is what Douglas Chapman CEO of the Chicago based ACCO World Corporation visited the town of Nogales and saw the kinds of places that his workers were living in. He decided to set up a charitable foundation were he put several thousand dollars into an organization. This was slow to start because many of the other maquiladoras would not even donate 5 cents an hour per each worker saying that they already contributed millions to the government of Mexico through salaries and taxes and what not. Finally in 15 Infonavit Mexican government's low income housing authority agreed to finance the construction.

In my opinion I believe that the maquiladoras have both benefited and harmed the people of Nogales. Women like Yolanda have benefited by breaking away from the traditional roles that the Mexican culture upholds for women. The female maquiladoras workers now have the power to take control of there bodies and minds. They are many who go to work and have there husbands stay at home and watch the kinds. Another benefit is that some of the people from the maquiladoras are trying to make a difference in the communities of the workers of these places no longer saying that just their presence is enough.

Some of the negative effects of the maquiladoras are the destruction of the environment. Many people like Jimmy Teyechea dying from the chemicals that are produced by the maquiladoras and are not properly disposed of. Many people diagnosed not known how many people have died from these chemicals. An additional negative effect that the maquiladoras have had on the border is illegal immigration. People flock to the borders in search of last hopes maquilas but they pay so little money that people are not able to live on this and so they figure the only way to get out is to leave. With the militarization of the border people who try to cross "accidentally" get shot or the border patrols are getting stabbed. Our people who can not afford to feed there families so they take up drug trafficking and sell drugs across the border or to there own people.

After all this I do believe that Davidson has hope for the future of Nogales with start of unions that work for the rights of the people and the housing and hopefully a new and improved relationship with the US will lead these lives with not some much hunger and desperation.

In my opinion this big gives a very good description of the lives on the border and who these foreign industries have brought work but nothing else. These is just like the factories in other countries they are being exploited by their work but the only reason that we recognize it more is because it is so close and it is hurting the American side of the border. I think that hopefully as the years go on things become better for the women, the children the environment and everything surrounding this. In the last page Miriam Davidson says that while she was there she did not make a difference. Maybe not then but I am sure that has opened the eyes of some people including myself. The backs of both governments were both turned with the maquilas on or side and the workers on theirs. Someday maybe will live in harmony with out "the fear of the U.S. becoming a third world country."

Please note that this sample paper on Book Review Lives on the line is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Book Review Lives on the line, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Book Review Lives on the line will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Teachers. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Teachers paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Teachers, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Teachers paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

In the article "Teachers in Transition," Sandra M. Lawrence and Beverly Daniel Tatum present conclusions drawn from a research study they conducted on the impact of antiracist professional development on classroom practice. They address the presence and role of racism in our society and in our education system. In particular, they wanted to determine if antiracism education actually change the behaviors of educators in a way that is effective to their students. This problem is worthwhile to examine because awareness must be a part of the knowledge base to better prepare pre-service and in-service teachers within the context of real-world situations. The article makes a good contribution because it addresses the need for the centrality of antiracism in the teacher education reform agenda, it provides first-hand accounts exploring the need to combat racism from varied vantage points at teacher education institutions, and puts forth views to guide antiracist teacher education practice. This article is a valuable resource because it fosters contemplation of the connection of the many manifestations and implications of racism and racial inequality to educational practice.

The sampling technique used in this study was asking participants of a voluntary desegregation program who had taken the course, Anti-Racist and Effective Classroom Practice for All Students, if they were willing to participate in ongoing research regarding the course and choosing 84 suburban, white teachers. This knowledge could be adapted and used by other faculty in different disciplines to incorporate multiculturalism and antiracist curriculum into their teaching since the goal is to stimulate change in teachers attitudes toward diversity and in their ability to infuse their particular curriculum with multicultural antiracist concepts, strategies, and materials. However, selection bias is a possibility because the teachers who are in a voluntary desegregation program may not be representative of the population of teachers in the Boston area. Also, the sampling may have been improved if the participants were not only from suburban areas but from urban areas as well because urban areas usually have more diverse populations.

Lawrence and Tatum analyzed writing sample data of the participants with specific interest to descriptions of explicit antiracist actions the participants had taken in and out of school. This was an appropriate choice because the study was to trying to evaluate the impact of an antiracist professional development program on teachers thoughts about racism and their antiracist educational practices. Using some form of standard testing would have been inappropriate in measuring the teachers actual educational practices. The data were analyzed according to antiracist actions that were exhibited by the teachers during the course.

