
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Malaysian studies

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in malaysian studies, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your malaysian studies paper at affordable prices!

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Topic Religions and Beliefs

There are many religions and beliefs practiced in the whole wide world. Basically in Malaysia there are 4 main religions and beliefs. The religions practiced in this country are Islamic, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity while the beliefs are Confucianism and Taoism.

The Islamic Religion

Write your malaysian studies research paper

The Islamic Religion is the official religion in Malaysia. Islam was brought to the world by Prophet Muhammad who was born in Mecca on 4 Apr 570AD or 1 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah. His father was Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib and his mother Aminah binti Wahab. He was raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib when he was orphaned then by his uncle, Abu Talib when his grandfather died. Even as a young man, he was already honored as al-Amin by his community who was impressed by his noble character. He married Siti Khadijah binti Khuwailid at the age of 5 and managed his wife's business. He showed his leadership qualities when he solved a dispute among the chiefs of Quraisy over the relocation of the Hajarul Aswad Stone to its original site after Mecca were beset by flood.

The Prophet received the first divine revelation on 6 August 610 (17 Ramadan) from the angel Gabriel at the Hira' Cave. The first revelation was the Surah al-Iqrawhich means 'Read in the name of your God who made man from a drop of blood…' After a few months, he received the second revelation from the Allah S.W.T to spread the teachings of Islam. He carried the command for 1 years. During this time the Prophet and his followers suffered great anguish and torment from the Quraisy people of Mecca.

On receiving Allah S.W.T command to move, the Prophet then migrated to Yathrib on 1 September 6 AD (1 Rabiul Awal). The Prophet and the people of Yathrib entered into agreements, namely the Aqabqh I Agreement and the Aqabah II Agreement. Following that Yathrib was renamed Madinah. After a few years the Quraisy was forced to succumb to the Prophet and accepted Islam.

The basics of Islam are akidah and syariah. Akidah is absolute faith or believe in the oneness in Allah S.W.T and everything that has been revealed by Allah S.W.T. Syariah is the laws and regulations of Islam contained in the holy Koran and the Sunnah (Hadis). The major festivals of the Muslim community are Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Haji and Maulud Nabi.


Basically there are two types of practices. The Chinese practice the Mahayana (Great Vehicle) branch of Buddhism which spread to and developed bin China during the Han Dynasty. This version of the religion has undergone adaptation. The Thais, however followed Hinayana (Little Vehicle) Buddhism, a more original version which places importance on saintly living.

Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama (56 to 48 BC), a prince from Kapilavatsu in North India near Nepal. Gautama was disturbed by the plight and suffering of the people so he leave the comfort of his family to seek truth and to experience the life of the ordinary people. He found enlightenment under the Bo tree.

The basics of Buddhist teachings are the four truths which the Buddhists call 'noble truths'

1. Suffering and unpleasantness in life, like old age, disease and death, are gifts of nature.

. Suffering is caused by greed or desire for wealth and pleasure which do not last.

. Suffering can end when greed and desire is overcome or controlled.

4. To overcome or control desire and end suffering one should followed the noble Eightfold Path or the Middle Way.

The Buddhist celebrates Wesak Day which is a public holiday in Malaysia.


It was brought here by the Indian workers who migrated to Malaya in the 1th and early 0th centuries. There is no one founder of Hinduism. The Hindus have two set of sacred books- the Vedas and the Upanishads. These books were written in Sanskrits. The epics Ramayana and Mahabharata are also regarded as holy texts. The Vedas consist of Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Atharva Veda and Samaveda.The Hindus believed in Trimurthi (Three Transformation). This concept explains that god appears in the form of different deities- Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Saviour) and Siva (the Destroyer). It also teaches the incarnation of the soul when people died.

The main festivals of the Hindus are Thaipusam and Deepavali. Others include Thaipongga, Navarathri and Hindu New Year.


It is founded in China by Kung Chung-Ni who was called by Kung Fu-Tze or Kung the Master. The Europeans, especially the Christians westernized the name to Confucius. The teachings of the Confucianism are contained in a holy book called the 'Analects'. He emphasized life in this world in his teachings.

Followers of Confucianism in this country worship Kung Fu-Tze as a deity and have built temples for this purpose. On festive occasions, they make offerings of roast pigs and sample money notes. There is no statue of Kung Fu-Tze, like that of Buddha, in such a place of worship; only a stone tablet on which is written the teachings of Confucius.


