
Monday, September 28, 2020

Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading.

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading. paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

The Mules Foal by Fotini Epanomitis, to me, is a normal novel because it tells a story and is about events that could be real. It is a story about three houses in a greek/turk village and about what happens inside these houses, as well as the people inside them. At the start of the story the narrator Mirella tells us that it is a story of houses, of what happens in them and between them.

In other words, this book meets the wide definition of a novel, which is an extended work of prose fiction (Abrams, 171, pg 110) and has all the elements required for a novel such as plot, setting characters and point of view. The Mules Foal is a normal novel because it fits the genre of Magic Realism. Each element of the novel is affected by its genre.

The Mules Foal is a normal novel because it fits the definition of a novel. This book is obviously not based on true events because the events that take place are fantastical. This book also meets the narrower definition of prose romance, which is a novel that uses simplified characters, a solitary protagonist who is isolated from a social context, and has anologies to dreams, myths, rituals and folklores(Abrams, 171, pg 11). Firstly a good example from the book which fits this definition for ritual is when all the deformed babies are placed near the bridge that leads into the village and the pigs eat them

And if the child were born without legs or arms, or even without a head, then the mother would leave the children at the foot of the bridge. The villagers would let out their pigs which would eat and maul and eat the child.

Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading.

Secondly, myths are included and a good example of this is the story of St Vaia and her holy water

The story says that this is St. Vaias holy water. St Vaia, who had refused to abandon her faith for the Turks. They cut of her breasts and she bled to death. That is where the holy water is supposed to come from.

Lastly, the solitary protagonist is the Gorilla Child, who lived a solitary childhood behind a wall and did not have a very good social life as an adult, because of his ugly appearance and relatively shy nature

Yiorgis the Apeface was a polite man, of a basically lomesome nature. He lived a quiet life and was betrothed to a girl from a distant town.

The Mules Foal is one such novel that fits into the genre magic realism. Magic Realism uses fabulous and fantastical events which are included in a narrative that otherwise maintains the reliable tone of objective realistic report. Realism is maintained throughout the book through the use of point of view techniques. The story is told in simple language with little dialogue. Fotini Epanomitis, through Mirella, tells the story by keeping a straight face to make the reader believe her. A good example is when Meta turns into a man

One day Meta turns into a man. Noone knows who he is. There is no name, and no record of his crime. So he is set free.

This shows that realism is maintained even when the events are ridiculous and fantastical, and so fits the definiton of Magic Realism.

Like any novel, The Mules Foal takes place in a certain location and is narrated in a particular point in time. According to a review by Susan Nicholls the story envelopes us instantly in the world of a small village, somewhere in or near greece, sometime in the not-very-distant-past, possibly the turn of th century and a little later. What we are actually told about the village is there are cobbled streets and that it is in a valley that dried up years ago, and about the bridge that leads into the village. We are told about St. Vaias holy water and that the houses are made of stone. We know that there is a kafeneio a graveyard near a church and a town square. This setting is a normal setting in terms of a novel. The Magic Realism of the story sits on top of this basic setting. By having such a normal setting it can make the reader draw comparisons between his world and the novels world.

I think I have shown that The Mules Foal is truly a normal novel. It has elements that fit the definition of a novel, and just happens also to fit the genre Magic Realism. I have shown through the plot, the setting and point of view which are the required elements of a novel, are all found inside this story.

Please note that this sample paper on Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading., we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Does the Mules Foal conform to your expectations of a normal novel? In answering your question you will need to consider the setting, characters, plot and theme. You will also need to consider the genre and its influence on your reading. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Well-Intentioned Protagonists

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Well-Intentioned Protagonists. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Well-Intentioned Protagonists paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Well-Intentioned Protagonists, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Well-Intentioned Protagonists paper at affordable prices!

Many novels have protagonists whom are unique people. These characters often try to help others and improve humanitys state of existence is some way. They can be anybody with any attitude or status in society, but something persuades them to help. These characters will often do anything they can to help in any way, large or small. Many times, the characters will invent a totally new idea to serve others and will pursue it with greater fervor than they would a conventional method. Unfortunately, in novels, like in life, good intentions can end in bad results. Such is the case in the novels Frankenstein and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. In both of these stories, the well-intentioned protagonists wanted to help others in an unconventional way but ended up failing at least partially. So how did these well-meaning people with unique goals fail? Why did their good intentions end with sour results? These characters failed for three important reasons they were inexperienced; they had minimal control over their situations; and they did not have a well thought-out plan of action. Because of these reasons, the protagonists failed to achieve their goal helping others.

