
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Ethics in business

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ethics in business. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ethics in business paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ethics in business, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ethics in business paper at affordable prices!

Ethics in Business Law

A very important and influential aspect of business is the way in which various enterprises execute their moral beliefs and incorporate them into their specific industry. The philosophical reflection upon this particular aspect of business is known as ethics, which has become an increasingly integral focus of society due to its recently discovered value. Since business is a commercial or industrial enterprise engaged in as a means of livelihood, strong ethics is especially vital because it is the conscious reflection on the integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness of that which is being assessed. Due to the highly competitive nature of today's market, companies must maintain high moral integrity in order to survive especially since strength in ethical values have such a drastic effect on consumer ratings, which will inevitably effect reputation and business. In order for a company to remain successful, it must recognize its faults and improve on them constantly. When contemplating ethics in business, focus is placed upon; key issues that arise which must be recognized in business, the benefits of strong ethics compared to the consequences of ethical misdeeds, and perspectives of ethics in business in the form of benchmark figures.

The major concerns that arise in business are related to the effectiveness of compliance policies and the influence of the management, the ultimate focus of the company and its relation to ethics, and the relationship of employee loyalty and ethics. Compliance policies refers to the established standard of ethical conduct that employees within a company must always follow. Effective compliance policies maintain a level of ethicality that employees must meet in all aspects of their business, and the reason why these compliance policies are effective is due to their enforcement and the importance placed upon them by the management (Institute of Business Ethics 4). The influence of the management on the employees is like that of a parent on a child; both must foster strong ethical values and serve as role models for the subordinate whether an employee or a child. This will encourage and influence the employees to follow the same ideal which will most likely create a more responsive staff. The focus of the company is always demonstrated during employee training; if the employer is only focused with sales and revenues and does not address ethics then the employee will develop a disregard for conduct use any means necessary to meet their superior's goals. However, if the employer focuses on incorporating strong ethics into everyday business, then the employee will follow suit and do the same. Lastly, its is proven that the loyalty of an employee to their company is directly related to their company's strength in ethics (Kuttner 7). Statistically, forty percent of employees who say their superiors are persons of high moral integrity are also truly dedicated to their company. Though this may seem low, it is considerably higher than the insubstantial six percent who are loyal to superiors with low moral integrity (Center for Business Ethics 1). These major issues in business ethics have been the ultimate success or the ultimate downfall of even the most powerful corporations and must not go unheeded.

There are numerous benefits of the utmost importance that a company can gain through strength in ethics and are essential in today's volatile market. Organizations that place a considerably high importance on ethical conduct are statistically more successful than companies who do not when comparing companies of the same trade (Acton ). Since the majority of potential customers believe that strong ethics are a necessity, these people obviously do not wish to associate themselves with persons of low moral integrity. Therefore, if a company places high importance on strong ethics and executes its compliance policies correctly, then its employees will be persons of high moral integrity and thus attract more business. The consequences of ethical misdeeds range drastically in severity depending upon the particular misconduct and who it effects. Companies cited for ethical misdeeds have suffered everything from damaged reputations and loss of business to decreased market values and demoralized employees (Kuttner 4). It is these devastating consequences that have resulted in business failure most often through bankruptcy which could quite possibly lead to criminal charges.

Perspectives of particular businesses on their ethical integrity are most commonly provided by unbiased benchmark studies, whose ratings are based upon employee and customer responses. Benchmark studies provide information on many aspects of business, and one of the many topics under question is the ethical conduct of a company. These studies are the results of various surveys given by multiple organizations and include perspectives on senior officers, ethical violations, and integrity of the workforce to name a few (Acton 6). These studies provide the general public with an ethics reference based on national averages to consult when dealing with any aspect of business and can have positive or negative effects on the industries in question depending upon their results.