It was founded by Lao-Tze. His teachings focus on 'Tao', which means 'way'. Hence the name of is teachings, Taoism. His teachings are just as blur and difficult to understand today, as they were in the past. The holy book of Taoism is Tao Teh Keng.

According to Lao-Tze, Tao determines the course taken by the universe and is responsible for its movement. Because of this, Tao is the 'way' which must be used by mankind. It is the way to unite mankind with the universe and consequently co-ordinate man's life with the universe.

The two complementary principles of yang and yin in Chinese tradition explained the concepts of harmony in Taoism. Yang is positive, bright and masculine. Yin is negative, dark and feminine. The interaction of Yang and Yin is thought to maintain harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it.


It was brought here by Christian missionaries during the Portuguese control of Malacca. According to believers, the Christian way of life was taught by Jesus Christ. Jesus began teaching as an itinerant preacher. He taught obedience to one another and also performed some miracles. The Jewish leader plotted to get rid of Jesus. He was sentenced to death and crucified in about AD. Christians believe that God raised Jesus from dead three days later. Jesus met and spoke with his followers for a short period of time and after that was taken into heaven. After this his followers spread the teachings. The basics of Christian teachings are oneness with the God, obedience to God, brotherhood and love. The holy book of Christianity is the Bible.

The Christians celebrated Christmas, God Friday and also Easter.

Please note that this sample paper on malaysian studies is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on malaysian studies, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on malaysian studies will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Report # 3

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Report # 3. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Report # 3 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Report # 3, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Report # 3 paper at affordable prices!

Greek Civilization

The Greek civilization is the first European civilization to be born. Other civilizations like Mesopotamia, India, and china were born in Asia Minor. The Greek civilization was based on ideas. Unlike the Middle Eastern civilization, Greeks doesn't have a river, neither a lot of agriculture. Greeks focused on its mental resources, proving what's right and wrong, math and science, and most of all the human reasons (rationalism). In the video, Greeks were the center of literature and art, particularly in art sculpture of human figures. Since they only have a few of cultivation, the people were in poverty. I noticed that Greece had a lot of art sculptures, I was wondering if they started that art form and while they were traveling did they share knowledge with other cultures?

Greece was divided into two sections, the island people and the mainland people. Greeks thought they were the center of the earth. That is why they called their sea the Mediterranean Sea because it means "Middle of the earth." The Greek people liked to travel everywhere. In the east of Greece they came upon Turkey, Iran, and China, which they named the area "Asu," which means the place where the sun rises. Also they referred them as the oriental people and that is how they got the word "Asia" from. Then in the west of Greece, they have encountered with the Italians, Germany, and French. The Greek called that area the "Eribu," also the place where the sun goes down." Today they referred to call it as Europe and the people as occidental. Ancient Greek faced east all the time because all of the wealth and richness were in the east side, as well as, their enemies. Since the people of Greece were low on agriculture, it was best for them to trade and do business with other civilization. Greeks were always on the move. In result, it exposed them to different culture, religion, and languages.

The first Greek civilization started in the island called Crete. The Phoenician people colonized in Crete. Crete was the place where the Minoan civilization has started. A king named Minos ruled over the Minoans. He was known for his wealth, resources, and especially palaces. One of the greatest palaces that were built in Crete was the palace of knosos, it was built for king Minos. They used gold in many things; particularly for currency. The gold that the Greek owns might have been found in western Africa or Egypt.

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In the year 000 B.C. the Mycenaean have killed the Cretan culture. And they have adapted the Cretan scriptures known as Phoenician scriptures that came from an ancient city called Phoenicia. In fact, the "A, B, and C" was based on Phoenician scripts. Then in 1100 B.C. the Dorians diminished the Mycenaean. The Dorians were known for their architecture rather than literature. Actually, the never had a writing system. During the dark ages, people don't know what happen to them. Except that they left to go to Asia Minor and southern Italy because of starvation and warfare.

Greek did their best features around the year 800 B.C. Then in 500 B.C. the rise of philosophers brought out their ideas to the people of Greece. The city-state of Greek was called the polis; it's described more as a village rather than a big city. In the video, polis was spread around the Mediterranean Sea and each polis had its own personality. Greeks polis liked to have common things with each other. For example, they had common ancestors gods. Also Greeks thought to be all relatives, which means they married their own blood.

War was idealized in Greek culture, especially the Spartan culture. They based their city lives on Militarism and dictatorship. In fact, at age 8-10 boys were taken away for basic training. Then in age 15-0, teen boys were allowed to get married and to visit their wife for a little while. At age 0-5, men were sent out in combat and allowed to have children. Finally, at age 60 they were consented to retire the military. In addition to their military initiation, they were required to have sexual intercourse within other military men.

