
Wednesday, August 19, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on medicine. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality medicine paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in medicine, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your medicine paper at affordable prices!

What is a fair price for Drugs?

1) Should drug makers offer deep discounts to developing nations?

Yes, of course they should. It is the duty of those who have more to take responsibility for others less fortunate. Without their help many sick in third-world countries would never experience the miracle of modern medicine. However, I don't think Canada is a "developing" nation. If these drug companies can sell drugs to Canada at such a deep discount then it is obvious, the drugs we buy are overpriced.) O.K., but does this mean Americans are shouldering the burden for paying for the R & D through high prices?

It is obvious we are shouldering the burden for R & D, but some of that burden could and should be shared by others like Canada and much of Europe. If the drug makers would charge other countries (like Canada) more, they would be in turn able to lower the prices in the US and still have the revenue needed for R & D. Why should Americans shoulder the burden? I think about it like this There is a grandfather who discovers a cure for a serious disease which has broken out in his and surrounding communities. Word of his invention spreads quickly and many come to him and request it. The grandfather is a caring person and sells a vial for $10 a piece, but if someone says they cannot afford to pay the fee he knows they have no other hope so he gives it to them for $1. At times he has been known to hand it over without receiving a dime. It makes him feel good to know that he is helping others. He has a dilemma; it costs money to make the drug so he decides that his family should bear the burden. So he begins to charge his family (children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews) $100 a vial. This way he can continue to develop the drug and fund his research. Grandpa is doing a great service, but he can't figure out why his family is upset with him.

) Is expensive R & D the determining factor in drug pricing?

It depends on the research. I have found conflicting information about this. If you listen to the drug companies, they will tell you it is, but it is more reasonable to believe it is a matter of charging what the market will bear. I will give the example of heparin. Heparin was improved and it was found that it was good for thinning the blood and reducing blood clots in those patients having hip replacements; thus potentially saving the an average of $00 in medical costs. So now the drug company charges a 100 times more than they did for the original drug and still produce overall savings.

Is it wrong to make money no it is part of what makes our country great, When prices become unreasonable and the cost of developing the drug is not the reason it costs so much, but the fact that is what they "can" charge something needs to change.

4) In this context, are prices really too high in the U.S.?

Yes, the Canadian government has placed price controls and so the drug makers cannot charge as much for their drugs. They negotiate lower prices with the drug makers through its national health care system. (SEE POWER POINT). Look at the prices of these drugs and what they sell for in Canada. It is not a matter of a slight discount. Many price differences are extreme. The U.S. government needs to find a way to lower the cost for the American consumer. Price control may not be the answer, but the current system does not work. That's the reason I opened my office which helps customers receive their prescriptions from Canada and take advantage of these savings. I have customers come into my office every day and they simply cannot afford to continue to pay for their prescriptions. Take for example the Kuhns. They spend nearly $400 a month on prescription medicine and it is nearly half their monthly income. They learned I could help them buy the same medicine for $70 a month. Sometimes they would have to wait weeks to receive the medicine, but it was worth it.

I am doing a public service. The customer pays no fee to me the Canadian company pays me a small fee, but this is not passed to the customer. I am not getting rich from this, I am helping my fellow citizen and it alarms me that the FDA and US government is trying to close down operations such as mine.

Dan Burton and Julia Carson both are in favor of making sales from Canada expressly legal.

Seniors should not have to choose between food and medicine.

5) High prices mean that companies can do more R & D. But how much does this really cost?

Again, it depends on who you are listening to. Drug companies will argue that this is what we are paying for and then another report will show that much of the revenue is spent on salaries and bonuses. No one will dispute the importance of R & D or that it is costly.

6) How can the US get prices that are appropriate?

Allow the consumer to import the drugs from Canada. This is a fairly new practice, but Canadian pharmacies estimate that more than a million residents buy drugs from Canada. In 00 US drug sales topped 1 million. Many will argue it is no different than purchasing a car from Japan. Technically, ordering drugs from Canada is violating the law, but it is something that will never stop! If I close my doors, another shop will open. Many seniors are afraid of the internet, but the numbers are decreasing. For savings of thousands of dollars a year, many will learn how to order over the internet or have a friend or family member do it for them.

The importation of drugs is here to stay until some one does something about the high prices we are forced to pay in the US.

7) And what's the right policy for the Third World?

