
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A street car named desire

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Blanche DuBois, appropriately dressed in white, is first introduced as a symbol of innocence and chastity. Blanche DuBois, Tennessee William's central character in A Streetcar Named Desire, chooses to temporally stay in the undersized New Orleans apartment that Stanley and Stella (sister of Blanche) Kowalski share. In appearance, Blanche is a glamorous, ladylike aristocrat, who is perhaps slightly nervous with her surroundings. Blanche parades around the house as if she is a royal figure, wearing elegant gowns and delicate jewelry. However, this is merely a fantasy to Blanche. She is a clear misfit in the Kowalski apartment and remains attached to her past throughout the play. Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche mainly because of her "spoiled-girl" manners and her indirect way of conversing. She has trouble coping with the outside life, since she grew up in a small southern town called, Laurel. Unfortunately, her life is a lesson in how a single tragic event can destroy the future; her refusal to handle with the real world, makes Blanche unrealistic. A series of events, losing her husband, Belle Reve, and job, getting thrown out of Laurel and the rape by Stanley all lead up to the downfall of Blanche. Now, all that is left is what she struggles desperately to maintain on the outside.

It is obvious, even as Blanche frantically attempts to imitate a respectable lady, that there is something terribly wrong with her. Blanche admits to Stella at one point saying, "I want to be near you, got to be with somebody, I can't be alone! Because- as you must have noticed- I'm- not very well…" (Page). Although, Stella is not entirely informed of Blanche's past, she does not think much of Blanche's statement and cries for help. At a young age, Blanche falls in love and worships a young boy. Her faith was shattered when she discovers he is a homosexual. Blanche expresses her opinion to the boy and tells him how disgusted she is with him. He immediately commits suicide, leaving Blanche to think it is her fault and responsibility. His death is then followed by many of her relatives dying at their bedside. One act that followed the deaths was that Blanche became promiscuous. She seeks a new husband, but gradually instead built up a reputation in Laurel. Stanley, in all his straight forwardness and honesty seems to be a threat to Blanche. Blanche creates a sort of glass lantern around herself, for protection from people such as Stanley, who seems to be threatening to shatter that, by learning her secretes.

In an effort to escape the misery of her life in Laurel, Blanche drinks enormous amounts of alcohol. Belle Reve, the family mansion is lost when she is forced to sell it because of the families' deaths. She continues to run from her life, avoiding the truth in all possible ways. Blanches lowers her mental stability bit-by-bit by trying to fill her empty heart with one-night-stands. When Blanche was a girl, she wanted the things all young girls dreamed of love, a husband, and a family. After that is all lost by the suicide of her husband, she began to create them for herself. Blanche told complex lies that after awhile she began to believe them herself. Blanche escapes reality, one time she said, "I don't want realism." She hides from bright lights, just as she hides from the truth. Throughout the play she sees herself as virtuous, prim and proper. Blanche meets a man named Mitch, who is her only way out of the apartment, and someone who can fulfill her needs. She becomes dependent on Mitch, forcing him to fall in love with her, believing she is pure and innocent. Of course, Stanley stands in between the relationship, revealing Blanche's secrets to Mitch. Mitch is not educated and only sees that Blanche lied to him, leading him to desert Blanche. She has no chance against Stanley because of her torturous past, leaving him to have all control.

Stanley attacks Blanche's fantasies, just as he does with her lies. Stanley unravels the truth slowly to Mitch and Stella. Blanche's world is full of black, white and gray colors. She cannot stand a loud noise, harsh light or even a vulgar remark. As a result she prefers no light or darkness to take away the old memories. Dim lights also hide the reality of her advancing age and looks. Stanley is totally incompetent of understanding Blanche, for he is a man who wants the cards laid on the table and demands the truth. Blanche calls him an ape, primitive and threatens his marriage. When Stanley went on to rape her, he completely diminished her mental stability. It is not the actual rape that represents the cause for Blanche going into madness, but the fact that she is raped by a man who represents everything unacceptable to her. Stanley knew all of her secrets and then shattered her disguise in one moment. When she is taken forcefully by Stanley, the brutal act breaks her down into nothing. Stanley annihilates any desire, fantasy, and dreams along with her illusions.

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Blanche Dubois of A Streetcar Named Desire is a tragic figure. All she ever longed was a good, clean life. What she obtained was pain, false impressions and dreadful memories. She endured deep suffering and guilt over the suicide of her husband. Alas, she is unable to let go of the past, resulting in her not being able to face the future. Stella depicts her sister as insane in the end, sending her to an institution. Stanley impounds thoughts into her head, and makes her face reality. Tennessee William's exposes a fascinating character to the readers. As Eunice says, "Life has got to go on. No matter what happens, you've go to keep on going."

Please note that this sample paper on A street car named desire is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A street car named desire, we are here to assist you. Your college paper on A street car named desire will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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