Conversely, the city of Athens based their lives on intellectual, and politics, which led to democracy. Spartan despises the Athenians, so they spent their lives destroying each others city. Greeks who were freemen were allowed to vote. Women and slaves were not permitted to vote. Slave men could vote if they were to buy their freedom from their masters. However, Greek women were treated badly, especially slave women that were just used for concubines wives or sex. And that led to women homosexuality., which I thought was so sad because their men left them.

Persia was one of Greeks worst enemies. The war between Greece and Persia was called the Marathon War. Persia civilization had a lot of resources. They even hired Greek military leaders to kill their own people just to win the fight. Therefore, during 40 B.C. Greek people struggled until something happened in the Persian camps, which caused them to lose the war. After the war Greeks set up a league called the Delian League to unite all city Greeks in Greece. But the Spartan refused to join the league because of the Athenians. Since Athenians were into politics, they had skills to become leaders, so they became the leaders of that league. So did the Athenians dictate Greece, given that they were a good political people?

A man named Philip I of Macedonia tried to unite all city Greeks, but couldnt because a Spartan killed him. However, a son of Philip came to the throne and became one of the first conqueror of Greece, his named was Alexander the great. Alexander invaded the Asia Minor and took control of Persia. He conquered Egypt and fell in love with the civilization. He was fascinated with their libraries, in result he ordered to construct a library in Egypt at the city of Alexandria. Alexander took people from other civilization to join with him in his quest. He traveled so much that he wanted to go more further. When he got to city called Bactria, Alxander fell in love with this woman named Rukhsaneh. He was in loved; therefore he made her as his wife. Then he took her to Mesopotamia and became a king of two crowns (East and West). When he died, the council killed Alexanders wife and son because they were not good enough to rule the East and West civilizations. Western stories told that Alexander died from a fever. But in the Eastern story said that he got stab by the supposedly future husband of Rukhsaneh. Now at this time they still have not figured out the place where Alexander the great was buried. Compared to Egypt civilization, I believe Egypt was more cultured than the Greeks.

Please note that this sample paper on Report # 3 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Report # 3, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Report # 3 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Death and Time (Donne and Herbert)

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Death and Time (Donne and Herbert). What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Death and Time (Donne and Herbert) paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Death and Time (Donne and Herbert), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Death and Time (Donne and Herbert) paper at affordable prices!

In poetry of the Seventeenth Century, many different views can be discovered about time and death. Perceptions of time and death have been symbolized throughout history. Often they can be categorized with the same meaning. Time and death has been given different personas such as good or evil. Poets, John Donne and George Herbert can be among the most well known authors that characterized time and death. In Donne's "Holy Sonnet 10", he directly approaches Death. In Herbert's, "Time" he also addresses death, but calls it time. From two very different prospectives, Donne and Herbert both directly address death and its effect on civilization dealing with God and eternal life.

In John Donne's "Holy Sonnet 10", Donne approaches Death with an aggressive approach, using a serious and yet belittling tone. The opening of the poem, "Death, be not proud…for thou art not so;" (1-) shows his challenge to Death's authority and power. He goes on to tell Death, "those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow/ Die not, poor Death nor yet canst thou kill me." (-4) Donne condemns and challenges Death's power over human beings. Donne explains his bravery to Death by expressing that if Death is like sleep than he would be better off still. When he goes on to say, "From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, / Much pleasure,"(5-6) he tries to express that rest and sleep are images of Death and makes dying appear to be something that is wonderful. If they are pleasing, it shows that Death itself must be more enjoyable, When Donne continues, "And soonest our best men with thee do go, / Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery," he explains that Death has an advantage over sleep, which is the ability to discharge our souls from earth.

Donne continues in his poem by implying that Death is a "slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men," () and this conveys his opinion that like these things that Death doesn't have power over, he doesn't have power over us either. Death cannot gather up our souls unless you allow him to. Donne depicts Death as a scavenger who "dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell," (10) because Death must wait for these things to do something before he can do his job. He then criticizes Death by saying, "and poppy or charms can make us sleep as well, / And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou now?" (11-1). This further explains the comparing between Death and sleep stating that there are other ways to sleep besides dying. He better explains himself stating that Death is "One short sleep past, we wake eternally," (1) which expresses that the sleep of Death is short lived compared to eternal life. Finally, Donne explains what becomes of Death once it has taken our life. He says, "And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die." (14) which explains the fact that once Death carries us to eternal sleep, it is made useless and will die. Donne has rebuked Death's pride and has reduced Death to a short nap before eternity. He also does not welcome Death, but in "Time" by George Herbert, he, does.