Continue to help them, but don't forget about the poor right here in the USA.

Please note that this sample paper on medicine is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on medicine, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on medicine will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Lagal studies tasks

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on lagal studies tasks. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality lagal studies tasks paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in lagal studies tasks, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your lagal studies tasks paper at affordable prices!



The international covenant on civil and political rights. 176

this supervises the human rights performance of states which have signed the covenant in three ways. First, it examines reports describing how the covenant is being implemented. Second, it can consider complaints by one state against another as long as both parties have signed a special declaration recognizing the right of the committee to hear such complaints. Third, the committee can consider complaints from individuals if they are citizens of countries that have accepted that individuals can make complaints.

Custom Essays on lagal studies tasks

The international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights. 176

The function of the covenant is to ensure that everyone is provided with everything they need in order to maintain human dignity it imposes legal obligations on signatory nations to take steps in achieving the full realization of the rights recognized in the covenant. Under this convention everyone has the right to just and favorable conditions of work, to form trade unions, social security, a reasonable standard of living and access to standard physical and mental health, education and to take part in cultural life and have access to benefits of scientific progress.


The purpose of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights was to achieve maintenance of peace and security in the world. Universally recognizing interests, powers, liberties and entitlements associated with respect and for human dignity and freedom. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed in 148. In this document there are 0 articles which asserts the right of all people to

Equality before the law

Education and work

Adequate health and standards of living

Freedom to form a political party and to vote

Freedom of speech, thought and conscience

Freedom from torture, cruel and degrading treatment or punishment

Freedom to seek asylum in other countries to escape persecution.


Human rights are recognized and enforced by conventional mechanisms such as treaty bodies to monitor compliance of states parties to conventions. Extra conventional mechanisms such as Special representatives of the Secretary-general, and special rapporteurs who are experts appointed by the commission of Human Rights. These special rapporteurs examine, monitor and publicly report on human rights situations and compliance of states with the various international human rights instruments. A 4 hour fax "hotline" is also offered, which can be used by victims of human rights violations, their relatives and non-governmental organizations. Documents which recognize human rights at an international level include all 0 articles of the Declaration of human rights other documents include the covenants of civil and political rights, the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the elimination on all forms of racial discrimination, the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, the rights of the child and the convention against torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatments and punishments. Institutions enforcing these human rights include an international court of justice, international groups such as amnesty international works as an enforcement agency of human rights.


Human rights may receive effective domestic protection through constitutional, statute or common law only while the rule of law exists in a country. When nations wish to participate in international law the universal declaration of human rights is very effective. Nonetheless, when a nation refuses to adopt an international agreement very little can be done. Therefore justice in some cases is hard to be achieved for all, if the event of a nation not becoming a signatory to a certain convention. Although nations who do sign these conventions gain huge advantages over those who do not in relation to justice for all.


A current international human rights issue is that of asylum seekers in Australia. One of the most controversial media reports was those of asylum seekers entering Australia earlier this year. Australia was placed in a very awkward situation, under international law, nations do not have a duty to grant asylum. Conversely Australia had already become a signatory of the convention relating to the status of refugees which defines people as refugees if they have a well-founded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group. Under article of the convention against torture and other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment, states that people should not be returned to a place where this degradation or punishment may occur. Australia was then put in the situation where morally the right thing to do would be accept the people as asylum seekers and entitle them to a protection visa which expires when the refugee can

Voluntarily return to their original country

Become a permanent resident in the country where they gained refugee status


Gain resettlement in a third country.

Australia also had the easier but less morally correct option of refusing these people as refugees and sending them back to their originating countries. Australia's liberal party headed by prime minister john Howard made the executive decision in allowing these asylum seekers Protection Visas until they were able to return to their own country.

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights played a huge role in this issue and advantaged those people who were almost certain of persecution in gaining the status of refugees and the safe haven of Australia's shores.

Please note that this sample paper on lagal studies tasks is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on lagal studies tasks, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on lagal studies tasks will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on pornography. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality pornography paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in pornography, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your pornography paper at affordable prices!

In this paper I am going to defend that some but not all pornography is immoral. The pornography that I am going to be dealing with is any that I feel dehumanizes woman as sexual objects.