The inventive and well-intentioned characters in Frankenstein and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest were Victor Frankenstein and McMurphy respectively. The first reason they failed in reaching their goals of philanthropy was the fact that they were inexperienced. They didnt really know what they were doing. For example, Victor Frankenstein discovered the secret of animating dead flesh. Yes, he knew how to do this, but he did not know what the ultimate result of his discovery would be. He could not foresee that the reanimated dead flesh would be flawed. Instead of experimenting further and realizing that his discovery was not very helpful, he decided to jump right ahead and create a super-human monster. He hoped that his discovery would help all of mankind, but it instead became a curse to him and those he loved. If Victor had more experience, he would have known not to jump to conclusions in his excitement and to experiment more with his discovery. Similarly, McMurphy was inexperienced at what he attempted. He wanted to open the inmates eyes to the oppression of Nurse Ratched and the Hospital but he didnt know how to go about it the right way. He just went for it. Unfortunately, he ended up suffering for it in the end and the inmates learned less than he would have wanted. Because of their inexperience in their out of the box methods, Victor and McMurphy both increased their chances of failing.

The next reason why Victor and McMurphy failed was the fact that they had minimal control over their situations. Their lack of control gave them little ability to carry out their goals effectively. Many things happened, out of their power, which doomed their efforts to failure. For Victor, the lack of control was mostly caused by his first reason for failing lack of experience. This was true at first, before he created the monster. After he released his creation, however, Victor had very little control over what was happening. There were a few instances where he could have changed his fate (when the monster requests a wife, for example), but he was mostly powerless to stop the monsters tirades. McMurphy had almost no control over his situation. He was forced into the Hospital and he was ultimately subject to the authority of his enemy, Nurse Ratched. The only power he occasionally had was the fickle favor of his fellow inmates. Using this small and infrequent advantage, he tried to achieve his goal of helping the inmates. It was not enough and his efforts ended in failure.

The final and most important reason why Victor and McMurphy failed was that they lacked a thorough plan-of-action. They had no specific short term goals for meeting their long term goals. They both just did what they wanted; they leapt before they looked. Victor had no specific plan of action after he finished his creation, or even what his creations specific purpose would be. All he did was make the monster, realize his mistake, become afraid, and run away, turning his back on his creation and responsibility. If he knew what he was going to need to do before he finished, he would have not been frightened or surprised. He needed a plan. He didnt, so he panicked. McMurphy didnt have a plan either. He failed to carefully consider how he was going to fight back against Nurse Ratched, how he was going to open the minds of the inmates, and what he was going to do if something unexpected happened. Not only did McMurphy lack a conscious plan-of-action, he didnt even consciously realize his desire to help. This almost certainly doomed him. Imagine if President Bush wanted to take out Saddam and just sent a bunch of bombs his way without any real planning. His effort would almost certainly fall apart and fail. Similarly, Victor and McMurphy lacked a plan-of-action, their efforts failed, and their goals went unrealized.

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Victor and McMurphy failed in achieving their goals for three reasons they were inexperienced, they had little control, and they didnt have plans to carry out their goals. McMurphy wanted to help the inmates to fight back against Nurse Ratcheds oppression, but he didnt succeed. Victor Frankenstein wanted to help all of humanity by discovering the secret of immortality, but he failed. Well-intentioned people in real life fail because of the same reasons. For example, Robert Oppenhiemer, the creator of the atomic bomb, had no idea of the full magnitude of his work, could not have had previous experience with a similar situation, was powerless because of control by the government, and could not have had a feasible plan-of-action for a unique situation that no one could predict. Instead of helping humanity (his goal), he unintentionally contributed to the threat of its extinction. As evidenced by Victor Frankenstein and McMurphy, when trying something new the risk of failure is greatly increased, especially if you are not prepared. Unfortunately, this even applies to trying something with the intention of helping people.

Please note that this sample paper on Well-Intentioned Protagonists is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Well-Intentioned Protagonists, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Well-Intentioned Protagonists will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Alan and Naomi

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Alan and Naomi. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Alan and Naomi paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Alan and Naomi, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Alan and Naomi paper at affordable prices!