Strength in ethics is obviously an extremely valuable asset to a successful company in any industry because its largest consequence is an overall increase in business, which is the true livelihood of any company. Companies must maintain a high level of moral conduct in today's unpredictable market because a superior reputation is one of the few things that can be created and maintained without effect by the uncontrollable. With able competition at its highest, a seemingly small aspect of business such as ethics is very often the deciding factor when considering multiple companies of strong bearing. The unforgiving effects of ethical integrity will overthrow companies with a disregard for morality, and thus effective standards of ethical conduct are inevitably the future of all successful companies in modern business.

Please note that this sample paper on ethics in business is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ethics in business, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on ethics in business will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Flannery O' Connor

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Flannery O' Connor. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Flannery O' Connor paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Flannery O' Connor, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Flannery O' Connor paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

1. At the end of Cathedral, the narrator has an epiphany. How would you describe it? How does it relate to the theme of the story?

People have stereotypical images, either good or bad, about certain people with different characteristics, people with different cultures, race, or religion, or people with disabilities. The same is true with Bub, the narrator of Cathedral by Raymond Carver. The entire story of Cathedral is symbolic based on the fact that Bub gradually changes his stubborn and jealous manners towards the blind man.

Bub initially has a strong aversion to his wifes blind friend, Robert, who comes over to his house to spend the night. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me. However, at the end of the story his attitude toward the blind man is completely inverted. Bub comes to an understanding of the blind man. As the title indicates, it seems that Bubs revelation is more or less sudden when the Cathedral appears on TV and Bub starts drawing a picture of it for Robert. The change is, however, more gradual. The Cathedral is just one of the tiny steps that Bub takes to be opened up and accept the blind man as a friend.

Bub has a great aversion to the blind friend of his wife before he even knows Robert. It is because he is obviously jealous of Robert, with whom she feels intimate enough to share her life stories and poetry. As her husband, his dignity is somewhat hurt by the presence of the blind man and he feels insecure about it. During the conversation between Bub and his wife, his hostility toward the blind man becomes apparent. Maybe, I could take him bowling. Bub pretends to be unaware of the mans blindness, but he apparently means that he wants to take him bowling, which is something that a blind person is not able to do well at. He despises Robert for having a colored woman as his wife. Her name was Beulah. Beulah! Thats a name for a colored woman. Bub denies everything his wife says about Robert trying to feel better about himself.Cheap College Papers on Flannery O' Connor

But Before Bub meets the actual blind person; his attitude toward blind people is full of wicked prejudice. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing-eye dogs. However, his attitude subtly changes when he first meets Robert. A beard on a blind man! Too much, I say. He is startled because a full beard is far from the stereotype Bub has had about blind people from the movies. Then, he examines Roberts attire, which he describes as Spiffy. He implies that there is something funny about this blind man caring about his outfit, but admits that Robert is different. At this point, Bub still holds hostility toward Robert, but his stereotypes about blind people are completely washed away.

At the dinner table, too, Bubs attitude toward Robert slightly changes. He is amazed by how Robert locates his food on the plate. I watched with admiration as he used his knife and fork on the meat. His comments about the blind man have been dominantly negative. For the first time, he watches the blind man with admiration. Yet he is still unwilling to be friendly to him because he feels left out in the conversation taking place in his house with his wife and her friend. They talked of things that had happened to them. Them! His dominant feeling is still jealousy, and he is not yet opened up enough to fully accept the blind man.

As Bub spends more time with Robert, he gradually becomes aware of Roberts charm, his sincerity, and honesty. Unlike the beginning of the story at which he criticizes everything Robert does or says, he only remarks what Robert does and says and no longer provides his opinions about it. Not yet, he said, No, Ill stay up with you bub, If thats all right. Ill stay up until youre ready to turn in. We havent had a chance to talk.

It is obvious Roberts frankness is well reflected on these statements. Robert doesnt feel insecure about his blindness and never hesitates to show his positive attitude about his life to learn more about Bub, and even something out of news programs. Moreover it gets harder for Bub to deny the fact that Robert is indeed a fascinating person as his wife has insisted.