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George Herbert's poem "Time" has a smoother tone in dealing with the symbols of death and time. Herbert speaks about a meeting with Time, which gives a more gentle relationship between the poet and its subject. In his first encounter with "Time", Herbert states, "Slack thing…thy scythe is dull; whet it for shame" (1-). This explains his disappointment with the dull scythe. Time desires this when Herbert continues to explain "No marvel, sir, he did reply, / If it at length deserve some blame;/ But where one man would have me grind it, / Twenty for one too sharp do find it," (-6). This basically expresses that most people don't want Time's reaping scythe to be sharp. Herbert further expresses himself saying, "Perhaps some of old did pass, / Who above all things loved this life;/ To whom the scythe a hatchet was, / Which now is but a pruning knife" (7-10). He is trying to convey that at one time for some people Time's scythe, which is death, was excruciating and deadly. But now he explains that the scythe helps our souls to grow. He justifies this change by Time and its scythe stating, "Christ's coming hath made man thy debtor, / Since by cutting he grows better" (11-1). He refers to how Christ died on the cross to save our souls. Since Christ has sacrificed himself for us, death is just a stage that we have to go through in order to get to Heaven. He compares Time and the death to a gardener who prunes his wards to help them grow stronger.

Herbert continues talking about time explaining its change. Using the lines, "for where thou only wert before/ An executioner at best," "Thou art gardener now, and more, / An usher to convey our souls/ Beyond the utmost stars and poles," (14-18) he illustrates how Time is a road through life into death, journeying further to eternal life. Through death, Time now acts as a guide to God. Herbert explains how Time moves at a slow pace when one is aware of the eternal happiness of heaven. He says, "And this is that makes life so long, / While it detains us from our God." (1-0) He goes on to say, "Who wants the place where God doth dwell/ Partakes already half a hell," (-4) expressing that earth is a part of hell. Time finally replies by saying, "This man deludes/ What do I here before his door? / He doth not crave less time, but more," (-0) expressing that although Time is like a gardener planting our way to salvation, humans search for more time in life. Despite the truth that life is just a waiting place to get to heaven, humans still have the wishes to live. Time expresses, "this man deludes," (8), saying that as humans we delude ourselves with desires for long life, when in reality death is freedom to get to God.

Both poets have the same aspect of death, which is freedom, and portray life as being like a waiting place for eternity. They both look forward to death, and view life as a penalty. Herbert depicts life as "a rod" () while Donne describes death as freedom. Although there are connections, the poets insights on Time and Death are not alike. Donne is more hostile while Herbert is friendlier about it. Donne never gives Death a chance to respond, making Death appear vulnerable. Herbert allows Time to respond by singling out man's limitations. Basically, Donne hates Death for what it has become while Herbert loves Time for what it has become. They both explain the connection between death and humanity. They also see death as a vehicle to eternal life.

Please note that this sample paper on Death and Time (Donne and Herbert) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Death and Time (Donne and Herbert), we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Death and Time (Donne and Herbert) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss. paper at affordable prices!

Truth and illusion is key to this plays understanding. It starts as a play focusing on two couples failing marriages and the intensity of their relationships between each other as well as the audience. However, as the story progresses, the alcohol flows and the tension increases, it becomes clear that truth and illusion play a deeper and more complex part.

The first example of this is simply shown in the illusion of George and Martha's marriage and later Nick and Honey's. Their relationship can hardly be described as a marriage but more of a perpetual contest and power struggle

'If you and your…wife …want to go at each other, like a couple of…

… animals,'

Name calling 'muckmouth', insults 'YOU SATANIC BITCH!' and sarcasm 'sweetie', all feature in their fight for survival in their own illusion. Both characters seem to thrive off this, or the power that they gain when ahead of the other.

We also discover that the seemingly perfect marriage of the young couple Honey and Nick also has deeper scenarios then first thought. This truth or the break down of the illusion is brought about by George's probing questions 'Tell me about your wife's money.' Again it is a loveless marriage fuelled by money and Honey's 'hysterical' pregnancies. These self-terminating pregnancies, deceiving both herself and Nick show the unbalanced nature of Honey but also that she uses the illusion of appendicitis, a 'false alarm', to protect herself from being pregnant or having a child. Honey needs this illusion so she can continue to be childless, she is terrified at the start of the play of a life without this illusion, of a life with a child

"I…don't…want…any…children. I'm afraid! I don't want

to be hurt."