Alan and Naomi Summary in chapters

Chapter I - Alan plays stickball with Shaun and others

- meets Naomi for the first time while she's tearing scraps of paper on the floor of the Oak Terrace Arms

- she's terrified due to his baseball bat, screaming, runs away

Write my Essay on Alan and Naomi for me

Chapter II - Parents (Sol & Ruth) talk to him because of Naomi, introduce her life story

- want him to play with her, help her

- he doesn't want to, wants to play stickball

- Naomi is first association with WW II

Chapter III - Alan's thinking about Naomi, the map, GESTAPO

- begins to be sensitive w.r.t. Naomi

- window-meeting tries to talk to her by the use of a dummy

- she's fetching Yvette, waves back, disappears

- no impact yet

Chapter IV - Alan's tells parents that he's going to help Naomi

- parents cry, weep

- chat with Shaun about being a sissy, doesn't trust him (tell him about N.)

Chapter V - first time Alan's meets Naomi in her room

- is embarrassed because of the dummy

- „monkey see monkey do", Yvette waves back

- Naomi just tears paper all the time

Chapter VI - the water fight with Shaun, started by Alan

- to get time, not to go to Naomi

- again at Naomi's

- tears paper all the time

Chapter VII - butterfly bombardement

- Alans gets to know Shaun's sensitive side

- Teacher (Mrs. Landley) not angry, guys laughing at him

- Says Shaun that he has an „errand", goes to Naomi

- Yvette talks for the first time when he wants to go, then keeps tearing paper

Chapter VIII - Naomi doesn't react anymore for days

- plays stickball, comes late to dinner, parents angry, has to go to Naomi

- „she's crazy, he's crazy"

- Yvette talks again because he is sad (am I a boy? going crazy?)

Chapter IX - Alan & Shaun at the airfield, playing with their airplanes, enjoying theirselves

- Alan can't tell Shaun about Naomi

Chapter X - Alan at Naomi's

- having fun by dancing, singing

- „now I have friend", „so have I"

- „La Marseillaise French National Anthem

- Naomi frightened, hides under bed

- But Alan can make her talk a bit again

Chapter XI - Alan gets new songbooks from the library, goes to Naomi

- Naomi wants to sing war songs

- „she was smart", thought Naomi being his sister

Chapter XII - Alan plays with Shaun at the airfield, goes back home with him

- meets Naomi in the lobby

- doesn't show his relation to Naomi, regrets that

Chapter XIII - Alan is lying in his bed, thinking about Naomi

- „she was his friend. They were each other's friends"

- thought of being „secret" friends

- father comes in

- Alan is supposed to talk to Naomi directly, without using a dummy

- Alan is going to do it

Chapter XIV - Alan at Naomi's

- tries to talk her directly, she finds ways to avoid being herself

- „it's no use"

- the next days he tries to find a way to talk to Naomi, no use

- Alan and Naomi are now „secret friends"

- Talks directly to her, she pushes herself under the bed, relapses

- Alan thinks it's his fault

Chapter XV - Alan gets a day off, goes to cinema

- imagines what it would be if Naomi was there

- „felt good to not have to be Alan S. for a while, be anyone at all"

Chapter XVI - Family Silverman at breakfast

- „could you adopt Naomi?"

- „you always decide things without me"

- Naomi comes down after breakfast

- No chance talking to the actual Naomi, she tears paper

- Then she begins to talk because of Alan's bad counting

- „hero"

Chapter XVII - Alan going to the Central Park

- feels lonely, „another grey person"

- thinking about Naomi if she's lonley, too

Chapter XVIII - Naomi at Alan's

- Alan leaves her alone, she plays with the „Spitfire"

- For the first time she says his name ('cos of present)

- „I like her. I really do ..."