While the television is on, Bub begins to feel comfortable being with Robert. Then I said, Im glad for the company. And I guess I was. Bub genuinely views Robert as a company. But when the Cathedral appears on TV, the final change occurs to Bub. As he draws a cathedral for Robert, he finds himself drawn into the magic of Robert. I couldnt stop. The TV station went off the air. The man who has cared nothing but weed, alcohol, and TV first participates in communicating with the blind man. Bub comes to an understanding of Robert by putting himself into the state of blindness. It was like nothing else in my life up to now. He enjoys this new experience and says, Its really something.

The last sentence really stands out compared to what Bub says about the blind man at the beginning. His change is certainly remarkable, yet it doesnt occur all of the sudden. His attitude changes little by little as he gets to know more about this blind friend of his wife, Robert. Cathedral is not what directly brings about the change, but stands as the last step for Robert's refined revelation. http//

. Discuss the relevance of the following quotation to understanding Flannery O' Connor's fiction

"I have found that violence is strangely capable of returning my characters to reality and preparing them to accept their moment of grace… This idea, that reality is something to which we must be returned at considerable cost, is one which is seldom understood by the casual reader, but it one which is implicit in the Christian view of the world… I have found, in short, from reading my own writing, that my subject is the action of grace in territory held largely by the devil."

Please note that this sample paper on Flannery O' Connor is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Flannery O' Connor, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Flannery O' Connor will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on THE RAIN gOD. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality THE RAIN gOD paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in THE RAIN gOD, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your THE RAIN gOD paper at affordable prices!

Intertwining of Life and Death

The Rain God is the story of families, friendships, and betrayal along the El Paso/Juárez border. Set in a fictional small town on the Texas-Mexico border, it tells the funny, sad and quietly outrageous saga of the children and grandchildren of Mama Chona the strong matriarch of the Angel clan who fled the revolution for a gringo land of promise. In The Rain God, the idea of love and death are intertwined and give a dark yet accurate description of the tones of the novel. Each main character is faced with death at some point in their lives and in a specific way, but the desert always seems to dominate as the symbol of death. Miguel Chico is taught early on that death and love are inseparable, Felix dies for love, and Mama Chona is the symbol of life and death.

Miguel Chico is from a border town and unlike the others in the family, he excels in school despite various obstacles including his own family. Early on, Miguel Chico is confronted with the issues of religion. He moves away from the desert which is symbolic of his moving away from Christianity, in the same way that Maria moved away after she renounced Christianity. The semi-autobiographical character is also haunted by his own mortality and the death that surrounds him. After many years of dealing with the dead, and trying to leave the desert to escape the death and his culture that surrounds him, Miguel Chico has learned to face it when he comes to terms with his own mortality. He has had a circle of traumatic events of his childhood and it begins from Miguel Chico's near-death experience with his sickness and with the loss of innocence close together at the beginning of the novel. The first chapter of The Rain God contains much desert imagery that signifies Miguel Chicos first taste of death. The title Judgment Day indicates immediately the importance of death in this chapter and sets the scene for the novel as a whole. The symbolism of the desert is obvious here when Miguel Chico visits the cemetery to see the graves of loved ones. He is afraid of what will happen to the loved ones that were with him then, he did not want them to die if it meant they would become stones in the desert (Islas 10). He is also told by adults that "who loved him" was in this cemetery. Then, he realizes that many people loved him "living and dead". This is the example of the entangled relationship of Miguel Chico with death and life. It is also at that point that he begins to associate the desert with death, his childish mind not fully understanding the complexity and the significance of either one. He also understands the power his grandmother Mama Chona has had over him and how she has taught him to suffer and. if necessary, to die (Islas 7).