The treatment used in this study was the course, Anti-Racist and Effective Classroom Practice for All Students, which was given to all participants. "The need for professional development efforts to help white educators expand their perspective and deepen their understanding of the ways in which race and racism have affected their own education as well as that of their students is evident" (Lawrence and Tatum, 17). The treatment is appropriate because the course was not attempting to displace white culture from the position of dominance but to help white teachers acknowledge their own racial identity and see that the identity is gained at the expense of people of color (Lawrence and Tatum, 17).

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I think that this study is descriptive with a narrow focus. Its aim is to determine the relationship between the independent variable, professional development, and the outcome variable, teacher practices. The study does not attempt to establish causality but to show associations between these variables. The authors did not attempt to omit other variables that may have affected the teachers antiracial professional development and its usefulness in the classroom.

Of the eighty four white participants whose documents were analyzed, forty-eight described 14 specific actions they had taken during the course 5% of the actions involved improving relationships among teachers, students, parents; 7% constituted curriculum transformations; and 0%of the antiracist actions involved changes at the institutional level regarding support services for students of color (Lawrence and Tatum, 17). The authors concluded that the course succeeded in breaking the silences about racism in schools and it made visible the personal, cultural, and institutional manifestations of racisms in schools. Lawrence and Tatum also states that this course directly affected how the teachers thought systematically about useful materials, classroom experiences, and assignments that make racism more understandable and easier to connect to the developmental needs of the children. However, maintaining one's momentum as an antiracist educator without support and opportunities for continued growth is difficult (Ayvazian, 15). Lawrence and Tatum recommend that school districts who implement the type of professional development described in their study need to provide ongoing opportunity for discussion and support in order to ensure that antiracist educational practices will continue.

"Although everyone has a culture, many times members of the culturally dominant group of a society may not even think of themselves as cultural beings. For them, culture is something that other people have, especially those that differ from the mainstream in race or ethnicity" (Nieto, 000). I think this article is particularly important for educators, since white cultural norms are systematically enforced without any recognition that these norms are present in the schools. The course given in this study made the attempt to help white teachers become aware of how their own identity in white culture directly affected their educational practices with students of color. I believe that providing pre-service and in-service teachers with antiracist or multicultural professional development will improve their understanding of a diverse community and improve pedagogical patterns. I think that one of the weaknesses of the article was that the sample was chosen from a group that acknowledged the fact of racial inequality in schools and this is probably not representative of the general population. Multicultural Education addresses the dimensions of curricular content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, an equity pedagogy, and the creation of empowering school cultures (Banks, 1). The research in this article can be used as a model for implementing multicultural education in schools for teachers, students, and school districts

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Monday, October 19, 2020

Self Disclosure

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Self Disclosure, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Self Disclosure paper at affordable prices!


(A) A very important form of interpersonal communication that you can employ in is talking about yourself, or also referred as self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is the process of revealing something about yourself to another person, in most cases revealing something that you usually keep hidden like a secret. Self-disclosure might involve information about your values, desires and beliefs, your behavior, and your self-qualities or characteristics. You can also self-disclose nonverbally for example by, wearing certain clothes with certain colors, wearing t-shirts with slogan, wearing earnings, having tattoos or a wedding ring that reveal who you are, or what you believe in, like your beliefs.

Self-disclosure occurs in all forms of communicating, it can occur in small groups, in public speeches and in television talk shows. Self-disclosure varies by culture for example, in some countries like Great Britain and Japan people don't disclose as much as in the United States, in some countries like China students may believe that self-disclosing, can be inappropriate at times. Some cultures view self-disclosing as a weakness or coward ness, showing signs of low self-esteem or not being sure of something. Self-disclosure is also different among genders, woman tend to self-disclose more than men do, they tend to reveal more intimate information than men, and most commonly woman tend to disclose more than men about their previous romantic relationships, their feeling about their friends and their greatest fears.

Women also seem to self-disclose more as the relationship becomes more intimate, whereas men don't change their self-disclosure levels. In self disclosure you reveal information to feel better or to let somebody know what your feeling or what you believe, self-disclosing happens everyday and everywhere and many times, we might not know that we are self-disclosing information.

(B) In an incident in my life were I used self-disclosure to communicate information about myself to another person was two years ago. Two summers ago while in Mexico for vacation, I was determined to find a nice girl to meet and possibly one day to marry.