Chapter XIX - during next days Naomi hardly speaks

- Alan has to go to Mrs. Landley

- Shaun thinks he's scared, „baby boy"

- Mrs. Landley praises Alan „You are strong", „you're great"

Chapter XX - Naomi learns now for two weeks for school, very clever „a genius dwarf"

- Alan is at Naomi's, she's scared because of air-raid drill, jumps under bed

- But he gets her getting normal again

Chapter XXI - can't really play stickball, thinking about going out with Naomi

- mothers wants that he does it, he suggests going to the big field

- mother first doesn't want, then calls Liebman's, then it's ok

Chapter XXII - Alan and Naomi are going to Holmes Airport,

- first Naomi doesn't want to go outside, then likes the open field

- they are having fun by playing with their planes, N. behaves like a normal child

- Naomi made sandwiches, Alan is very pleased

- Naomi mentions her „dead" friends

Chapter XXIII - The Conversation at the airport

- begin to talk slightly about the war

- she thinks she's killed her dad because of the maps

- tells Alan what has happened when her father was killed

- Alan tells her that nobody would ever hurt her anymore!

Chapter XXIV - On the way back home

- Alan believes that he has seen Naomi on TV in Warshaw

- Shaun follows them, calls him sissy, Alan is angry with him

Chapter XXV - Shaun doesn't go to school with Alan anymore

- Alan tries to explain him, Shaun „You're a liar!", „I'm not your friend"

- Alan is sorry

Chapter XXVI - Alan and Shaun are avoiding each other the next days

- Alan and Naomi are having fun in and after being in cinema

- Naomi goes to the doctor as usual, Alan bored

- Mother & later Mrs. Liebman comes in

- Is proud of him, begs him to walk with Naomi to school

- Alan does it for Naomi, his friend, not for anyone else

Chapter XXVII -Alan and Naomi are going to school, Alan says she is pretty

- Naomi new class member

- Naomi good at school

Chapter XXVIII Alan and Naomi are writing characterizations of each other

- Alan she's a bitch

- Naomi he's wonderful, „I love him"

- Alan oh, I love you, too

Chapter XXIX - Friday morning Joe Condello fights with Alan

- Naomi runs away

- Alan knocks out one of Joe's teeth

- Shaun helps him, they are friends again

- Naomi is gone, missing

Chapter XXX - Police is looking for Naomi, can't find her

- Alan tells policeman that she maybe is at the airport, she's not there

- Naomi is found by policemen in the basement of the building

- Naomi's mind is gone

Chapter XXXI - Alan goes with father to the „lunatic asylum?" where Naomi is now

- he can't help her anymore, she doesn't look up, tears the air

Please note that this sample paper on Alan and Naomi is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Alan and Naomi, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Alan and Naomi will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls'

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls'. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls' paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls', therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls' paper at affordable prices!

J. B Priestley was an author, novelist, playwright, essayist, broadcaster, scriptwriter, social commentator and man of letters whose career straddles the 0th century. He lived from 1th August 184 -14th August 184. He wrote many famous books and plays. The two plays I am comparing and contrasting are, 'Time and the Conways' first produced at the Duchess Theatre, London on 6th August 17. 'An Inspector Calls' first produced in London on 1st October 146 at the new Theatre. I am looking at how J.B Priestley uses time so cleverly and in a unique style.

'An Inspector Calls' is on a three-act play. All three acts, which are continuous, take place in the dining room of the Birlings' house in Brumley, an industrial city in the North Midlands. It is about a mysterious inspector visiting a family before the Second World War. The style of the play seems at first straightforward and understandable, a detective thriller. The Inspector arrives with some news of the death by suicide of Eva Smith. The Inspector tries to accuse and make each individual family member confess that they 'drove' Eva to kill herself. Until in the rd Act Mr. Birling (father, husband and owner of the house) answers the telephone and everyone crowds around him. The police officer on the other end of the line tells the family that Eva Smith has just died from swallowing some disinfectant and that an inspector is coming to the house to ask some questions. Which is the end of the play. This tells us, Priestley liked to leave his story endings a mystery, for the audience to work out a logical explanation or question whether time was repeating itself. The only explanations I can think of is that there were two Eva Smiths, time travels, it was a set up trying to make the characters feel guilty, or a hoax call, but I will never know. Maybe Priestley didn't know. Priestley tries to trick us, (we believe that Eva's death is part of the past, when in fact it was yet to happen).

'Time and the Conways' is also a three-act play. The scene throughout is set in the sitting room in Mrs. Conway's house (as her husband is dead). Act 1 and Act take place on an autumn night in 11. Act on an autumn night at the present time. Act 1 and are in the past. This tells us J. B Priestley liked to sometimes use different structures of his plays. Many plays go through time chronologically. They dont show the past or the future, either in dreams or talking about it. This is why Priestley became known as a very successful play writer, as well as having interesting plays. He had a distinctive way by giving audiences a good drama, but always making them want to come and see one of his next plays. From the unusual performances given and plays read, people would talk about his plays and why they were interesting.