The main definition that I will be going by is from Judge Frank Easterbrook (Satris, 17). Pornography depicts women "dehumanized as sexual objects, things or commodities; enjoying pain or humiliation or rape; being tied up, cut up, mutilated, bruised, or physically hurt; in postures of sexual submission or servility or display; reduced to body parts, penetrated by objects or animals, or presented in scenarios of degradation, injury, torture; shown as filthy or inferior; bleeding, bruised or hurt in a context which makes these conditions sexual." He also says that pornography is a kind of act that has certain effects depictions of subordination.

This also covers three acts the locutionary act proposition expressed, perlocutionary act what effects our communication and the illocutionary act action preformed in saying words. Pornography is said to shut down or disable these three acts by first, locutionary act it causes fear, intimidation - prevents people from speaking at all, perlocutionary act fails to achieve its intended act, last illocutionary act, you speak but it fails to perform what you said. These are three main reasons why pornography could hurt women.

In comparing this to what Hobbes says, "in our natural state one has their beliefs and values and another has theirs", you satisfy your desires and I will satisfy mine.

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If we used these beliefs there would not be any moral or immoral beliefs for anything and this state of mine would definitely be unacceptable in today's society. On the other hand Aristotle's belief in the ultimate good would probably work better than any of the others that deal with strictly finding pleasure at any cost. I believe Aristotle's idea would work well because he feels that excellence and success should be intertwined with ones ethics and morals. He says you cannot be successful unless you are ethical, so when people are going for their goals or the ultimate good they will at least use judgment in their life. All other Hedonistical ideas would not work in society today. You can try to avoid pain but it always seems to find you and you will never be able to live a completely Europhoric life. Therefore all the ideas I used besides Aristotle's would not work especially if you apply it to pornography, in which case it would become out of control and Hedonistic behavior at any and all costs would be acceptable.

Law has traditionally considered pornography to be a question of private virtue and public morality, not personal injury and collective abuse. The law on pornography has been the law of moral regulation, not the law of public safety, personal security, or civil equality. When pornography is debated, in and out of court, the issue has been whether government should be in the business of making sure only nice things are said and seen about sex, not whether government should remedy the exploitation of the powerless for the profit and enjoyment of the powerful. Whether or not pornography is harmful to the social fabric has therefore been considered; whether particular individuals or definable groups are hurt by it has not been.

Since, in this traditional view, pornography can only violate an idea of the society one wants to think one lives in, the question of pornography has not required looking into who can violate whom and get away with it. Once pornography is framed as a concept rather than a practice, more thought than act, more in the head than in society, its effects also necessarily appear both weak and unsupported. So both what pornography is and what it does, lie in the eye of the beholder, to be a question of ones point of view and moral clause. And since the accepted solution for differing moral views has been mutual tolerance, one mans harm has been anothers social value. This is shown in the form of greenbacks, since the gross profit in the porn industry in the United States has doubled in the last ten years. One can argue this is due to the invention of the Internet and without enough effective interfaces from the judicial system.

The legal conception of what pornography is has convincingly shaped the social conception of what pornography does. Instead of recognizing the personal injuries and systemic harms of those depicted in the pornography, the law has told society that it is a passive reflection or suggestive by-product of the real world. It therefore becomes, a word or picture replay of, something else, which is not real. So its harms have not been seen as real. They have, in fact, been protected under the disguise of the name commonly given to them called speech.

In conclusion I would like to validate why I believe that pornography degrades society as a whole. I am a firm believer of many of Aristotle's ideas and theories. I believe what he says about having to mix success and excellence with ones ethics and morals are extremely relative to anyone in today's society. With corruption at an all time high in some of the most well known business in America today, I find it hard to believe that CEOs and COOs of all major companies consider their own personal ethics and morals when deciding what is best for their company, and ultimately their bank accounts. And I also wonder this; what sort of morals do the porn kings live by? How do they question what is right and wrong in their profession when theyre ultimate goal is to reach a part of society that many consider to be the lowest of the chain?

Please note that this sample paper on pornography is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on pornography, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on pornography will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, August 14, 2020

A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen paper at affordable prices!

The Murder of Tutankhamen was written by the writer/philosopher/Egyptologist Bob Brier, Ph.D. The book was published by Berkley Books, New York in 1 for the paperback edition. Though it was previously published in 18. What most impressed me about the book is the volumes and volumes of very reliable sources. If looking at the back of the book for the bibliography, a person finds oneself totally transfixed by the large amounts of sources. Not only were the many sources about Tut himself, but there were many books/magazines/journals/encyclopedias/etc., of his family, Egyptian history and more. I found the book to be very insightful and organized in its way of telling how Egypt was formed, lived and died.