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Mama Chona is a powerful and uniting figure in the novel. She teaches Miguel Chico how to behave and many other things as well. Her death at the end of the novel is especially significant because she is the giver of life to nearly all of the people in the novel. She may be in a way, the Rain God itself, and she may realize her godlike state when she sees the dead family members at her bedside, and the power she has had over all of them. Her last moment are spent in between life (with JoEl, Miguel Chico, Mema,..) and death (with Felix and her husband). Mama Chona even claims that her children were immaculately conceived children of Jesus. The irony of Mama Chonas conscious identification with Christian gods and unconscious identification with Indian gods tears at her until her death and delirium. Her death is interesting as she seemingly tries to take away life by holding tight to Miguel Chico's hadn. Maybe she wished to take away the life she has given. She may have also realized what power she has the power to create life, to shape the lives of her grandchildren and to lead the lives of her children. Once again the rain and desert are united at the death of Mama Chona, she describes Felix as "He smelled like the desert after a rainstorm". She is finally reunited with the loved ones that the desert has taken away from her. She will be reunited through her own death with her beloved son, the first Miguel Angel. This shows how death can bring loved ones together as well as tear them apart. The desert is a place to long for. She also will be with her son Felix, who is another powerful image in the novel.

Felix is one of the most important characters in the novel. He is the kindest, gentlest, and most loving, but he is brutally murdered in the desert. During Felixs horrific death, he is in the desert and when he dies, "The desert exhaled as he sank into the water" (Islas 18). Once again, we cannot separate love and death. When Felix was younger, he danced on the roof of their house during storms as a young boy, while everyone else in the house feared the rain. He was warned that he would be struck by lightning when dancing in the rain and to this he replied, Good. I'll die dancing.(p. 114) The following line "Felix and the young soldier had met in a bar.." hints at the symbolism used by Islas as he describes Felix dancing as representing Felix's sexual advances toward the young men at the bar. In other words, he acknowledged death as he picked up the soldier and took him into the desert, showing again how love and death were one and the same. Even as Felix was being beaten, he was not angry with the youth and still thought of him as beautiful.

The symbol of the desert is the most powerful and prominent in the novel. It is paired with the rain, to create an atmosphere of balance. Water is also present with its twin the desert during the death of young Antony, who drowns himself. Through his experience with death, love, the desert, and rain, Miguel Chico is able to come to terms with his own life and death and the lives and deaths of the people that surround him. He is tormented throughout his life by death, but deals with it as everyone must do eventually.

Please note that this sample paper on THE RAIN gOD is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on THE RAIN gOD, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on THE RAIN gOD will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, September 14, 2020

Civil war land in bad decline

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Civil war land in bad decline. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Civil war land in bad decline paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Civil war land in bad decline, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Civil war land in bad decline paper at affordable prices!


Picture a place where the dark half of your mind comes into view. All the weird things that you have ever thought off come into play. Messed up amusement parks where people die very easily. A place where if you have a defect you are sold into slavery because you have claws for feet or a turkey neck. I liked the book. It was very different from anything that I have ever read. The book seemed like a cross between a redneck, KKK, a gangster, and a fat guy. It just seemed like Saunders was having fun with what he was doing in a dark way. Poking fun at society. An example of this is all the amusement parks that are in his stories. He makes it out to be the only places were you could have fun. Like a place you wonder around aimlessly around for hours not because you want to because you have to. It's like with the short story the Hunger Artist. At the end of the story all the people are still looking at the cage because there is something in there. It would not have mattered it there was a dog or a cat or another person just so long there was something. It is somewhat parallel to our society and television. It doesn't matter what's on as long there is something.

The first short story is called CivilWarLand in Bad Decline. It starts out with the main character is trying to woo a potential investor to support the park but a gang problem dismays the investor. He fears for his job because he did not close the deal. His personal life is in no better shape than his work. His wife doesn't like him too much because he is stuck in a dead end job. His boss has him hire a crazed Viet-Nam vet to deal with the gangs. It starts out that he takes care of the local gangs, but when a local boy steals a piece of candy from the store. Sam finds him kills him cuts his hands off and sends it back to his employer with a note saying I found the kid that was stealing and I need some more ammo. The story ends with Sam killing his employer because he knows too much. Mean while Sam went on a killing spree, basically anybody was fair game. I thought that this story was a great opening story for the book. It sets a tone for the whole book that has dark humor written all over it. It just seemed that this was the only story that would have fit as the opening story.

I really did not like the story Isabelle so I am not going to talk about it.