One day I met this girl, and the moment I saw her, I knew she was one; she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I had to meet her. The first time I talked to her was at a party, we started dancing and I began telling her about myself, the normal stuff like what my name was my age and were I was from, but when we sat down, our conversation changed totally. I began to disclosed information about myself that I normally kept to myself, I wasn't sure why I did this, but I later realized that I wanted her to know what I believed in, and who I really was as a guy, to get to know the real me. I told her that I was a nice guy who believed that in a relationship both partners had to treat each other equally and with respect, I told her that I was not a machismo individual. I told her that at times I could become grouchy and that at times I was very sweet and even that I was afraid of rats, something I always felt embarrassed revealing to anyone. I told her that I was a little shy among people and that I became very nervous when I had conversation with them. I even told her that I was addict to alcohol, something I never wanted to admit to anybody.

My goal was to show her that I had confidence in myself by revealing my weakness and strengths. I wanted her to know that I wasn't scared to reveal the truth no matter what it was, by doing this I believed I was a doing a positive thing because I was demonstrating to her that I was a real man and not a sissy and it payoff because she got my point and she truly understood me and thanks to that we are enjoying a beautiful relationship.

(C) The theory of self-disclosure explains what happened in my experience and also what happens in my everyday life because it demonstrates a lot of what self-disclosure is as defined, and also the effects it has towards people, or group of people in different kinds of situations and places.

In my case I self-disclose myself to another person in order reveal my beliefs, values and desires, my behavior, and my self-qualities, I wanted to explain what I wanted with my life. I think I self-disclose information in a positive way, because it made a good impression about myself and also I self-disclose negative information about myself in order to demonstrate that I accepted my weaknesses and that I wasn't perfect. I also believe that self-disclosure explains what happens in my life, because everyday I disclose information to people, although it may not be as intimate or secretive all the time. I do it everyday to get a point across and that is to communicate to others freely and to get my point perfectly understood. As I got to know her better, I became more sociable and extroverted and in a way this made me self-disclose more to this special person. I couldn't of picked another theory for interpersonal communication; this theory fully explains what happen during that incident and what happens everyday in my life.

(D) The theory of self-disclosure is important because being competent makes me have a greater self-confidence and makes me reveal more positive things, and with more self-confidence you become a better person. Showing more self-disclosure makes me more willing to risk possible negative reactions, self-disclosing myself has made me a better person, I have lost my shyness towards other people and I've become a positive thinker.

Using self-disclosure helped me increase my self-knowledge, communication and relationship effectiveness, and physiological well-being. With greater self-knowledge I have gained a new perspective on myself, a deeper understanding of my own behavior, through self-confidence and I have gotten into a better position to see my positive responses. Self-disclosure helped me meet the nicest girl in the world, and by self-disclosing my hidden information, I won this girls hearth. If you want to be recognized and have good self-confidence, you have to be willing to disclose information about yourself to others so they fully can understand, who you are and what you believe in.

Being self-disclosure or when someone discloses you is sign of trust and affection, it demonstrates that you are a peoples person and that is a plus these days. It is also proven that if you self-disclose you are less vulnerable to illnesses. If you self-disclose your information you feel good about yourself, because you let out some kind of information that probably worried you and now you feel better that you let it out. And because of this self-disclosure has helped me solved many problems, when I needed help for something or was not sure what to do. I self-disclosed myself, and I received information that really helped me out, and that changed my life

Please note that this sample paper on Self Disclosure is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Self Disclosure, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Self Disclosure will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Everyday Use

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Everyday Use. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Everyday Use paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Everyday Use, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Everyday Use paper at affordable prices!


By Alice Walker

"Everyday Use," written by Alice Walker, is a short story in which the use of imagery combined with characterization allows the readers to dive deep into the story, perhaps detecting hints in to what the characters are feeling or thinking. These methods prove successful in portraying how two characters, Maggie and Mama, psychologically confined themselves, thus resulting in submissive attitudes towards their intimidating and educated sister/daughter, Dee.

The story takes place in the past, probably around the mid-late 100's. In a old run down house live a mother, Mama, and daughter, Maggie, of African American descent. A poor family, they live a simple life and are people of faith. Mama has another daughter, Dee, who was sent away to be educated at an early age. Dee being pretty, superficial, and snobbish likes to belittle her mother and sister who are neither educated nor pleasing to the eye. Maggie is homely and badly scarred from being burned in a fire, which leaves her envious of her beautiful sister. Dee comes back one day to "visit" and asks her mother for an heirloom quilt that has already been promised to her sister. Maggie, who is used to seeing Dee get her way, is stunned when her mother denies Dee the quilt.