Brier did a good job informing people of Egypt, but I was not too interested in the book as much as the critics acclaimed it to be so fascinating. The only part of the book that really caught my attention would have the be the first chapter or so. I really liked how he pieced together the puzzle of how Tut's last days might have been, or at least how he must have been murdered. It felt like I was almost in a murder/mystery story about to unmask the killer behind the curtain. For example, Brier wrote, "In the depths of this night the door slowly, silently opened, just wide enough for a single man to creep through before closing it behind him. Somehow he had slipped past the sentries. Had they been told to look the other way?" (Brier ). Those two little sentences almost sent shivers down my spine as I read it in the night, awaiting to find out what happened when the stranger arrived to kill Tutankhamen.

Sadly, the fascinating story ended, and the history lesson began. I found myself zoning in and out of interest as I read the rest of the book. There were many interesting parts though such as; when Brier talks about how the pyramids that were constructed for the pharaoh for his resting place were in fact not built by slaves, but by paid labor. Also, another interesting fact was how he was talking about Akhenaten (previously known as Amenhotep III). Brier talks about Akhenaten possibly having Marfan syndrome, and how it had an affect of his rule as king. I could not put the book down for a second when I was reading up on that. It was just so attention-grabbing to read something about a king that grew up in a place where individuality was looked down upon, and being a subject of hundreds of Gods was the key to keeping the people happy. Akhenaten went beyond the norm and started his own thing where he was the only king in recorded history at that time that rejected all the other gods and declared worship for only one single God. I believe that he did it to be different, partly because of the reason that he was so different looking. Also another thing that changed, was the style of art during Akhenaten's rule. People, even less than a hundred years ago, were ostracized about being a little bit different, but to go beyond the tradition of religion and culture, when being a king, that was just amazing. Brier did a wonderful job describing how Akhenaten lived and how he changed history (Brier 1).

The one thing that really irked me when I read the book is how much emphasis Brier put on the family of Tutankhamen rather than Tut himself. I completely understood that a normal reader needed an explanation of ancient Egypt before Brier got to explaining his reasons of why he thought that Tut was murdered and/or how it happened, but it felt like the book could have been summarized into a large pamphlet rather than a book of such a size. I used to be very much so into ancient Egypt, so maybe that has something to do with my boredom when reading some sections, but I would recommend this book to people that know nothing about Egypt but have a thirst for knowledge. Brier did a wonderful job making the book easy as possible so anyone could read it, and also he packed just enough information about Egypt and its people that it wasn't too much like a textbook. But Brier could have done better keeping on track on some occasions, like in the second paragraph of chapter nine, he starts by talking about how the widow of Tut wrote a letter to the Hittites, and without even finishing off why she wrote it he already started talking about how the Hittites kept awesome records of their lives and how there was this excavation about this king. That made my brain pace from subject to subject and made me lose interest very quickly.

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In conclusion, The Murder of Tutankhamen by Bob Brier, was a very well organized and instructive book to readers who don't know about Egypt, not so much Tut, and want to find out more. The sources from the book were very dependable and trustworthy, not only because of where they came from, but because Brier is a very prominent and educated Egyptologist, so he knew where to get the right stuff. I sadly, found myself more so bored rather than entertained by this book. I did find some very interesting facts in the book, but those facts were not even about Tutankhamen, they were about someone or something else. All in all, the book was alright, I would only recommend it to people that want to enrich their knowledge of Egypt and find out more about Tutankhamen without feeling like they have to be highly intelligent scholars to read it.

Please note that this sample paper on A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Review of Bob Brier's The Murder of Tutankhamen will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Self Identity

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Self Identity. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Self Identity paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Self Identity, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Self Identity paper at affordable prices!

For decades, the self and related processes have been a concern of individuals as well as mental health professionals. One might reasonably assume that there is a widely accepted definition or description of the self. Surprisingly, there is not. Gretchen Weirob, insisted that her identity is a function of nothing more than the identity of her live body. She called her theory the Body Theory. I fully agree with her view of self. My identity has a major impact on my feelings about myself.