Buy Civil war land in bad decline term paper

The Wavemaker Falters is the third story in CivilWarLand in Bad Decline. It's about a man that again works at an amusement park. He kills a little kid because he was not paying any attention because he was looking at some chicks by the pool and the kid gets sucked in. For the rest of the story the boy visits him at night and they talk all night long. The boy tries to be scary but he is his scariest when he tries to do normal things. His wife is having an affair with his boss because he can't perform in bed. His life in general is just shit. At the end of the story the boy's father calls and says to him that he can not let him live while his son is dead. His response was I'll leave the door open. He some what redeems himself by saying that this is as low as I go, so it seems that there is some hope for him.

My favorite story out of this book probably has to be the 400-Pound CEO. The book is about an overweight man named Jeffery working for a ruthless boss at Humane Raccoon Alternatives. The goal of the company is to re-locate the pesky raccoons that rummage through your trash. They relocate them to a pit after a tire iron to the back of the head. Jeff's boss is Tim an ex-con. He went to jail because he purposely backed over a frat boy. In side he earned his MBA. Everybody that works with Jeffery makes fun of him. They place hippo magnets on his cubicle and make fun of him right to his face. Yet he still keeps going because he thinks there is something better out in world for him and that he has to get a little shit thrown at him to move on. I think the same way as this Jeffery. I can relate to him about this. Things start to get complicated when a female co-worker asks him out on a date. He says yes because he has been in love with this woman for as long as he can remember. When he goes over to her house he brings a present for her son. The date goes on and they have a good time. Later he learns that the only reason she went out with him was because of a bet. She apologizes but says she needed the money that would pay for the phone. A couple days later at work while he is working late he sees his boss and the girl he just went out with go down to the basement for some rough stuff. He says nothing but everyone at work already knows but they never really talk about that. A few more days go bye and he sees his boss going home but he sees a girl digging around the lime pit and collecting the bones of dead raccoons. Tim gets over there and starts to strangle her. Jeff runs along and puts Tim a big bear hug that kills him. He goes back to the office and thinks to himself this is my opportunity to make something of myself. To turn it all around, that one shot that we all look for in life. He forges Tim's handwriting and says that Tim left him in charge. He was going to bring the company around to doing the right thing. But in the end he got caught up and arrested. He only got 60 years instead of life because the judge was sympathetic to him because he was once also fat.

I picked these stories because they are all about people trying to do the right thing and it comes back to haunt them in the end. The first story Sam was just trying to get rid of the street gangs that where plaguing his community. In the Wavemaker, he can't let go of what he has done in his past and that affects his future and the 400 lb CEO. Jeff just tries to be a nice guy but nobody can look past that. Even in our culture people have made fun of others because they are different from us. I think that George Saunders was pointing out societies faults in all his stories but more so in these three.

Please note that this sample paper on Civil war land in bad decline is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Civil war land in bad decline, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Civil war land in bad decline will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Hip Hop, is it poetry?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Hip Hop, is it poetry?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Hip Hop, is it poetry? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Hip Hop, is it poetry?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Hip Hop, is it poetry? paper at affordable prices!

I think that Hip Hop (The popular street culture of big-city and inner-city youth, characterized by rap music.) is just another word for rap (A form of popular music characterized by spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a syncopated, repetitive rhythmic accompaniment.) is a contemporary form of poetry. The reason I think that Hip-Hop and poetry share common elements such as metaphors, rhymes, and lyrics. A poem is a verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.

Poems and lyrics contain elements of people and their surroundings to describe the artist/writers emotions, moods, and feelings. Some examples of these elements are a dark room, which represents sadness and fear, a bright day, representing happiness and joy. Artists use human emotions such as anger, happiness, sadness, and laughter their subjects emotions as well as their own.

Many people from past generations believe that some Hip-Hop/Rap is just senseless junk because they just pay attention to the curse words and not to what the music is actually trying to say. However, when my dad and I listen to music we actually pay attention to what is being said rather then just the melody and the curse words. An example of an artist that puts significant meanings in his songs is Eminem and artists like him. My dad actually likes his songs because even though Eminem uses curse words my dad feels that Eminem actually thinks about the lyrics before he writes them and that he speaks from his heart and soul. Instead of other rappers, such as Lil Bow Wow, who he feels only talk about bad things and just speak to speak. He feels that all they think about is how to rhyme with curse words.