When you read or watch act 1(past) in 'Time and the Conways' you see how the characters have changed in act (present). Alan, however, doesn't change as he has a very dreary personality and we get the impression that he is a drowsy type of character. Priestley gives the audience hindsight Alan's theories of time, e.g. 'I'm going to live.' Alan believes in eternal life and never having to experience bereavement as he thinks this will never happen to him, he believes that life lives on, and that if he does die something is present afterwards.As act in 'Time and the Conways' reverts to 11, the audience have the power to view the characters in a 'time capsule' with knowledge of the past, present and future; as if we have stepped outside the barriers of time.

At the end of this journey with the Conways- so theatrically alive and full of humour- we too may be wondering what life's journey is all about. The answer is best expressed by Alan in the end of act ; 'What we really are is the whole stretch of ourselves, all our time, and when we come to the end of this life, all those selves, all our time will be us- the real you, the real me.'

Priestley was always fascinated by Time and its consequences. In 'Time and the Conways' he makes some use of Dunne's theory, using a 'Time Twist' that sheds an ironical light on those aspirations of the characters, particularly those of Kay Conway.

'Time and the Conways' is a very different type of play from 'An Inspector Calls' although they are written by the same man, both having a theme of time included, each a act play that takes place in one room of a house throughout either play and using similar character roles in two wealthy families.

Priestley uses the play's to bring across his views on society, he thought that his experiences throughout his life, the way the world works all by itself and the fact that time goes through a period chronologically all made sense. So if Priestley put these ideas in mind but to change one of them, his plays would seem very appealing to all audiences. He chose to mess around with time.

I enjoyed reading both plays, and watching a video of 'An Inspector Calls', I preferred 'An Inspector Calls' because I thought the story included a more mysterious side with time as well as it being easier to understand. 'Time and the Conways' is about a typical family in the 1th century, talking about politics and every day occurrences, friends and family visiting. The structure of the play is different as time travels, returns and stays, Reading or watching the play it suddenly dawns on you that time is being tampered with. However, 'An Inspector Calls' you only begin to realise at the end of act that there is something peculiar about time.

Please note that this sample paper on English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls' is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls', we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on English Coursework- How J. B Priestley uses Time in 'Time and the Conways' and 'An Inspector Calls' will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, September 21, 2020

Mystery Short Stories Essay

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Mystery Short Stories Essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Mystery Short Stories Essay paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Mystery Short Stories Essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Mystery Short Stories Essay paper at affordable prices!

There are numerous genres of short stories that are read throughout the world. One specific type of short story that continues to intrigue readers' minds is that of mystery. Mysteries are captivating and entertaining stories that make the mind work in a unique and creative way. Plot twists occur throughout, ensuring that the readers' full attention if he or she wants to solve the mystery. Mysteries all contain key elements that are essential in characterizing them as a mystery settings found in these short stories are crucial, as they enable, the reader to picture exactly where the events of the work are taking place. Symbolism or animal imagery is necessary in mystery short stories, as it adds to the description of the happenings in the plot. Characterization aids the reader in picturing how the characters appear and helps display their character traits, explaining why they act in a certain manner. The Best American Mystery Stories of the Century are defined as mystery stories because they posses the key elements of a mystery, setting, symbolism and animal imagery, and characterization.

The setting is indispensable in the creating of a mystery story because it gives a clear description of the environment of the story. The setting allows the reader to feel involved in the story and think of what it must be like to be present in the place where the events partake. In Paul's Case by Willa Carter, a vivid description of Paul's house was given which made visualizing this setting relatively easy.

"The nearer he approached the house, the more absolutely unequal Paul felt to the sight of it all; his ugly sleeping chamber; the cold bathroom with the grimy zinc tub, the cracked mirror, the dripping spigots." (Hillerman 1)

In An Error in Chemistry by William Faulkner, a well writing description of Joel Flint's old workplace is given.

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"A lighted booth where a roulette wheel spun against a bank of nickel-plated pistols and razors and watches and harmonicas, in a traveling carnival." (Hillerman 1)

In The Murder by John Steinback, grand description of the scenery of the Canon del Castillo was given.