However, by the end, when she is drunk and the pressure is high she confesses hysterically that she wants a child, 'I want a child!' She is tired of a life with illusion, she is probably scared by the unhappiness of George and Martha and the example of how their illusions have damaged them.

The clearest and most significant illusion that arises in the play is the illusion of Martha and George's son. The fantasy or game world that they have created for themselves in the form of having a child is resurfaced throughout the play. Albee has created these illusions for the characters of George and Martha to use it as a weapon against each other in their power struggle. With guests present it is used as threat to intentionally hurt each other, 'he's not completely sure it's his own kid.' Through the years they have concocted a whole imaginary life for an imaginary son. The audience only find out the truth at the end of the play when George breaks the news of their sons death to Martha in such an unfeeling and flippant way that the whole farce is seen to be another of their illusions or games 'Now pull your self together. Our son is Dead!' This illusion is comparable to the games played between the characters, for example 'Humiliate the Host'; they both have rules and are used as a device to gain power. However, where Martha controlled that game, this illusion shows how the power has shifted from character to character. The major difference between the games and the illusion is that the game is based around truth, the game unravels the illusion, for example 'bringing up baby' and 'Get the Guests'.

The language that Martha and George use when describing the death of their son exemplifies the fact that the son is just an illusion, made up by them at the start to try and save their marriage




The hysteria that Martha displays when George decides to end the illusion upholds the argument that Albee's characters are afraid of a life without illusion. They have come to rely upon it, employ it so much in their everyday lives that it has actually become real to them, they have forgotten how to live without the game. The breakdown of Martha also shows how powerful the game was, whoever made up the rules was in control. George won the power in the relationship by changing the rules of the game and ending the illusion. Martha at the end of the play becomes childlike and George takes on a fatherly role 'All right. Time for bed.'

However, with the ending of the illusion, George gains power, he is not afraid of a life without illusion but thrives on it, he becomes free and the dominant one in the relationship. Not all Albee's characters are afraid of a life without illusion.

Indeed, Nick is the first character to recognise the problems that the games and the confusing difference between truth and illusion cause in the play 'Hell I don't know when you people are lying or what.' The audience identifies with Nick, as they are in the same state of confusion, not understanding where the play is going and not knowing what to believe and what not. George answers this question on Albee's behalf with ' You're not supposed to.'

There are many other illusions in the play that are not only there to allude the characters but also the audience. Honey seems to be the typical feminine wife, stemming from her descriptive name, her girly giggle and her slim hipped, frail figure. A dumb blonde who turns out to be able to speak Latin in return to George's Latin requiem over the death of his and Martha's illusion 'Et lux perpetua luceat eis.' This changes the illusion. It exemplifies that the illusions about the characters the audience started with do not last the whole play. The audience has allusions to Martha's power, the intelligence of Honey, and Nick's intentions with furthering his career, he is not as good and innocent as first thought ' I'd just better get her off in a corner and mount her like a god-damn dog, eh?'

Albee uses illusion in the play for many reasons. The audience are constantly assuming and then reassuming concerning the characters. As well as the unrelenting intensity between the characters this leads to a play where the audience is kept guessing to whom has the mental power, who is making the rules and is it all just an illusion in the end. The play concerns itself with one night where four characters lose their fear of a life without illusion and face up to their own separate truths.

Please note that this sample paper on Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss., we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Are Albee's characters "afraid of a life without illusion"? Discuss. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, October 12, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Hawaii. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Hawaii paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Hawaii, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Hawaii paper at affordable prices!

Hawaii , just that word is enough to give you all the images that you need to fulfill your desires. But having only these thoughts will not give you the experience of the breathtaking views, shimmering waters, beautiful beaches, unforgettable nights and the recreational adventures. "It is a paradise not just for newly weds as many may think, but it's also for singles families, kids and elders as well"(Patel).