"Lose Yourself", is a song written by Eminem that I think is poetically worthy. Eminem is a rapper who grew up in Detroit. He had a very traumatic childhood. At a young age he was abandoned by his father and abused by his mother, who also took drugs. "Lose Yourself" is about Eminem while he is trying to make a career as a rapper.

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After constantly being booed, hissed, and called degrading names, because he would choke and was unable to speak, he realized not to let the negative energy stop him. Instead, he used the energy to his advantage and to make his dream come true.

This song clearly states that Eminem had a very hard life before he hit the big league of rappers and how he pulled himself out of the gutter, so to speak, to become the wonderful and successful artist we know him as today. The way I am telling it, it sounds more like a story. However the way he said it and it is supposed to be read is either as a poem or a song so that way it has more poetic feeling because of both the form it is read in and the feeling given to it by the person reading it.

The bigger message in the song is not to give up when you have an opportunity, no matter what happens. Like he said in his song, he figured out what he wanted his career to be. He obtained the opportunity to make it happen, and instead of listening to people saying he should give up, he did not let it slip. Instead he persisted until he got the rapping career.

Many of the key elements in poetry have been used in this song such as rhyme (which shall be illustrated by word that are bolded), beat and rhythm (which shall be illustrated by the word pause located in parenthesis). Ex Lose yourself (pause) in the moment (pause) you own it (pause) you better never let it go. However just because it has those poetic qualities are in the song does not necessarily make it a good song/poem. What makes it good is the degree of poetic feeling involved because he uses such raw emotion. Eminem usually talks about stuff that has a strong sense of importance to him such as his daughter or recollections of his past, political changes, and most of his songs have morals and points. Like at the end of Lose Yourself he clearly states the point he was trying to make You can do anything you set your mind to, man. Or as in the song Cleanin Out My Closet the whole thing was one giant recollection of the past.

You see, any song can become a poem if it has enough emotion inter-wound within the words. Even Nelly, who I thought was one of the bad rappers, turned out to be good after I listened and understood the lyrics, it is a different form of poetry from Eminem's style, because of the degree of poetic feeling and the issues discussed in each song, but it is poetry none the less. An example is in most of Eminems songs such as Say Good-bye to Hollywood he discusses the troubles of being famous and having a family. As opposed to Nellys song Air Force Ones in which through the entire song all he talks about are shoes. I also realized that just because Nelly speaks about things that I used to think were meaningless, does not mean that it is meaningless to everyone else.

In a sense both Eminem and other rap artists where treated a lot like Shakespeare when he created the first of his work. He was treated like a weirdo and an outcast but that never discouraged him, and eventually people grew to love and accept his works of art as a regular part of their culture.

I guess when you think about it all music can be poetry weather it is rap, rock, salsa, or R&B. It all can be poetry. It depends on how you interpret it. Even techno and other forms of music that do not have words can be poetry, like I said, it all depends on how you interpret it. When you think about it the definition of music (The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and tone.) is also very much like the definition of poetry because of the unification of common poetic/song elements.

Please note that this sample paper on Hip Hop, is it poetry? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Hip Hop, is it poetry?, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Hip Hop, is it poetry? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sources of funds - entrepreneurs

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on sources of funds - entrepreneurs. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality sources of funds - entrepreneurs paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in sources of funds - entrepreneurs, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your sources of funds - entrepreneurs paper at affordable prices!


Entrepreneurs and some small businesses usually are not aware of the fact that numerous possibilities and combinations of financial packages can be obtained for funding. It is actually very important to understand not only the various sources of capital but also the expectations and requirements of these sources. Not knowing all the detail an entrepreneur or the small business owner might be frustrated with attempts to find appropriate capital.

Commercial loans, public offerings, private placements, convertible debentures, venture capital and informal risk capital are some of the major terms used in the search for capital.