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Through Mama, the narrator, Walker uses characterization to share Mama's observations of her daughter Maggie. From this it is easy to see what kind of person Maggie is and how she might perceive herself. Details shared throughout the story tell that Maggie's self-image is one of negativity, which explains why she is always cowering and hiding herself in shame. Mama observes her poise while in her sister's presence; "She will stand hopelessly in corners homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs." (Walker p.6). One can only imagine the effect of having burn scars and what it can do to one's self esteem. It is also stated, "she stood there with her scarred hands hidden in the folds of her skirt." (p. 70). Maggie's posture and poise is one of doubt. "She has been like this, chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground." (p.64).

The imagery used by the author the create Maggie starts with her red skirt. After reading about the fire she had been involved with earlier in the story, it is obvious that the red represents the flames that brushed upon Maggie's body leaving behind a painting of scars. Then comes the pink blouse, pink may represent sweet, calm, and innocence, all of which as we get to know Maggie fit together with her personality.

As with Maggie's character, the author uses characterization to create Mama as well. What is told about Mama is only her description of herself. Her self-image, like Maggie's, is one of negativity. She describes herself as being uneducated, manly, and fat. She realizes that Dee would like her to be just the opposite of what she is but, "in real life [she is a] large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands" (p.64). The use of imagery comes back into play here with Mama's rough man-working hands. Although Mama states straight out that she is not educated, it is also apparent through her vocabulary and the questions she contemplates to herself. Sentences such as, "That's make them last better," and "If that's what you want us to call you, we'll call you," are indications of where she stands educationally. Through imagery and characterization it is apparent that Mama has a poor self image.

Though both Mama and Maggie show signs of resentment toward Dee, they remain intimidated by Dee's sophisticated and educated persona. They allow Dee to manipulate and belittle them, all the while beating them with her intelligence. The main paragraph that Mama shows resentment towards Dee is seen here

"She would read to us without pity; forcing words, lies, other folks' habits, whole lives upon us two, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice. She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn't necessarily need to know. Pressed us to her with the serious way she read, to shove us away at just the moment, like dimwits, we seemed about to understand." (p.64)

Mama's submissive attitude is shown through her actions. While Dee is seizing particular items around the house Mama just watches, "When [Dee] finished wrapping the dasher the handle stuck out. I took it for a moment in my hands You didn't even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood."(p.68). These words reveal that Mama cares about this particular item and maybe she doesn't want to part with it, but her submissive side can't say, "no!" to her daughter Dee.

Maggie's resentment toward Dee is portrayed through Mama's observation as stated here, "[Maggie] thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that 'no' is a word the world never learned to say to her."'(p.6). Or it may also be depicted by the way she looks at Dee "…eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe." (p.6). She is also heard making gasping sounds at the sight of Dee. Not likely gasps of happiness since the narrator describes them as the sound one might make when seeing "…the wriggling end of a snake."

The way she cowers and hides in the background may represent Maggie's submissive attitude. Her presence in the room may be hardly noticed. She is described as "cowering behind," "hidden behind the door," and lurking "back in the kitchen over the dishpan." Even when she speaks in the presence of others her tone of voice is such that "you almost couldn't hear her" (p.68). Towards the end of the story when Dee asks for the quilt Maggie says, "She can have them, Mama" even though Maggie knows they are rightfully hers.

At the end of the story Mama releases herself from her psychological confinement by doing "…something [she] had never done before," she was able to say, "no," and take a stand to her antagonistic daughter Dee. At this point her daughter does not intimidate her, and her intuition is screaming that the quilt belongs with Maggie. After Dee storms off it seems Mama and Maggie are left with a sort of gratification in themselves as the narrator ends the story describing what they did after Dee left, "And then the two of us sat there just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed."(p.70).

In conclusion, Walker's brilliant use of imagery and characterization is very abundant, leaving many aspects of the story, which may be explored. The use of color and great description allows one to discover the different personalities of the characters.

The main theme of the story is that a person's heritage is to be valued and cherished, not exhibited.

Please note that this sample paper on Everyday Use is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Everyday Use, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Everyday Use will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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