"From the main Canon del Castillo a number of little arroyos cut back into the mountains, oak-wooded canyons, heavily brushed with poison oak and sage. At the head of the canyon there stands a tremendous stone castle, buttressed and towered.' (Hillerman 1)

A well done setting is a very important asset to a short story, especially when symbolism and animal imagery is used when describing certain parts of the setting.

Symbolism and animal imagery make understanding the events easier, as they give a new and unique description of the proceedings of the plot, which makes visualizations of the story effortless. It helps the reader to picture something that is easier to imagine, which in turn makes visualizing the story relatively simple. The Comforts of Home by Flannery O'Connor uses a simile to allow us to understand how loud the telephone seemed to ring.

"Two nights later, his mother and he were sitting in the den after their supper, each reading a section of the evening paper, when the telephone began to ring with the brassy intensity of a fire alarm." (Hillerman 48)

In Paul's Case, Paul wears a red carnation on his shirt when he goes to meet with his teachers, which is a sign of his outlandish attiude.

"His teachers felt this afternoon that his whole attitude was symbolized by his shrug and his flippantly red carnation flower, and they fell upon him without mercy." (Hillerman )

In The Murder, animal imagery is used when describing Jelka, Jim, the protagonist's wife.

"Jelka had eyes as large and questioning as a doe's eyes. Her nose was thin and sharply faceted and her lips were deep and soft." (Hillerman 14)

Symbolism is a key element found within all short stories, and they are extremely important when developing the characters of the story.

Characterization is essential to ensure the reader can picture and understand both the appearances and attitudes of the protagonist of the story. A well-developed character is the key, essential part in relating the reader to the character of the story. In The Couple Next Door by Margaret Millar, a vivid description of Mrs. Rackham was given which aided in picturing how the lady must have looked when she was in pain and was suffering.

"Her fair skin was blotched with patches of red, like strawberry birthmarks, and her eyelids were blistered from the hear of her tears." (Hillerman 444)

In An Error in Chemistry, a very in-depth description of Old Man Pritchel was given which helped the reader to picture his appearance.

"A face rigid, furious, glaring at them through the glass for a second and then withdrawn, vanished, leaving an impression of furious exultation and raging triumph." (Hillerman 1)

A rather clear description of Paul's appearance was given in Paul's Case that allowed the reader to visualize how this story's protagonist must have looked.

"Paul was tall for his age and very thin, with high, cramped shoulders and a narrow chest. His eyes were remarkable for a certain hysterical brilliancy." (Hillerman 8)

The development of the characters, but most importantly, the protagonist, is the most essential of a mystery short story.

The tales found within' the book, The Best American Mystery Stories of the Century, are extremely high quality mysteries because they all contain the key elements of setting, symbolism and animal imagery, and characterization which are vital to a mystery story. Setting is used in a mystery to set mood and create atmosphere, which helps develop the plot. Symbolism is an asset used in a mystery short story to give a better description of the events by creating an example many people can relate with. Characterization is the most important element that a mystery can possess because a well described protagonist allows the story to be entertaining and easy to follow. High quality mystery stories all possess the elements of setting, symbolism, and characterization in order to be a great mystery story.

Please note that this sample paper on Mystery Short Stories Essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Mystery Short Stories Essay, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Mystery Short Stories Essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, September 18, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Auras. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Auras paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Auras, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Auras paper at affordable prices!

You can see Bird auras ..

· The sky should be mostly clear .. not too many clouds.

· Find a bird that is flying slowly or sitting on a telephone line with the sky as the only background.

· You should stare or gaze at the bird, letting your eyes go a little out of focus.

· Don't strain your eyes or try to hard .. you may not be able to see the aura on your first try.

· When you see the aura for the first time, you may get excited and the aura will disappear.

· Just relax and try again.

See auras around trees and plants ..

· Look at the top of a tree with the sky as a background.

· You should look a little past the tips of the limbs or leaves of the tree/plant.

· Let your eyes go a little out of focus and just relax while doing this.

· You will see a cloud [almost glowing] like image that moves in and out from the tree/plant.

You can also see your own aura ...

· Do not have bright lights on ... or be in total darkness... a soft light from the hallway or a little light from the window is okay.

· Sit facing a mirror with a light or white background [wall] behind you. Patterns or bright colors are not good because you will have trouble seeing an aura or not be able to see one at all.