Entrepreneurs and small businesses must not rely on only one source of financing. Obtaining smaller amounts would be much easier than trying to obtain one source for a large amount. This method is known as layered financing.

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Proper planning should be the golden key to unlock the opportunity of financing sources and you should target sources of funds that suites your particular needs. The following should be included in your plan

What do you plan to do with the money

How much capital is needed

Why is the capital needed

For how long will you need it

How you will repay the loan.

Sources of funds is the following


About 11 000 commercial banks operate in the United States. Some banks will make unsecured short-term loans, but receivables, inventory or other assets secure most bank loans. Maturity loans of one to five years bank requires collateral in the form of machinery, equipment and real estate. Systematic payments over the life of the loan are required.


Long term financing can be obtained from manufacturers when particular equipment is purchased.

Short term financing can be obtained by negotiating extended credit terms with suppliers. The same is for Trade credit. Many businesses obtain this type of credit when no other form of financing is available to them.

Factoring is the sale of accounts receivable, under this arrangement, the receivables are sold at a discounted value to a factoring company.

Finance companies are asset-based lenders who lend money against assets such as receivables, inventory and equipment. The advantage of dealing with a commercial finance company is that it often will make loans that banks will not.


Entrepreneurs should at first try to fund the business/venture out of their own pocket. Usually the lenders or investors wants to know that the entrepreneur put his own money up, this usually is also an indicator that the entrepreneur is willing to risk his money.


The second place that entrepreneurs look for money is from his friends or family who just might be interested and willing to invest in the company at a low interest rate. It is recommended that you set up family loans in a business-like fashion This is an excellent source of seed capital and can get a start up far enough to attract further capital from other investors.


Not all venture capital is raised through formal sources such as public and private placements. Many wealthy people in the United States are looking for investment opportunities. They are referred to as business angels or informal risk capitalists. These investors seek other, non-financial returns, among them the creation of jobs in areas of high unemployment, development of technology for social needs.


Usually partners going into a partnership agreement pool together their private savings. In return, they share in profits.


If you own a house that is already mortgaged, you can apply for a second mortgage on the amount of equity you have in the property. Equity is the value of the property beyond the total amount owed on it. The risk involved is that the bank can claim your house if you do not meet your mortgage payments.


You can borrow for the short-term on credit cards, usually at a higher interest rate than the prevailing interest rate.


Some insurance companies will lend you money against the cash value of your life insurance policy.


These programs offer loans, loan guarantees, and grants to small businesses. The Small Business Association has helped many small businesses get started, including those unable to obtain financing from other sources.



Fixed capital is used to purchase a business' s permanent or fixed assets such as buildings, land and equipment needed. Large sums of money are usually invested in these fixed assets and credit terms are lengthy. Lenders of fixed asset capital expect that these purchases will increase the efficiency and profitability of a company to ensure repayment.


Working capital is the funds needed to support a business's short-term operations, which include paying bills, pay salaries and wages, buy inventory and other everyday expenses. May be influenced by seasonal changes. Lenders expect that their capital will enable the business to produce higher cash flows to ensure repayment.

Typically, Mi Familia would like to obtain more working capital. The owner Dario Mendoza is working full time at another job an only devote part-time attention to his business. Obtaining growth capital would enable him want to devote his full time attention to growing the business and to earn a salary from the business.


Growth capital is the capital needed to finance an existing company's growth or expansion in a new direction. Companies who experience one of the above are operating the same as a new business. Lenders expect the same return from financing growth capital as for fixed capital. Funds should improve the business's cashflow position to ensure re-payment.

Please note that this sample paper on sources of funds - entrepreneurs is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on sources of funds - entrepreneurs, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on sources of funds - entrepreneurs will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Part time vs. Full time employees

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Part time vs. Full time employees. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Part time vs. Full time employees paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Part time vs. Full time employees, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Part time vs. Full time employees paper at affordable prices!