Here, are some of the things I have learned about the self

1. The self is reflexive--it can become the object of its own attention. (From various perspectives)

. Most of our understanding of the world (other people, things we read or see) is filtered through our understanding of self.

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. Although, from late adolescence onward, the self is stable over time, in particular situations different aspects of the self move to the fore, creating the appearance of fluidity.

4. Due to a variety of personal and interpersonal motives, the self on public display often does not match the self of which we are privately aware.

Although these properties of the self are important, and the principles and predictions that follow from them are many, there are some fundamental things we do not know about the human self.

After reading the assigned articles I got a deeper understanding on self. The readings made me realize a couple of things about myself. I never really sat back and tried to look at my life through another person's eyes till now. I see that while I always thought that I had a lot of free will and was allowed to make my own decisions, I really wasn't so free after all. I can remember back when I was in high school, my parents never asked what I was going to be, I remember them telling me that I was going to be an engineer. I know that if you would have asked me at anytime in high school what I wanted to do when I grew up, I would have said, "I want to work at Ford Motor Company like my dad." But instead my mom said, "You're going to be an engineer when you grow up." Granted I am happy doing engineering work, maybe my parents could see the future. Maybe they knew my destiny? I will probably never know. I am not saying that everything in my life is determined. There are always going to be circumstances that will grant a little free will. It was not determined that I was going to steal the bike from the kid next door, but It was determined that if I steal my dad would spank me. My parents never forced me to be a certain religion, they never even made me go to church, that gave me the freedom to wait and decide for my self which religion I would practice. I just don't think that any of us could see that from day one that religion actually would be determined, cause being that I have always looked up to my dad, as both a great father and a best friend, I always wanted to do what he has done, so naturally I would end up choosing his religion.

When I am approached on the topic of race, it automatically rubs me the wrong way. There was a particular part in the front of chapter 8 (Who am I?) that stuck in my head, "Our identity through time is considered to be a function of the continuity of our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. My parents have built certain beliefs into me, and I have gone 4 years following these beliefs. But I do agree with Charles Mills, when he asks, "what criteria must a person meet to be black or white?" The word nigger seems to be a very offensive word today, but who is it

offensive to? Does that word have to associate with the black race? Can it be also associated with the white race? I say, "yes it can".

B.F. Skinner believes that all human behavior is caused completely by something external. Skinner doesn't rule out the fact that human beings don't make choices; however, he does rule out the possibility that human choices are free.

I asked my fianc to tell me how she sees me in regards to the topics we discussed. Being that Stephanie has known me from an early age I felt that she would have a good perception. As to what defines me. "Whether or not Chris wanted to become an engineer, that choice remains uncertain. An unknown author wrote, "someone's present actions are a part of a casual chain that extends back far before birth, and each link of the chain determines the next link on the chain." I believe that the beginning of Chris chain begins with his mother. As he knows, his mother saw something in him, a future that was immeasurable in field of engineering, and as a person in general. She guided him to make what she believed to be the right choices and continued to reinforce her values on him. Chris is grateful for what his mother has sacrificed and the values she has insoled in him. However, if David could have the

opportunity to be "free", I don't know if he would have made the same choices. Regardless of the external factors that influence Chris life, Chris would still be genuine. He is one that will admit that his life has been determined, and the negative influences in his life are things to learn from. He avoids behavior that he views that could be harmful regardless of what other people think, which allows him to create his own individuality. Some might not see what makes up Chris, and being his fianc, my views of him will be prejudice. He is warm hearted, one that goes that extra mile to show you that you are appreciated.

Regardless of where he grew up, or whether or not his life is considered to be free or determined, he would be the same man that he is today and one that I plan to marry."

Please note that this sample paper on Self Identity is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Self Identity, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Self Identity will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Standarized Test-Should we have them?

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Standarized Test-Should we have them?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Standarized Test-Should we have them? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Standarized Test-Should we have them?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Standarized Test-Should we have them? paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

Michele Coulon


Standardized Tests- should we have them?

Standardized tests are exams designed to measure a student's scholastic performance. These tests are a controversial issue, because some people feel the test do not show the students' intelligence. I am one of these people. What the test may cover may not be what the students have learned in class. However, some critics feel "that standardized tests allow administrators, teachers, and parents the opportunity to view solid evidence of the students performance, which in turn could lead to curriculum changes" (Banta, p.1). So, is standardized test really the best way to test?