Many people do not know how Hawaii and its people came about on this island. "According to archeologists, the earliest settlers who sailed to Hawaii on their seaworthy double canoes are believed to have come from the Marquesas Islands of Eastern Polynesia. They arrived between 500 and 800 A.D." (Hawaiian's ). Hawaii was made from a water volcano that later became a beautiful island that many people go to see and have fun there. "The first Polynesians migrated from Southeast Asia as a seafaring people, who spread over an area of the globe larger than that covered by any other people until the 18th and 1th centuries, when Europeans began exploring various parts of the then known world"(Hawaiian's). Hawaii is not just a place for Hawaiian people; many people have come and going from Hawaii. I see Hawaii to be a place that is full of religious and cultural people. Many people do not know this, but Hawaii once had its own "monarchial system that was led by a queen"(Hawaiian's). This just shows that people who study the history of Hawaii should know that even women had the power to led a country in those times. Later as many years passed by, "Hawaii became part of America."(Hawaiian's). "American government went from Provisional to Republic, from republic to Territorial to Statehood in 15"(Hawaiian's). This quote here shows the Hawaiians become what they are today, "Engulfed in a new sea, the Hawaiian now set sail, on the merits of his rich Polynesian heritage and with new leaning, on a journey for the preservation of his life"(Hawaiian's). Hawaii is like a paradise, that when found, people know that it is different then any other place that they have seen. I see the Hawaiian Islands to be a place where every thing seems to be untouched and unspoiled by any human being.

The Hawaiian Islands have so many fun activities to do. The most important reason why people go to Hawaii is, because of its beautiful beaches, but that not it. They have horse-back riding, snorkeling, sailing, surfing and many other activities"( site # ). "The islands are like heaven, because they have everything a person needs to fulfill their dreams"(Patel). If I were to go to Hawaii I would start off by going on a Helicopter ride around the island just to capture its beauty and to have in mind all the things that there is it see and do in Hawaii. One of the most beautiful things Hawaii has is it water falls. "The Manoa Falls takes in beautiful views, colorful trees, flowers, and glimpses of native bird life"(book #). "Hawaii is full of volcanoes, hillsides, and water. Once you get back home you can share every moment of it with your friends and loved ones, after having your breath taken away. There are even tours that you can take on horses. The tour will take you on a "path that menders through lush jungle trail along the hillside; through streams and rivers; and on to ancient Hawaiian villages"(site # 1). To my this sounds like it is surrounded by beautiful seenore, and wonderful animals. "The trail ride begins on the valley floor and last about ½ hours"(site # ). This all seems fun, but when it comes to me, I would want to go snorkeling and surfing. To me snorkeling seem a lot of fun and excitement, and "the best time to go snorkeling or diving is early in the day and this activity is one of the most popular water sports activities on the big island"(site # ).Hawaii is one of the world most famous places for surfing. "Woody Brown is 88 and lives in Maui, Hawaii where he surfs every chance he gets and he has been doing this since the early 10's. If I know how to Surfing I would probably pick Hawaii has my first place to surf. Hawaii is probably know for its awesome beaches and crystal clear water too. There water is so clean that now they even have a submarine tour. "There is only one real submarine on the big island, Atlantis Submarine, and a lot of people love this activity because they can see it all without getting wet or messing up their hair"(site#1). Hawaii is also a fun place to relax and get a tan. I did not believe someone could really get dark in the sun until I saw my Cousin Imran when He came back from Hawaii with his wife. There is so much to do in Hawaii, but not a lot of time to get to it all. People have to know what they want to do and have to have it all booked ahead of time to get the best deals on everything. After having a great day you can relax on the "Polynesian Dinner Cruise which sets sail at 515 p.m. every day for a memorable evening of dining and Polynesian entertainment on Kona's original sunset dinner cruise"(site #1). The snorkeling, sailing, surfing and sight seeing all seems fun, but when the sun goes down the people come out to have some more fun.

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The night life in Hawaii is almost as wild as Cancun. "In Hawaii the night life begins at sunset, when all eyes turn westward to see how the day will end"(book #). People in Hawaii fortunate to have an environment that encourages the cultural ritual"(book #). People all around the world know about the holla dancing and the torch-lighting ceremony. "The night starts off earlier with a picnic basket and walk along the Oceanside path way for many people"(book #). I could live my whole life in Hawaii with my wife. Every night Hawaii always has something going on. "The Waikiki's beachfront bars also offer many possibilities, form the Royal Hawaiian Hotel Mai Tai Bar, a few feet from the sand"(booK#). It is my dream to one day set on the beaches of Hawaii and share a drink with my wife. There is this one place were; "Halokulani and it happens to make the best mai tai in the world and this place has the after dinner hours with light jazz played by local artists"(book#). Last but not lest the "Fiasco's is a place for local and visitors, alike to come to this restaurant and club for a quick meal and after work partying"(book#4). When I go to Hawaii I am definitely going to this place just because of what it has to offer. "If you want a little country kick, come Tuesdays for line dancing"(book#4). I believe that to some people it is fun, but I am one of the wild people and I like to have fun all day and night. I fell that Hawaii is different then even other place and it is made to show how wonderful one place could be.