· Relax and look into the mirror at your head and shoulder area.

· Let your eyes look beyond yourself in the mirror... not directly at yourself. [you will be looking at the wall behind you].

· You will start to see a glowing energy that comes off your head area ...You may not see colors, but a transparent/white or light color moving in and out near the top of your head or from the sides of your head. This is your aura. You may even see a glowing around other things that may be viewed while looking in the mirror [like a picture on the wall behind you or a bureau and the objects on it]. Everything has an aura or energy field ... your eyes are not playing tricks on you .. just relax and get comfortable with what you are seeing. Again, the excitement you get when this happens, will cause the aura to disappear ... just re-focus and try again .. the aura will return.

How to see your aura coming off your fingertips ...

· The room should not be too bright ...[example] you could stand in a doorway with the hallway in total darkness, the room you are in should have light. Stand with your hands toward the hallway and your back toward the lighted room].

· Take your two hands and have the tips of your fingers [both hands] touch each other ..

· Place your hands [with fingertips touching] about 8 to 10 inches away from your face.

· Your eyes should look directly at your fingertips while move your hands slowly away from each other [about 6 inches apart] ... as if in slow motion.

· You will see a whitish band between your fingertips. It almost looks like rubber bands.

· Move your fingerstips back to original position [touching] and slowly move back and forth, touching and moving the fingertips [hands] away from each other about 6 inches ...

This is one of the easiest ways to see your own aura .. I got a big smile on my face when I learned how to do it ... I wish I could be there to see the smile on your face too!


Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation. The moment they become quiet inside, they will recognize or hear an inner voice or guidance, which will tell them what to do. They can easily tune into other people and feel precisely what is going on. Blues are the most emotional of all the color personalities. They often feel lost if they dont have the opportunity to clear their way through their intense jungle of deep feelings. Helpful activities for Blues would include talking with friends about their inner life, writing a journal or just being quiet so their intense emotions can calm down.

Blues are more concerned about others then they are about themselves They are born caretakers and mothers. They remember other peoples birthdays, are concerned about the sick and have always a shoulder for others to cry on. They are born advisers, counselors, caretakers and nurses. Many people enjoy being with Blues because they transmit love, acceptance and forgiveness. Blues cry easily and primarily release their emotions, joy, sorrow, sadness and happiness, through tears. The other color personalities often have problems understanding the Blues intense emotionality. However, this emotional depth gives them the ability to be warm, sympathetic and protective.

The biggest challenge for any Blue person is to just say, NO! They have a basic fear that others might push them back, reject them or no longer love them. The fear of hurting other peoples feelings reflects and mirrors their own fears of being hurt. They need to recognize the enormous benefits of Self-Love and also to understand that no does not mean the same as, I dont love you. They need to find their boundaries and borders with other people because they have a tendency of allowing friends and even strangers to come into their energy field without having adequate protection. Sometimes Blues even take on other peoples energies and qualities. This can especially happen while they are helping or nurturing others in the capacity of nurses or caretakers. This can occur to the point where they actually take on other peoples sicknesses or problems. Blues are precise and clear in their thinking. From a mental standpoint they are usually in a peaceful and calm state of mind. They focus more on their feelings and emotions than on their thoughts. Blues do not like physical activity or work. For theses sensitive beings the physical world often seems loud, brutal and harsh. They prefer to reside in their own emotional world. They enjoy sports they can practice with friends and family. These would include such activities as walking, swimming and simple ball games. Because they are not very physically active, and because Blue is the color of expansion and wideness, they can easily gain weight.


Blues enjoy being around people all the time. They are very social, the perfect caretakers and helpers, always interested in and concerned about other peoples needs.

Please note that this sample paper on Auras is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Auras, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Auras will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever paper at affordable prices!

Ticks and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

What are ticks?

Ticks are not insects like fleas, flies,and lice, but are arachnids like mites and spiders. They are classified into two families based on their structure. The family Argasidea contains the argasid ticks, which are soft-shelled. Their body lacks a hard shell which is the protective outer covering found on some ticks. The other tick family is named Ixodidae and these ticks possess the hard outer covering, and therefore, are termed hard-shelled ticks. The two hard shelled ticks, Dermacentor andersoni and Dermacentor variabilis are responsible for spreading the organism that causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. All ticks have three pairs of legs during the immature stage and four pairs as an adult. Ticks possess a sensory apparatus called Hallers organ that senses odor, heat and humidity. They use this organ to locate their food source. A ticks diet consists of only blood and ticks require a blood meal to progress to each successive stage in their life.