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No, standardized testing is not the best way to test. Unfortunately these tests do not prove how smart a person is. Standardized testing was a good idea, to test the students capabilities and to see how they compare with other districts, but teachers teach using different methods and focus on different issues. What they think is important may not be what other teachers feel is important or what the state thinks is important. So, as a student you learn more about what the teacher deems important, but are evaluated on by what the state thinks is important. Standardized tests are not a reliable way to evaluate someone's intelligence. Intelligence comes in many forms.

Our society has many different ethnic backgrounds and variations in social classes. So, how can one test acknowledge all variables? The people who make the test would have to have in mind everyone's socioculture theory and social learning theory. This is where people learn from their culture and from the social environment in which they grew up. These issues are a big argument among critics, who are opponents for and against standardized testing, because they say, "Standardized […] tests do not account for [the] differences in social and economic backgrounds among test-takers…." Well the simple answer to the question is that no test can accommodate the difference in social classes (Banta, p.). Upper to middle class society usually have someone to help them do their homework at home. The lower class society, unfortunately does not. My mother, who is an independent high school teacher, works with people in this situation. She has found that this is partly due to the parents lack of education. The parents, therefore, are ill-equipped to help their children with homework. They place a lower value on education. This can make a big difference and allow the cycle to continue.

Critics also argue, "… that the exams do not accurately assess the scholastic performance of female students. Females consistently earn higher grades than males in both high school and college, but their average scores on standardized tests are lower…. " (Encarta, p.). Maybe this occurs because females are social people and don't like to sit for long periods of time. I know I am this way. If I had a choice I would prefer to be taught what is on the test, if that is what needs to take place in order to be evaluated correctly. It would not be an accurately assessment if I have not had instruction on the subject they are testing me on.

Another argument against standardized testing is the multiple choice questions. Do they really have the right answer? A student may deliberate about this because some tests have all correct answers, but one that is the better choice. So, how can it be wrong? Which is why, "the arguments against the multiple choice question tests [should] allow an individual to give reasons for an answer they have chosen" (Banta, p.). This is a vital part of the test. People who come from different backgrounds are going to have a different explanation of why they chose that answer. Which brings us back to what the students were taught in class and how it has been assimilated.

Curriculum is said to be affected by the standardized test. Some critics say, "that teachers are going to teach what will be covered on the test and unfortunately the information not covered on the test is not taught" (Banta, p.). I know that if students have to be tested for a long period of time they get tired. In high school I was not taught all the information that would be on the test and our test scores were not up to the standards. This was not just because we were not being taught the test, but also because many students did not care about taking the test due to being told that it did not affect our grade. Therefore, students did not take the test seriously.

David Coulon is a high school student who I interviewed about his thoughts on standardized testing. He told me, "I do not feel the tests truly evaluate someone's intelligence because some people are not good test takers and what they may be tested on will not have anything to do with the career they want to pursue." I agree with his statement. I feel that if the student knows which career they want to pursue they should be able to take classes that only pertain to that area. I also interviewed Karen Coulon who is a high school teacher. She told me, "I feel standardized tests is one way to evaluate, but should not be used as the sole criteria. When I look at students' test scores that is just my starting point. Then I adjust curriculum and readjust until I get the results I am looking for. I never trust standardized tests to determine ability." These two people make good points because they give two different perspectives, a teacher and student. They both feel that test are not the best way to evaluate someone's intelligence.

Standardized test are a good idea to test a students capabilities and to see how students perform compared to each other and other school districts, but they seem to not be testing in a way that is truly reliable. These test have many students who take them non-chalantly because it does not affect them directly. I will be a future educator and hope that we find another way besides multiple choice tests to evaluate our students. The best way to evaluate a person is in a way they feel comfortable and not bored. Their true abilities will not be displayed if they are uncomfortable and bored. This quote says my message best "teachers are being given a schizophrenic message teach one way, but your students will be tested another way"(Bizar, p.). It means that everything teachers are educating their students on is not what the state tests them on. Some of the information is, but not all. Standardized tests is one way to evaluate, but as my mother put it " should not be the sole criteria." We should have other forms of evaluating.