Please note that this sample paper on Hawaii is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Hawaii, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Hawaii will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values.

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values. paper at affordable prices!

In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play?

In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values.

The Merchant of Venice focuses a great deal on religion because it is at the centre of the whole story. Shylock (a Jew) lends money to Antonio (a Christian) and this is from where the whole problem arises and where the story begins. Neither Jew or Christian really want to do business with each other but because of the situation in Venice at the time, Jews tended to be the only money lenders so Antonio did not have a choice if he wanted to help Bassanio he had to borrow money from Shylock. Because of the "ancient grudge" between the Christians and the Jews and the fact that Shylock felt very hard done by by the Christians because of the way they treated him, he decided to use his position as the money lender to get his revenge on Antonio and demand a pound of flesh if he could not pay back the money.

"If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him."&

Help with essay on In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values.

The Jews and Christians have a mutual hate for one another purely based on race and both treat each other with utter contempt and would go out of their way to hurt each other just to prove a point. The Christians spit on the Jews and call them dogs and devils and the Jews lend Christians money but charge them high rates of interest and possibly ask for forfeits not unlike the one Shylock demands from Antonio.

"You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, And spit upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all for use of that which is mine own."

Shakespeare presents the Jews in a very stereotypical way, especially Shylock. He is greedy, mercenary, spiteful and uncaring and has very few likeable qualities. He is completely evil and shows no mercy at all and when his daughter leaves him, he cares more about the money she stole from him than he does about losing her.

But, instead of making the Christians the complete opposite of the Jews, he also gives them some undesirable qualities, some which are not unlike the typical characteristics of the Jews. Portia, Antonio and Bassanio are all quite mercenary, shallow and greedy and are not even merciful at the trial when casting sentence on Shylock, and mercy is what they claim sets them apart from the Jews. The "Christian" qualities, which they all claim to have, are not there. This is what makes me think that Shakespeare did not intend the play to be anti-Semitic. If he did, then the Christians would not be so much like the Jews and they would be more like "typical Christians." Instead, we see that characters such as Antonio, Portia and Bassanio believe that they act like true Christians but in fact, they act little better than their enemies. Antonio even admits to treating Shylock badly and says that he would be happy to do it again and still calls himself a true Christian.

"I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too."

Shylock then agrees to lend Antonio the money and Antonio replies;

"The Hebrew will turn Christian, he grows kind."

Antonio says this implying that only Christians are kind but the only kind thing that Antonio does in the play is lend Bassanio the money, and one could argue that he even did this for selfish reasons, to buy Bassanio's love. He has very few, typical Christian traits but still uses the fact that he is a Christian to persecute the Jews. Shylock even has reasonable excuse for wanting revenge on the Christians because Jews believe in an eye for an eye as a policy for revenge, as that is what it says in the bible, and he has been treated very badly by the Christians. This is another reason why I do not believe that Shakespeare intended the Merchant of Venice to be an anti- Semitic play. He has given us too much reason to think badly of the Christians and feel sorry for Shylock and the other Jews. The fact that the Christians force Shylock to convert at the end of the play shows the audience just how evil and unmerciful the Christians can be and we sympathise with Shylock more than with them. Shakespeare would not have left us feeling sympathetic towards Shylock if he had intended the play to be anti-Semitic. The Christians would have been merciful and we would be left thinking that Shylock got away lightly with what he had done but been left in awe at the endless mercy and kindness of the Christians. Instead, we are left thinking that Shylock was a bit hard done by and that the Christians were not very Christian and merciful. This is why I do not believe that Shakespeare intended the play to be anti-Semitic.

Please note that this sample paper on In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values., we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on In your opinion, is 'The Merchant of Venice' an anti-Semitic play? In the course of your answer, explain clearly how Shakespeare presents Christians and Jews and comment on what the play suggests about prejudice and religious values. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The Scarlet Letter, authored by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a historical novel based in, and written relatively shortly after early American puritanical times. Its focus is on a bleak New-England village that has crafted a limbo of Judeo-Christian order out of the vast North American wilderness.