What is the life cycle of ticks?

Cheap Custom Essays on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Most ticks are three host ticks. This means that during their development which takes two years, they feed on three different hosts. All ticks have four stages to their life cycle egg, larvae, nymph, and adult. An example of a life cycle would be to look at the deer tick. Adult female deer ticks lay eggs on the ground in spring. Later in the summer the eggs hatch into larvae (seed ticks). The larvae find an animal ( the first host, which is usually a bird or rodent), live off its blood for several days, then detach and fall back onto the ground. For deer ticks, this most commonly occurs in the month of August. In the ground the larvae now molt into the next stage called nymphs. These nymphs remain inactive during the winter months and in spring become active. The nymph now finds an animal ( the second host- a rodent, pet, or human) and feeds again. It then detaches and falls back to the ground. Here it molts and changes into an adult. Throughout the fall, both adult male and female ticks now find another animal ( the third host- a rodent, deer, pet, or human) and feed on blood and mate. Once well fed, both males and females fall back to the ground. The male now dies and the female lives through the winter and lays eggs in the spring completing the cycle.

What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

RMSF is a disease transmitted by ticks and is most prevalent in the east coast, midwest, and plains regions. RMSF affects man, dogs,and other small mammals. It has been demonstrated that cats may also become infected, but the disease in cats is minimal. Various rodents, raccoons and fox may carry the organism ,Rickettsia rickettsii, that causes RMSF. The role of ticks in the transmission of the disease was first described in the early 100s by Howard Ricketts, for whom the organism was named.

How is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever transmitted?

R. rickettsii is transmitted from animal to animal through the bite of the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) and the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever tick (Dermacentor andersoni). The seasonal activity of the ticks contributes to the seasonal aspect of RMSF which runs from March to October. Any of the various life stages could be infected with R. rickettsii and transmit RMSF. The tick must be attached to a host for a minimum of 5-0 hours for transmission of R. rickettsii to occur. Transmission can also occur through blood transfusions.

What are the symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

There are two stages of RMSF Subclinical and acute. In the subclinical stage, dogs are infected, but do not show outward signs of the disease though they may have laboratory test abnormalities. These dogs recover quickly.

In the acute stage, dogs have a loss of appetite, fever, pain in the muscles and joints, swollen lymph nodes, and edema in the face and legs. Some animals develop pneumonia or heart arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden death. Most dogs have neurological signs which can include dizziness, depression, stupor, and seizures. These signs appear to 14 days after the tick bite. The dogs may have anemia, a low number of platelets, ulcerations of the mucous membranes and extremities.

How is Rocky Mountain spotted fever diagnosed?

Blood tests are available to test for the dogs antibodies to R. rickettsii. A test is also available which detects antigens of the organism by doing a biopsy of an affected lesion. This test can show a positive as early as -4 days after exposure. A tentative diagnosis of RMSF is supported by appropriate historical, physical, and laboratory findings in endemic areas during the months of March to October as well as recent exposure to ticks.

How is Rocky Mountain spotted fever treated?

The antibiotics tetracycline, doxycycline, and enrofloxacin are used. Treatment is usually for 10 to 14 days. Dogs that develop severe disease must be treated for shock or severe nervous system symptoms. If treated within the first several day, most dogs will recover completely with some dogs showing improvement within hours of starting antibiotics. Purebred dogs seem more prone to develop clinical illness than mixed breed dogs with German Sheperds having a higher prevalence than other breeds.

How is Rocky Mountain spotted fever prevented?

There is no vaccine for RMSF so tick control is the main way to prevent RMSF as well as avoiding tick infested areas.

Can people get Rocky Mountain spotted fever?

People can get RMSF through a tick bite or the contents of a tick that comes in contact with a persons abraded skin or conjunctiva during removal of an engorged tick from pets.

People do not get infected directly from a dog. The common symptoms in people include a rash, fever, chills, headache, and muscle aches. Other less common symptoms include nausea, abdominal pain, and swollen lymph nodes. Approximately 400-100 cases of RMSF are reported in people in the United States each year.

Please note that this sample paper on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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