Works Cited

Banta, Tina. Should Testing be Expanded or Restricted? pgs. 1-4


Bizar, Marilyn, "Standardized Testing is Undermining the Goals of

Reform," pgs. 1-5


Coulon, David. Personal interview. June. 00

Coulon, Karen. Personal interview. June. 00

"Standardized Testing," Microsoft Encarta 8 Encyclopedia, C.D. Rom.

1-17 Microsoft Corporation

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Essay for AP History

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Ill try to help you the best that I can, but I recommend going to your local library and just go over some books that contain documents that are around the Civil War era and speeches of some candidates like Douglas. Ill help you with the first since you seem to know about #.

. The South said that they needed slavery to keep their economic growth. The South had always relied on farming and agriculture for its economy. It had no other way of earning money at that other time. The fertile soil down there in places like Mississippi was ideal for agriculture. With agriculture, they needed some workers. Because of that, they came to rely upon slave labor. They didnt have the high quality machinery we have today so a large majority of the work had to be done using manual labor. Well, the farmers didnt like it and the slaves were working quite well. They would pick cotton and other goods because they were scared of getting a beating. Because of that, they worked really hard. With the slaves, the farmers didnt have to worry about their economic growth. They would just treat the slaves harsher in order to get a better harvest. Without a mass of slaves to do the work, farmers would have to work by themselves or risk hiring more people and paying them more money than the cheap labor of slaves. In effect, the slaves were running the economy for the South. Without the slaves to help them work in the fields, they were hopeless because a single family of farmers couldnt compensate for the loss of hoards of slaves. The South had no factories to rely on like the North. The North was a highly industrialized place without the need for any slave workers.

As for a legal approach, Im not exactly sure on this, but I think I might have an idea. In colonial times, this topic was debated too. Thomas Jefferson wanted to add in an anti-slavery clause in the Declaration of Independence. However, he was stopped by John Rutledge and other Southern delegates. They mightve taken that into scope in this situation. Slavery had been allowed since the colonial days. Washington had them and so did Jefferson and many others. They couldve argued that the founding fathers had used slaves themselves and that they were just doing what was in the aspects of the law. The Southerners took a loose representation of the Constitution and other documents like the Declaration of Independence. If something like slavery wasnt outlawed in any legal document, they felt that they had the right to use that task. Since slavery was never outlawed by anyone yet, they were free to do so. Since slavery had never been punished for even in the colonial times when the country was being built, they had felt that they were entitled to engage in the act of slavery.

With a religious aspect, I have nothing in my mind except for the possible idea of the slaves of Egypt under Rameses. Since the slaves had worked quite well with the Egyptians in building everything, they probably thought that the prosperity of Egypt could also be brought to America through the act of slavery.

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1. Well, in the 1850s, the Underground Railroad was bustling and very busy at that time. All the slaves were escaping and the Northerners were outraged by the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act. In their mind, they felt no need to release slaves back into the oppression of the South. Besides that, there were more and more states being admitted. Nebraska had been debated over forever. The North kept arguing for a free state of Nebraka while the South felt that Nebraska needed to have slavery legalized. Such arguing broke up Congress and the nation. Everytime a state was called into statehood, people would gripe about it being a free or slave state. They would move into the states in order to sway the public vote into being a slave or a free state. There was constant turmoil. Out of the political scope, there was a piece of literature that would enrage the South. Uncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe had debuted to the outer world. She had expressed her deep feelings about the evils of slavery. She had never visited the South before and hadnt known of anything Southern. The Southerners felt that was a book of slander meant to sully the reputation and pride of the South. With Fort Sumter, South Carolina had already seceded from the Union. They wanted to get rid of the Union troops. They felt that since they had left the Union, Fort Sumter (a Union military base) shouldnt have been on their territory. They ordered the evacuation of the fort. They wanted the Union troops out of their property now. Fort Sumter really wasnt a force to be reckoned with. It was undersupplied and really wasnt a huge necessity for the Union. It was just your average fort that wasnt even a threat to South Carolina. During the standoff, Robert Anderson, the leader of Fort Sumter, refused to give up the fort. As a result. the Southerners attacked and won against the weak fort. Anderson had surrendered. This got the Unions blood boiling. Other Southern states who also felt oppressed by the nations government eventually got the confidence to leave the Union. They had seen how the Union army could have been defeated so easily by a single state. With that victory, Southerners got even more rebellious and seceded. All these events escalated to war.

I hope this helps. You may want to go more in depth into the topics that I just brought up.

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