A full time employee is typically any employee who works for 40 hours or more weekly. On the other hand, a part time employee does not have such a narrowly defined schedule. A part time employee's schedule can range anywhere from as little as a couple of hours per week to hours per week. The amount of hours is typically at the sole discretion of the employer, and is of course agreed to by the employee when accepting the position. However, when an employee has bargaining power, they are more likely to get the hours that they want. Part time work is both beneficial to the employer and the employee in different aspects. What benefits one party, will tend to not benefit the other.


· A full time position means a steady set of hours per week, which gives an employee a sense of stability, both on and off.

· An employee will get, and the employer will give whatever benefits the company offers. Most companies offer a variety of benefits such as Medical Insurance, 401K, Educational Assistance, daycare, fitness reimbursements, stock options, etc…

Write my Essay on Part time vs. Full time employees for me

· If a person in a full time position works over 40 hours, they will be paid overtime, which is time and a half, the regular hourly rate plus ½ more for each hour over 40.

· Salaried employees do not have any set of number of hours like employees who earn and hourly wage, but they will still get paid 40 hours even if they only work 0 hours a week.


· Employers can spend a good deal of time, money and benefits on a Full Time employee, and then discover this person is not right for the position or the employee will quit without notice. This is a sizable loss for the employer, which can be why many employers have gone to the general practice of hiring only Part Time employees.

· Employees can become settled in this position, not just in the workplace, but also as far as setting up their own time and money to fit their lifestyle. They come to depend on the money from this Full Time position just to pay their needs.

· Salaried employees do not have any set number of hours like employees who earn an hourly wage, so they will not get paid any overtime if they work over 40 hours.

· Full time employees are harder to get rid of because of all the different labor laws and regulations that protect workers.


· In most cases, average wage rates for part time workers are significantly lower than average wage rates for full time workers.

· With several employees in the same position, employers will have more options in the scheduling of these employees, which will allow them flexibility, as the demands of the position reveal themselves.

· In some cases, employees are not totally dependent on one work position. If one does not work out for whatever reason(s), they will have a better chance to get a new position, and there are more Part Time Positions offered than Full Time so it will be easier to get one.

· Sometimes Part Time Positions let employees get a variety of experience in different industries/fields and their companies if they choose to do so.

· In some cases, part time employees can be students, or people who do not need to make a great deal of money. People who desire to do something worthwhile with some of their time, or people who only desire to supplement another income.

· For workers, part time positions may offer the chance of a better balance between working life and family responsibilities, training, leisure or civic activities.

· Part time workers are also much more likely to be in control of their own schedules and can decide what times they will work during the business day, for their own convenience. Of course this is with the employers approval.

· A part time employee has as much rights as a full time employee in terms of dismissal, contractual rights, pay, etc……

· There is the potential to get benefits as a part time employee, but it is of course at the sole discretion of the employer.


· Employers will need to keep track of a greater number of employees, and sometimes, depending on the position, paying more than one person to work a position can be more costly than paying just one person Full Time.

· Employees will not be able to get benefits. But then, if they are able to work two, (or three), Part Time positions, they can afford to create and invest in a few benefits for themselves on their own.

· It is difficult for part time workers to get overtime rates. People working a part time can earn overtime after they have worked their hours plus however many more to make 40 hours, then be paid time and a half for each hour over 40.

· Part time workers feel they have less chance to advance than regular full time employees.

· Certain part-timers work on call, without any guaranteed minimum weekly or monthly number of hours and are thus in a particularly vulnerable situation.

· Co-workers of the part time employees can only conduct business with the part time employee while they are available. Not during the entire time they are working.

· Employers are not responsible for giving any benefits to part time workers, which can be a great saving for the company but a big loss for the employees.

· A person who is working part time may not be able to secure exact hours that they need or want, they may be at the mercy of the employer's discretion.

In conclusion, it is easy to see that there are many different issues that must be evaluated when embarking on a contract with a company. Ultimately, an employee must be well aware of all the conditions that are stipulated in the contract, and must be in full agreement. The most important thing is to ensure that each party's needs are met.

Please note that this sample paper on Part time vs. Full time employees is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Part time vs. Full time employees, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Part time vs. Full time employees will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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