The book was Hawthorne's claim to fame, which he fervently produced after losing his job as a customs official. It is the culmination of his previous works, including short story and poetry, many of which also had philosophical and theological themes. Hawthorne himself was a transcendentalist, a self-actualized post Calvin movement, which he and his wife studied and practiced while living on a commune at brook farm, one of the earlier Utopian societies in America. After publishing the scarlet letter, Nathaniel's career as a novelist took off, and he published several books before his death in 1864.

Like the majority of his work, in The Scarlet Letter puritan values are the neutral mud from which Hawthorne creates beautiful and articulate ideas from. Thus the story starts off with the village rabble fixing their gaze expectantly on the sturdy prison doors. Through speculation, it is learned that a woman is to emerge and be led to the pillory and be shamed before the village for her crime of adultery. As the doors open, our protagonist, Hester Prynne emerges, her shame evidenced by the babe in her arms and the blazing satin 'A' that the officials have fixed to her garment.

In the next scene, where she stands question from her station on the pillory sees most of the influential characters introduced. Her interrogator is Father Dimmesdale, the intelligent, youthful pastor, and opposite him in the crowd is Roger Chillingsworth, an aged, recently returned wanderer from Indian lands. The story is that Hester's husband sent her from Europe to live in Boston, but that he never followed, and in the meanwhile Hester pursued a more meaningful relationship that produced her bastard child. She refuses to give away the identity of the father, instead taking shame for her own, and a classic whodunit is born.

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The first character to be brought into the light is Roger Chillingsworth. He poses as a doctor and naturalist and is brought to see to Hester in her cell. As they talk, it becomes obvious that he is her estranged husband. Despite the fact that, in this weird little outpost of humanity, he is constantly reminded of the ruin of their loveless relationship and must live in obscurity, it is here that he finds the most connection. He resolves to uncover the identity of her lover, and swears her to keep his identity and motives secret.

Several years later, Arthur Dimmesdale falls ill with a heart affliction, and Chillingsworth moves in with him to see to his medical needs. He finds that his condition is the result of mental and psychosomatic distress and becomes suspicious of a tie between his and Hester's torment. Then, one day, Roger uncovers a parallel, self-inflicted letter A on Dimmesdale's breast and the situation becomes clear.

Once all the key facts are brought out in the open, the rest of the book deals with the resolution of this sticky situation, and the character's true relations to each other are made the clearer to see.

Hester's struggle was with herself. Before the events of this story, she was a passionate and mercurial woman, full of life and love. It was not a fitting fate that she should be bound to the cold, vampiric Roger Chillingsworth, and indeed she found a way out of it when she met Arthur Dimmesdale. Whatever sin they may have committed, it was wrought out of a pure, complimentary love, and although the mark she wore was meant to symbolize evil and shame, in the end, it was only a mark. Hester acknowledged that her so-called sin was just another chapter in her life, and, understanding it, she embraced and incorporated it into who she was. The only step for her before she could truly move on then was to give her child a father.

Dimmesdale was not so clear and insightful when dealing with the situation. He denied act and internalized the shame, until it grew so great and terrible within him that his body could stand it no longer. But he also learned from and created with the pain, giving his followers original and meaningful spiritual advice to apply to their lives. He then gives one last, ultimate and eloquent sermon as his testament on earth and in the end, he realizes that in order to relieve himself before death he must make things right, and in a moment of braveness he ascends to his rightful place on the pillory beside Hester and his daughter. Pearl kisses him, and he falls into a merciful death.

Roger Chillingsworth is a sad story indeed. The man was twisted and troubled from the moment of his birth, and was never fully able to give and receive in kind. He instead fueled the cold hearth inside himself with the energy of others he lingered on in this place only to exact revenge on Dimmesdale the adulterer, and was responsible for much of his cycle of denial and pain. But even the Pastor was able to come to peace with himself, and after the loss of Hester and his vengeance; he had nothing to sustain him and succumbed to fate.

This book was a stark account of the dogma, hypocrisy and sexism that too often defined colonial America. It is a story about how unnatural inhibitions and orders hampered what would have been two bright and successful lives. Even in the open township, where everything is supposed to be exposed to the judgment of god much is secret and shadow, and often one finds the essential human strength being locked away in kind. Yet, out of all the pain, and the isolation, and the wrongness that this backwards system did the people a questioning, contemplative way was born. Hester was able to put much constructive thought to the inequities and the problems of the social framework, and was able to help other women along their way, while finding her own place in the world. The conclusion of the book shows that often, the human spirit blazes brightest and clearest in time of trial and that there is nothing to lose, and everything to gain from embracing its innate truth and beauty.

Please note that this sample paper on The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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